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Angel Marie B.

Sarmiento 12 – ABM GUANZON

Physical Education and Health Quarter 1 – Module 1
1. B
2. C
3. C
4. A
5. D
6. C
7. B
8. D
9. C
10. B
11. B
12. C
13. D
14. D
15. C


1. What is the significance of assessing health related fitness?
- It is important for one to assess health related fitness because it is an important
indicator of one’s physical and mental wellness. Health related fitness improves our
physical health and helps us stay healthy, particularly in the categories of cardiovascular
endurance, muscular strength, flexibility, muscular endurance and body composition
which enables or gives us the ability to accomplish our daily living requirements.
2. In the midst of this pandemic, how do you maintain your health status?
- In the midst of the pandemic, I try to keep healthy by taking a walk outside early in the
morning. I stretch upon waking up and sweep outside the house as a form of exercise. I
also try to eat healthily. I put a lot of vegetables during meals and eat fruits as
panghimagas. Finally, I go to sleep early at night in order to get 8 hours of sleep.
3. What are your fitness practices in order to maintain your health status?
- I make sure to have enough sleep and drink enough water. I ensure that I sweat atleast
once a day to keep my temperature normal and dispel excess salt from my body. I don’t
immediately sit after exercising and I stretch before and after I do my morning routine.
Angel Marie B. Sarmiento 12 – ABM GUANZON
Physical Education and Health Quarter 1 – Module 1
Activity 1: Fit me in!
1. Body Composition
2. Flexibility
3. Muscular Strength
4. Cardiovascular endurance
5. Flexibility
6. Body Composition
7. Muscular Strength
8. Muscular Endurance
9. Cardiovascular Endurance
10. Muscular Strength
Activity 1: Self-Testing Activities for Health Related Fitness
Activity 2: Administration of Fitness Test-HRF Components
Score Card for Physical Fitness Test

Name: Angel Marie B. Sarmiento Year & Section: 12 – ABM GUANZON

Date of the Physical Fitness Test: 11/4/2020

1.Body Composition Score Result/Evaluation Remarks

a. Weight 44kg
BMI: 19.8 Normal
b. Height 149cm
c. Waist Circumference 27 inches WHR: 0.82 Moderate
d. Hip Circumference 33 inches Risk - Avocado
2. Flexibility
a. Zipper Test (Right) 8 High Performance Zone
b. Zipper Test (Left) 5 High Performance Zone
c. Hamstring and flexor test 95 Good Fitness Zone
3. Cardio-vascular endurance
a. 3-minute Step Test 120 bpm Below Average
4. Muscular Strength and Endurance
a. 90 degree push-up 13 Marginal Zone
b. Curl-ups 4 Low Zone


Activity 1. Check me out! (Self-Assessment Analysis)
1. Body Composition
Test Result/Interpretation Analysis
BMI 19.8 Normal Normal

Waist to Hip Ratio 0.82 Avocado Moderate Risk of sickness

2. Cardiovascular Endurance
Recovery PR (pulse
rate) & Interpretation
Below average endurance in
3-minute Step Test 120 bpm
activities such as walking
3. Muscular Strength, Endurance, Flexibility
My strongest HRF My weakest HRF
components components

Muscular Strength and I realized that I am flexible and I

Flexibility still need to improve my
strength and endurance
Angel Marie B. Sarmiento 12 – ABM GUANZON
Physical Education and Health Quarter 1 – Module 1
Activity 2: Health-related fitness components
1. B,D
2. E,C
3. D,B
4. A,E
5. C,A
Activity 3. What hinders me?

Personal Barriers Environmental Barriers

☼ lack of motivation ☼ challenges with parents where they didn‘t

understand the positive effect of dance
☼ fear of injury
☼ health consideration ☼ Lack of space or dance room
☼ religious beliefs and values ☼ support from family and friends
☼ confidence and willingness
☼ lack of resource

Activity 4. Check-up time!

Option A:
Step 1 & 2: (Results are printed)
Step 3:
Serve Healthier Options
- I will eat breakfast every day
- I will eat fish twice a week
- I will always add a serving of vegetables to one of my meals each day
- I will use less oil when cooking meals
- I will make a meal plan every week
Eat more fruits and veggies
- I will eat vegetables or fruit as a snack
- I will eat a bowl of vegetable soup
- I will have a piece of fruit or raw veggie sticks instead of chips
- I will add chopped up vegetables to your eggs or potatoes
- I will add peas on my rice
Get More Fiber
- I will eat more fruit and vegetables
- I will eat legumes (Beans, peas and lentils)
- I will take some whole grains in my meal
- I will strive to eat a high-fiber breakfast
- I will snack on nuts and seeds
Get more Vitamins and Minerals
- I will adopt a broad, healthy diet
- I will try to eat more fruits and vegetables
- I will drink supplements and vitamins
- I will drink fruit juice or milk
- I will cut back down eating junk foods
Drink more water
- I will carry a water bottle with me every time I go out
- I will Order water when eating out
- I will drink soup when I have my meals
- I will drink water after every meal
- I will strive to replace soda with water
Avoid Stress-eating
- I will tone down my stress levels through exercising
- I will try to conduct a hunger reality check
- I will try to eat mindfully so that I don’t overeat
- I will keep temptation away. I will not keep food that I usually eat when I’m stressed
- I will try to maintain a healthy meal schedule
Angel Marie B. Sarmiento 12 – ABM GUANZON
Physical Education and Health Quarter 1 – Module 1
Guide Questions:
1. During the pre-activity from PAR-Q & YOU to physical fitness test, have you encountered
any physical activity barrier? Is there any personal or environmental barrier?
- Yes. I encountered a lot personal barriers. Majorly, the reason was that I lacked
motivation to exercise. I felt like I didn’t have any progress. After continuous exercise, I
also started to always feel lazy and it made me want to not move at all. However, my
parents and siblings always reminded me to keep fit because it’s hard to get sick
these days. My family’s house has a huge space so I had enough room to exercise.
My environment was quiet and I had a supportive parents.

