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Applied Business Project 3B Report

You MUST Submit your ABP-3B Report as a PDF document.

Name: Espino, Michael

Section 1: Website hosting and design

1.1 Website URL (MUST be on


1.2 What web development tool (e.g., Dreamweaver) did you use?


Section 2: Application of Information Systems Discussion

<The FMC’s main information system is a database that gives in-depth information
about their products. FMC’s main priority as a corporation is safety. Not just for their on-site
workers, but for their off-site workers and for the growers that buy their products. Not only
does the corporation label their products that include instructions on uses, but also when it is
necessary to use it, the crops or pests they are designed for, and also the chemicals that are
used in the manufacturing period. This information is available on the labels, and also on their
website. The knowledge of what a product is made of protects workers during manufacturing
periods as they protect themselves accordingly. For off-site workers, it is important for
workers to know what chemicals are being used so that the appropriate means of
transportation is chosen during the shipping period. Developing and storing all information for
every product the company makes may have taken a long time to do, but it makes their
corporation be as safe as possible. >

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Applied Business Project 3B Report

Section 3: Marketing Analysis

3.1a) <Best Insecticide>

3.1b) <I chose this Adword because it is a product that is mostly used in both the
agriculture industry and for at-home gardening. A popular FMC insecticide is Talstar. Some
people may not know about insecticides unless they need them. This makes it easier to
market your products with Google searches that are more general since the audience is open
to any insecticide that provides results.>
3.1c) <Based on my Google search, I found that the top two organic URL’s were “top
rated” type websites. Among the lists from the websites, the product Talstar was included.
However, the lists also featured competitors such as the corporation Bayer’s product
Suspend SC. >
3.1d) < >

3.2a) <Best pest control products >

3.2b) <I chose this Adword for the purpose of people that want a pest control product
but do not know where to start looking. If someone does not know about pest control
products, a general search usually helps people narrow down their search. If the FMC
Corporation’s products were the first products shown after using this search, it would drive
sales. >
3.2c) <After doing a Google search of my Adword, I found another website for the
best pest control products. On this page, the Talstar product was on this list again along with
other competitors. However, the second organic website was the Home Depot website.
Although upon opening the website there was not product names, it may lead to Talstar or
FMC competitors. >
3.2d) <>

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Applied Business Project 3B Report

Section 4: Website Image (As it Appears in a browser)

By submitting this report, you affirm that the information shown in

sections 4 and 5 below accurately represents your ABP-3B web site that
you developed and hosted on the U.Arizona server. Moreover, you agree
that you will not modify or alter your website in any way after you have
submitted this project report for grading until your ABP-3B assignment
grade is posted on D2L and all grade appeals have been reviewed.


Be sure that your browser’s address bar (also location bar or URL bar) is visible and clearly
shows the website URL you listed in section 1 above.

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Applied Business Project 3B Report

Since your website may extend beyond the normal browser widow, you can either scale
your browser to display the entire website, or you may include the website as two or more
overlapping images, as long as the entire website is visible.

Section 5: Insert the HTML source code of your “index.html” website


<!doctype html
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" >
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Corporate Profoile for FMC Corporation (FMC)</title>
<link href="file:///Macintosh HD/Users/MichaelEspinoJr./Documents/Mystyle.css"
rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<p style="text-align: center;"><img src="FMCLogo_.png" width="312"
height="50" alt="FMC Logo"/></p>
<h1 style="text-align: center;">FMC Corporation</h1>
<p>FMC Corporation began in the year 1883 in California. The
corporations&rsquo; founder John Bean invented the very first piston spray for
agriculture purposes. Originally the corporation was founded in 1884 as the Bean
Spray Pump Company. In 1904 the company was incorporated and became the FMC
that exists today. The agricultural company provides growers across the world with
innovative solutions with products that are designed for crop protection, plant health,
and pest management. In addition to all the products that the corporation currently
supplies growers with, the corporation continuously develops better products for
every aspect of agriculture. The corporation employs approximately 7,000
employees across the world.</p>
<p><a href="
<p><a href="

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Applied Business Project 3B Report

<p style="text-align: center">&nbsp;</p>

<table width="1520" border="1" align="center">
<td width="508" style="text-align: center">Products</td>
<td width="484" style="text-align: center">Management</td>
<td width="504" style="text-align: center">Financial</td>
<td style="text-align: center"><img src="FMC Products .jpg" width="399"
height="155" alt="FMC Products"/></td>
<td style="text-align: center"><img src="FMC Management.jpg" width="450"
height="300" alt="FMC Management"/></td>
<td style="text-align: center"><a href="
fmc-value-opportunity?page=2"><img src="FMC Corp Financials.png"
width="366" height="350" alt="FMC Financials"/></a></td>
<td>Source: <a href="
<td>Source: <a
<td>Source: <a href="
<td><p>FMC Corporation focuses on being the world&rsquo;s lead seller of the
best pest control products. These products protect different forms of vegetation
across the globe that are later processed into food sources for future sales. These
products include herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, and harvest aids. FMC
provides the labels for their products online as well to ensure that growers have full
knowledge of what is in their products before purchase. FMC&rsquo;s business
model prioritizes the focus on customers. This means that the corporation tapers
their products to their customer&rsquo;s needs, and also innovating new products to
provide customers with any product they would need in their field of
<td><p>Since FMC employees work with chemicals and hazardous materials, safety
is a huge priority to management. This includes on-site as well as off-site
employees. FMC Corporation maintains a responsible care management system on
all parts of their corporation. FMC constantly updates their working standards in
accordance with the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
and the United Nations Globally Harmonized System for Classification and Labeling

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Applied Business Project 3B Report

(GHS). This is done by updating safety data sheets, properly labelling their product
for manufacturing and distribution. FMC also offers an online GHS training to
further educate their workers and the growers that purchase their products.
<td><p>As of 2018, FMC is beginning a period of a stronger generation of cash.
Technology advances have allowed for FMC to enhance their agricultural business
to be more organic. Shareholders will receive a larger amount of cash within a five-
year growth plan. The annual sales revenue for 2018 were $4.7 billion dollars. The
adjusted earnings per share in 2018 was $6.29. In the future, FMC plans to lower the
percentages of energy, water disposed, water use, and GHG emissions use in their
manufacturing processes. Due to the corporation cutting costs in production, it is
expected that the manufacturing assets would increase to $5.5 or 6 billion dollars in
grower/products.aspx</a> </p>
<p style="text-align: center">Copyright &ldquo;Design copyright 2019 by website
designer. All other registered trademarks or trademarks are property of their
respective owners.&rdquo;</p>

Be sure to include the entire html source code file as show by a browser using the “view
source” option. You only need to include the HTML source code in your report. You do not
need to include copies of any other graphics files, such as your images and icon.

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