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Bryan Paulo B.




Bryan: Hey! What’s all about that stuffs?

Princess: Hey! I'm just looking for a place to live, the one that could have been rented but only for a
small price.

Bryan: By the way I’m Bryan, and you are?

Princess: Princess, where do you live?

Bryan: I live in Eastwood St. I’m living with my parents and my brother.

Bryan: I know where you would find place to rent. I’ll go with you there.

Princess: that’s so nice of you, So how’s your summer during the quarantine?

Bryan: Thank you, It’s nice being safe in home but boring at the same time.

Princess: why so boring? It’s the time for family to have bonding together with each other.

Bryan: its boring because the excitement, the presence of summer isn’t there. Unlike the past few years,
if the summer season comes It means chilling in the beach, swimming, barbecues, drinking ice-cold cola.

Princess: Ah, you’re missing the vibes of the summer.

Bryan: Exactly, actually it’s my favorite season every year.

Bryan: How about you? How’s your summer during the quarantine?

Princess: I took this opportunity to explore things, like cooking, gardening and even masonry.

Bryan: Wow, you’re such an adventurous girl.

Princess: Haha, I knew you would say that.

Bryan: Here it is, the rent house. Just ask the owner on how much the rent is and have a deal.

Princess: Ok, Thanks!

Bryan: Ok, Bye!

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