Actividad de Aprendizaje 1 INGLES

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Actividad de Aprendizaje 1 – Ingles

Jessica Guzmán Camacho,

Leonardo Pérez

Fundación Universitaria Unipanamericana - Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales

Técnico profesional en Procesos Empresariales
Derecho Laboral
Febrero de 2020

The company where you work is making an activity in order to know a little bit more about
the employees they have and also to check what they know about their bosses. For this,
they are asking their crew to make a short description of their families their boss and
themselves too. Because of this, employees need to write a short paragraph about it and
send it to the company’s headquarters. For this, each candidate must submit one fully
developed written evidence in American English: Condiciones básicas para el desarrollo de
la actividad:

1. Creation of a paper making the introduction in a Word format which should include all
the information in the form of a descriptive paragraph.

2. Make an audio introducing your family: Record the audio in and
share the link in the same Word file.



My name is Jessica Guzman, I am 24 years old, my Hobby is spending time with my son
and watching TV, I work at EPS sanitas four years ago, my position is administrative
assistant; my son name is Samuel Avendaño, he is 4 years old, study in the garden LICEO
PINCELADAS Y COLORES; My mother name’s Consuelo Camacho, she is pensioner,
she is 53 (fifti tree) years old; My father name’s Pablo Emilio Guzmán, he passed away 9
years ago; my brother name’s Juan Pablo Guzmán, he is 26 (tuenti six) years old, he is
study mechanical engineering in the ECCI university, he working in VEOLIA COLOMBIA
her position in purchase analyst; My husband name is Cristian Guerrero, he is 26 years old,
he working in PANAMERICANA her position in purchase analyst.

My chief name is Lina Castaño, she is 30 (tirti) years old, she is good people, she is
understanding, respectful, tolerant and very intelligent.


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