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NIM : 1707201119



Task 1.

Answer the following questions based on your experience

1. What should you do if you want to be come a nurse?

Answer : I want to work as an emergency nurse. Because there are so many challenges and
experiences that cannot be forgotten, because in the emergency room besides expertise it also
requires speed and accuracy in treating patients.

2. Do you think it is easy to become a nurse in our country?

Answer : not at all, even though the most important skill is needed. But you have been
appointed as a permanent employee for a very long time, most recent graduates can only
have an internship at a hospital or community health center until an unspecified time where
there is no salary or what is called BAKTI.

3. If you are a nurse what will you do?

Answer : I want to work abroad where there are very good job prospects

4. Why do you want to be a nurse?

Answer : I am very happy to help people without expecting anything in returnWhat do you

5. want your nursing future to hold?

Answer : I want nurses to be more respected and have a more disciplined system in hospital
management. Because there are many nurses who have less expertise working in hospitals
than those who are experts, most of them have insider connections to be able to work at the
Task 2

Read the following statements and translate into Indonesian.

1. You can work with many people every day.

Answer : setiap hari, kamu dapat bekerja bersama banyak orang
2. Nursing will allow you the flexibility to have a family.
Answer : keperawatan akan memberikan kemudahan bagi keluarga mu
3. He wants people to feel God's love when they are under his care.
Answer : dia ingin seorang merasakan cinta tuhan ketika mereka dirawat dibawah perawatan
4. Laila wants people in her care to feel heard-to know that she is listening.
Answer : laila ingin orang yang dia rawat merasakan-untuk mengetahui bahwa dia
5. She wants to understand patients’ desires and concerns.
Answer : Dia ingin memahami keinginan dan kekhawatiran pasien.
6. She wants to read the feelings behind patients’ words.
Answer ; Dia ingin membaca perasaan di balik kata-kata pasien.

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