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Solids, in general are more difficult to handle than liquids or gases. In processing, solids appear in a variety
of forms- angular pieces, continuous sheets, finely divided powders. They may be hard and abrasive, tough and
rubbery, soft or fragile, dusty, cohesive, free flowing or sticky. Whatever their form, means must be found to
manipulate the solids as they occur and, if possible, to improve their handling characteristics.
Of all the shapes and sizes that may be found in solids, the most important from a chemical engineering
standpoint is the small particle.
Properties of Solids
1. True (particle) density – usually expressed by the symbol, ρ, is defined as the mass per unit volume
ρ= mass of the particle / volume of the particle
2. Bulk (or apparent) density, ρB –is the total mass per total unit volume. It is not an intrinsic characteristic of a
material since it varies with the size distribution of the particles and their environment. The porosity of the
solid itself influence the bulk density. For a single non- porous particle, the true density equals the bulk
Bulk density = total mass of material/ total volume of material
Volume of material = vol. of particles + vol of voids
3. Specific gravity- ratio of density of the material to the density of a reference substance
4. Hardness – for certain solids such as metals and plastics, may be defined as resistance to indentation. The
hardness of minerals is defined as resistance to scratching and is usually expressed in terms of the Mohs’
5. Brittleness or friability- refers to the ease with which a substance may be broken by impact
6. Toughness – is the property of metals and alloys called impact resistance. Friability is the inverse quality to
7. Friction – is the resistance to sliding of one material to another material

Characterization of Solid Particles

1. Particle Size – If the particle is a sphere, diameter, the projected area, the volume, or the surface of a
particle size may be the significant size. If particle is a cube, the edge legth, the projected area, the volume
or the surface may be the significant dimension
** Units depending on size range involved:
• Coarse particles= inches or mm
• Fine particles= in terms of screen size
• Very fine particles= in micrometers or nanometers
• Ultrafine particles= surface area per unit mass ( m2/g)

2. Particle Shape – expressed in terms of sphericity, Φs, which is independent of particle size.
Φs = ( surface area of sphere of same volume as the particle) / (surface area of the particle)
Φs = (6vp) / ( DpSp),
where Dp= equivalent diameter of particle; Sp= surface area of one particle; vp= volume of one particle

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• Equivalent diameter is sometimes defined as the diameter of a sphere of equal volume. For crushed
materials, Φs is between 0.6 and 0.8 but for particles rounded by abrasion, it may be as high as 0.95.
3. Density
Methods in determining particle Size
1. Microscope 5. Centrifugation
2. Screening 6. Magnetic Methods
3. Sedimentation 7. Optical Methods
4. Elutriation

- A unit operation where a mixture of various sizes of particles is separated into two or more portions, each of
which is more uniform in particle size than the original mixture by allowing the material to pass over a
surface provided with openings of the desired size
Dry screening – this refers to the treatment of a material containing a natural amount of moisture or a material that
has been dried before screening

Wet Screening – this refers to an operation where water is added to the material being treated for the purpose of
washing and facilitating the passage of the fine material through the screen.
Importance of Screening
1. It is a means of preparing a product for sale or for subsequent operation
2. It is a means of analysis, either to control or gage the effectiveness of another operation such as crushing or
3. It can determine the value of a product for some specific application
Methods of Indication Particle Size Distribution
In making an analysis, a set of standard screens are nested together with the coarsest (lowest mesh no., usually 3
mesh) at the top and the finest (highest mesh no. usually 200 mesh) at the bottom. The sample is placed on the top
screen and the stack is shaken mechanically. The particles retained on each screen are removed and weighed and
the masses are converted to mass fractions.
Ways of Expressing Size Fractions (increments)
1st method 2nd method 3rd method Dpi

4 Mesh On 4 mesh +4 +4
Thru 4 mesh
6 mesh on 6 mesh -4+6 4/6 (Dpi (4 mesh) + Dpi (6 mesh)) /2
Thru 6 mesh
8 mesh On 8 mesh -6+8 6/8 (Dpi (6 mesh) + Dpi (8 mesh)) /2]

