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Cardio-Respiratory Physiological Adaptation

of Pregnancy
Mary P. O'Day

Significant physiological adaptations during pregnancy contribute to its successful outcome. These
occur early in the pregnancy and continue throughout gestation, with complete reversal after delivery.
Many changes that are normal during pregnancy are pathological should they occur in the nonpreg-
nant woman. Adequate understanding o f these normal changes is essential in the assessment of all
pregnancies and in the management of those with complications. This article reviews the cardiovascu-
lax and pulmonary changes that occur during a normal gestation.
Copyright 9 1997 by W.B. Saunders Company

ignificant physiological adaptations during creased estrogen, renin, and angiotensin levels,
S pregnancy contribute to its successful out-
come. These occur early in the pregnancy and
all of which p r o m o t e sodium resorption. Balanc-
ing this, increased glomerular filtration rate and
continue t h r o u g h o u t gestation, with complete increased progesterone levels p r o m o t e sodium
reversal after delivery. Many changes that are excretion. T h e net effect is an overall retention
n o r m a l during p r e g n a n c y are pathological of approximately 1,000 m E q of sodium during
should they occur in the n o n p r e g n a n t woman. the course of the pregnancy. 4 This is equally dis-
Adequate u n d e r s t a n d i n g of these n o r m a l tributed a m o n g the fetus and the maternal intra-
changes is essential in the assessment of all preg- vascular a n d extravascular spaces.
nancies and in the m a n a g e m e n t of those with
complications. Red Cell Mass

Cardiovascular Changes Total red blood cell mass increases by 20% dur-
ing pregnancy, m o r e if iron s u p p l e m e n t a t i o n is
Plasma/Blood Volume given. This increase reflects an increase in red
Plasma volume increases as early at the 7th week blood cell production, not prolongation of red
of gestation and plateaus at 32 weeks' gestation, cell life. 1 Increased erythropoiesis is secondary
representing a 45% to 50% increase over non- to increased prolactin, progesterone, chorionic
p r e g n a n t v a l u e s . 1'2 T h e volume increase is de- s o m a t o m a m m o t r o p i n , and erythropoietin lev-
p e n d e n t on the size and n u m b e r of fetuses, with els. 6'7 T h e disproportionately large increase in
higher blood volumes observed with multiple plasma volume relative to red cell volume results
gestations and large fetuses. ~'4 However, the pres- in a decrease of the maternal hematocrit due to
ence of a fetus is not required as maternal hyper- hemodilution, most notable in the third trimes-
volemia is observed in hydatidiform moles. 5 ter-the so-called "physiological anemia of
Several mechanisms are responsible for regu- pregnancy." Maternal red cell 2,3-diphospho-
lating volume expansion. T h e r e is a twofold in- glycerate concentrations increase during preg-
crease in aldosterone levels, a 15 to 25 times nancy, facilitating maternal to fetal oxygen trans-
increase in deoxycorticosterone activity, and in- fer. s

From the Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Department of Obstet- Heart Rate

rics & Gynecology, The University of Texas Medical Branch, Galves-
ton, TX. Maternal heart rate increases as early as the 7th
Address reprint requests to Mary P. O'Day, MD, Assistant Professor, week o f gestation, a n d in late pregnancy averages
Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Division of Maternal-Fetal approximately 20% over p o s t p a r t u m values, g
Medicine, The University of Texas Medical B~'anch, 301 University
Blvd, Galveston, TX 77555-0587. The etiology of these changes are unclear, but
Copyright 9 1997 by W.B. Saunders Company could be explained by blood volume expansion 1~
O146-0005/97/2104-0001505. 00/0 or h o r m o n a l changes. 1~

