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Drug Name Classification Action Indication Contraindication Drug Interaction Nxs Action

Benzoyl Clindamycin and Benzoyl peroxide This medication is Use of benzoyl  adapalene topical. Watch for signs of systemic
Peroxide benzoyl peroxide acts as an used to treat mild peroxide products in  bexarotene topical. infection; granulation may
are in a class of antibacterial, to moderate acne. patients with skin  dapsone topical. indicate effectiveness
medications called irritant, keratolytic, It may be used in disease such as  isotretinoin.
topical antibiotics. comedolytic, and combination with dermatitis,  tretinoin topical.
The combination anti-inflammatory other acne seborrhea, and  triacontane topical.
of clindamycin and agent when treatments. When eczema or with skin
benzoyl peroxide applied topically to applied to the skin, abrasion or
works by killing the human benzoyl peroxide inflammation,
the bacteria that epithelium. works by reducing denuded skin,
cause acne. Benzoyl peroxide the number of including sunburn or
decomposes to acne-causing windburn, may
release oxygen bacteria and by increase the risk of
after topical causing the skin to skin irritation.
application. dry and peel.
Tazarotene Tazarotene is in a Tazarotene is a Tazarotene Tazarotene is Some products that may Monitor for photosensitivity
class of retinoic acid (Tazorac) is also contraindicated for interact with this drug in those concurrently using
medications called receptor-specific used to treat use during include: vitamin A any of the following:
retinoids. It works retinoid with psoriasis (a skin pregnancy and in products, hair perming thiazides, tetracyclines,
to treat acne and demonstrated disease in which women who may solutions, other skin fluoroquinolones,
psoriasis by efficacy in the red, scaly patches become pregnant. products with strong drying phenothiazines,
slowing skin cell topical treatment form on some To ensure effects, skin products sulfonamides.
overgrowth and of psoriasis. areas of the body). tazarotene is not containing
decreasing skin Tazarotene down- Tazarotene (Avage) given during alcohol/lime/spice (such as
cell inflammation, regulates markers is used to reduce pregnancy, the drug shaving lotions, astringents
which can lead to of keratinocyte facial wrinkling and should be initiated such as calamine lotion,
acne or psoriasis. differentiation, discoloration in during a normal perfume),
keratinocyte patients who are menstrual period. soaps/shampoos/cleansers
proliferation, and also using other Retinoids may cause that are
inflammation. skin care and fetal harm when medicated/abrasive.
sunlight avoidance administered to a
programs. pregnant woman.

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