Graziella Beatriz A. Cabuyadao BSN 2-B

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Graziella Beatriz A.





Person According to Sister Callista Roy, person is the From the given situation, the person is Mrs.
“Human systems that have thinking and feeling Young. Her experience in the loss of her child is
capacities, rooted in consciousness and meaning, what challenges her to cope up with her present
by which they adjust effectively to changes in the situation.
environment and, in turn, affect the

Humans use a system in adaptation, both innate

and acquired, to respond to the environmental
stimuli they experience. Human systems can be
individuals or groups, such as families,
organizations, and the whole global community.
Environment According to Sister Callista Roy, environment is The death of her youngest daughter stimulated
the “Stimuli that impact the behavior and ability Mrs. Young’s feeling of grief. This stimulus
to adapt.” impacted Mrs. Young’s behavior in such a way
that she felt worthless and quitted her job. This
This may be viewed as inputs into the adaptive change is an ineffective coping mechanism.
model that affect transformation.
Health According to Sister Callista Roy, health is defined Mrs. Young is unhealthy because she was unable
as “Health is not freedom from the inevitability to cope with the stimulus affecting her behavior.
of death, disease, unhappiness, and stress, but In order for Mrs. Young to cope up with her loss,
the ability to cope with them in a competent she preferred to stay at home with no contacts
way.” with her friends and showered more attention to
the needs of her two children.
It is a state where humans can continually adapt
to stimuli. Because illness is a part of life, health
is a result of a process where health and illness
can coexist.
Nursing Sister Callista Roy stated in her Adaptation Model
In Sister Callista Roy’s Adaptation Model, it’s
that, nursing is defined as: primary goal is to promote the four adaptive
 To enhance the interaction of the person
modes. An emphasis on the Role function mode
with the environment to promote should be given in which the role of an individual
adaptation in society is fulfilled by knowing who she is, and in
relation to others. It would be much easier for
The facilitators of adaptation are the nurses. Mrs. Young to adapt in away where there is
Nurses eliminate ineffective coping mechanisms positive energy around her that enhances her
and eventually lead to better outcomes. interactions that will help her cope with the
present situation and enable her to react
positively whatever she encounters.


Nurseslabs (2019). Adaptation Model of Nursing. Sister Callista Roy: Adaptation Model. Retrieved on September 20, 2020 from

Nursing Grand Theory and Theorists (2013). Roy Adaptation Model. Nursing Theory and Theorists: Roy and Orem. Retrieved on

September 20, 2020 from

Nursing Theories (2012). Roy’s Adaptation Model. Current Nursing. Retrieved on September, 2020 from

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