2. Cite some situations that hinder you to engage in physical activity.

- When I do not feel well or sick, I can’t do any physical activities. Being busy is also a
factor that hinders me to engage in any exercises. Especially now that I have classes
and household choirs that I can’t make enough time to do anything else.

3. In today‘s pandemic, how do you handle your physical activities?

- I exercise when I have free time. I stroll or run in the neighborhood when there are
less people as to avoid endangering myself from getting any Covid-19 virus.

4. As a student, what is the significance of self-assessment fitness?

- As a student, self-assessment is important so that we can monitor our health. Since
we are young, we tend to abuse food and our body. Assessment lets us identify areas
to improve on and identify what sickness we can be risked in.

5. Knowing your nutritional and health status, in what area are you going to maintain or
- I will try to eat more healthy foods. Even though my BMI is normal, my eating habits
are not healthy. I need to eat more vegetables, fiber and fruits. I also need to drink
more water so that I have enough fluids circulating in my body. I will strive hard to
drink at least 8 glasses a day so that my skin gets smoother and that I avoid illness or
getting dehydration or heat stroke.


I woke up this morning around five o‘clock. Then, I did my daily routine which is to
stretch and take a walk so that my muscles will become strong and ready for today. I took a
bath, fixed myself and of course I eat eggs, a banana, and rice for my healthy breakfast
because “breakfast is the most important meal of the day”.
On my way to the office, where I work as an accountant, I suddenly heard someone call my
name which made me look behind, I didn‘t notice that my other foot had stepped on the banana
peel. Thanks to my strong bones and fast reflexes, I didn‘t have to feel any pain even when I
Its noon time! And because I only had to work half-day, I will eat my lunch at home, eat, rest for
a while and clean the house. Because I still had time left, I am going to the gym for my zumba
class to improve my metabolism and tone my body. I need to maintain my shape to feel
beautiful inside-and-out.
I walk, I work, I dance… sweat but never get tired of my whole day activities because I am
physically fit.


1. B
2. C
3. A
4. C
5. A
6. D
7. B
8. A
9. A
10. C
Angel Marie B. Sarmiento 12 – ABM GUANZON
Physical Education and Health Quarter 1 – Module 1

Step 1: Wrist rotations (16 counts: 8 clockwise, 8 counterclockwise)
Step 2: Shoulder Rotations (16 counts: 8 clockwise, 8 counter)
Step 3: Standing one leg (32 counts: 8 Front & 8 Back Right Leg, 8 Front, 8 Back Left leg)
Step 4: Hip Rotation (16 counts; 8 clockwise, 8 counterclockwise)
Step 5: Ankle Rotations (32 counts: 8 clockwise & 8 ccw right and left ankle)
Step 6: Neck Rolls (16 counts: 8 clockwise and 8 counter)
Step 7: Arm Swings (16 counts: 8 right, 8 left)
Step 8: Side Bends (16 counts: 8 right, 8 left)
Step 9: Lunges (16 counts: 8 right, 8 left)
Step 10: Jumping Jacks (16 counts)

Step 1: Side Steps (8 counts)
Step 3: Side steps with claps (8 counts)
Step 2: Forward and Backward side steps with claps (16 counts)
Step 4: Arm and shoulder Rolls + side steps (16 counts)
Step 5: Double side steps (16 counts)
Step 6: Toe step-heel step (16 counts)
Step 7: Squat (8 counts)
Step 8: Toe tap stretch with finger snaps (8 counts)
Step 9: Toe tap stretch forward backward (8 counts)
Step 10: Side lunge (16 counts)
Step 11: Forward backward arms punching upwards (16 counts)
Step 12: Elbow twist in place (16 counts)
Step 13: Forward backward arms punching upwards (16 counts)
Step 14: Front step back step (16 counts)
Step 15: Squat (8 counts)
Step 16: Side Lunge (16 counts)
Step 17: Toe step-heel step (16 counts)
Step 18: Forward and Backward side steps with claps (16 counts)
Step 19: Toe tap stretch forward backward (8 counts)
Step 20: Side Steps (8 counts)

Step 1: Jog in place (16 counts)
Step 2: Side Bends (16 counts: 8 left, 8 right)
Step 3: Standing one leg (16 counts)
Step 4: Wrist rotations (16 counts: 8 clockwise, 8 counterclockwise)
Step 5: Shoulder Rotations (16 counts: 8 clockwise, 8 counter)
Step 6: Hip Rotation (16 counts; 8 clockwise, 8 counterclockwise)
Step 6: Ankle Rotations (32 counts: 8 clockwise & 8 ccw right and left ankle)
Step 7: Neck Rolls (16 counts: 8 clockwise and 8 counter)
Step 8: Inhale-Exhale (16 counts)

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