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P1 Excel 1A OUTPUT - Sruthi.

xlsx Jan-Jun 2017

Home Star Sdn.Bhd

First half year sales Jan - Jun 2017 (1st and 2nd QTR)

Department/ months JAN FEB MAR 1st Qtr Total APR MAY
Clothing RM 15,302.00 RM 16,235.00 RM 15,465.00 RM 47,002.00 RM 15,865.00 RM 17,825.00
Cosmetics RM 18,789.00 RM 19,898.00 RM 18,565.00 RM 57,252.00 RM 19,745.00 RM 18,900.00
Watches RM 12,000.00 RM 13,500.00 RM 12,566.00 RM 38,066.00 RM 14,400.00 RM 12,455.00
Electronic RM 32,000.00 RM 35,656.00 RM 30,255.00 RM 97,911.00 RM 37,001.00 RM 34,005.00
Furniture RM 23,585.00 RM 25,665.00 RM 24,554.00 RM 73,804.00 RM 30,054.00 RM 28,356.00
Housewares RM 8,989.00 RM 9,023.00 RM 8,266.00 RM 26,278.00 RM 9,568.00 RM 8,756.00
Book and Magazines RM 4,500.00 RM 5,689.00 RM 4,899.00 RM 15,088.00 RM 5,023.00 RM 5,636.00
Bed and Bath RM 9,586.00 RM 9,656.00 RM 9,200.00 RM 28,442.00 RM 8,798.00 RM 9,878.00
Total RM 124,751.00 RM 135,322.00 RM 123,770.00 RM 140,454.00 RM 135,811.00
P1 Excel 1A OUTPUT - Sruthi.xlsx Jan-Jun 2017

JUN 2nd Qtr Total

RM 16,589.00 RM 50,279.00
RM 19,559.00 RM 58,204.00
RM 13,022.00 RM 39,877.00
RM 45,212.00 RM 116,218.00
RM 26,898.00 RM 85,308.00
RM 8,798.00 RM 27,122.00
RM 4,350.00 RM 15,009.00
RM 8,215.00 RM 26,891.00
RM 142,643.00
P1 Excel 1A OUTPUT - Sruthi.xlsx July-Dec 2017

Home Star Sdn.Bhd

First half year sales July - Dec 2017 (3rd and 4th QTR)

Department/ months July Aug Sept 3rd Qtr Total

Clothing RM 16,899.00 RM 18,799.00 RM 15,689.00 RM 51,387.00
Cosmetics RM 16,899.00 RM 20,323.00 RM 18,777.00 RM 55,999.00
Watches RM 13,566.00 RM 16,566.00 RM 13,566.00 RM 43,698.00
Electronic RM 35,666.00 RM 34,554.00 RM 25,656.00 RM 95,876.00
Furniture RM 2,456.00 RM 23,566.00 RM 26,555.00 RM 52,577.00
Housewares RM 9,565.00 RM 8,989.00 RM 8,978.00 RM 27,532.00
Book and Magazines RM 5,689.00 RM 4,565.00 RM 5,689.00 RM 15,943.00
Bed and Bath RM 12,455.00 RM 8,988.00 RM 7,898.00 RM 29,341.00
Total RM 113,195.00 RM 136,350.00 RM 122,808.00
P1 Excel 1A OUTPUT - Sruthi.xlsx July-Dec 2017

Oct Nov Dec 4th Qtr Total

RM 1,658.00 RM 19,899.00 RM 17,899.00 RM 39,456.00
RM 18,988.00 RM 17,899.00 RM 2,656.00 RM 39,543.00
RM 15,655.00 RM 13,566.00 RM 14,566.00 RM 43,787.00
RM 36,899.00 RM 35,688.00 RM 4,898.00 RM 77,485.00
RM 29,356.00 RM 27,889.00 RM 26,899.00 RM 84,144.00
RM 10,566.00 RM 9,256.00 RM 9,865.00 RM 29,687.00
RM 6,899.00 RM 6,589.00 RM 5,689.00 RM 19,177.00
RM 97,899.00 RM 10,256.00 RM 8,798.00 RM 116,953.00
RM 217,920.00 RM 141,042.00 RM 91,270.00
Home Star Sdn. Bhd.
Sales Summary 2017
(January to December)

Department/ Qtr 1st Qtr 2017 2nd Qtr 2017 3rd Qtr 2017 4th Qtr 2017
Clothing RM 47,002.00 RM 50,279.00 RM 51,387.00 RM 39,456.00
Cosmetics RM 57,252.00 RM 58,204.00 RM 55,999.00 RM 39,543.00
Watches RM 38,066.00 RM 39,877.00 RM 43,698.00 RM 43,787.00
Electronic RM 97,911.00 RM 116,218.00 RM 95,876.00 RM 77,485.00
Furniture RM 73,804.00 RM 85,308.00 RM 52,577.00 RM 84,144.00
Housewares RM 26,278.00 RM 27,122.00 RM 27,532.00 RM 29,687.00
Book and Magazines RM 15,088.00 RM 15,009.00 RM 15,943.00 RM 19,177.00
Bed and Bath RM 28,442.00 RM 26,891.00 RM 29,341.00 RM 116,953.00
Total RM 383,843.00 RM 418,908.00 RM 372,353.00 RM 450,232.00

Summary /Statistics 2017 1st Qtr 2017 2nd Qtr 2017 3rd Qtr 2017 4th Qtr 2017
Highest Department Sales RM 97,911.00 RM 116,218.00 RM 95,876.00 RM 116,953.00
Lowest Department Sale RM 15,088.00 RM 15,009.00 RM 15,943.00 RM 19,177.00
Average Sale Amount RM 47,980.38 RM 52,363.50 RM 46,544.13 RM 56,279.00
Saels Increase/Decrease (IF) nil sales increase sales decrease sales increase
RM 188,124.00
RM 210,998.00
RM 165,428.00
RM 387,490.00
RM 295,833.00
RM 110,619.00
RM 65,217.00
RM 201,627.00

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