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 Special Command

 Mail Tools 
Sends and displays mail messages
Line Characters  Unix
mailx Sends and displays mail messages
> Redirect standard output to the file; erase
mutt Sends and displays mail messages the file first
pine Sends and displays mail messages >> Redirect standard output to the file;

xbiff Displays a mailbox and flag image on an append to the file
X window when mail has arrived < Redirect standard input from the file

 Text Editors  | Pipe the standard output from one

command to the next
emacs Text Editor A helpful reference to Unix commands on the CECS
? Single character wildcard
Unix computers.
gvim Graphical version of vim * Multiple character wildcard
pico Text Editor [...] One of ... wild card
vi Text Editor ; Command separator
vim vi improved - Text Editor . Current directory
xedit Simple Graphical Text Editor .. Parent directory
xemacs Graphical version of emacs [gnu] / Directory level separator

 Text Processing Tools  & Run command in the background
$ Begin shell variable name
cat Concatenate (list) a file
= Shell variable assignment
cut Displays specified parts from each line of
a file
dos2unix Convert text file from DOS format to
 Filename Expansion Program descriptions followed by [packageName]
UNIX format indicate which package the program is located in
head List the beginning of a file
ispell Spelling checker *
Matches any characters (0 or more)
Matches any single character
less Similar to more, but allows backward
movement [...] matches any character in the enclosed list Packages configure the user's environment based on
more List a file page by page or range what software he/she wants to use.
Formats text
Joins corresponding lines of several files
 Control Sequences  There are several convenient user commands used
to maintain the software package configuration. Once
or subsequent lines in one file ctrl-c Cancel the process that is currently configured, the system will transparently update your
running. environment based on selected packages every time
tail List the end of a file
you log in.
unix2dos Convert text file from UNIX format to ctrl-d Exit the UNIX session
DOS format ctrl-l Re-draws the screen Make sure you log out and back in for any changes
you make to your packages environment to take
 Postscript and Acrobat
ctrl-q Resume display scrolling
ctrl-s Pause display scrolling
File Utilities  ctrl-u Delete the current line Commands:
acroread Acrobat Reader (.pdf) ctrl-z Suspend a foreground process addpkg Adds program package to users
ghostview Ghostscript interpretive previewer ë Web Tools ë delpkg
Deletes program package from users
gs Ghostscript interpretive previewer htpasswd Password protect web pages environment
ps2pdf Convert postscript file to a pdf file bluefish Graphical html Editor [gnu] listpkg Lists program packages currently in
[gnu] users environment
 General Commands  passwd
Change your UNIX password
Display process status
at Runs a command at a particular time lpq –P printerName
pwd Print working directory Check the print queue
cd Change working directory
renice Alter priority of running processes lpr –P printerName fileName
checkpasswd Change your UNIX password
rm Remove files Print a file
chmod Change file permissions
rmdir Remove a directory lprm –P printerName jobNumber
convert Converts an input file using one image Remove a job from the print queue
format to an output file with a differing rxvt X window terminal emulator
enscript –P printerName fileName
image format set Read and write variables Convert a text file to postscript
cp Copy a file show Show (list) messages
date Display today’s date sort Sort files  Compressing And
diff Find file differences ssh Connect to a remote host Uncompressing Files 
display Displays many graphic formats on X strings Finds strings in an ASCII or binary file bunzip2 Uncompress files (.bz2)
tail Display last few lines of files bzip2 Compress files (.bz2)
du Summarize disk usage
talk Interactive talking to another user compress Compress files (.Z)
echo Evaluate and print command line
tin Network news reader gunzip Uncompress (expand) files (.gz)
exit Leave the UNIX session
top Display and update information about gzcat GNU compression/decompression
export Make shell environment variable the cpu processes program (.gz)
touch Update the date of a file gzip Compress files (.gz)
fg Move a background job to the
foreground tr Translate characters tar Saves and restores multiple files to a
uniq Removes or lists repeated lines in a file single file (.tar)
file Classify the file contents
uptime Shows how long a system has been up uncompress Uncompress (expand) files (.Z)
find Find files meeting specified conditions
List current system activity
finger Display information about local and w
remote users wc Word count
ftp Transfer files from one host to another who List who is on the system Interpreters/Scripts 
gnuplot GNU interactive plotting program [gnu] xcalc Scientific calculator for X windows as SPARC assembler
grep Search a file for a pattern xclock X window clock awk Finds lines in files and makes specified
Display first few lines of files changes to them
head xterm X window terminal emulator
g++ GNU C ++ compiler

kill Terminate a process
ln Link to a file Image Viewing And gawk GNU’s AWK programming language

gcc GNU C compiler
logout C shell logoff
lclint Check C code for errors
ls List directory contents gimp Versatile windowing image program
perl Practical Extraction and Report
make Used to build programs and maintain up- (Similar to Adobe Photoshop)
Language interpreted language
to-date versions of target files [image-toolz]
optimized for scanning arbitrary text files
man View documentation of a command xpaint Gui window paint program [image-toolz]
mkdir Create a directory xv Interactive image display for X windows  Debuggers 
msgs View departmental and system ddd Graphical front-end for GDB and other
messages command-line debuggers [gnu]
mv Move or rename a file gdb Source-level debugger for C, C++ and
myquota –v View your disk quota usage Fortran.
new-env Restore the default shell and window xxgdb Gui front-end to gdb
environment to your account
nice Invoke a command with an altered
scheduling priority

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