268 Seminars in Perinatology, Vol 21, No 4 (August), 1997: pp 268-275

Cardio-RespiratoryPhysiologicalAdaptation of Pregnancy 269

Cardiac Output diastolic blood pressure. It is debatable whether

diastolic blood pressure is best m e a s u r e d at Kor-
Cardiac output, the p r o d u c t of h e a r t rate and
o t k o f f p h a s e 4 (muffling) or phase 5 (final disap-
stroke volume, reflects the overall ability of the pearance) .26 If m e a s u r e d at phase 4, m e a n dia-
heart to function. Cardiac output increases 30%
stolic pressure is a b o u t 13 m m H g higher than
to 50% during n o r m a l pregnancy, with the ma- phase 5. 27 Intra-arterial m e a s u r e m e n t s of dia-
jority of the increase occurring in the first trimes-
stolic pressures were 15 m m H g lower than indi-
ter. 1214 A plateau is reached by the early third
rect cuff s p h y g m o m a n o m e t r y . 2s Although early
trimester. 15 Increased stroke volume is predomi-
studies of a u t o m a t e d b l o o d pressure devices
nantly responsible for t i e early increase in car-
showed pressures significantly lower than direct
diac output, 1S'16 possibly due to increased left
intra-arterial measurements, 29 adequate correla-
ventricular mass and b l o o d volume. 17 Studies
tion has b e e n shown between a u t o m a t e d and
with subjects in the left lateral position showed
manual m e r c u r y s p h y g m o m a n o m e t r y . 3~ Am-
a small decline in cardiac o u t p u t toward term,
bulatory 24-hour m o n i t o r i n g of blood pressure
due to decreasing stroke volume. 1s2~ However,
and heart rate show expected diurnal varia-
the maternal heart rate increase continues,
tions, ~'s4 and may be of use in the prediction of
maintaining cardiac o u t p u t in the late third tri-
preeclampsia or other adverse pregnancy out-
mester. 16
Maternal position is critical in the assessment
of cardiac output. T u r n i n g to the supine position Systemic Vascular Resistance
can decrease cardiac o u t p u t by as m u c h as
25%. 21 This is due to venocaval compression by Systemic vascular resistance (SVR), the ratio of
the p r e g n a n t uterus, resulting in decreased ve- cardiac output and m e a n arterial pressure, is a
nous return to the heart, in turn causing de- measure of the tension required to eject b l o o d
creased stroke volume and cardiac output. Ap- into the circulation. It can be used to estimate
proximately 8% of w o m e n will show " s u p i n e clinically the a m o u n t of i m p e d a n c e to cardiac
hypotensive syndrome," characterized by hypo- output. SVR decreases during pregnancy, reach-
tension, bradycardia, and syncope. 22 W o m e n ing a nadir at 14 to 24 weeks, then increasing to
who are symptomatic have p o o r circulation in n e a r n o r m a l levels at term. 16 T h e etiology of this
the paravertebral vessels that usually serve as col- decrease in SVR is poorly understood. Signifi-
lateral vessels to the vena cava. A generalized cant decreases in SVR are observed in the late
vasoconstrictive response occurs, resulting in de- luteal phase of w o m e n who subsequently b e c a m e
creased blood flow in the uterine, umbilical, and pregnant, representing one of the earliest mater-
cerebral vasculature. 23'24 nal adjustments to pregnancy. 36 Earlier studies
hypothesizing that the uteroplacental circula-
Blood Pressure tion acts as an arteriovenous shunt (thereby de-
creasing SVR) seems unlikely, because SVR de-
T h e r e are only m i n o r changes in systolic b l o o d
creases as early as 5 weeks' gestation, is More
pressure during pregnancy. Diastolic blood pres-
likely, decreased SVR is due to peripheral vasodi-
sure reaches a nadir a r o u n d 28 weeks' gestation,
lation f r o m circulating progesterone, prostaglan-
a n d increases to p r e p r e g n a n c y levels by term.
dins, prostacyclines, and nitric oxide. 37
T h e position in which the bloott pressure is mea-
sured is of critical importance. Both systolic and Pulmonary Vascular Resistance
diastolic pressures are a b o u t 10 m m H g lower in
the left lateral r e c u m b e n t position than when During pregnancy, there is little change in the
sitting or standing. If b l o o d pressure is taken in p u l m o n a r y artery pressure, as m e a s u r e d by the
the left lateral position, there will be a significant p u l m o n a r y capillary wedge pressure (PCWP).
difference between the u p p e r arm a n d lower Because there is a d o c u m e n t e d increase in car-
a r m reading. 25 To accurately d o c u m e n t blood diac output, m a i n t e n a n c e of PCWP would neces-
pressure trends, it is essential that the m e t h o d sitate a decreased p u l m o n a r y vascular resistance.
of blood pressure m e a s u r e m e n t t h r o u g h o u t This decrease has b e e n c o n f i r m e d by invasive
p r e g n a n c y is consistent. studies using p u l m o n a r y artery catheter monitor-
Controversy exists over the exact definition of ing ~8 and noninvasive D o p p l e r echocardiogra-
270 Ma U P. O'Day

phy. 39 T h e ' d e c r e a s e in p u l m o n a r y vascular resis- proximately 500 m L / m i n at term, accounting

