Quantitative Determination of Total Hardness in Drinking Water by Complexometric Edta Titration

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1. What is the significance of determining the EDTA is a multidentate ligand and is a

hardness of water? chelating agent. It complexes almost to all
metal ions which is one of the reasons why this
Mineral drinking water contains minerals was used in this experiment.
such as calcium and magnesium which are good
for the body. These minerals make the water EDTA was used as a complexing agent until
‘hard’. Hardness of water is easier described in all calcium ions complexated completely. The
relation to soap. When water forms soap scum endpoint of this EDTA titration is the production
when used with soap, then the water is of Calgamite, a weaker complexing agent which
relatively high. Other than that, hardness of changes color upon decomplexation [3].
water is also related to several environmental
issues like algal bloom and destruction of 4. Discuss the use of EBT as indicator. Why do
marine habitats [1]. we add MgCl2∙6H2O crystals to the titrant?

2. Why do we express water hardness as ppm EBT was used as indicator in the titration.
CaCO3? Initially, when put into the analyte, the color
became wine purple. Perhaps, this color was
Water hardness is expressed as ppm CaCO 3 attained since EBT is blue in a buffered solution
since the molecular weight of CaCO 3 is at pH 10 and red when Ca 2+ ions are added.
100g/mol which makes calculations easier. Since the analyte contains both buffer and Ca 2+,
Water hardness does not only come from Ca the color of the analyte became wine purple.
but also with other minerals like Mg. These
minerals are treated as if they were Ca in At the endpoint of the titration, when
calculations since calculations are based from enough EDTA reacted in the analyte, all Ca2+
amount of CaCO3 in the water [2]. have been bounded by the EDTA ligands and
then the blue colored endpoint was reached
3. Discuss the use of EDTA as a complexing since virtually, it is only the buffer that is in the
agent and titrant. analyte that the EBT can indicate [4].

To determine the CaCO3 content of the 5. Why do we add NaOH to the EDTA solution
water sample, EDTA was used as a titrant. if the disodium EDTA crystals do not
Disodium EDTA crystals do not dissolve differently. EDTA can be protonated six times
unless in a basic environment. Addition of while EBT, three [7].
NaOH is necessary to adjust the pH of the
solution to be able to dissolve the disodium 8. Enumerate some other applications of
EDTA. However, the addition of NaOH must be EDTA complexation (besides
slow so that the pH does not escalate too complexometric titration)
quickly [5].
Aside from complexometric titration, EDTA
6. Outline and explain the pertinent chemical is also used as sequestering agent in many
equations involved in the titration. industries. In the food industry for example,
EDTA is used as a preservative to prevent
In this experiment, the hardness of water catalytic oxidative decolorization. In soft drinks,
was determined thru the amount of Ca and Mg EDTA is used to prevent the formation of
minerals in the water in terms of ppm CaCO 3. benzene, a carcinogen, from sodium benzoate
and ascorbic acid. Other applications of EDTA
Ca2+ + H2EDTA2- → CaEDTA2- + 2H+ are for the anti-coagulation in blood and is used
as an absorbent to harmful nitric oxides [8].
The chemical equation above shows the
reaction between Ca ion and EDTA. This 9. Why do we perform the analysis of Ca and
reaction has a formation constant of 5.0 × 1010. Mg at pH 10?

