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Educational Attainment of Parents

Padberg indicated that educational background of parents have a positive

effect on student’s academic performance Dr. Amuda and Dr. Ali (2018

Fontaine indicated that educational attainment of the parents of the

students is serves as an expectation that it will have a good effect of the
students academic performance. Dr. Amuda and Dr. Ali (2018 April)

The students who has a parents that have a higher educational levels
performed higher on taking a standardized test than with the parents with
lower educational levels. Gooding(2001)

Different Study Habits

Study Habits help students attend classes on time, submit requirements
on time, read and more prepare skillfully for the tests and exams, take down
notesmore often, and recited in class which all results in good grades. Ebele
and Olufu(2017)

Test anxiety was paired with academic success. Females have higher test
anxiety scores and were consistent. Ergene(n.d.)

Effects of these study Practices in the Academic Performance: Good


A group who have anearlier bedtime and increased TST (total sleep time)
during weekdays perform better than average people who felt sleepy during
class. Bahammam, Alzakhi, Imeneessier and Sharif(2012)

Enough sleep and non-smoking are one factor that produces excellent
performances. Bahammam, Alzakhi, Imeneessier and Sharif(2012)

Turning off any electrical or digital distractions, listening to your preffered

taste in music, studying in a way that you feel comfortable with, taking breaks,
studying early, studying the hardest to the easiest topic and asking for help if
you’re struggling. Ebele and Olufu(2017)

Good habits are the following: studying everyday, creating a quiet place to
study. Ebele and Olufu(2017)

Study habits that are needed for every student to achieve success is
affected by factors such as environment, background music, a study location,
and a consistent schedule. Ebele and Olufu(2017)

Good study habits increase the students and inspired them to reach a
higher form of education. Ebele and Olufu(2017)
Effects of these study Practices in the Academic Performance: Bad
The study shows that laziness is one of the basic hindrances to reading
among the respondents. Acheaw and Larson (2014)

Decreased nocturnal sleeptime, late bedtime both in weekdays and

weekends results in day time sleepiness and will negatively affect the
academic performances in medical students.Bahammam, Alzakhi,
Imeneessier and Sharif(2012)

Irrgular use of school libraries was a factor in bad results in test and
examinations. Jatta and Ogunniyi (2014)

Students shoud find comfortable places to study outside the classroom

each day. Jatta and Ogunniyi (2014)

Effects of these study Practices in the Academic Performance: Living

Conditions of Students

Hostel living students have time management issue due to the fact that
they have several factors affecting their way of life such as, spending extra
money , living away from home, personal work that take up their time for
studies. Khursid, Tanveen and Quasmi(2012)

People with proper facilities available at home according to their needs

that lead to a consistent concentration in studies have higher academic
achievements. Khursid, Tanveen and Quasmi(2012)

How do these study practices differ from one another?

Female students are betterat study skilss and show better results
compared to male students. The result may be due to the difference in
schedule and time management in a proper way.Khursid, Tanveen and

Mohammed indicates that the performance of each student according to

their gender, founds out that girlls perform better than boys because girls get
better marks than boys, both groups said that girls are more responsible in
doing their school works, they study more and harder, listening in the class
and being cleverer because they want succeed more. Dr. Amuda and Dr. Ali
(2018 April)

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