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4 Metabolism and Enzyme

Modified True/False
Indicate whether the statement is true or false. If false, change the identified word or phrase to make the
statement true.

____ 1. The substances that are present when a chemical reaction begins are the products.

____ 2. The chemical reaction of and is irreversible. _________________________

____ 3. Proteins that speed up the rate of reactions in living things are substrates.

Complete each statement.

1. Chemical reactions that ____________________ energy will not occur without a source of energy.

2. The energy need to start a chemical reaction is called the ____________________.

Short Answer

1. Where does the energy that enables you to breathe and think come from?

Science Skills
Figure 1

1. Apply Concepts According to Figure 1, which enzyme would you expect to find in a bacterium
growing in a hot spring?

2. Interpret Graphs According to Figure 1, at what temperature do the two enzymes have the same
amount of activity?

3. Interpret Graphs According to Figure 1, what are the optimum temperatures for each enzyme?

4. Apply Concepts Based on Figure 1, which enzyme would have the most activity in humans?

5. Interpret Graphs Based on Figure 1, which enzyme is active over the largest temperature range?

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