The analysis of Ca and Mg are performed at

Mg2+ + H2EDTA2- → MgEDTA2- + 2H+ pH 10 because their reactions with the titrant
occur at pH 10. The pH by which the Ca
The chemical equation above shows the
complexates with EDTA is 7.3 while Mg, 10.
reaction between Mg ion and EDTA. This
Therefore, the minimum pH by which both
reaction has a formation constant of 5.01 x 10 8.
reactions occur is pH 10 [9].
To get the total hardness of the water,
10. What is the effect, if any, of using too
we treat Ca and Mg together as in one complex
much buffer in the analysis?
as shown below.
Using too much buffer in the analysis may
cause difficulties in detecting the endpoint of
M2+ = Ca2+ + Mg2+
the titration. The system will be very resistant
then to pH change that is why the endpoint may be
difficult to observe, or worse it cannot be
observed [9].
M2+ + H2EDTA2- → MEDTA2- + 2H+
11. What is the purpose of auxiliary
. complexing agents? What reagent, if any,
served as auxiliary complexing agent in
7. Discuss the relationship of pH and this titration? Discuss.
feasibility of titration of cations using
EDTA. Auxiliary complexing agents bind to a metal
strongly to prevent metal hydroxides from
Buffer was used in this titration since the precipitating but weak enough to give up the
reactions involved must occur at constant pH. metal when EDTA is added [10]. No auxiliary
EDTA and EBT have polyprotic properties which complexing agents were used in this
is why at differing pH, they can be protonated experiment.
12. Correlate the stability of the Mg-EDTA, Ca-
EDTA, Mg-EBT, and Ca-EBT complexes with
the values of the formation constants. REFERENCES

EDTA and EBT complexes are generally [1] Perlman, U. S. G. S. H. Water Hardness
stable complexes. Comparing Ca-EBT with a http://water.usgs.gov/edu/hardness.html
formation constant of 2.5x10 5 is lower/ less (accessed Oct 4, 2016).
stable than Mg-EBT with 1.0x10 7 which
[2] Soni, N. Why is water hardness measured in
displaces Ca. When EDTA is added in the
terms of CACO3? https://www.quora.com/why-
system, Ca-EDTA with a formation constant of
5.0 × 1010 is higher than that of Mg-EBT with
(accessed Oct 5, 2016).
formation constant 1.0x107, therefore, Ca-EDTA
is formed instead [11]. [3] Skoog, Douglas A., Donald M. West and F.
James Holler. "Fundamentals of Analytical
13. Discuss the difference between the
Chemistry 8th ed." Harcourt Brace College
experimental value of water hardness and
Publishers. 1995.
the stated value of water hardness on the
[4] Dubenskaya, L..O.; Levitskaya, G.D.
label of your water sample.
(1999). “Use of eriochome black T for the
From the calculated values, the polarographic determination of rere-earth
experimental value of water hardness is metals”. Journal of Analytical Chemistry.]
ppm while the stated value of water hardness
[5] EDTA http://openwetware.org/wiki/edta
on the label of the water sample is ppm.
(accessed Oct 4, 2016).
The % deviation of the experimental from the
stated value is %. Deviations may have been [6] Stubbings, J. Determining Total Hardness in
caused by several errors which may include Water by Complexometric Titration
over titration or perhaps, the dishonesty of the http://www.ausetute.com.au/camgedta.html
manufacturer in labeling the water bottle. (accessed Oct 4, 2016).
14. Enumerate and discuss some possible [7] Sinex, Scott A. EDTA- A Molecule with a
sources of error. Determine their effect on Complex Story. 1 August 2007. 04 October 2016
your calculated parameters. http://www.chm.bris.ac.uk/motm/edta/edtah.h
Some errors may have occurred during the
weighing of the disodium EDTA, solution [8] Furia T (1964). “EDTA in Foods- A technical
preparations, buffer preparations and titration. review”/ Food Technology.][US Food and Drug
Administration: Center for Food Safety and
Instrumental errors may have occurred in
Applied Nutrition
the weighing of the solid since the equipment
used are old and could have not displayed the [9] EDTA Titration of Calcium II and Magnesium
accurate weight of the sample. Solution II
preparations can be also be sources of errors http://www1.udel.edu/chem/beebe/chem120/
due to parallax reading of volumes. For the chem120 lab2edtatitration.pdf (accessed Oct 5,
titration, the color change, whether it was 2016).
faintly or overly titrated is also subjective to the
experimenter. Another cause of error may be [10] D.C. Harris, Quantitative Chemical Analysis
from excess or deficiency of buffer in the (7th ed., W. H. Freeman, NY, 2007)
analyte changing the pH of the system [3].
rd_chem.htm (accessed Oct 4, 2016).

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