tance is most likely secondary to vasodilation and for 17% of cardiac output. 47 Skin perfusion in-
expansion of the p u l m o n a r y arterioles and capil- creases slowly until 20 weeks, then sharply rises
laries. between 20 and 30 weeks. 48 Blood flow to the
breast tissue doubles. T h e r e a p p e a r s to be no
Colloid Osmotic Pressure change in b l o o d flow to the liver or brain.
Colloid osmotic pressure (COP) describes the Hemodynamic Measurements
ability of the interstitial and vascular spaces to
retain fluid. Albumin is the m a j o r protein con- Central h e m o d y n a m i c m e a s u r e m e n t s obtained
tributing to plasma osmotic pressure, due to its with p u l m o n a r y artery catheters provide the
inability to cross the s e m i p e r m e a b l e vascular en- " g o l d standard" values to which other measure-
dothelium. Colloid osmotic pressure decreases m e n t techniques are compared. Although the
with advancing gestational age, reaching a nadir invasive nature of central m o n i t o r i n g limits its
a b o u t 36 weeks' gestation. This trend parallels use during n o r m a l pregnancy, data on hemody-
the decrease in maternal serum albumin levels. namic changes in normal late gestation we_re ob-
The decrease in the albumin concentration is tained by Clark et al and is summarized in Table
most likely responsible for the decreasing COP 1.3a Indications for central m o n i t o r i n g with pul-
observed during pregnancy, a~ m o n a r y artery catheters is limited to obstetric
Colloid osmotic pressure may have clinical ap- patients with severe hypertension, oliguria, or
plication in the prediction of p u l m o n a r y edema. p u l m o n a r y edema. 49
Weil et al postulated that a decrease in the COP Several different techniques exist for echocar-
(keeps fluid in the p u l m o n a r y capillaries) or an diographic estimates of cardiac function and
increase in the PCWP (forces fluids out of the output. M-mode echocardiographic assessment
p u l m o n a r y capillaries) would result in pulmo- of ventricular function is possible, but cannot be
nary edema. 41 F r o m this, the concept of a COP- p e r f o r m e d accurately on some patients. 5~ Im-
PCWP gradient was proposed. Rackow et al re- p e d a n c e cardiography uses the changes in elec-
ported the increased risk of p u l m o n a r y e d e m a trical i m p e d a n c e that occur in the chest cavity
in those patients with a COP-PCWP gradient less during the cardiac cycle to calculate stroke vol-
than 4 m m Hg. 42 P u l m o n a r y e d e m a may also be ume. Studies have shown significant difficulties
related to decreases in the COP-PCWP gradient with this technique, which is not suitable for as-
in pregnancies complicated by preeclampsia. 43'44 sessing cardiovascular changes during preg-
In n o r m a l pregnancy, the COP-PCWP gradi- nancy) 1
ent is reduced due to n o r m a l decreases in COP. Two-dimensional echocardiography with con-
Therefore, gravid w o m e n may be predisposed to tinuous- and pulsed-wave D o p p l e r has improved
the d e v e l o p m e n t of p u l m o n a r y edema, particu- the accuracy of echocardiographic measure-
larly in situations that alter p u l m o n a r y capillary ments. This technique has b e e n validated in
permeability. 38 b o t h n o n p r e g n a n t 52 and p r e g n a n t patients. In
pregnancy, D o p p l e r has b e e n assessed using si-
Regional Blood Flow multaneous noninvasive and invasive hemody-
namic m o n i t o r i n g and shown to be compara-
The increase in cardiac output in n o r m a l preg- ble. 53'54 In practice, as cardiac function can be
nancy is distributed to several organ systems. Re- calculated reliably by a variety of echocardio-
nal blood flow progressively increases, reaching graphic techniques, combination of M-mode
50% above n o n p r e g n a n t levels by midgesta- a n d D o p p l e r may provide m o r e complete infor-
t i o n . 45 The glomerular filtration rate increases
mation than a single m e t h o d alone. 55
45% above n o n p r e g n a n t values, and that in-
crease is maintained for the duration of the preg-
nancy. 46 The increase in glomerular filtration is Pulmonary Changes
thought to result f r o m the general vasodilation
Anatomic Changes
of pregnancy as well as from the increasing renal
blood flow. Thoracic configuration changes early during
Uterine blood flow increases tenfold to ap- pregnancy. The transverse diameter of the tho-
Cardio-Respiratory PhysiologicalAdaptation of Pregnancy 271

