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Presentation 10.

Diagnosis and Fault Findings on Power Transformers

Dr. Michael Krüger, OMICRON, Austria

and conductivity effects. Dielectric diagnostic

Introduction methods work in a range dominated by interfacial
polarization at the borders between cellulose and
With the advancing age of power transformers a oil, cellulose conductivity and oil conductivity.
regular check of the operative condition becomes Moisture influences these phenomena.
more and more important. Dissolved Gas Analysis Temperature and the insulation construction also
(DGA) is a proven and meaningful method, such have a strong impact [2]. In [2], a comparison of
that, if increased proportions of H2 and the aforementioned methods was analysed. FDS
hydrocarbon gases are found in the oil, the fault and PDC methods give quite reliable results and
must be located as soon as possible. In order to also reflect the influence of the temperature and
find out the reason for high gas rates, further tests the geometry by using a so called X-Y model. The
have to be performed. Common methods are results of the PDC measurement can be
winding resistance measurement (static), On-Load transformed from the time domain into the
Tap Changer (OLTC) test (dynamic resistance frequency domain. Although the results of PDC
test), turns ratio and excitation current and FDS methods are comparable, and can be
measurement, measurement of the leakage transformed from the time domain into the
reactance and the measurement of capacitances frequency domain, and vice versa, both methods
and dielectric losses. have advantages and disadvantages. If the FDS is
used down to 100uHz, up to twelve hours is
needed for just one measurement, e.g. the
Innovative new tools like the Frequency Response insulation gap between HV and LV winding. If
of Stray Losses (FRSL), the measurement of the other insulation gaps, e.g. HV winding to tank or
transfer function with the Frequency Response LV to TV winding, are also measured, even more
Analysis (FRA), capacitance and dissipation factor time is needed. The PDC measurement needs
measurement at different frequencies, the much less time but is limited to frequencies of up to
dielectric response analysis with Polarisation / around 1Hz. A new approach combines both
Depolarisation Current (PDC) and Frequency methods [3]. The FDS measurement is replaced by
Response Spectroscopy (FDS) and the Partial the PDC method in the low frequency range and
Discharge (PD) measurement with modern the results are transformed into the frequency
synchronous multi-channel and multi-frequency PD domain, whereas the FDS is used for higher
systems, enable more detailed diagnostic frequencies, which can be done rather quickly.
measurements on transformers. A good overview Two input channels for simultaneous measurement
of all methods is given in [1]. of two insulation gaps make it even faster. New
model curves for aged oil-pressboard insulation –
This paper describes some of these new methods the outcome of a research project at the University
and illustrates them with practical case studies for of Stuttgart – make the results for aged
diagnosis and fault finding. transformers much more reliable when compared
to the standard model curves for new oil-
pressboard insulation that have been used until
Dielectric Response now.
On-Site Measurement on an Aged 133
Water in oil-paper-insulations goes hand in hand MVA Power Transformer
with transformer ageing: it decreases the dielectric
withstand strength, accelerates cellulose The transformer was manufactured in 1967, has a
decomposition and causes the emission of bubbles rated power of 133 MVA and a transformation ratio
at high temperatures. State of the art moisture of 230 / 115 / 48kV. The insulation gaps HV to LV,
measurements are equilibrium diagrams where LV to TV (tertiary winding) and TV to tank were
one tries to derive the moisture in the solid measured separately. The higher moisture content
insulation (paper, pressboard) from moisture in oil. in the TV winding insulation corresponded with the
This method fails for several reasons [2]. During service conditions of the transformer: the TV
the last decade, dielectric diagnostic methods were winding was not in use. Cellulose at lower
widely discussed and occasionally used to assess temperatures stores more water in a transformer
the water content of insulation. The multilayer than warmer cellulose. Thus, the dielectric
insulation of common power transformers consists methods allow for an elementary localization of wet
of oil and paper and therefore shows polarization areas in the insulation. Contrary to this, the

© OMICRON 2015 – Diagnostic Measurements on Power Transformers Conference & Workshop

