Ed Tech ECDE Activity Plan 2

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EDUC 2220- Educational Technology

Infant-Pre-K Curriculum Plan: Technology-Based Lesson/Activity

Your Name ___Lindsey Hope____________ Activity Title ____ Shape Kahoot ____________

Number of children participating at one time ____6-8____ Ages ___4-5_______

Activities written for previous classes cannot be re-used and must be the original work of the student.
Ohio Early Domain: Cognition and General Knowledge (sub domain: Mathematics)
Learning &
Strand: Geometry
Standards: Topic: Identify and Describe Shapes
List at least 1 Standard Statement: Understand and use names of shapes when identifying objects
standard that is
addressed by this
activity. Write
out each
completely and
exactly, as
published in

For this activity children will be learning shapes. We will go over the different shapes before we start
the Kahoot. I will create the Kahoot. The children and I will do the Kahoot together. On the kahoot I will
ask “Which one is a square.” The children will answer the question on their IPad’s that they will be
given for this activity. We will then discuss their decision. If you don’t have IPads for children to use in
the class room, you could have up the colors of the Kahoot answer buttons on the wall such as red,
yellow, blue and green. To answer the question the children will go to the color that they think is the
write answer. I different student will hit the answer each time You could incorporate both the children
can go to the color and the hit their answer in on their IPad. It is all up to the teacher and what the
center has to offer. To introduce the activity, I will read the children a story about shapes. I like to start
the lesson with a book about the topic to get the children ready for the other activities. If

Estimated This activity can last up to 100 minutes long or it could take longer depending on how the children
cooperate. This activity can be done in one day. It isn’t too much information to need to break it up
into two days. Gathering the children will take time. The book might take 20-30 minutes at the most.
The game could take 1 hours itself because I will have to explain kahoot to the children and how show
them how to use it. I will then show them the song and they can sing and dance along. We will sing it a
few times.

Preparation of What preparation is needed?

materials and  I will need to make the kahoot.
environment  The colored construction paper will need to be placed on the wall.
 I will need a projector or smartboard to put kahoot on, if you don’t have either of these a computer screen
will work just as long as children can see it.

What materials will be used?

Computer, projector or smartboard, Kahoot, Green, blue, and red construction paper.
How will the learning environment be set up?
The children will first gather at the carpet. They will be separated for enough apart to move around. Once we finish
they story the children will then move to the tables. The tables will set up to where the children can see the kahoot
game. The classroom will not have any big objects in the way for the children so they can go to the color they think
is the correct answer.

Instructional Procedures:
Day 1:

First 10 minutes: Children will be at desk. We will sing the gather song to come together at the carpet. This is the song I
will be using to gather the children. This song can also be found on YouTube.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?

Come and make a circle, a circle, a circle

Come and make a circle, with a friend on each side
‘Cause you’re my friend and you’re my friend 2x
Come and make a circle with a friend on each side.
Look, we made a circle, a circle, a circle
Look, we made a circle with a friend on each side.
‘Cause you’re my friend and you’re my friend 2x
Look, we made a circle with a friend on each side.

20-30 minutes: I would read the book Mouse Shapes by Ellen Stoll Walsh to introduce the topic we will be covering. To
incorporate technology into the reading you could see if they have an online book and put it on the smartboard or
10 minutes: I will talk to children about the different shapes and answer any questions they have about the different
10-20 minutes: Have the children head back to their tables. At the tablets, they will find their IPad that they will be using
for the activity. This will probably take 10-20 minutes because children will get excited to see they IPad. During this time,
I will get everyone logged onto Kahoot and ready to go.
10 minutes: During this 10 minutes, I will tell the children how kahoot works. We will do a few practice questions so they
can see how it works. I will answer any questions they have about the game.
30 minutes to 1 hour: We will them begin to go into the shapes. On the Kahoot it will say “which one is the square?”
then there will be either 2 or four pictures of shapes. They will have to pick out what one they think is the square. If they
get it right they get more points and if they get it wrong they’ll lose points. Doing the Kahoot will tell me who needs
more help with shapes. I will do this with all the other shapes
15 minutes: Once we are done playing the game I will then introduce the song that I listed in the extension part. We will
sing the song and I will allow the children to get up and dance to the song as well.

Day 2: If I felt like the children needed more time on shapes I would spend another 40 minutes to an hour and do the
Kahoot again.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEbRDtCAFdU ( This is a great song for children and it describes the shapes one
by one. Children will be able to hear a little more about each shape.)
https://www.abcya.com/games/shape_match ( This is a great game for children to play to help learn their shapes. It
gives a picture of an item and you match that item with the shape it is. The children can also challenge themselves in
this game, they can also match the name to the shape. It gives different ways to complete the game.)

Differentiated Instructional Support: Describe how instruction can be differentiated (changed or altered) to meet the
needs of gifted or accelerated students:
To challenge the children a little I will put harder shapes into the Kahoot to test the children’s knowledge of shapes. If all
children do great with this topic you could then create another technology activity for example you could create a
scavenger hunt for the children to test if they can find items that are the shape that they are given
Discuss additional activities you could do to meet the needs of students who might be struggling with the material:
You could do a more hand on activities for these children. Bring in objects that are the shapes so they can hold them.
You could also have them play games about shapes by themselves so they can focus on it. PBS kids offers many games
that could be used to help children learn their shapes. You could also work on the kahoot with just that child that is

Vocabulary: Kahoot, circle, square, rectangle, triangle, heart, Diamond, hexagon and more shapes

For teachers Us teachers will need to know how to use Kahoot. We will need a computer to create the kahoot or do
the kahoot as a class. We will need a projector or smartboard to display the Kahoot game on.
For students The children will only need IPad for this activity

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