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Digital Marketing

LICT Project , Bangladesh Computer Council

What is Digital Marketing

“Digital marketing” is
the process of building
and maintaining
customer relationships
through online activities
to facilitate the
exchange of ideas,
products, and services
that satisfy the goals of
both parties.
Goal of the course

Creating a website strategically

Using Search Engine as a promotional tool
Using Social Media as a promotional tool
Effective online sales and support
Making money as a freelancer
Global Business Value & Industry Understanding
What we will learn

❖ Personal Branding
❖ Free & Paid Website for Business
❖ Content Marketing
❖ SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
❖ E-Commerce
❖ Google Analytics
❖ Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest Marketing
❖ YouTube Marketing
❖ Lead Generation
❖ Affiliate Marketing
❖ Blogging
❖ Google Adsense
❖ Freelancing
Market Opportunities

Online Marketplace
Local Job Market
Starting Online Business
Blogging & Adsense
Affiliate Marketing

JUNE 30, 2015 - Mid-Year Update

World Regions Population Internet Users Internet Users Penetration Users % Growth

( 2015 Est.) Dec. 31, 2000 Latest Data (% Population) of Table 2000-2015

1,158,355,663 45,14,400 3132,57,074 27.00% 9.60% 6839.10%

4,032,466,882 1143,04,000 1,563,208,143 38.80% 47.80% 1267.60%
8215,55,904 1050,96,093 6041,22,380 73.50% 18.50% 474.80%
2361,37,235 32,84,800 1158,23,882 49.00% 3.50% 3426.10%
Middle East
3571,72,209 1080,96,800 3138,62,863 87.90% 9.60% 190.40%
North America
6177,76,105 180,68,919 3331,15,908 53.90% 10.20% 1743.60%
Latin America /
371,57,120 76,20,480 271,00,334 72.90% 0.80% 255.60%
Oceania /
7,260,621,118 3609,85,492 3,270,490,584 45.00% 100.00% 806.00%
Why are people going online?
Traditional Marketing Vs Digital Marketing
benefits of digital marketing Over
traditional marketing

● Puts the consumer in control

● Provides convenience
● Increases satisfaction
● Drives brand loyalty
● Reduces the selling cycle
● Reduces the cost of sales
● Builds your brand
● Provides targeted results
● It is measurable
● Cost effective
Self Branding
Create Professional Profile

About me
Personal Domain
Create Professional Profile
Create Professional Profile
Create Professional Profile
Create Professional Profile
Types of Websites according to content

❖ Personal
❖ Blog
❖ News / Portal
❖ Brand / Business
❖ Informational
❖ E-Commerce
❖ Small local Business
❖ Social
About World Wide Web (WWW)

The World Wide Web (WWW) was created in 1990 by the British
CERN physicist Tim Berners-Lee. On 30 April 1993, CERN
announced that the World Wide Web would be free to use for
anyone. The first Web Browser was called WorldWideWeb and
later renamed Nexus.

The European Organization for Nuclear Research is known as

CERN (Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire)

Types Of Websites
Static Website – Simple HTML Website
Dynamic Websites – CMS, eCommerce, etc..
How to Create Website?

Domain Name :

Web Hosting : Home Server

Cloud Server
Dedicated Hosting Server
Shared Hosting Server
Managed Hosting Server, etc…

Web Pages : HTML

PHP, etc….
Domain Name Registration
& Hosting
Free websites

❖ Blogger

❖ Wordpress

❖ Weebly
What is CMS ?
● CMS Stands for Content Management System.
Websites are made up of HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript
and many other Web Programming languages.
Typically working you have to code each and every
web page which takes too long. CMS Helps you to
create, Edit, Publish, and manage your all website’s
web pages in very organized, Clean and easy way.
● Content Management systems are themselves made
up of different Programming languages like PHP, CSS,
HTML, XML, JavaScript, etc.
● Example: Word press
Create New Blog in Blogger

● Add New Theme

● Layout Customization
● New Page Creation Free
● Adding Menu
● Publishing New Post
● Adding Gadget
Create website on

● Add New Theme

● Customization
● Add new page Free
● Adding Menu
● Publishing New Post
● Adding Widget
● Adding plugins
Taste a paid wordpress free….
Inbound Marketing
Major Types of Content

