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Design of Computer Integrated Assembly Line

Tanika D Sofianti Setijo Awibowo

Swiss German University Swiss German University
The Prominence Tower Alam Sutera The Prominence Tower Alam Sutera
Indonesia, 15143 Indonesia, 15143
+622129779596 +622129779596
Toha Zen Triarti Saraswati
Politeknik Negeri Jakarta Swiss German University
Kampus Baru Universitas Indonesia, Depok, The Prominence Tower Alam Sutera
Indonesia, 16424 Indonesia, 15143
+62217270044 +622129779596
Aditya R Fedriansyah Rihan Mustafa
Swiss German University Swiss German University
The Prominence Tower Alam Sutera The Prominence Tower Alam Sutera
Indonesia, 15143 Indonesia, 15143
+622129779596 +622129779596
Ivan Kurniawan
Swiss German University
The Prominence Tower Alam Sutera
Indonesia, 15143

ABSTRACT warehouse and other departments at the business layer i.e.

Lean manufacturing is one of the most used methodologies in the purchasing and finance.
society to winning today‟s competition. Many techniques and
concepts of Lean technologies represent one way in industry that
CCS Concepts
is changing their culture towards efficiency and continuous • Information systems➝ Process control systems
improvement. Utilizing computer technology for collecting data
directly from labors at the shop floor and transferring the
Assembly line, manufacturing execution system, enterprise
information to ERP system at the business layer can eliminate
resource planning, computer integrated manufacturing.
many unnecessary activities and lead the process to Lean
condition. Having the wireless connection in between the shop 1. INTRODUCTION
floor to the office also can increase the efficiency of work. As the
Nowadays, industrial production is being driven by global
start of a system development that will support the information
competition and industries require a fast adaptation of production
system of shop floor and office, this paper will promote the design
to the ever-changing market request. In order to fulfill this
of a system that utilize computer for managing data and
requirement, radical advanced manufacturing technologies are
information from assembly line to warehouse. Data collected from
required. The latest industrial revolution or the fourth industrial
each workstation entered by the labors in the shop floor will be
revolution (Industry 4.0) is the promising approach to fulfill these
stored in the server to enable the data accessibility from
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for In order to win competition, companies have to utilize available
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are resources as good as possible. Unnecessary production cost
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that
should be eliminated, performance of manufacturing, process and
copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights
for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be business should be improved, throughput should be increased,
honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or cycle times should be reduced, quality should be maintained, etc
republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior [1]. Lean manufacturing is one of strategic initiatives that can help
specific permission and/or a fee. manufacturer to remain competitive. The main objective of Lean
Request permissions from implementation is a productive process that is free of seven wastes:
ICCMA 2018, October 12–14, 2018, Tokyo, Japan transport, inventory, motion, waiting, overproduction, over
© 2018 Association for Computing Machinery. processing, and defect. Lean manufacturing is a continuous
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-6563-5/18/10…$15.00
process towards perfection [2]. In this era, the one and only

recognized company that have implemented the lean 3. DESIGN DEVELOPMENT
manufacturing approach is Toyota. The design development of this study consists of methodology as
Information must be available to enable decision in improvement the research activity planning and the system architecture.
opportunities and progress assessment (historical and real-time)
[3]. By utilizing information, manufacturers can optimize their 3.1 Methodology
process and lead to Lean condition. This is the reason why many The methodology of research is as can be seen in Figure 2:
manufacturers are eager in adopting, upgrading or expanding their  Activity planning: defining the plan of activities in
business information technology (IT) solutions. For example,
developing the proposed system
enterprise resource planning (ERP) software maintains important
business data and supports the administrative processes. Software  Defining system requirement: defining the requirements of
for Product lifecycle management guides the product through the system, both hardware and software
different stages of its lifecycle. Collecting, maintaining and  Design of new system: developing design of the proposed
updating the business data in support of the business processes are system
crucial activities for daily operations [2].Therefore, developing  System development: Developing the proposed system
computer integrated technologies in the shop floor that can
transfer the information to ERP at business layer is one of the  System performance test: testing the developed system
most popular attempts in today‟s R&D activities.  Analysis and report writing: analyzing the performance test
result and writing the report
1.1 Research Objectives Activity Planning
The main objective of this research is to develop computer
integrated assembly line that can support Lean oriented of process.
With this module, the information transfer from assembly line in Defining System
the shop floor can be transferred to business level in small batch Requirement
with higher frequency. The system that is being developed in this
research, will be computerized, having interface to ERP system
System Design
and communicate with wireless connection.


