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1. Know about the business
resources and ideas for an
2. Discuss on entrepreneurship
ideas in action
3. Identify the pursuit of knowledge
for entrepreneurs

Business Resource and Ideas
for Entrepreneur
Personal Services
 Encompasses a broad spectrum of
services offered to individuals rather
than businesses. These may include
personal shopper, personal assistant,
child and elder care, wedding planner,
tutor and many more.

Entrepreneurial Resources
 Assets both tangible and intangible,
that are mobilized by entrepreneurs in
the process of building a business,
organization, or other initiative.

Entrepreneurial Resources
 Entrepreneurial resources include sources
of financing such as lines of credit and
investment capital, but may also include
abstract resources such as knowledge of a
particular field or technology, or network
of contacts who can be called upon to
contribute financial support, publicity, or
other benefits to a growing enterprise.
5 Factors Influence Entrepreneurship
1. Creativity
2. Risk Tolerance
3. Responsiveness
4. Leadership
5. Rights

1. Creativity
 Do not be dissuaded by the challenge to
be creative. You need not be the
original wheel creator to improve upon
a stone cylinder.

 By accumulating your ideas, you will be

able to distill the great ones from the
rest and be ready to run with the best.
2. Risk Tolerance
 Rewards rarely come without risk.
Your ability to take advantage of an
opportunity will depend, in part, on
your tolerance for risk.

3. Responsiveness
 The ability to respond to the market
and new business opportunities can be
the difference between a successful
entrepreneur and a failed business

4. Leadership
 Leaders are challenged with taking
possibilities and turning them into
inspiring visions for others. You must
take the lead for your ideas to come
to fruition.

5. Right
 Intellectual property laws can provide
you with exclusive business rights to
your ideas. If you do not protect your
ideas, they may be copied cheaply.

Entrepreneurial Control
Terms to consider:
1. Advertiser
2. Crowd Funding
3. Social Media

1. Advertiser
 Advertiser is a person or company
that pays for a product, event, or
job to be advertised in a
newspaper, on television or on a

2. Crowd Funding
 It is an innovative way to raise
capital without having to deal with
lawyers, bankers or regulatory

3. Business Concept
 For entrepreneurs, it is often easier
to come up with a variety of ideas
for new businesses and more
difficult to actually implement those
 A business concept is a bridge
between an idea and a business plan.
Business Planning
 It is a formal statement of business
goals, reasons they are attainable,
and plans for reaching them. It may
also contain background
information about the organization
or team attempting to reach those

Entrepreneur Network
 An entrepreneur network
describes a group of
entrepreneurs, who have come
together to share resources and
generally support one another.

Develop Economic Ideas
 Developed countries are not the only
nations in which entrepreneurship
and economic development are
 In third world countries where poverty
has taken a hold on communities, the
extension of small amounts of funding
can help entrepreneurs to begin new
businesses. 19
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