● Article or Text Data

● Image
● Video
Search Engine
Why Search Engine
● Search Engines are the starting point for any web /
mobile user, who wants to find any information or
resolve their queries.
● More than 5500 searches happen every second.
● Over 100 Billion searches in Google alone every
● There are no country barriers, one global platform
to serve the needs and requirements.
● Search in your own language.
● Suggestions available to serve better information.
Types of Search Engine
● Manual Search Engine – Early Search Engines (where the listing of
web pages / websites are done manually based on the quality).
● Automated Search Engine – Google is the first automated search
engines (retrieve and list web pages / websites with the help of
robots (crawlers)
● Hybrid Search Engine – Yahoo is the first Hybrid search engine. It is
a combination of Manual & Automated search engine (First page
results were manually edited and the other page results were
● Local Search Engine – Google is the first local search engine which
displays results based on the IP location.
● Semantic Search Engine – Google is the first and only advanced
semantic search engine, which, not just works based on the
keywords but also answers and explains most of the user queries.
Search Engine
About Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is a process of

optimising a website based on Search engine guidelines,
so that the Web Pages / Website rank high in search
engines for targeted keywords, searched by a web user.

Search Engine Ranking Parameters:

● On-Page Factors – Mainly Content (Information)
● Off-Page Factors – Votes (Backlinks)
● Authority (Quality Traffic to the Web Page / Website,
Positive User Approach, PageRank / Prominence,
Returning Visitors)
Niche Selection Depends on:

● Your Business type

● Your Interest
● Market Demand

Beauty/ Fashion
Major Ranking Factor on Google
● Keyword in the title
● Keyword density
● Content length
● Keyword in url
● Page loading speed
● Mobile Friendliness
● Local SEO
● Domain Authority
● Duplicate content
● Domain Age
● Number of Backlinks
● Site Structure
● Number of pages
● Image Optimization
● To get Keyword Idea
● To know the demand
● To judge the competition
Getting Keyword Idea & Demand

Google Instant Search

Google Related Search

Google Keyword Planner

Keyword Everywhere Google Extension

Keyword Shitter
Competition Judgment
❖ All in Title
❖ All in URL
❖ Exact Keyword number in first result page
❖ Homepage number in first result page
❖ Low competitive sites ( Directory, web 2.0, News
portal, Subdomain, QA, Forum, Social, Wikepedia )
❖ Similar Website
❖ DA < 20
Useful Keyword Research Tools

Paid: Free:
● SEMrush ● Keyword
● Long Tail Pro Planner
● Spyfu
● UberSuggest
● Keyword
Chrome Extension: Shitter
● SEO book
● SEO Quake
● KW finder
● Keyword Everywhere
On page SEO Title Tag

● proper HTML
● no more than 512 pixels or about 65
● does it make sense
● grammar / spelling check
● is it helpful to users?
● contains the keyword you wish to rank for
On page SEO Meta Description

● It is short description to your page

● 512 pixels (x2) or about 140 characters
● Try to write unique description for every page
● Put your main keyword first.
● Tool : Character counter
On page SEO

Keyword Stuffing

Anchor Text

Dofollow, Nofollow link


On page SEO checklist

Title Tags

No-Index Tag Presence

Article Writing on Blogspot
Wordpress Installation in Business Website
Wordpress Customization
Useful Seo Plugins of Wordpress
Creating SEO friendly post
Image Optimization
Image Making Tools
Article Writing Techniques
Google Search Console
Google Analytic
Blog Commenting Techniques
❖ Actually Read The Post

❖ Try to be first commenter

❖ Start with Author Name

❖ Aim For 3 Sentence Minimum

❖ Use A Real Name As Often As Possible

❖ Link To Internal Pages And Social Profiles

❖ Don't Drop Links In The Comment

❖ Search For Related Blogs That Your Target Audience Might

Be Reading
Blog Commenting Techniques

1. keyword “1 comment”
2. keyword “2 comments”
3. keyword “3 comments”
4. keyword “4 comments”
5. keyword disqus
6. keyword “leave a comment”
Social Bookmarking
Reddit Marketing