Figure 1 shows how the idea of information technology enabled Development
process can be extended to the manufacturing level [2]. Real-time
production information is strongly needed in the daily System Performance
manufacturing operations, but manufacturing intelligence (MI) Test
can provide the necessary visibility for the continuous
improvement attempts within the production facility. Many type
of software tools can be utilized for analyzing the real-time data Analysis and Report
and turn them into valuable knowledge that can be used to
optimize manufacturing operations. Due to lack of attention paid Figure 2. Methodology
by information system specialist to the shop floor, the
development of custom-made software applications for 3.2 System Architecture
manufacturing operations support have always been favored by The architecture of proposed system is as can be seen in Figure 3.
production departments. The difficulties of integrating multiple In general, the system consists of three main parts:
point systems have brought software providers to package
multiple execution management components into single and  The workstations will be utilized by Raspberry Pi with
integrated solution [4] Touchscreen and modbus as the gateway to communicate
with the server,
Business Decision-  The control room will be supported by an andon screen
Strategic Layer
where the supervisor can see the latest status of each
Continuous Business workstation in one big screen
 At business level, the department of warehouse, purchasing
Improvement Intelligence
Business Layer
Enterprise Resource
and finance will be supported by a customized ERP system
Planning Data where warehouse department will receive request of material
Intelligence directly from each workstations and make information of
Manufacturing Layer
material needs accessible from department of purchasing and
Manufacturing Data
Execution System finance.

Production/Process Layer Real-Time

Production/Process Information
Control System

Figure 1. Creating business and manufacturing visibility to

support the continuous improvement cycle [2]

Andon Screen Raspberry + Modbus
3.3 System Development
3.3.1 System in the Shopfloor
For the assembly line, the specification of hardware, software and
Control Room
Workstation 1 user interface are as follow.
ERP System Hardware
The hardware used in this system are:

Workstation 2
1. Raspberry Pi with Touchscreen
Warehouse This microcomputer will be the tools for interface of each
workstation. As there are four workstations utilized in the
case study in this research, there are four sets of
Server Raspberry Pi including the touchscreen that will be used
Workstation 3 in this system.
2. Andon Light
This light is used to give signal for the other workers
including helpers and technicians and also to show the
Workstation 4 current condition of each workstation.
Finance 3. Relay
Relay is very important because this is the device that
connects Raspberry Pi and andon light.
Figure 3. System Architecture The hardware used for the project can be seen in Figure 5 and
Figure 6.

Figure 5. Raspberry pi with Touch Screen and Andon Light

Figure 4. Use Case Diagram

From the design described in Figure 3, the information flows
within each department can be seen in use case diagram in Figure
4. The use case diagram will be used in developing the interface
in the shop floor, control room and at business layer.
Figure 6. Raspberry pi with Touch Screen and Relay from the

146 Software
Software is needed for the interface and for managing the
information among departments. The software used are:
1. Raspbian
This is the OS (Operating System) of the Raspberry Pi
used in this project. This OS is Linux based but it is
created special only for Raspberry Pi which is very
2. Python
Python is used to create the programs and interface for
the Raspberry Pi which means that all of the coding and
algorithm is created with this software. Figure 8. Touch Screen Display Design for Workstation 4
3. Modbus
In order to configure the connection between Raspberry
Pi and the andon screen, a communication protocol such The verification of the design of the interface will be done by
as Modbus is required. With Modbus, every actual conducting test with the operators as future users and involving
information needed can be retrieved from the Raspberry experts in human machine interaction. The feedback obtained
Pi. from the test will be used to improve the interface design. User Interface in the Shopfloor 3.3.2 Display on Control Room: the Andon Screen
The user interface on the shopfloor is designed for the Andon screen will be developed to help the supervisor and other
workstations and for the andon screen that can help the supervisor staff at mid manager level to monitor the status of each
to monitor the process in each workstations in one big screen. workstation in one big screen as can be seen in Figure 9.
The display workstation consist of two types of touchscreen
display the buttons that enable the users to control the system. The
layout of the user interface for workstation 4 as can be seen in
Figure 8 is different from the those for workstation 1,2 and 3
(Figure 7). The functions of each buttons are as can be seen in
Table 1.
Table 1. Functions of Buttons

