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My husband and! will have a wedding anniversary next month, We have decided to goon holiday. / want to go fo Egypt but my hus- band doesn’t What will you advise me? fam an old lady and / can’t stand noise. The boys living next door like very loud music. They can Jisten to it all day fong, sometimes until fate at night. What can | do? Today is my son’s birthday. | want to arrange a party for him andhis triends, Butfam afraid | won’thave enough time to do it because of my work. What can | do? Jama mother ofa &-year-old son. My son likes cats very much and he wants tohaveacatasa petin our house. Unfortunately, I am atfergic to cats. What should I do? fam Simon. A year ago I married Lucy. She likes cooking. Lucy cooks very tasty but fatty food. Jused iohave a sporty figure but? have put on weight. How can you help me? lama father of 15-year-old boy. My son wants to enter a medical university and to be a doctor, J wanthim to benot adoctor buta Jawyer like / am. What should | do? thave a problem with my little son. Heis 9 years old, He dislikes studying. My son isn’t doing well afschool and sometimes he misses lessons, Could you help me? /have a severe toothache. Last night I could hardly sleep because of pain. | took some pilfs but they only relieve me from pain. for some time. Coufd you please help me? Yesterday / could hardly work, {felt weakness. Today! have a bad head- ache and a bad cough. Besides, am running ahigh temperature. What should | do? / work as a manager. Tomorrow there will beameeting of shareholders. | will have to make a presentation, but! am afraid of public speaking. What can | do? fam a businessman. /have a wife and two nice Jitle children. But 1 work fong hours and | don’thave much free time to seemy family. What would you advise me? fam very, very happy. Jam on cloud nine. Yesterday ! won 7,000,000 dollars in alottery. But today! don’t know what to do with heaps of imoney. fam confused, Any ideas?

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