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Kelly Johanna Velandia Garavito: 20162150286

Natalia Gabalo
Estudiante, 2Profesor
Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
Bogotá D. C. 22 de Julio de 2020

In 2050... It is necessary to clarify that with the current situation, it is difficult for me
to imagine what this year will be like. When I was little I imagined 2050 as a year
full of new technology and comforts but as the things go, I see the world by 2050
as the Wall-E movie is presented with the difference that I don't think many of us
are going to out from the planet, for the other hand, as seen in the current situation,
those who have the means to migrate will do so who will not, stay to die or adapt to
this world.

Ema was a little girl who still survives in a desolate world, full of garbage from side
to side, as neighbors she had an old abandoned tank car and an abandoned
trailer, ema lives in a small abandoned house, as every day she gets up around At
10 in the morning, she takes a bath and goes out to find what she can eat, the fact
that the world is full of waste, nature has taken what was his and gradually
repopulated urban areas. 

It is not just any day for Ema, since it is her last day in this world, her mother and
father after dying in the attempt manage to get her a ticket to leave the planet is
one of the cruise ships that come to collect survivors every certain number of
years, she will leave and have a better future, if we can talk about the future, ema
takes what she can, visits her parents' grave and prepares to list the few
belongings that she still has to leave, she knows that when she She will have new
things but she does not care deep down, she does not want to forget what she
leaves in this world, she knows that she will eat new and better things, maybe she
will eat pizza, her parents told her that pizza was something that she knew very
well, however, she takes the fruit that she has collected and bites it and thinks
about how much she will miss its flavor, maybe she will take a few for her long trip
that she are goin to take. Ema knows that the ship will arrive in the afternoon, at 5
pm Ema will be out of this planet so she decides to use the rest of the day to
imagine what her new house will be like and what she will do when she reaches
the ship, she knows that she is going to live in the middle class, so it will not have
many luxuries, but she will have her own room with heating bed, bathroom and
warm water, it will have garanteed daily food and once a week there is a special
menu, which is decided by vote, she thinks. when you just go in and pass the
safety and disinfection protocols, the first thing you will do is obviously take a
shower, then take something hot, maybe a good cup of milk, on her next day on
board, she will begin to meet many of her new companions, they, like her, are
alone and had some luck in being able to board, because it is not known when the
nabes will return, who knows if in a few years they will find more places for new
passengers to ema in part she is very excited to meet new people, in addition to
her parents she had not had contact with any other being, so she wanted more
friends and she will have them.

Ema stopped for a moment to think about what she had not wanted to think about
and it was the fact that she had gone with her parents, that her mother would have
done, her mother would have enlisted everything they had at home, then they
would have had a family day, but they were not there and ema had to face it, she
would have to grow up without them leaving at 5 and getting on that ship, she
would go through space, she would go up and leave everything and nothing behind
because that was her reality everything and nothing It was all a few things and
nothing since the value of these would not get him much out of this world.
Finally ema going to go up to that ship, ¿ema Will cry for happines?, well she
doesn´t cry she just go up, she finally rest, it is hard tos ay but Ema was tired and
the fact is that carry on all the things that happend in this ended world there was
not a Good world for litlle girl of a 8 years that fianlly going to rest of all bad things,
and that´s it Ema close he reyes and get up, she go so far , far away of gang that
get in on her house and murder her parents , she Will smile , and when she was
leaving this planet her eyes close slowly.

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