: Lap

: System On

: System Off
Figure 9. Display for Control Room
: Request The verification of the design of the interface for control room
module will be done by conducting test with the supervisors as
: Replenishment future users. Experts in human machine interaction will be
involved too and the feedback will be used to improve the
interface design.
: Defect
3.3.3 System at Business layer
: Emergency At business layer, an ERP system will be developed in this
research to support warehouse, purchasing and finance
departments. The input from each workstation will be delivered
and stored in server. This data will be accessible by the control
room and the staff at business level ie. department of warehouse,
purchasing and finance. By creating platform where data can be
automatically updated (real time) and accessible by other related
departments, there are many un-necessary activities can be
eliminated and the performance can be optimized. The example of
design of user interface for ERP can be seen in Figure 10 and
Figure 11, while the structure of Module, Menus and Users of
proposed ERP system can be seen in Table 2. The web based
application will be development by php programming.

Figure 7. Touchscreen Display Design for Workstation 1,2,

and 3

The system design proposed in this project consists of hardware
and software for the shop floor, control room and business layer
should be developed. Considering the latest generation of
Industries that has reached Industry 4.0, the design developed in
this research is still at stage of Industry 3.0 which has not utilize
the technology of “Internet of Things” (IOT). However the
communication among shop floor, control room and the business
layer is available by using the wireless Ethernet communication
system. By using wireless communication system, the covering
area will be unlimited, needs less cost, and easier for maintenance
Figure 10.Warehouse – Main Homepage and improvement. The details of system development in the
assembly line and in the web-based information system dedicated
for warehouse, purchasing and finance department should be
elaborated from hardware, software and system point of view. The
transition from „manual‟ to computerized system should be
managed carefully by implementing change management
including by developing the manual or working instructions and
conduct training to the operators and officers and user acceptance
test. The effectiveness of integrating computer in the assembly
line should be evaluated by comparing the before and after
implementation. Once the system runs in expected speed, the
system can be improved to be IOT technologies by some
This design has been evaluated and developed further by Mustafa
Figure 11.Warehouse – Inventory Menu [5] and Ramadhana [6]. Referring to the intermediary findings, a
reliable kanban system and warehouse management system are
Tabel 2.Structure of Module, Menus and Users of ERP needed to be implemented to assure the effectiveness of the new
System system. A further study to evaluate the effectiveness is considered
Module Menu Submenu Users necessary.

Warehouse Inventory Add New Warehouse Acknowledgement

Product Menu Staff Special thanks to “Program Bantuan Seminar Luar Negeri Ditjen
Add Kanban Penguatan Riset dan Pengembangan, Kemenristekdikti Indonesia,
Menu 2018”

View Kanban 5. REFERENCES

Menu [1] Epicor. (2008) [Online].
Material Material
Receive Menu ufacts_ManageBusiManapdf
New Order [2] J Cottyn, H Van Landeghem, K Stockman, and S
Derammelaere, "A method to align a manufacturing
execution system with Lean objectives," International
Purchasing View Order Requested Purchasing Journal of Production Research, vol. 49, no. 15, pp. 4397-
Order List Staff 4413, July 2011.
[3] AberdeenGroup. (2005) [Online].
Add Purchase
Order Menu
Quotations Quotations [4] A Artiba, R Pellerin, and B Saenz de Ugarte,
Menu "Manufacturing execution system: a literature review,"
Production Planning and Control, vol. 20, no. 6, pp. 525-
539, 2009.
Finance Quotations Quotations Finance
Menu Staff [5] Rihan Mustafa, Development of Computer Integrated
Assembly Line: A Case Study in Car Toys' Assembly,
Payment Payment 2018.
Menu [6] Aditya Ramadhana, Development of Integration between
Manufacturing Execution System and Enterprise Resource
Reporting Reporting Planning: A Case Study in Assembly of Car Toys, 2018.


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