DAY 3 Quiz (105 Points)

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DAY 3: Quiz Assignment


Section: C
Date: 6/5/2020

DAY 3 Quiz (105 points)

A. Give three causes and three solutions to the following socio-economic issues. 
(5 points each)                
1. Corruption 

Causes: Solutions:
Incompetent Public Officials Be a wise voter. Don’t sell your vote.
Slow and unreliable judicial processes Better and reliable judicial processes
Bribery Better Law Enforcement

2. Overpopulation 

Causes: Solutions:
Lack of family planning Family Planning Awareness Symposiums
Uneducated Sex Education
The belief that their children will take Abolish that tradition
care of them when they grow old

3. Illegal Drugs 
Causes: Solutions:
Poverty Increase Access to Education
Depression Mental Awareness
Peer-pressure Self-discipline

4. Street children 

Causes: Solutions
Broken Families Better Social Welfare system
Controlled by gangs Better Law Enforcement
Poverty More benefits for the marginalized
5. Unemployment/ underemployment 
Causes: Solutions:
Contractualization Better regularization laws
Low economic status Support Local Businesses
Little to no education Increase Access to Education
B. Explain your criticism to the following political cartoon art. (40 points each)
1. Corruption

The cartoon art illustrates the awful system that exists in the government. It depicts the
harsh reality that we Filipinos are experiencing from the past up to this day and especially now
in this very challenging time. When something bad happens or a calamity happens, there are a
number of kind-hearted donors and philanthropists that extend their helping hand to us but we
can barely feel their help because the money goes straight into the pockets of corrupt officials.
Just as illustrated by the cartoon art, the leaders from up above down to the lowest official
benefit from the money. Corruption starts from the very top and trickles down below and all that
is left for the people who really need it are mere change. The system in our government is so
messed up. Corruption is so rampant that people foolishly think that getting a small chunk from
a big money is okay. Corrupt leaders are taking advantage of the already bad situation and it’s
very sickening. We deserve better.
2. War on Drugs

The artist who made this cartoon is brilliant as this cartoon strongly depicts the situation
at hand in the so called war on drugs. The illustration tells a deeper story than what is clearly
shown. I personally think that killing people that are linked with drugs isn’t the solution to the
problem. There are many ways to handle the problem but I guess our government insist on the
easiest way – to kill. As long as there are drug lords and drug protectors within the rotted
government there wouldn’t really be an end to this war. The end doesn’t justify the mean. Killing
people wouldn’t justify for victory in this war.

“The gentleman understands righteousness,

the petty man understands interest.” - Confucius

Prepared by: Ms. Jeceli A. Nobleza, MN

Subject: Readings in Philippine History

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