Key Topics From Chapter Three

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Social Media Marketing NOTES

Chapter 3


 Social objects
 Participation
 Engagement
 Social capital
 Reputation capital
 Network ties
 Influencers
 Various forms of power that influencers can wield
 Network flows
 WOM - Word of Mouth

SOCIAL NETWORK SITES – cyberspace where people connect online (user supplied content)

Tribe members self-identify with a brand (engage in social relationships)

Network Effect – Relative value a community offers its members is tied to its membership. A
network effect is the effect described in economics and business that an additional user of goods
or services has on the value of that product to others. When a network effect is present, the value
of a product or service increases according to the number of others using it.
Social Network – Set of socially relevant nodes connected by one or more reactions. Nodes are
members of the network (orgs, people, countries, any definable unit)
Interactions – Talking, going to an event together,
Flows – Interactions create flows which are exchanges of resources, information, or influence
(movement of text, photos)
Word of Mouth Communication – flows from node to node. Social influence
Characteristics of Online Communities
 1 Presence – The effect people experience when they interact online with a computer
mediated or generated environment
 2 Social Object Theory – social networks will be more effective if there is a way to
activate relationships among people and objects (dogs are a social object on dob blog)
 3 Standards of behaviors
 4 Tribes (Slayfire LGBT tribe) (LGBT also has a lot of expendable income)
 5 Participation
 6 Social capital
 7 Strong and Weak Ties
Object Sociality – The extent to which users can share an object in social media, clearly
relates to audience’s unique interests
Norms -representations of appropriate behavior in a community
Doxing – cyber offense revealing private information about someone as a form of
Crowdcultures – groups and subcultures around anime, marathon runners, dieters, +
Intentional Social Action – Participation is influenced by individual attitudes and
characteristics and the context and norms of the group

Social Capital – Profit from the membership of community as a resource. (kardashians have huge
social capital and reputation value)
 Bridging – create introductions
 Bonding – establish emotional connections

Reputation Capital – shared beliefs, relationships, and actions of those in the community such
that norms, behavior, and values held and shared by individuals ultimately support a community
reputation. (build capital through reputation and structure)
 Core ties – we have very close relationships
 Significant Ties – Somewhat close relations with others in the community
 Weak Ties – Superficial experience or very few connections
 Strong Tie – Like your best friend (super important to build connections on social media)
 Latent Ties – Pre-existing connections that we’ve discarded
 Opinion Leaders – influencers or power users that others view as knowledgeable sources
of info (they absorb the risk for the many)
 Reward Power – One’s ability to provide others with what they desire
 Coercive Power – The ability to punish others
 Legitimate Power – Organizational Authority based on rights associated with a person’s
appointed position
 Referent Power – Authority through the motivation to identify with or please a person
 Expert Power – Recognition of one’s knowledge, skills, and ability (football player
talking about Gatorade)
 Information Power – One’s control over the flow of and access to info
Homophily – degree to which a pair of individuals is similar in terms of education, social status,
and beliefs
8 Social Media Archetypes
 The Balanced Life – eats well, exercises, healthy lifestyle
 The Friend Zone – online friend squads create comedic content focused on collabs across
 Fashionista Coach – these influencers are fashion icons with their own personal identity
 Gaming Hero – amass followers seeking entertainment as well as tips and techniques to
improve own games
 The charismatic Cook – relatable and fun, online chefs and food stylists
 The Adventurer – lifetime narrative, journeys
 The Fitspiration – Makes you want to move, workout and stretching tips
 The beauty Expert – Master of hair or makeup, how to get the look from beginning to end
Two Step Model of Influence – What flows and how much was from influencers

Influencer Network – Dialog with opinion leaders to communicate information. Create Cascades
of info – triggers a sequence of interactions
WOM communication is very powerful!! – influences 2/3 of all consumer goods sales.
Negative WOM – Weighs more than positive. Unhappy customers will never do business again




How many people do we wanna reach? How much do we want to grow? What are we asking our
consumers to do.
SMART Objectives – Specific, Measurable, Action Based, Realistic, Time-lined
1. Increase Exposure
2. Increase Traffic
Earned Media -participation and engagement
What social objects should we use? Whats my call to action? What do I get them to do and how
do I get them to do it?



 Social objects
 Experience strategy
 Situation Analysis
 SWOT Analysis
 Social media mix
 Campaign goals

Strategic Planning – Process of identifying objectives to accomplish

Marketing Plan – A written, formalized plan that details the product, pricing, distribution, and
promotional strategies
A. Perform a situation Analysis
1. Internal Environment – How does marketing support mission? What is the corporate
culture? What resources do we have?
2. External Environment – Nature of market? Competitors? Key Trneds?
3. SWOT Analysis – Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities and Threats
B. Set marketing Objectives
C. Develop marketing Strategies
1. Select target markets and positioning
2. Product Strategies
3. Pricing Strategies
4. Promotional Strategies
5. Supply Chain Strategies
D. Implement and Control and Marketing Plan
1. Action Plans
2. Responsibility
3. Time Line
4. Budget
5. Measurement and Control
Stunts – Social media activities on a platform stage to get attention or as ACTIVATION TOOLS
to support other marketing efforts.
Trial Phase – Test out social media platforms but don’t consider its role in marketing
Transition Phase – Social media activities still occur randomly, but in a more systematic way of
Social Media Zombies – automated responses
 Conduct a situation analysis and identify key opportunities
 State objectives
 Gather insight into and target one or more segments of social consumers
 Select the social media channels and vehicles
 Create an experience strategy
 Establish an activation plan using other promotional tool
 Execute and measure the campaign
Cloud Service – Internal service to organize competitive information and to monitor news and
social activity
Social Media Mix – Zones of social media
Brand experience - sensations, feelings, thoughts and behaviors evoked by brand-related stimuli
Creative assets – the GEICO gecko is a creative asset
Center of Excellence model – pulls people with different expertise from across the organization
to participate

7 STEPS in social media marketing planning!!

1. Conduct a situation analysis (SWOT) (selling nicotine in vape or hooka because of how
smoking is perceived)
2. State objectives
3. Gather target audience insight
4. Select specific zones and vehicles
5. Create an experience strategy
6. Establish an activation plan
7. Execute and measure campaign
Elements of a Competitive Review
1. Laying the foundation (share your voice over time)
2. Audience intelligence
3. Product analysis
4. Brand perception
Share of voice over time: number of conversations, time series comparisons, sentiment, topic
Brand experience leverages brand personality

 Strategic Plan
 trategic

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