Table 1. Central Hemodynamic Changes in Pregnancy3s

Te~n %
Parameters Pregnancy Postpartum Change
Heart rate (beats/min) 83 _+ 10 71 _+ 10 +17
Cardiac output (L/min) 6.2 + 1.0 4.3 + 0.9 +43
Mean arterial pressure (mm Hg) 90.3 _+ 5.8 86.4 _+ 7.5 NS
Systemic vascular resistance (dyne" cm" sec -5) 1,210 _+ 266 1,530 _+ 520 -21
Pulmonary vascular resistance (dyne. cm" sec -5) 78 + 22 119 _+ 47 -34
Colloid osmotic pressure (ram Hg) 18 _+ 1.5 20.8 + 1.0 NS
Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (ram Hg) 7.5 _+ 1.8 6.3 _+ 2.1 NS
Central venous pressure (mm Hg) 3.6 _+ 2.5 3.7 + 2.6 NS
M e a s u r e m e n t s a r e m e a n _+ s t a n d a r d d e v i a t i o n .
NS, n o t s i g n i f i c a n t at P < .05.

rax and the chest circumference increase. 56 The lung after maximal exhalation. This decreases by
level of the diaphragm increases about 4 cm. 20% at the end of gestation.
However, diaphragmatic excursion is increased, Functional residual capacity (FRC): The sum of
despite the enlarging uterus. 57 Changes in the ERV and RV. This represents the volume of air
chest wall configuration peak about 37 weeks remaining in the lung after a normal breath.
and slowly return to normal after delivery. The The FRC decreases about 18% by the end of
u p p e r airway is affected by the increased vasodi- gestation, due to the effects of the enlarging
lafion of pregnancy, resulting in mucosal edema, uterus.
nasal stuffiness, increased secretions, and nose Vital capacity (VC): The a m o u n t of air that can
bleeds. be exhaled after a maximal inspiration. This re-
mains u n c h a n g e d during pregnancy.
Lung Volumes Inspiratory capacity (IC): The m a x i m u m
In the second half of pregnancy, there are sev- a m o u n t of air that can be inspired after a normal
eral significant changes in lung volumes and ca- exhalation. Inspiratory capacity increases 5% to
pacifies (Fig 1).5s~6~These adaptations are sum- 10% as pregnancy progresses and preserves the
marized as follows: VC and total lung capacity t h r o u g h o u t preg-
Tidal volume (VT): The quantity of air exhaled nancy. This also indicates that diaphragmatic ex-
during normal breathing. VT increases by as cursion is preserved.
much as 40% during pregnancy.
Lung Functions
Minute volume (Ve): The total volume of air
leaving the lung each minute. V~ is a p r o d u c t of Although lung volumes are decreased during
VT and the respiratory rate. While respiratory pregnancy, routine spirometric tests that assess
rate remains unchanged, the increased VT air flow are essentially unchanged. The one-sec-
results in a 40% increase in VE, p r o d u c i n g a o n d forced expiratory volume (FEV1) is the vol-
relative "hyperventilation" in pregnancy. The ume of gas exhaled in one second by a forced
hyperventilation is due to the effects of proges- exhalation after a full inspiration. This simple,
terone, which acts as a respiratory stimulant and informative, and inexpensive test is often abnor-
increases respiratory drive during pregnancy. mal in patients with lung disease and remains
Alveolar ventilation (VA): The volume of air normal in pregnancy. This test is most useful in
available for gas exchange each minute. The dif- diagnosis and m a n a g e m e n t of dyspnea during
ference between VE and VA represents gas that pregnancy.
remains in the anatomic dead space. Total airway resistance is u n c h a n g e d o r
Expiratory reserve volume (ERV): The m a x i m u m slightly decreased during pregnancy, possibly
quantity of air that can be exhaled after the end due to hormonally mediated relaxation of airway
of a normal breath. This decreases by 15% at smooth muscle. Although lung compliance re-
the end of gestation. mains unchanged, chest wall compliance de-
Residual volume (RV): The gas remaining in the creases, resulting in a decrease in total respira-
272 Mary P. O'Day

t j L

Inspiratory l inspir~a
volume reset
2050 volur
O Inspiratory o
capacity I o
II 2500 CO


O o~


Expiratory Expiratory
reservevolume reservevolume
700 Functional 550
1700 Residual

Residual 1 volume
volume 8OO
tf t ~ Elevationof diaphragm
Nonpregnant Gravida at term