Presentation 10.2

moisture content in cellulose as derived from oil limits in Figure 2 were extracted out of more than
samples gives an average value. The result 2000 different measurements. They were
obtained from the relative saturation in oil by calculated as average values plus two times the
advanced equilibrium diagram agrees well with the standard deviation, which meant that 95% of the
dielectric analysis. However, the conventional results were below these values.
method of deriving the moisture in cellulose from
moisture by weight in oil (ppm) gives too high a
result. Ageing of oil and paper makes the
application of equilibrium diagrams from literature
sources impossible in most cases. The transformer
was dried with an online drying system for about
one and a half years. After drying, the
measurements were repeated. Figure 1 shows the
water content in the solid insulation before and Fig. 2 Indicative limits for bushings
after drying. The moisture of the insulation HV to
LV was reduced from 2.6% to 1.6%, and the
moisture of the insulation LV to TV was reduced
from 4.3% to 1.5%. The moisture in the insulation Partial Discharge Measurement
from TV to tank was still quite high at 3.3%. To
Partial Discharge (PD) measurement is a tool for
reduce the moisture in the TV winding the winding
the quality control of high voltage apparatus that is
should be loaded to increase its temperature.
accepted worldwide. Outside screened
laboratories PD signals are very often superposed
by noise pulses, a fact that makes a PD data
analysis more difficult for both human experts and
expert software systems. Therefore, the handling
disturbances is one of the main tasks when
measuring PD.

Modern Methods of Data Evaluation

A new field of evaluation methods has been
Fig. 1 Water content before and after drying opened up by the need for fully synchronous
multi-channel PD acquisition, in order to gain
more reliable measuring results combined with
Capacitance and Dissipation effective noise suppression. A technical
overview of the system is given in [5]. With the
Factor (tan ) Measurement ability to perform synchronous multi-channel PD
measurements, the 3-Phase-Amplitude-Relation-
Modern test systems have the possibility to apply Diagram (3PARD) was introduced as a new
frequency sweeps, and measurements can be powerful analysis tool to distinguish between
made at frequencies that differ from the line different PD sources and noise pulses when
frequency and its harmonics. With this principle, measuring 3-phase high voltage equipment such
measurements are also possible in the presence of as power transformers, rotating machines and
high electromagnetic interference in high voltage cross-bonded cable systems.

Limits for the Dissipation Factor

In the existing standards, limits are given for 50Hz
only. The measurement of the dissipation factor at
other frequencies should also be included in the
standards. Low frequency results (e.g. 15Hz) allow
for a very sensitive moisture assessment, and
measurements at high frequencies (e.g. 400Hz)
allow a very sensitive detection of contact
problems at the measuring tap or at the layer
connections. Also, highly resistive partial break
downs between grading layers can be detected.
Figure 2 shows indicative limits for new and aged
bushings at different frequencies [1,4]. All tests
were done with test voltages of 2kV. The indicative

© OMICRON 2015 – Diagnostic Measurements on Power Transformers Conference & Workshop

Presentation 10.3

Outside screened laboratories PD signals are very

PD Measurement on a Repaired often superposed by noise pulses, a fact that
Transformer makes PD data analysis more difficult for both
human experts and expert software systems.
Figure 3 shows a PD measurement where four Therefore, the handling of disturbances is one of
simultaneously measuring channels are the main tasks when measuring PD. PD
connected to the three HV bushings and the star measurements are often conducted under noisy
point. It can be seen in Figure 4 that the three conditions. The PD signal is superposed by
different clusters in the 3PARD diagram are stochastic noise pulses or even multiple PD
generated by three different PD sources: sources, which will lead to a complex phase-
statistical noise, pulse disturbances and inner resolved PD pattern that is not easy to analyse.
partial discharge. For DC PD measurements where the expected PD
rate might be very low, even single disturbance
pulses can influence the test result significantly.

As an enhancement of 3PARD, the 3-Center-

Frequency-Relation-Diagram (3CFRD) was
introduced as an additional tool for real-time PD
data analysis and PD fault separation on
single-phase test objects [6]. The synchronous
consideration of three different frequency parts
of the PD spectrum of a single PD pulse
provides information on its discharge nature and
indicates its possible PD fault location, due to
PD signal propagation and attenuation. The
3CFRD method requires three different PD
band-pass filters, measuring every PD event
Fig. 3 PD measurement on a 110kV transformer simultaneously at their predefined centre
frequencies. Here, the proper selection of these
three band-pass positions in the frequency domain
is the key to getting the optimum benefit from this
method. These three filters have to be set so that
the spectral differences of PD pulses and other
pulses are at their maximum. Figure 5 shows the
spectra of three PD pulses and the three filters
marked as blue bars. The red arrows indicate the
absolute charge values of PD pulse 1 (shown in
red) at the discrete filter frequencies.

