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Kashmir Issue

Kashmir Issue between India Pakistan. The essay on Kashmir Issue and dispute discusses the recognition of this
world problem by UNO and the three parties to it.
Essay on Kashmir Issue: An Outline
Introduction: the beginning of an issue
U.N’s efforts to resolve it
1. lndo-pak stance on this problem
2. Present situation in Kashmir
3. A nuclear zone and the Kashmir dispute
4. Conclusion: Various solutions to the problem of Kashmir.
According to the original plan of June 3, 1947, the States forming the then Indian State were advised b the British
crown: “to accede to India or to Pakistan, bearing in mind the geographical situation of their respective states, the
composition of their population and the wishes of their people.” But the Maharaja of Kashmir acceded to India
against the wishes of his people, composition of the population of Kashmir i.e. 77% Muslims at that time and the
geographical conditions. A war was imposed by India in the valley and the Pakistan forces supported the Kashmiri
fighters struggling for their cause. Pakistani forces and the tribes- men gained almost one-third of the area until a
cease fire was imposed by U.N.O
In 1948, when Pakistan involved into the war, India went to U.N.O for help and United Nations passed a resolution
that a plebiscite will be held in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. It means that the people of that region were to
decide either to choose Pakistan or India for allegiance. But unwillingness of India for the plebiscite delayed the
solution of this dispute.
India and Pakistan have different angles to look at the problem. Pakistan believes that seventy seven percent of the
Kashmiris were Muslim at the time of partition. And the geographical conditions favour that Kashmir should be a part
of Pakistan. Pakistan terms the accession of Kashmir to India as invalid because the Maharaja had a “Standstill
Agreement” with Pakistan. The agreement does not allow for any accession. But the Indians believe it as their
‘integral part’ because the Maharaja had a legal accession to India.
The present situation of Kashmir is getting worse with dozens of casualties every day. The Kashmiris want their right
of self-determination while Pakistan has been supporting the Kashmir cause since 1948 on all forums of the world.
The long resisted frustration has turned the Kashmiris to violence at times; however, primarily they remained a peace
loving nation. However, at times incidents of kidnapping or killing of Indian occupying forces is reported which shows
their frustration.

Kashmir Issue
Kashmir Issue between India Pakistan. The essay on Kashmir Issue and dispute discusses the recognition of this
world problem by UNO and the three parties to it.
Essay on Kashmir Issue: An Outline
1. Introduction: the beginning of an issue
2. U.N’s efforts to resolve it
3. lndo-pak stance on this problem
4. Present situation in Kashmir
5. A nuclear zone and the Kashmir dispute
6. Conclusion: Various solutions to the problem of Kashmir.
According to the original plan of June 3, 1947, the States forming the then Indian State were advised b the British
crown: “to accede to India or to Pakistan, bearing in mind the geographical situation of their respective states, the
composition of their population and the wishes of their people.” But the Maharaja of Kashmir acceded to India
against the wishes of his people, composition of the population of Kashmir i.e. 77% Muslims at that time and the
geographical conditions. A war was imposed by India in the valley and the Pakistan forces supported the Kashmiri
fighters struggling for their cause. Pakistani forces and the tribes- men gained almost one-third of the area until a
cease fire was imposed by U.N.O
In 1948, when Pakistan involved into the war, India went to U.N.O for help and United Nations passed a resolution
that a plebiscite will be held in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. It means that the people of that region were to
decide either to choose Pakistan or India for allegiance. But unwillingness of India for the plebiscite delayed the
solution of this dispute.
India and Pakistan have different angles to look at the problem. Pakistan believes that seventy seven percent of the
Kashmiris were Muslim at the time of partition. And the geographical conditions favour that Kashmir should be a part
of Pakistan. Pakistan terms the accession of Kashmir to India as invalid because the Maharaja had a “Standstill
Agreement” with Pakistan. The agreement does not allow for any accession. But the Indians believe it as their
‘integral part’ because the Maharaja had a legal accession to India.
The present situation of Kashmir is getting worse with dozens of casualties every day. The Kashmiris want their right
of self-determination while Pakistan has been supporting the Kashmir cause since 1948 on all forums of the world.
The long resisted frustration has turned the Kashmiris to violence at times; however, primarily they remained a peace
loving nation. However, at times incidents of kidnapping or killing of Indian occupying forces is reported which shows
their frustration.
The terms between India and Pakistan have been hostile and they have fought 3 full wars wasting billions of Dollars
of their poor tax payers. Any ignition to the problem of Kashmir may lead the two states at warring condition which
would, in turn, be catastrophic. A strong resolve must be shown by both the neighbouring countries in resolving the
problem of Kashmir with graveness and temperance. Otherwise, a nuclear war may break out in South East Asia.
There are various models of the solution to Kashmir issue. We may think of the model applied to Cyprus by Turkey
and Greece. There is yet another option to make Kashmir an arms free trading zone. It can even be freed and made
an independent republic but the wishes of the people of Kashmir must bear due weight-age. Our world is our home
and ours is the only planet in the universe where life exists. We must learn to live happily with our neighbours;
however, it is possible only if we settle all our disputes.

August 05, 2019 Lock Down & Kashmir Issue:

Kashmir has been burning for decades. Last year Indian Authorities clamped down Kashmir unilaterally with shallow
claims of terrorism. Kashmir, a special state annexed to India, was turned into a normal Indian territory. This caused
anger and agitation began in India. However, since August 05, 2019, India has imposed a curfew in Kashmir.
Ironically, the whole world has gone into lock down since March 2020. Can we now realize the impact of lock down
and curfew on that chained nation?

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