Figure 1. Lung volume changes in pregnancy. (Reprinted with permission. 59)

tory compliance in late gestation. The effect of The increase in Vco2 results in a decrease in
decreased chest wall compliance is greater than the arterial carbon dioxide pressure (Pace2) is
that of decreased airway resistance. Therefore, associated with a chronic respiratory alkalosis.
the total work of breathing increases, resulting Increased renal excretion of bicarbonate main-
in a 50% increase in oxygen consumption. 61 tains the arterial blood p H between 4.40 and
4.46 and the serum bicarbonate between 18 and
Gas Exchange 22 m E q / L . 5s'64 A compensated respiratory alka-
losis, with a low Pace2 and bicarbonate, is there-
Pregnancy results in significant changes in gas fore normal in pregnancy.
exchange. The increased ventilation of preg- Even though alveolar ventilation is enhanced,
nancy results from the aforementioned changes intrapulmonary shunting still exists during preg-
in the mechanics o f breathing,~ the increased nancy. Intrapulmonary shunting (Oo/O~) refers
progesterone levels, and the increase in basal to a ventilation-perfusion mismatch, in which a
metabolic rate. The increased alveolar ventila- portion of the pulmonary blood flow does not
tion enhances gas exchange in the lung: both contact functioning alveoli (Q~), relative to total
resting oxygen consumption (Vo2) and carbon pulmonary blood flow (O~). In n o n p r e g n a n t
dioxide exhalation (Vco2) increase 20% to 40% people, the normal range for Q~/O~ is 2% to
by term. 62 The increase in Vo2 results from the 5%. This shunt is due to venous drainage into
increased oxygen demands of the fetus, pla- the left side of the heart and to the fact that not
centa, and maternal organs. At sea level, the arte- all alveolar units are always fully functional. The
rial oxygen pressure (PAP2) ranges from 101 to clinical effect of an intrapulmonary shunt is to
104 m m Hg in healthy women near term, 63 al- change the PaP2 and the hemoglobin satura-
though it can be lower in women living at higher tion. Shunt values of 5% to 15% are often associ-
altitudes. 64 ated with exertional dyspnea: higher shunt val-
Cardio-Respiratory PhysiologicalAdaptation of Pregnancy 2 73

Table 2, Third-Trimester Blood Gas and Acid Base m a y b e m o r e i m p o r t a n t t h a n p o s i t i o n in t h e in-