Fig. 4 Use of 3PARD filtering

Electrical Measurement of Partial

Partial Discharge (PD) measurement is a proven
tool for the quality control of high voltage Fig. 5 FFT of three different PD pulses
apparatus in the factory, and on-site. Different PD
measurement techniques use different physical
peculiarities of the PD phenomenon, e.g. electric The charge values are drawn into the star diagram
discharge currents (acc. to IEC 60270), gas as shown in Figure 6. The lengths of the vectors
formation (DGA - dissolved gas analysis), represent the measured charge and the axes
electromagnetic (UHF measurement) or acoustic indicate the respective filter. By geometrically
radiation (some tens of kHz). Partial Discharge adding the PD responses, one single dot is the
measurements according to t h e IEC 60270 final representation of the initial triplet. The use of
standard are often the basis for acceptance tests this principle is shown in two examples.
of the insulation system of high voltage (HV) The first example is the 3CFRD measurement on a
equipment. high voltage bushing. Figure 7 shows the phase

© OMICRON 2015 – Diagnostic Measurements on Power Transformers Conference & Workshop

Presentation 10.4

resolved pattern of different PD sources. The

overlaying of different patterns doesn't allow a
detailed analysis. Figure 8 shows a separated
pattern of one source by 3CFRD filtering.

Fig. 8 PRPD of one PD source with 3CFRD filtering

Fig. 6 3CFRD of the red spectrum in Fig. 13

Fig. 9 PRPD of one PD source without 3CFRD filtering

Fig. 7 PRPD pattern without 3CFRD filtering

PD Measurement on a Dry-Type
Fig. 10 3CFRD of the measurement in Fig. 7
A second example for 3CFRD filtering is a
measurement on a Dry-Type Epoxy transformer.
Figure 9 shows the PRPD at approximately 40kV.
The noise is about 10pC. An analysis with the
3CFRD is shown in Figure 10. The filtered signal
(Figure 11) shows a clear pattern of internal void
discharges with 5pC, although the PDs are below
the noise level.

© OMICRON 2015 – Diagnostic Measurements on Power Transformers Conference & Workshop

Presentation 10.5

wave is available, the absolute propagation times

(t1, t2) from source to sensor can be used for
localization (Figure 12). The exact timing of the
emission of the PD signal can be estimated, e.g.,
by an electrical PD measurement according to
IEC 60270 or a measurement in the ultra-high
frequency (UHF) range. In the latter case, sensors
within the transformer walls can be used to collect
the high frequency electromagnetic wave that is
emitted during PD. The principle and a
measurement setup are shown in Figures 13, 14
and 15.

Fig. 11 PD pattern of voids with 3CFRD filtering

The measurable direct oil signal at the sensor

position depends on the intensity of the PD event
and on the damping in the propagation path.
Therefore, the attenuation by core, winding,
transformer board, flux shielding, etc., should be
as low as possible. For that reason, the search for
sensor positions that ensure good signal quality is
essential during measurement procedure.
Knowledge about the inner structure of the
transformer is helpful for good positioning and
repositioning of the sensors.

Localization of PD
Fig. 13 UHF sensor setup for triggering
Different algorithms can be used to perform a time-
based localization of PD. The input information
used by the algorithms is the time of arrival of the
signals propagating on direct oil path wave at
multiple sensors. The exact time of arrival has to
be determined by evaluating the measured signal.
A criterion for the starting point can be found, e.g.,
by investigation of energy steps or by threshold

Fig. 14 UHF sensor mounted on the main drain valve

Fig. 12 Absolute and relative times in a 2 sensor setup

The relative arrival times at different sensor

positions lead to time differences (Δt1, 2). These
time lags are the only available data in all-acoustic
measurements, when the data acquisition is
triggered by the acoustic signal at one of the
sensors. If the time delay between the occurrence
of a PD and the arrival of the associated acoustic Fig. 15 Piezoelectric sensors on the tank wall

© OMICRON 2015 – Diagnostic Measurements on Power Transformers Conference & Workshop

