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Critique Paper Contributions

Racuya, Jhim Kenneth G.

The Big Hero 6 is a 54th feature film from the Walt Disney animation studios, released
last November 7, 2014 and directed by Don Hall (Winnie the Pooh) and Chris Williams (Bolt).
Roy conli (Tangled) created the film, Big Hero 6 is inspired by Marvel Comic. This film is about
a robotic genius Hiro Hamada who learns to harness his power, Big hero 6 was the involvement
of six heroes in Hiro Hamada guy, Baymax His mission is to support, Fred a monster-loving,
GoGo Tomago his character was influenced by bicycle messengers, honey lemon and positive
chemistry whiz with a unique fashion. Therefore, I conclude a positive introduction evolution
because in the beginning showed the delighted part of the movie big hero 6.

Rendorio, Maureen S.
The film show diversity to character and culture. It conveyed that if you can make a
change you should do it to help other not for greed and revenge. It show other things that happen
in the real world like how helpful the technology and science in our daily lives. Today many
people discover and invent new technology with the goal to improve or solve world problems,
Like baymax which purpose is to improve the healthcare.
It has unique setting, San franscokyo, merge of two different cities. The graphic of the
film is incredible and how they replicate the quality of light of the San francisco’s bay Area.

Reyes, Gerick Gild M.

Big Hero Six story, focus about unlocking mystery about technology and focusing on
how to adjust for it. It provide some new invention that can possibly affect the society. One of
the main scope of the story is about the bond and friendship between baymax and Hiro where
baymax is a robot designed to provide health care and protect Hiro and his friends no matter
what. The purpose of the creator of Big Hero 6 movie is to open-up a concept about how
technology advancement can change the life of each person. The story itself proof that creating a
new technology that can help the world is not easy and it need a time and effort also a sacrifices
to develop and in order to succeed. The writers promoting strong values such as using your
talent's to make a change and prove that even a young person can make impact to the society.
Having courage in every situation, being brave and also there are some elements promoting
entrepreneurship also technological innovation aspects.
Reyes, Jehykele P.
- Compiled and edit summary works of members

Reyes, Lizel R.
- Finalize the work before passing
- Check if there are plagiarisms and grammatical errors
- Compiled the critical evaluation works of the members
- Added critique evaluation:
+ The title made me think that there were 5 prequels
+ He graduated high school at 13 years old which is kinda unrealistic
+ How come Baymax walks out of the cafe without anyone seeing him?
+ Baymax walked into a bunch of people and the people around acted like
it's normal to see a giant balloon-like bear.
+ There was a part when Hiro threw a cat upstairs and surprisingly, it didn't
even 'meows' or there was no effect that will indicate that it landed pretty
+ When Hiro and his friends were being chased, we were surprised that it is
durable enough skidding against the train rail and drifting the whole high
way considering that it is just a van with normal wheels.
+ It is amazing how the movie was able to represent how electronic
engineers build and program robots like showing the laptop screen
indicating how Hiro updated Baymax's chip.
+ I would like to recommend rising the age of the characters because the
children might adapt this and do their own experiment at home which is
dangerous and they were fighting with an old man so it will result in child
abuse, again, not good for children.

Roxas, Prince Lorevic A.

The movie of Big hero 6 was released in the year of 2014 by disney and was written by
the authors named Steven T. Seagle and Duncan Rouleau.This move all about Hiro, a robotics
prodigy, joins hands with Baymax in order to avenge his brother's death. They then team up with
Hiro's friends to form a team of high-tech heroes. The purpose of this movie is to Determined
uncover the mystery, Hiro transforms his friends into a band of high-tech heroes called "Big
Hero 6." Robotics nerd Hiro Hamada discovers an inflatable health care robot Baymax created in
the past by his brother, Tadashi.Baymax's huggable design was inspired by a real robot. Dr.
Christopher Atkeson, a professor at the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, showed
animators an inflatable vinyl arm being developed for health-care needs. Therefore I may
conclude that my evaluation indicates positive introduction because it contains all the good
things about the movie big hero 6.

Samonte, Janelle P.
Big Hero 6 is directed by Don Hall making the first Disney animated film based on
Marvel comic, Don Hall took the spirit of the characters and a name of the comic books, and
that's what the film became something original and makes it unique.