Screen Analyses
 Testing sieves – these are used for particulate size control and analytical work. The screens are constructed
of wire mesh cloth, where the diameters of the wire and the spacing of the wires are specified

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 Screen Aperture – clear space between the individual wires of the screen
 Mesh– number of apertures per linear inch
Example: A 10-mesh screen will have openings per inch and the aperture will be 0.1 inch minus the
diameter of the wire.
 Screen Interval –relationship between the successive sizes of screen openings in a series.
Types of Testing Sieves
1. Tyler Standard Sieve Series – this series of screens is based upon a 200 mesh screen with wire 0.0021 in
thick and with an opening of 0.0029 in. The other sizes vary by a fixed ratio of √2 or an area twice that of the
next screen. The mesh number is only up to 400
2. United States Sieve Series – introduced by the National Bureau of Standards differ slightly from the Tyler
series being based on a 1-mm opening and varying by √2
3. International Test Sieve Series – similar to both but the wires heave different gauges.
Methods of Reporting Screen analysis
1. Differential Screen Analysis or Fractional Plot
2. Cumulative Analysis or Cumulative Plot
Effectiveness of Screens
Let x = mass fraction of the desired material
F = mass of feed
P = mass of product or undersize
R = mass of oversize
Recovery = (Pxp) / (FxF)
𝑃𝑃�1−𝑥𝑥 𝑝𝑝 �
Rejection = 1- recovery of Undesired Material = 1 −
𝐹𝐹(1−𝑥𝑥 𝐹𝐹 )

𝑃𝑃𝑥𝑥 𝑝𝑝 𝑃𝑃�1−𝑥𝑥 𝑝𝑝 �
Effectiveness = Recovery x Rejection, E = �1 − �
𝐹𝐹𝑥𝑥 𝐹𝐹 𝐹𝐹(1−𝑥𝑥 𝐹𝐹 )

In terms of mass fraction:

Overall material balance: F= P+R
Component Material Balance: FxF = PxP +RxR
𝑃𝑃 (𝑥𝑥 −𝑥𝑥 𝑅𝑅 )
solving, = (𝑥𝑥 𝐹𝐹
𝐹𝐹 𝑃𝑃 −𝑥𝑥 𝑅𝑅 )

𝑥𝑥𝑃𝑃 (𝑥𝑥𝐹𝐹 − 𝑥𝑥𝑅𝑅 ) �1 − 𝑥𝑥𝑝𝑝 �(𝑥𝑥𝐹𝐹 − 𝑥𝑥𝑅𝑅 )

𝐸𝐸 = �1 − �
𝑥𝑥𝐹𝐹 (𝑥𝑥𝑃𝑃 − 𝑥𝑥𝑅𝑅 ) (1 − 𝑥𝑥𝐹𝐹 )(𝑥𝑥𝑃𝑃 − 𝑥𝑥𝑅𝑅 )

Sample Problem:
It is desired to separate a mixture of sugar crystals into two fractions, a coarse fraction retained on an 8-mesh
screen, and a fine fraction into passing through it. Screen analysis of feed, coarse and fine fractions show
Mass fraction of +8 particles in feed =0.46
Mass fraction of +8 particles in coarse material = 0.88
Mass fraction of +8 particles in fine material = 0.32

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Industrial Screening Equipment

1. Grizzlies – are used for screening large sizes, particularly of 1 in and over. The large and oversize particles
are discharged over the lower right end and the smaller particles pass through the slots between the bars
into the hopper directly below
2. Stationary Screens – are made of punched metal plates or woven wire mesh, usually set at an angle with
the horizontal up to about 60°. Suitable for small scale operation such as screening sand, gravel or coal
3. Vibrated Screens – are used where large tonnages are to be treated. They are useful in the chemical and
fertilizer industry
4. Oscillating Screens – are characterized by low speed oscillations. Screens in this group are usually used
from ½ inch to 60 mesh
5. Reciprocating Screens – are standard equipment processing plants for handling fine separations even down
to 300 mesh. Used to handle usually dry, light or bulks materials, light metal powders, powdered foods and
granular materials.
6. Trommels or Revolving Screes – consist of a cylindrical screen rotating about its axis. Revolves at very low
speed of 15 to 20 rpm. Efficiency is relatively low.
7. Gyratory Screens – are box like machines either round or square with a series of screen cloths nested atop
one another.