Presentation 10.6

The distance between sensor and source is For precise capacitance and tan  measurement a
calculated using the available absolute or relative reliable reference is needed. In high voltage
propagation times and an assumptive average laboratories pressured gas capacitors are well
propagation speed. With the determined distances proven to give stable and precise results. In
and the sensor positions a geometrical localization literature, air capacitors between the bushing head
of the PD source can be performed in several electrode and auxiliary electrodes are mentioned
steps. Another advantage of the UHF triggering is as reference. Those capacitors have values in the
the possibility of using the average of equally order of a few pF. So the measured signals are
triggered signals to reduce the randomly occurring extremely small compared to the received
noise. electromagnetic interference. A better choice is the
use of voltage transformers or of bushings on other
On-Line Measurement of PD, transformers, which are directly connected to the
Capacitance & Dissipation Factor and same phase (Figure 17).
Transient Overvoltages on High
Voltage Bushings
Some commercial C-tan  systems are using the
sum of the currents through C1 of the bushings of
all phases to detect any abnormal changes in the
capacitances C1 and the dielectric losses. The
voltages of the three phases can be very
unsymmetrical (Figure 16). This makes it
impossible to use this method for sensitive
monitoring of capacitances and losses of the

Fig. 18 Bushing monitoring system MONTRANO

Figure 18 shows the monitoring system,

MONTRANO, mounted on an old transformer
which showed a strong increase of H2 (red trace in
Fig. 16 Sum of the voltages in a three phase 400kV
Figure 19).

Fig. 19 Gas development H2 = red trace

Fig. 17 Voltage transformer as reference

© OMICRON 2015 – Diagnostic Measurements on Power Transformers Conference & Workshop

Presentation 10.7

The PD intensity measured with MONTRANO

(Figure 20) showed a good correlation to the PD
measurement which was repeated with MPD 600
(Figure 21). The fault could be located with the
acoustic PD system, PDL 600, at the oil end of the
1V and 1W bushings (Figures 22 and 23).

Fig. 23 PD location with PDL 600

Fig. 20 PD measurement with MONTRANO

Fig. 24 Fault at the connection leads to the bushings

Fig. 21 On-site PD measurement with MPD 600

Fig. 25 Fault at the connection leads to the bushings

The bushings were removed and the damage at

the leads between windings and bushing cold be
seen (Figures 24 and 25). Due to overheating, X-
wax was generated at the insulation paper and
inside the windings.
An additional interesting feature of MONTRANO is
the monitoring of transient over-voltages at the
Fig. 22 PD locator PDL 600
bushings. The capacitance C1 of the bushing has
a very small inductance and is ideal for the

© OMICRON 2015 – Diagnostic Measurements on Power Transformers Conference & Workshop

Presentation 10.8

measurement of fast transient signals. Transient About the Author

overvoltages can harm the bushings or the
transformer windings and they also deliver Michael Krüger is
interesting information about the other assets in Principal Engineer at
the surrounding grid. Figure 26 shows an OMICRON electronics
auto-reclosure of one phase. The transient voltage GmbH, Austria with
signal of channel L2 shows some irregularities special focus on testing
during the switching process. and diagnosis of electric
power equipment. He
studied Electrical
Engineering at the
University of Aachen
(RWTH) and the
University of Kaiserslautern (Germany) and
graduated in 1976 (Dipl.-Ing.). In 1990 he received
the Dr. techn. from the University of Vienna.
Michael Krüger has more than 35 years of
experience in high voltage engineering and
insulation diagnosis. He is a member of VDE,
Cigre and IEEE and several working groups of
OEVE, IEC and Cigre.
Fig. 26 Transient voltage signals on transformer
bushings – L2 (blue trace) after auto-reclosure

[1] Cigre Brochure 445: "Guide for Transformer
Maintenance" February 2011, ISBN: 978- 2-
85873- 134-3
[2] M. Koch “Improved Determination of Moisture
in Oil-Paper-Insulations by Specialised
Moisture Equilibrium Charts” Proceedings of
the XIVth International Symposium on High
Voltage Engineering, p. 508, Beijing, China,
[3] H. Borsi, E. Gockenbach, M. Krüger "Method
and apparatus for measuring a dielectric
response of an electrical insulating system"
[4] M. Krüger, A. Kraetge, M. Koch, K.
Rethmeier, M. Pütter, L. Hulka, M. Muhr, C.
[5] K. Rethmeier, M. Krüger, A. Kraetge, R.
Plath, W. Koltunowicz, A. Obralic, W. Kalkner,
Experiences in On-site Partial Discharge
Measurements and Prospects for PD
Monitoring, CMD Beijing 2008
[6] K. Rethmeier, A. Obralic, A. Kraetge, M.
Krüger, W. Kalkner , R. Plath. "Improved
Noise Suppression by real-time pulse-
waveform analysis of PD pulses and pulse-
shaped disturbances", International
Symposium on High Voltage on High Voltage
Engineering (ISH), Cape Town, August 2009

© OMICRON 2015 – Diagnostic Measurements on Power Transformers Conference & Workshop

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