The story of Hiro Hamada and Tadashi Hamada, the two brothers might work better as a
Disney animated film. The fact that Tadashi Hamada created Baymax as nurse robot essentially
end up taking care of Hiro.

At the beginning shows the San Franscokyo and features the view of Golden Gate
Bridge, and wind turbines floating with neon lights, which gives a colorful futuristic San
Franscokyo. As I noticed the San Franscokyo name it's like a San Francisco and Tokyo
combined name, a fusion of East-West although I do not know if there's literally have a real
place that called San Franscokyo. At first I thought that the place is China town then, I realize
that it's Japan things. Similarly I realize and notice that they literally took the maps of the city of
San Francisco pulled together with Tokyo culturally and visually, they really tried to keep the
city feeling like San Francisco. But have it like with something has changed and the changes in
the aesthetic design given to the details. Because they wanted it to feel like a thriving metropolis
and to do that they populate it of people, traffic, and an art direction, that audiences may feel like
a future universe.

Santos, Ma. Riza P.

- Compiled and added some introduction and conclusion works of the

- Edit some members work and check plagiarism works
- Conducted meeting for watching Big Hero 6 together
- Assigned members on their designated tasks
Sevilla, John Gabriel C.
Big Hero 6 is set on a Fictional place named "San Fransokyo". It is Tokyo and San
Fransisco is combined. The combination of the two great cities is stunning. Details of San
Fransisco and Tokyo is visible throughout the fictional city. It has shrines, Houses, streets like in
Tokyo and buildings, cabe cars like in San Fransisco, and a merge of the two. The Golden Gate
Bridge mixed with a touch of japanese architecture . The culture from the two cities. Examples
are removing of slippers when coming into the house which is the culture of Japanese people and
street gamblings in San Fransisco. The Cast is a set of diverse people. The faces of the cast is not
just one race. Like the two cities infastructure merge, so does the peoples faces and names.
GoGo Tomago and Hiro Hamada have Japanese names and has the "edgy" Japanese aura while
Tadashi Hamada looks like an American but has a Japanese name. While Fred, Robert
Callaghan, and Alistar Krei are American names and their characters looks like an American.
The voice actors for the characters in the movie fits perfectly for their role. The most outstanding
work was Scot Adsit's Baymax. Baymax is the most iconic character in Big Hero 6 and the idea
of a medic bot that is innosent, cute and cuddly is the most amazing concept of a health care
robot. The character development of Baymax is very interesting. His purpose was to aid and help
people, but he turned out to be a fighting kung-fu machine. Hiro Hamada, is the main protagonist
of the story. Ryan Potter, an american actor, fits Hiro Himada's voice perfectly. Hiro Himada's
character development is the most noticable in the story. From an ignorant kid that only cares for
himself to a person that knows great power, comes with great responsibility and caring for his
friends. The way these characters interact and how they show the two cultures of two cities is a
very unique plot. Walt Disney Animation Studios has always impressed us by their outstanding
animation and cinematography and has never failed to entertain us combined with Marvel's
extraordinary stories, the film is inevitably great. Since it is a fictional fIlm, the accuracy of
exchanging of dialouges in the middle of a battle can be ignored. Big Hero 6 aims to tell a story
that doing the right thing isnot always an easy choice. This was shown when Hiro Hamada can
take his revenge from Robert Callaghan for his older brother's death but he chose to do the right
thing and that is to turn over Callaghan. The movie used CGI and animation to show off the
wonderful cinematics of the film and to portray the characters and their roles. It made it easier
for production and entertaining for the audience.

Soblechero, Jonh Lawrence S.

The big hero six is argues that violence isn’t the natural state of humanity and focusing
on how to attracted the audience. Invention is a great help to our society to make even more
changes and adapt. The main scope of the about the importance of friendship and bonding
together. Even if we do not all have super science and super robots on our side.
The style of the creator movie of big hero 6 is about a robot whose sole purpose is to
take care of people. This point probably cause the ruination of the movie as we know it. The
theory of everything initially the scrawny lad interests his smart into winning back- alley robot
fights with deceptively simple electronic toys of his own design.
The message of the story about how to be a better more supportive friend. The heroes in
big hero 6 aren't born to be heroes. They become heroes when one of their own is need.

