The Practice or Art of Using Language With Fluency and Aptness

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1. Machine-N-A device of fixed or moving parts that transforms or transmites energy in order to do work.

2. Static-Adj-Stationary, not changing or moving. (Stasis is noun)

3. Credulous-Adj-Believing anything, gullible, easily gulled ( fooled).
4. Blasphemy-N-Irreverence, an insult to something sacred.
5. Coalesce-V- To come together as one, to unite.
6. Analysis-N-Breaking something up into its parts in order to better understand it, to separate.
7. Lax-Adj-Careless, not diligent, relaxed, lacking in rigor, strictness or firmness, laxity.
8. Cryptic-Adj-Mysterious, mistifying
9. Levity-N- lightness, frivolity, unseriousness, joking around. (antonym- gravity)
10. Eloquence-N- the practice or art of using language with fluency and aptness.
11. Ambivalent-Adj-Unable to make a decision between two choices.
12. Innate-Adj-Existing since birth, inborn
13. Sycophant-N-A servile self-seeker who seeks favor by flattering influential people.
14. Amiable-Adj-Friendly
15. Esoteric-Adj-Hard to understand, mysterious, understoond only by a few, knowledge confined to a
small group.
16. Extraneous-Adj-Irrelevant, extra, unnecessary, unimportant.
17. Tedious-Adj-Boring

Sentence corrections:
1. Through these doors passes the most influential people.
-Through these doors pass the most influential people.
2. Everyone should be sure to do their homework.
-Everybody should be sure to finish his or her homework.
3. Either algebra, geometry, or calculus are required for graduation.
-Either algebra, geometry, or calculus is required for graduation.
4. I like swimming, dancing, and to sing.
-I like to swim, dance, and sing.
5. The quality of art and music are now superior to what they were in the past.
- The quality of art and music is now superior to what it was in the past.
6. Neither hard work nor perseverance are lacking in the new settles.
- Neither hard work nor perseverance is lacking in the new settles.
7. Many fans stood and sung the anthem before the competitors swim.
- Many fans stood and sang the anthem before the competitors swam.
8. After our sumptuous repast, we agreed that a good time has been had by all.
- After our sumptuous repast, everyone agreed that we had a good time.
9. This proves that the quote is true because it shows that because of my cousin’s erratic behavior a
higher authority stepped in to control the situation for her. Since she was obviously incapable of doing
so herself.
- This example proves that the quotation is true. Because of my cousin’s erratic behavior, a higher
authority stepped in to control the situation for her, since she was obviously incapable of doing so
10. Discipline is important in one’s life and if one is not undercontrol of their actions, they can cause
damage to themselves or the people around them.
- Discipline is important in people’s lives; and if they are not in control of their actions, they can cause
damage to themselves or the others around them.
11. Behind one of the doors waits a tiger, and the other has a beautiful lady behind it.
- Behind one of the doors waits a tiger, and behind the other waits a beautiful lady.

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