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Evidence: Speak your mind

1. A political system is optimal not because it produces the policies that

you prefer. It produces the policies that much smarter people prefer.
I agree and disagree with that situation, since nobody likes that they speak for themselves and
we all want to give our opinion, but we also have to evaluate the mental capacity of each of the
people, in this case would be the "Smart", they already know the subject, therefore they can
have good ideals in the face of the policies that each one exposes. I think everything has to do
with the values of the person, knowledge plays a very important role, but values are the main
factor in that situation.

2. The ideal system depends on the cultural attributes of the population.

I fully agree with this, the ideal system must be created from the different customs or/or
traditions of a population, you cannot set standards when a large community has different
traditions, everything must be governed by the culture of the population.

3. Individuals should be admitted to schools and hired for jobs based on

their ability.
I think that in schools it should not be accepted because of the abilities, because it is in the
same school where you learn different skills to practice them and be able to apply them in the
future. To be hired for a job if I agree with the idea of skills since one has already gone through
a process, and the job requires people who are good at what is needed, you cannot hire
someone who has not learned something.

4. Unlike the private sector, the government is motivated by public interest.

I don’t think this is true, the government is very corrupted by the idea of wanting more and more
power, they are not motivated by the public interest, they are only motivated by what suits them
and most of the time ignore the opinions of the community.

5. Taxes allow the government to create jobs and provide welfare programs
for people in need.
That I think if true, taxes could be called a "key" to new jobs and welfare programs.  But
unfortunately our reality is different and taxes are priority for everything that the politicians want,
rather it is mainly to give luxuries and that the community strives to receive a low salary and
even pay taxes.

6. Governmental programs encourage people to become dependent and

lazy instead of inspiring them to become hard-working and independent.
Totally in line with this situation, government programs only show what is in their best interest
and do not benefit a population that is filled with information that can destroy them, They
encourage them to have an easier life and deceive them by giving them proposals for their
supposed "Well-being" and ignore topics that increase their knowledge.

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