- Size reduction involves the production of smaller mass units from larger mass units of the same material.
Application of pressure on the larger solids is required to cause a fracture to take place. Fracture can be
caused by compressive loads because of the irregularity of the orientation of crystals of the solid matter.
Equipment for size reduction uses compression of shear or both as the disrupting force.
Objectives of Size Reduction
1. To meet the desired product specification (size, shape, number)
2. To increase reactivity of solids (i.e. increase surface availability)
3. To permit separation of unwanted components by mechanical methods
4. For easier handling and waste disposal
- Is the generic term for size reduction. Solids may be broken in many different ways, but only four are
commonly used in size reduction machines.
1. Compression 2. Impact 3. Attrition 4. Cutting
Power Requirements for Size Reduction
Although it is impossible to estimate accurately the amount of energy required in order to effect a size reduction of a
given material, a number of empirical laws have been proposed. The two earliest are due to Kick (1885) and Von
Rittinger (1867) and a third law due to Bond (1952) has also been proposed.
1. Rittinger’s Law – which states that “ the work required in crushing is proportional to the new surface created”

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2. Bond’s Crushing Law – which states that “the work required to form particles of size Dp from very large feed
is proportional to the square root of the surface to volume ratio of the product”
3. Kick’s Law – states that “energy required for crushing is proportional to the leg of the initial and final
** equations on handbook

Sample Problem
1. In crushing a certain ore, the feed is such that 80% is less than 50.8 mm in size and the product size is such
that 80% is less than 6.35 mm. The power required is 89.5 kW. Based on the Bond equation the power
required using the same feed so that 80% is less than 3.18 mm is? (ans: 146.7 kW)
2. A material is crushed in a Blake Jaw Crusher and the average size of particles reduced from 50 mm to 10
mm with the consumption of energy at the rate of 13 kW/kg.s. What is the energy consumption needed to
crush the same material of an average size 75 mm to an average size 25mm assuming (a) Kick’s Law
applies (b) Rittinger’s Law applies ? (ans 8.88 kW/kg.s)

Stages of Size Reduction

To achieve successful size reduction, every lump or particle must be broken down by contact with other particles or
with the moving parts of the machine.
A. Coarse Size Reduction for Hard Materials
1. Jaw Crusher – consists of a swinging jaw which moves back and forth, working against a stationary
surface called the anvil jaw, with which it forms a V-shape chamber. It is wide at the top and narrow at
the bottom, where the crushing takes place.
a. Dodge Type Jaw Crusher – swinging jaw pivoted at the bottom
b. Blake Type Jaw Crusher – swinging jaw is pivoted at the top
2. Gyratory Crusher – employs a crushing head in the frame of truncated core, mounted on a shaft
o Employs a compressive force
o The crushing action takes place around the whole of the core
B. Coarse Size Reduction for Soft Materials
- For soft materials like coal, gypsum, some types of limestone, ice, fire clay and shales
1. Bradford breaker for coal
o Combines the two features of breaking and screening
o The coal enters through the chute at the far end, is lifted, falls and is broken by the impact as the
cylinder is rotated perforations into the chute below
2. Toothed roll crusher
o Breaking by pressure of the teeth against larger lumps of the material
3. Hammer Mill
o The hammer deliver heavy blows to the feed material while it is in suspension, driving it against a
breaker plate until it is fine enough to pass through the openings
4. Squirrel- cage disintegrator
o For fibrous materials such as wood blocks and asbestos
o Two concentric cages rotate in opposite direction
o The feed is introduced into the inner cage
o Centrifugal force drives the material into the spaces between the rotating cages where it is torn