➔ Post Karma
➔ Comment Karma
➔ Sub-reddit
Tips to increase KARMA

➔ karmadecay
➔ Flickr
➔ Instragram
➔ imgur
Question & Answer Site
Question & Answer Site
Web 2.0 Sites
Link Wheel
Link Pyramid
Forum List

Digital Point
Best Blackhat Forum
Forum search string

1. keyword”forum”
2. keyword”powered by Fireboard”
3. keyword”powered by ip.board”
4. keyword”powered by phpbb”
5. keyword”powered by phpbb3″
6. keyword”powered by SMF”
7. keyword”powered by vbulletin”
8. keywordforum
9. keywordintitle:forum
10. keywordinurl:forum
Guest Blogging
Social Sharing
Video Submission
Google Penalty
Google Panda
Google Penguin
PPC Ad Campaign - Terminology


PPC: Pay per Click

SERP: Search Engine Result Page



Click Through Rate (CTR)

Average Cost Per Click (Avg. CPC)

Average Position (Avg. Pos.)

Conversions (Conv. 1-per-click)

Google Adword

Ad Campaign type:
● Search Network
● Display Network
● Shopping
● Video
● Universal app Campaign
PPC Ad Campaign
Google+ business Page
Facebook Marketing
Facebook Group Marketing
Facebook Business Account
Facebook Page for Business
Facebook PPC Ad Campaign
Tools for Facebook
Twitter Marketing
Creating YouTuBe Channel

Profile logo

Banner Art

Add channel Description

Add link to channel

Add Associate website

Hide subscriber count

Video Editing Tools

Adobe after effect

Adobe premier pro

Camtasia Studio

Final cut pro

Editing Video with Camtasia Studio
Youtube- keyword research

Monthly search volume >200

Exact phrase search result < 300

All in title operator < 100

Use Google keyword planner

Youtube Video Ranking factors

Video view duration


Subscriber after watching


Thumbs up / Thumbs down

Video duration
Youtube - Do SEO before uploading
Video and thumbnail file name
Video Title: at least 5 words long
Use value adding word like “best” “Top” “How to”
Description: put links at the beginning
Include your keyword in first sentence
At least 300 words
Use keyword 3 - 4 times
Tags: it is important to show your video in relative video
High demand tag
Video Transcript file
Add to playlist
Youtube - Do after publishing within 24 hour

Get 50 - 100 real full view after searching within 24 hour

Publish the same video on other video uploading site with

same title. Facebook page, Vimeo, Dailymotion.

Share from 10 different google+, twitter account from

different area

Get embed the video in 10 website

Share on reddit, pinterest, tumblr, google+ collection,

Youtube - checklist to develop a successful channel

Select a niche you have interest

Do Keyword research

Do on page SEO

Make quality video

Never copy other video

Publish video on a regular basis

Create playlist
Youtube Analytics
Useful Tools for Youtube
Google Adsense
Applying Hosted Adsense with Youtube
Non Hosted Google Adsense
Adsense Approval Techniques
Lead generation
Mobile Marketing
Affiliate Marketing
Types of Affiliate Marketing







CPA Platforms

Landing Page


Using landing page in own domain

Marketing Techniques (CPA)


Yahoo answer



Email Marketing

Lead: Mail / Phone no.

Mail Collection Method:

● Harvesting Method
● Opt-in Method
● Double opt-in
Email Marketing

● Bounce Rate
● Landing page
○ Thrivethemes
○ Divi theme
● squeeze page
○ Lead page
○ Instra page
○ Optimizepress
Email Marketing

● Harvesting Method
○ Facebook
○ Linkedin
○ Twitter
○ google
Mail collection from Linkedin
Google Search String: / “” OR “” OR “Manager”

Email extractor

Email tester

Rapportive chrome extension

Email Permutator
Mail collection from Linkedin
Email discovery through Google:


“” Email

“” Name

Other Tools
● Email hunter
● Voilanorbert
● Findthatemail
● toofr
● Datanyze
● sellhake
Email Marketing


Amazon ses
Online Reputation Management
Payment Method
Apply for Payoneer Master Card
Apply for Payza
Freelancing Marketplace
Upwork Profile
Skill Test
Apply for New Job
Cover letter writing Techniques
Creating Account on Fiverr
Fiverr Gig
Md Razib Khan

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