Suinan,Eiron Jarold
the positive messages in BIG HERO 6 are abundant, but they’re found among some
heavier themes and plot elements that might be a little much for young children. Hiro learns he
needs to use his talents for the good of others rather than personal gain, but before he learns this
he does participate in illegal gambling of underground robot fighting. Tadashi is an exemplary
older brother, who cares for, loves and guides his younger brilliant brother in the right direction.
Tadashi also exhibits courage, bravery and selflessness, which are defining values that push Hiro
into becoming a hero, but this also comes with Tadashi’s tragic death in an explosion. Hiro is
transitioning from boyhood to manhood, and with that comes all complications of discovering
who you are, who you want to be and even the awkward stages of puberty. Everything stays
upbeat in BIG HERO 6, but some of the themes should spur positive conversation and

Tuayon, Justine L.
The creator of big hero 6 is steven T. Seagle Duncan Rouleu .The Director of big hero 6
is Don Hall the first diney animated film based on marvel comic. The story of Hiro Hamada and
Tadashi Hamada is about the two siblings that made an invention together. Tadashi Hamada is
the one who made Baymax. It is an interesting movie because there are a lot of good inventions.
The relation of Hiro to Baymax is unique too. This movie attracts a lot of children that made
them want to have a friend like Baymax.
Zarate, Hazel Ann

The film bargains in an unpretentious and moving manner with anguish and young
uneasiness while presenting all the adventures of a major financial plan energized film with
superhuman heroes. It is additionally a stunner to see for its handy advanced liveliness in 3D. A
geeky kid virtuoso loses his caring huge more astute sibling in a calamity and returns to society
just with the guide of his sibling's last innovation, a warm clinical robot named Baymax.
Likewise, the sibling's similarly as-geeky companions demonstrate very supportive too. It has
been made by a portion of Disney's best artists and the movement is incredibly lovely. The city
of San Fransokyo is the ideal climate for this film to happen in as consolidates the superhuman
pattern from America with the Japanese anime feeling. The film has an unbelievable cast,
including an appearance by one of the remarkable individuals with regards to comic books.
Above all else, it's another Marvel group. With Fantastic Four, the Avengers and the Guardians
of the Galaxy, Marvel are extending to the number of groups they can push onto the big screen.
Notwithstanding the cliché characters that structure said group (the modest geek, the intense
chick, the eventual stoner, etc.), it doesn't generally start as much creativity as the reason
advances. Also, it tends to be viewed as a conventional inceptions film, which like most hero
films has a predictable plot. This culture conflict of East meets west is rejuvenated with dazzling
visuals and an ocean of neon lights to match Akira. The grabber for Big Hero 6 is its topics of
fraternity, among Tadashi and Hiro, yet the last mentioned and his colleagues and Baymax, who
is so straightforward yet viable in idea and plan, also the cuddliest thing ever. With its clear
story, it is anything but difficult to keep the core of the film in its legitimate place and permit the
solid voice exhibitions and the most excellent visuals to engage crowds, while demonstrating that
Marvel and Disney can at present draw off quick, activity stuffed movement. It's an
unmistakably 21st-century creation, where children's abilities in making and controlling
innovation can give them superpowers and permit them to make the sorts of companions they
need and need. It is likewise a stunner to view for its handy computerized movement in 3D.
Big Hero 6

Stem 203



The Big Hero 6 is a 54th feature film from the Walt Disney animation studios,
released last November 7, 2014 and directed by Don Hall and Chris Williams, and produced by
Roy Conli. The purpose of this movie is to uncover the mystery. Hiro transforms his friends into
a band of high-tech heroes called "Big Hero 6". Robotics nerd Hiro Himada discovers an
inflatable health care robot Baymax created in the past by his brother, Tadashi. Baymax's
huggable design was inspired by a real robot. Dr. Christopher Atkeson, a professor at the
Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, showed animators an inflatable vinyl arm
being developed for health-care needs.
Mr. Steven T. Seagle and Duncan Rouleu who wrote the comic book, Big Hero 6, and
director Don Hall under Walt Disney Animation Studios has always impressed us with their
outstanding animation and cinematography and has never failed to entertain us combined with
Marvel's extraordinary stories, the film is inevitably great but still has flaws. Big Hero 6 aims to
tell a story that doing the right thing is not always an easy choice. This was shown when Hiro
Himada can take his revenge from Robert Callaghan for his older brother's death but he chose to
do the right thing and that is to turn over Callaghan. The movie used CGI and animation to show
off the wonderful cinematics of the film and to portray the characters and their roles. It made it
easier for production and entertainment for the audience. The purpose of the creator of Big Hero
6 movie is to open-up a concept about how technological advancement can change the life of
each person. The story itself proves that creating a new technology that can help the world is not
easy and it needs time and effort and sacrifices to develop and succeed. The style of the creator
movie of Big Hero 6 is about a robot whose sole purpose is to take care of people. This point
probably causes the ruination of the movie as we know it. The theory of everything initially the
scrawny lad interests his smart into winning back- alley robot fights with deceptively simple
electronic toys of his own design. The message of the story about how to be a better more
supportive friend. The heroes in big hero 6 aren't born to be heroes. They become heroes when
one of their own in need. The theory of everything initially the scrawny lad interests his smart
into winning back- alley robot fights with deceptively simple electronic toys of his own design.

