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Open Letter From the

Mayors of Northeast Tennessee

Someday, when we look back There are constraints on space, on staffing

and on the well-being of frontline healthcare
on the coronavirus disease workers that must be taken into consideration.
2019 (COVID-19) pandemic,
And now, in addition to COVID-19 cases spiking
what will we remember? in this region, we’re also on the cusp of flu
season, which will require even more from
Will we think of how our healthcare workers and
our healthcare facilities and professionals.
businesses crumbled, unable to overcome the
mounting caseloads and never-ending strain? Simply put: If we don’t come together now, our
region could suffer devastating and catastrophic
Or will we see this year as the time our
outcomes. Other health systems in this country
community came together, stepped up and did
are in a position where they might not be able
everything they could to overcome this virus?
to provide necessary healthcare services, due to
Since early October, COVID-19 cases in the pressures placed on them by this pandemic,
our region have continued to surge. These and we can’t risk that happening here.
infections are causing increased hospitalizations,
This is the time to commit to infection prevention
death and economic disruption. The effects
and safety measures. Stay home and avoid large
of COVID-19 are happening all around us;
gatherings whenever you can, and if you’re in
by now, everyone has experienced friends,
public, wear a mask. Remain physically distant
family members or neighbors who have
from others outside of your household. Get
been directly or indirectly affected.
your flu shot. And please wash your hands
Even though virtually everyone has been and cover your coughs and sneezes – even if
impacted by this virus, there are numerous you’re wearing a mask or cloth face covering.
outlooks, opinions and perspectives that
Also, if you’re experiencing COVID-19 symptoms –
affect our reactions to it – and not all of
such as a cough, fever, sore throat, body aches
them are conducive to slowing the spread.
or loss of smell or taste – please heed the
We need to be clear and firm. This is advice of medical experts, self-isolate and get
the time for our community members to tested. If you are, in fact, positive for COVID-19,
do their part to protect each other. remain in isolation for at least 10 days from the
onset of symptoms and remember that it is
Ballad Health, our regional health departments possible you could have been infectious two
and other healthcare providers have responded days prior to your symptoms even starting.
to this crisis with focus, determination and
resolve. They’ve been fighting this pandemic for This virus doesn’t discriminate between ages, and
most of the year, working tirelessly to protect our even perfectly healthy, relatively young people
loved ones and serve their healthcare needs. can become critically ill or even die. Families
throughout Northeast Tennessee – you probably
When we say “tireless,” we mean it. With know some of them – will forever feel the loss
the highest number of new cases in our of a loved one due to this tragic pandemic.
region to-date – over 2,000 last week – and
hospitalized COVID-19 cases set to exceed Please join us in slowing the spread of
300, our medical community is under strain. this virus. We can get through this, but
it will take all of us working together.
Our healthcare workers are rising to this
challenge. They are redeploying team members, Please, do your part to limit the spread of
finding new ways to deliver treatment this virus. Do it for our healthcare workers.
and services and innovating new ways to Do it for our educators and essential
accommodate the needs of patients safely. workers. And do it for your loved ones.

Do it so that in the future, we can look

We’re grateful for everything they’ve done and
back on this time with pride, not regret.
continue to do. But no health system is capable
of caring for a limitless number of patients.

Garland Evely Mike Taylor Richard Venable

Mayor, Unicoi County Mayor, Johnson County Mayor, Sullivan County

Joe Grandy Patty Woodby Jim Lee

Mayor, Washington County Interim Mayor, Carter County Mayor, Hawkins County

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