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LESSON OBSERVATION FORM Teacher: bn Hep’ Date: infgfome Class & Subject: —]_ Hur - Clune SeHIHZ { & Observer's Name & Positio - ve A + of. tery) fo-20 : X (Ratings: S- satisfactory; U- unsatisfactory) y S| Ul COMMENTS ~4 CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT Strhkird usb behwred »PureeL | y Maintains a positive classroom environment tata | ent 3 Uses proactive behaviour management strategies n ri Kgckal ances Establishes and maintains effective classroom routine Ay ap VV Jud Joes Ora INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS You req erik therg Fipoare Preller ey Communicates effectively with students wet + kat i ‘aha Recognises, responds to individual differenced 2 2 Develops positive relationships with students », ee Encourages positive student behaviour pl hee 4° a =~ Demonstrates flexibility and responsiveness + gave up] 7] Wtubonha, +L * CURRICULUM PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT eau 3 $ Demonstrates deep knowledge of subject matter 7", levee Lent PAO x Enables the curriculum intent of the learning ®** 3 Saree fobe evidenced yeas Sek pho dodo Designs curriculum programs including assessment, hawt “2, « hat articulate curriculum intent and student Reba“ | S YS colects evidence ofleaming — &Sreasley Ana's 71 IZ Ar Je \ X. TEACHING AND LEARNING “Met Q(A4) |" “Todt (tale 0s Gos prachce 4 LJ |@nre, Caled te hadnle wth, [ta rer § Plans teaching and leaming experiences appropriate to nt-Sleamer needs Peecte ~S Establishes clear, challenging and achievable fine te tira GAAS personalised learning goals Varguge of kenny "hood pla binanleg br SP eosians teaching and leaming experiences to motivate |} |akadet, define gy pn kas ‘and engage students x Dhar purposeful lessons to achieve specific learning 3 ‘SBreaks down complex concepts or processes into 3S © manageable stops outcomes Vv Models skis for independent and cooperative leaming (7 OVERALL IMPRESSIONS! SUGGESTIONS: bide EFFECTIVENESS OF LESSON OBSERVED: Ver tive Effective Ineffective AITSIC STANDARD DEMONSTRATED Viiaua agatits Of ltrdacd> lar Verbal feedback and a copy of this document was given to the teacher on _1.5. Ig anjD Signed: Observer: Ady, % | oeeted at” bdot A trauel Sated ee oe

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