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C. Intermediate Size Reduction

1. Crushing Rolls
o Two rolls, one in adjustable bearings, rotate in opposite directions. The clearance between them
can be adjusted according to the size of feed and the required size of product
2. Cone Crushers
o Consists of a conical crushing head similar to that of the gyratory crusher. The operation between
the gyratory and cone crusher is that the outer stationary crushing plate flares outward to provide
increasing area of discharge so that the machine can quickly clear itself of the reduced product.
3. Edge Runners
o The only commonly used crusher of this general type is the one which the pan rotates and the
horizontal axis of the grinding wheel is stationary. Eg. Clay industry
D. Fine Size Reduction
o Size reduction in the finer ranges is usually termed fine grinding
1. Pebble Mill
o Is a steel cylinder lying on its side and rotated about its long axis and containing an appropriate
grinding medium. The material is introduced through a manhole in the center of the shell length
after which the opening is closed hermetically by a cover plate
2. Rod Mill
o Rod mills are similar to pebble mills and ball mills except that the grinding media are steel rods
rather than balls. The rods are always longer than the diameter of the mills and therefore lie in the
mill parallel to the axis
3. Ball Mill
o Consists of a horizontal cylinder whose diameter is roughly equal to its length, lined with heavy
liner plates.

- Handling of materials deals with their movement over relatively short distances

1. Unassisted manpower – involves movement of materials over short distances, usually not exceeding 10 ft,
and only when the quantity does not exceed 4 to 5 tons (ex. Shovelling, pushing, carrying, lifting)
2. Assisted manpower – recommended when the radius of work is increases to 100 to 200 ft to lift loads
weighing more than 100 to 150 lbs, various mechanical devices are employed to amplify the force exerted
by the workman
Factors to consider in materials handling: (3M’s)
1. Material – it pertains to the characteristics of the material, physical as well as chemical, and its quantity. It
practically answers the question “WHAT”
2. Movement – it indicates the scope of movement, the distance that must be covered from source to
destination, the frequency of transfer, the speed or rate and the type of route involved. Answers the question
“WHERE” and “WHEN”
3. Method – it pertains to the choice of manpower (assisted or unassisted), shoice of an appropriate device or
equipment to be used.

Portable Power Driven Machines for Handing of Solids

1. Electric Storage Battery truck 4. Tractors
2. Gasoline powered industrial truck 5. Power Shovels
3. Trailer 6. Gantry or bridge cranes

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Permanent Installations for Handling of Solids

1. Vibrators
- Used to keep gravity slides free by giving the slide a vibration in the direction of flow. The displacement of
the slide is small, usually 1/8 in, but the frequency of vibration keeps the slide in motion relative to the solid
material because of the inertia of the solid.
2. Mechanical Conveyors
a. Scrapers
b. Carriers

 Angle of slide – is the angle of minimum slope measured from the horizontal at which any loose material will
 Angle of repose – is the angle of maximum slope measured from the horizontal at which a heap of loose
material will stand without sliding

- Mechanical conveyors may move materials by a scraping action or by a carrying action

A. Scrapers
1. Screw or Helical Flight conveyors
- Consists of a steel shaft having a spiral or helical fin fastened to the shaft in a trough without touching the
- The material is mixed as it passes through the conveyor
- Used to handle a wide range such as grain, asphalt, crushed coal, ashes, gravel and sand
Ribbon conveyor – a special type of screw conveyor I which the center portion of the helical fin is absent.
Suitable for sticky or gummy liquids
- Economical
- Mixing of materials is facilitated
- Casing can easily be sealed from outside atmosphere
- Casing can be designed with a drop bottom

- Hanger bearings supporting the blade can prevent the passage of materials along the trough (level of
materials should be below the hanger)
- It can contaminate materials

For horizontal movement, the total horsepower may be estimated as follows:

(𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄𝒄) �𝑪𝑪𝑪𝑪𝑪𝑪𝑪𝑪𝑪𝑪𝑪𝑪𝑪𝑪𝑪𝑪, � (𝒍𝒍𝒍𝒍𝒍𝒍𝒍𝒍𝒍𝒍𝒍𝒍, 𝒇𝒇𝒇𝒇)
𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑, 𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎
where coefficient = 4.0 for ashes; 2.5 for coal; 1.3 for grain

Correction for Power Requirement on Inclined Screw Conveyors

a. If angle of inclination= 10°, add 10% to the power requirement for horizontal screw conveyor
b. If angle of inclination= 35°, add 78% to the power requirement for horizontal screw conveyor
Approximate Maximum Capacities of Horizontal Spiral of Screw Conveyors

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Light Nonabrasive Material Heavy Nonabrasive Material Heavy Abrasive Material

Diameter of e.g. Grain e.g. Coal e.g. Ash
Screw, in. Capacity, Capacity,
Capacity, cu.ft/hr Max. rpm Max. rpm Max. rpm
cu.ft/hr cu.ft/hr
3 74 250 37 125 … …
4 171 220 86 110 46 90
5 304 210 150 105 85 85
6 500 200 255 100 135 80
7 820 190 410 95 200 75
8 1180 180 590 90 300 75
9 1600 175 780 85 400 70
10 2050 160 1030 80 516 65
12 3300 150 1660 75 820 60
14 4000 140 2000 70 1200 55
16 7000 130 3400 65 1630 50
18 9000 120 4500 60 2100 45
20 12000 115 5800 55 2860 46

A screw conveyor is to be installed to convey 800 bushels of wheat per hour over a distance of 80 ft. Determine the
size (diameter), speed(rpm) and the horsepower requirements for the installation. (1 bushel= 1.2444 ft3)
2. Flight Conveyors
- Consists of one or two endless chains passing though a trough or a set of guides
- Are widely used for loose material that is non-abrasive (grain, food waste, garbage and coal) but they are
not suitable for friable abrasive materials such as clinker, gravel or crushed ore
- Simplest and cheapest of all conveyors
- May be operated in steeper inclines than belt conveyors
- Can handle large pieces
- High power requirement
- Heavy repair needed
- Short distance only
Capacities of flight conveyors (80% efficiency only) may be estimated from the following formula
𝑇𝑇 =
where: T= tons/hr; B= width of flight (in.); D= depth of flight (in.); S= speed of conveyor (fpm); ρb= bulk density of
material (lb/ft3)
The horsepower required to drive flight conveyors may be estimated
𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎 + 𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏𝑏 + 10𝐿𝐿
𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 =

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Where: T=capacity (tons/hr); L= length, ft; W= total weight (lb) of chain and flights per foot of distance between
centers; S= speed, fpm; a,b= constants from table 14(Unit Operations by George Brown)
Power Constants for Flight Conveyors
Inclination w/ Horizontal 0° 5° 10° 15° 20° 25° 30° 35° 40° 45°
Anthracite 0.343 0.42 0.50 0.586 0.66 0.73 0.79 0.85 0.90 0.945
a Bituminous 0.60 0.69 0.76 0.83 0.88 0.95 1.02 1.08 1.13 1.15
Ashes 0.54 0.62 0.72 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.97 1.03 1.06 1.10
Flights & chain
supported on blocks
0.03 0.03 0.03 0.029 0.028 0.027 0.026 0.025 0.023 0.020
w/c slide directly on the
Flights supported by 3
0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003
½ -in rollers

Approximate Weight of Conveyors

Flight Conveyors
4 x 10 to 6 x 18 0.5 lb/in. of width per running foot
8 x 18 to 10 x 24 1.0 lb/in. of width per running foot
Belt Conveyors 1.0 lb/in. of width per running foot