Levels Relative to Maternal Position 64 t e r p r e t a t i o n o f n o r m a l b l o o d gas a n d a c i d b a s e
Left Lateral Supine Knee-Chest values. N o r m a l p h y s i o l o g i c a l r e s p o n s e to t h e rel-
ative h y p o x i a o f h i g h a l t i t u d e s is h y p e r v e n t i l a -
pH 7.46 +_ 0,02 "7.45 _+ 0.02 7,46 +_ 0.02 tion, p o l y c y t h e m i a , i n c r e a s e d levels o f 2,3,-di-
Paco2 (mm Hg) 26.6 _+ 2.7 26.7 _+ 2.1 26.7 _+ 1.2
Pao2 (ram Hg) 86.2 -+ 7,3 86.7 -+ 7.2 89,5 -+ 5:9 p h o s p h o g l y c e r a t e , a n d a shift to t h e r i g h t in t h e
HCO3 (mEq/L) 18.6 _+ 1.9 18.8 -+ 1.4 17.3 _+ 1.6 o x y g e n d i s s o c i a t i o n curve, a l l o w i n g i n c r e a s e d ox-
Saoz 0.96 -+ 0.01 0,96 -+ 0.0 0.96 -+ 0.0 y g e n r e l e a s e to tissues. All t h e s e a d a p t a t i o n s oc-
HCO3 = bicarbonate; SaO2 = saturated arterial hemoglobin c u r in n o r m a l p r e g n a n c y as well, a n d o f t e n a r e
level. superimposed on altitude-induced changes. Nor-
Data are mean + standard deviation.
m a l values o f PaO2 r a n g e f r o m 60.75 m m H g f o r
w o m e n living at 4,200 m e t e r s to 101.2 m m H g f o r
ues o f t e n r e q u i r e o x y g e n s u p p l e m e n t a t i o n o r w o m e n living at sea level. 67 T a b l e 3 s u m m a r i z e s
m e c h a n i c a l v e n t i l a t i o n . H a n k i n s et al have n o r m a l b l o o d gas a n d a c i d b a s e levels for h e a l t h y
s h o w n t h a t n o r m a l , h e a l t h y w o m e n at t e r m have t e r m w o m e n living at d i f f e r e n t altitudes. D u e to
Q a / Q , values a l m o s t t h r e e times h i g h e r t h a n flatness o f t h e o x y g e n d i s s o c i a t i o n curve, if Po2
t h o s e r e p o r t e d for n o n p r e g n a n t subjects. 65 This values a r e a b o v e 60 m m Hg, o x y g e n s a t u r a t i o n
is m o s t likely s e c o n d a r y to a l t e r a t i o n s o f l u n g a n d c o n c e n t r a t i o n will c h a n g e very little u n d e r
volumes and ventilation-perfusion mismatches normal circumstances.
that are normal during pregnancy.
M a t e r n a l p o s i t i o n m a y b e i m p o r t a n t in t h e
a s s e s s m e n t o f p u l m o n a r y f u n c t i o n . Awe et al66 D y s p n e a is a very c o m m o n c o m p l a i n t d u r i n g
s h o w e d t h a t c h a n g i n g f r o m a sitting to s t a n d i n g p r e g n a n c y . A p p r o x i m a t e l y 50% o f w o m e n c o m -
p o s i t i o n c a n d e c r e a s e PaO2 to less t h a n 90 m m p l a i n o f b r e a t h l e s s n e s s by 20 weeks' gestation,
Hg. T h e y a t t r i b u t e d this d i f f e r e n c e to a c h a n g e i n c r e a s i n g to 75% by 31 weeks'. 6s T h e d y s p n e a
in t h e a l v e o l a r - a r t e r i a l (A-a) g r a d i e n t , w h i c h in- c a n n o t b e c o r r e l a t e d with a n y single p a r a m e t e r
c r e a s e d f r o m 14.3 sitting to 20 in t h e s u p i n e of respiratory function; therefore, those women
p o s i t i o n . H a n k i n s e t al have r e p o r t e d o n t h e ef- who complain of dyspnea may only be more
fects o f m a t e r n a l p o s i t i o n in h e a l t h y w o m e n at aware o f t h e i n c r e a s e d v e n t i l a t i o n o f p r e g n a n c y .
t e r m living at a m o d e r a t e a l t i t u d e (1,400 m e - Because dyspnea, fatigue, lower-extremity e d e m a ,
ters). 64 T h e s e f i n d i n g s a r e s u m m a r i z e d - i n T a b l e a n d b i b a s i l a r atelectasis a r e n o r m a l f i n d i n g s in
2. N o s i g n i f i c a n t effects o f m a t e r n a l p o s i t i o n pregnancy, the diagnosis of cardiopulmonary
were n o t e d f o r any b l o o d gas o r a c i d b a s e p a r a m - disease in p r e g n a n c y c a n b e c h a l l e n g i n g .
eters. A d d i t i o n a l l y , a l t h o u g h t h e A-a g r a d i e n t in- P r e g n a n c y creates a h y p e r d y n a m i c state t h a t
c r e a s e d f r o m 2.53 sitting to 6.56 s u p i n e , all val- results in s i g n i f i c a n t c h a n g e s in c a r d i a c a n d pul-
ues w e r e b e l o w t h e n o r m a l A-a g r a d i e n t o f 15. monary function. Many of these changes are
T h e a l t i t u d e at w h i c h p r e g n a n t w o m e n live c o m m o n to n o r m a l p r e g n a n c y a n d h e a r t disease.

Table 3. Studies of Arterial Blood Gas and Acid Base Values in Pregnant Women 64

Altitude Pao2 Pacoz

(m) Investigator Position (mm Hg) (mm Hg) pH HC03
1i.5 Awe 66 (Baylor, Houston) Sitting 101.2 + 7.0
Supine 94.6 __+8.8
152-304 Templeton 63 Semi- 101.8 + 1.0 30.4 _+ 0.6 7.43 _+ 0.006
(Aberdeen) recumbant
150 Sobrevilla67 Supine 91.0 _+ 2.09 32:26 _+ 1.06 7.397 _+ 0.12 19.46 + 0.63
(Lima, Peru)
1,388 Hankins 64 (Provo, Utah) Sitting 91.1 _+ 7.3 26.4 _+ 2.2 7.46 _+ 0.03 18.4 _+ 0.8
Supine 86.7 _+ 7.2 26.7 + 7.2 7.45 + 0.02 18.8 + 1.4
4,200 Sobrevilla67 (Cerro de Supine 60.75 _+ 2.02 24.54 _+ 1.48 7.432 _+ 0.11 15.88 -- 0.76
Pasco, Peru)
274 Mary P. O'Day

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