Let’s address the good points of the movie. The Big Hero 6 is set in a Fictional place
named "San Fransokyo", it is an application of a setting from Tokyo and San Fransisco. It
showcases the combination of shrines, houses, streets; in Tokyo, and buildings, cable cars; in San
Fransisco. The ‘Golden Gate Bridge’ is mixed with a touch of Japanese architecture. The Casts
are a set of diverse people. The culture from the two cities was accurately shown. Examples of
these are removing slippers when coming into the house; the culture of Japanese people and
street gamblings; in San Fransisco. It bargains in an unpretentious and moving manner with
anguish and young uneasiness while presenting all the adventures of a major financial plan
energized film with superhuman heroes. It is additionally a stunner to see for its handy advanced
liveliness in 3D. GoGo Tomago and Hiro Himada have Japanese names and have the "edgy"
Japanese aura while Tadashi Hamada looks like an American but has a Japanese name. While
Fred, Robert Callaghan, and Alistar Krei are American names and their characters look

The voice actors for the characters in the movie fit perfectly for their role. The most
outstanding work was Scot Adsit's Baymax. Baymax is the most iconic character in Big Hero 6
and the idea of a medic bot that is innocent, cute, and cuddly is the most amazing concept of a
health care robot. The character development of Baymax is very interesting. His purpose was to
aid and help people, but he turned out to be a fighting kung-fu machine. Hiro Himada is the main
protagonist of the story. Ryan Potter, an American actor, fits Hiro Hamada's voice perfectly.
Hiro Hamada's character development is the most noticeable in the story. An ignorant kid that
only cares for himself to a person that knows great power, comes with great responsibility and
caring for his friends. The way these characters interact and how they show the two cultures of
the two cities is a unique plot. It is also amazing how the movie was able to represent how
electronic engineers build and program robots like showing the laptop screen indicating how
Hiro updated Baymax's chip.

While there are flaws in the movie that we wish to improve. First, the title made me
think that there were five (5) prequels, and Hiro graduated high school at 13 years old which is
kind of unrealistic for us. Second, how come Baymax walks out of the cafe without anyone
seeing him? Baymax walked into a bunch of people and the people around acted like it is normal
to see a giant balloon-like bear. Third, there was a part when Hiro threw a cat upstairs and
surprisingly, it didn't even 'meows' or there was no effect that will indicate that it landed pretty
hard and when Hiro and his friends were being chased, we were surprised that it is durable
enough skidding against the train rail and drifting the whole highway, considering that it is just a
van with normal wheels. Finally, we would like to recommend rising the age of the characters
because the children might adapt this and do their own experiment at home which is dangerous
and they were fighting with an old man so it will result in child abuse, again, not good for

In conclusion, the setting of San Franscokyo, which is a combination of two separate

towns, has an artistically distinctive style that was shown in the movie. The visuals of the film
are impressive and how the light quality of the bay area of San Francisco is replicated. The film
shows the richness of nature and culture. It showed that you should do it to help people if you
can make a significant difference, not for greed and revenge. It illustrates other things that
happen in the real world, such as how technology and science are useful in our everyday lives.
Many people are developing and inventing new technologies today to enhance or solve world
issues, like Baymax, which aims to transform healthcare. There are some technical errors but
overall, we would like to recommend it to our co-STEM students as it represents and gave us a
lot of information about technology and science. It can set an inspiration to us for achieving our
goals especially those who are going to take architecture and electronic engineering.

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