B. Carriers
1. Belt Conveyors
- Consist of endless belts, suitably supported and driven, which carry or transport solids from place to place
- Are adapted to wide varieties and quantities of materials, require relatively low power, and can transport
solids for long distances
- Solids can be transported horizontally or inclined up to an angle of 30° only
Power requirements for belt conveyors involve a nu,ber of variables and may be estimated by means if empirical
formulas such as the following

𝐹𝐹(𝐿𝐿+𝐿𝐿𝑜𝑜 )(0.03𝑊𝑊𝑊𝑊)
For empty belt conveyor: 𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻 =
𝐹𝐹(𝐿𝐿+𝐿𝐿𝑜𝑜 )(𝑇𝑇)
For material (excluding belt) conveyed horizontally: 𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻 =
For elevating material (excluding belt which balances itself): 𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻 = (negative when material travel downward)
Total Horsepower Requirement: 𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻 =
F= friction factor = 0.05 (for plain bearings); 0.03 (for anti-friction bearings) L= length of conveyor b/n pulleys, ft
Lo= 100 (for plain bearings); 150 ( for anti-friction bearings) S= speed of belt (fpm)
ΔZ= increase in elevation of material (ft) T= amount of material (tons/hr)
W= mass (lb) of moving parts including belt and idlers per foot of distance
between centers of terminal pulleys(both runs)

2. Bucket Elevators
- Simplest and most dependable unit for vertical or lifting movement of solids
- Consists of a series of buckets carried either on chains or belts

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a. Spaced- Bucket Centrifugal Discharge Elevator
b. Spaced- Bucket Positive- Discharge Elevator
c. Continuous discharge Bucket Elevators
d. Supercapacity Continuous Bucket elevators

Types of Buckets
a. Minneapolis Type – for grain and other dry, pulverized material
b. Flatter buckets – for wet or sticky materials
c. Stamped- steel bucket – for large lumps and heavy materials

Power Requirement: 𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻 =
where: T= elevator capacity (tons/hr); ΔZ= elevator height + 5ft (correction for satisfactory loading)

3. Apron Conveyors
- Similar to belt conveyors since solids are also moving by a moving trough
- Series of pans( either wood or steel) mounted between two strands of roller chains, wherein the pans are
overlapping to eliminate leaking during transit and upon discharge over sprockets located at the end of the
- Can be used for both horizontal and inclined travel
- Used for lumpy, abrasive, or hot materials that can decrease life span of belt

Power Requirement: 𝐻𝐻𝐻𝐻 =
where Rt= turning resistance; ΔZ= elevator height
1. One hundred tons per hour of anthracite coal are to be moved horizontally a distance of 120 ft. Select a
conveyor of each of the three classes listed, and calculate the power required to operate the system. Choose the
smallest conveyor that will do the job. Assume a bulk density of 60 lb/ft3.
a. Screw conveyor b. Flight conveyor c. Belt conveyor
2. A screw conveyor is to be installed to convey 800 bushels of wheat per hour over a distance of 80 ft. Determine
the size (diameter), speed (rpm) and the horsepower requirements for the installation. (1 bushel= 1.2444ft3)
3. A belt conveyor is required to deliver crushed limestone having a bulk density of 75 lb/ft3 at the rate of 2000 tons
per hour. The conveyor is to be 200 ft between centers of pulleys with a rise of 25 ft. The largest lumps are 4 in.
and constitute 15% of the total. The conveyor will discharge over the end. For a belt speed of 200 fpm, what is
the minimum width of belt that can be used? Calculate the horsepower for the drive motor.
4. For the conditions in no.3, specify the type of conveyor and the size that will require the minimum power.
5. What is the capacity of a flight conveyor of 12 by 24 in travelling at 100 fpm and handling the crushed limestone
in problem 2?
6. A belt conveyor is required to deliver gravel at a rate of 175 tons/hr. The conveyor is to be 180ft between centers
if pulleys with a rise of 18 ft and discharge over the end. Choose the smallest conveyor that will do the job and
calculate the power required to operate the system. Compare using plain bearings and anti-friction bearings.

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