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wBRARY emester B.E. Degree Examination, Dec.2019/Jan.2020


Turbo Machines
Timc: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 80

Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing ONE full question from each module.

numerate the difference between positive displacement machine and turbo machine.

(04 Marks)
b. Define static and
stagnation states.
Air flows through an air turbine where its stagnation pre[sure is reduced
(04 Marks)
in the ratio 5:1. The

total to total cfficiency is 80%. The air flow is 5 kg/s, If the total power output is 500 Kw
() Inlet total temperature
(i) Actual exit total temperature
1) Actual exit|static temperature if the velocity is 100 m/s
(iv) Total to static efficiency (08 Marks)

2 a. Show that for turbine polytropic efficiency is
given by

where n is index of polytopic process, y is ratio of specific hets. (08 Marks)

b. A turbine is to operate under a head of 25m at 200 rpm. The discharge is 9 m/s. If the
efficiency is 90%, determine the performançe of the turbine under a head of 20 m. (08 Marks)

3 a. Show that the alternate form of Euler's turbine equation can be expressed as follows

w v+(-u):
Draw the relevant velocity triangles. (08 Marks)
b. Show that for maximum utilization factor ofan axial flow machine with R=. The speed
ration c o s a , where R is degree of reaction and ai is nozzle angle with respect to
tangential direction at inlet. (08 Marks)

4 a. A radial outward flow turbo machine has no whirl at inlet. The blade speed at exit is twice
that at inlet. The radial velocity remains constant. Inlet blade angle is 45°, Show that the
degree ofreaction for this machine is given by R = h e r e R is degree of reaction
and B is blade angle at exit. (08 Marks)

b. A single stage air blower with no inlet
diameter of rotor is 16 cm and mass guide vanes is
flow rate of air nning at 600 rpm. The
rotor the air is turned
through an angle of 20° towards the the blower through
through the rotor at mean diameter. Assume axial direction is 045 kg/s.
that the áxial dur. Kgh\
onstant. Determine the
of air is constant at 1.185 power input and
kg/m' and area of flow degree component of
of reactio
during the pa
is 0.02 m. fluid ve
5 a.
What is need for Module-3
compounding in stream (O8 Mar
For a 50% reaction turbine show that o turbmes?andExplain
outlet angles of fixed blades and B2
piand B2 are inlet andaz outlet
Pi where a and (04 =

c. In ca
angles of moving are
single stage impulse
exit is 300 m/s in turbine the nozzle angle is 25°, blades,
thrust. Determine: direction
(i) the
120° to the The
direction of motionabsolute velocity
(04 Marksy
of stream
blade angles and (i) power of blades at
assuming no axil
6 a. Show that the OR
(08 Marks)
maximum utilization factor
given by nbmasCOs a where of
b. The a is the no|zle blade efficiency
following data refers to angle.
equiangular blades
0.72, outer blade a
stage of a reaction turbine. (08 Marks)
angle 20°
(i) Diagram efficiency rotor Rotor diameter
speed 3000 rpm. Determine: 1.5
() Percentage increase
m, speed ratio
at the best diagram efficiency and rotor
theoretical speed. Assume speed. If the rotor is
symmetric velocity triangles. designed to run
7 (08 Marks)
a. Show that the
maximum hydraulic Module-4
1+KcosB efficiency of peton wheel turbine is
Mh max given by
where K is blade
b. The
following data refers tocoefficient,
a Francis
B2 is blade
turbine: discharge angle.
head =60 m, speed 700 rpm, shaft =
(08 Marks)
hydraulic efficiency 93%, flow ratio
= power 294.3 KW, overall efficiency
equal twice the inner diameter. 0.20, breadth ratio

=0.1, outer diameter 84%,

of the runner, The thickness of runner
velocity of flow is constant at ofinlet
outlet. Determine
the vane occupy 5% of circumferential
and outlet and the area

Guide blade angle discharge is radial at

(11) Runner vane
angle at inlet and
(ii) Diameter of runner at inlet and outlet
(iv) Width of the wheel at inlet
(08 Marks)

8 a. OR
Explain with neat sketch working of Francis turbine.
Mention the functions of draft tube.
b. A pelton wheel is to be
designed for a head of 60 m when running at 200 (08 Marks)
wheel develops 95.65 KW shaft power. The rpm. The pelton
jet, overall efficiency 0.85 and coefficient ofvelocity of buckets 0.45 times the velocity of

() The diameter of jet velocity 0.98. Find: =

(ii) Diameter of wheel

ii) Size of buckets
(iv) Number of buckets
(08 Marks)
of 3
he ng at
bl o wer

dimponerectinotn 0.4r5pm. Th1e Whenthe
are anged in Module5
series and in
parallel" Explain any one

Assume ofduring thekg/s,

that fluid pas An

air compressor
nomenon ofsurging in
eight stages
has. centrifugal compressors
ofequal pressure ratio
1.35. the flow
(4 Marks
(04 Marks
the vel compressor and ficiency are 50 kg/s and 82% rate
1.0 bar and 40°C. Determine respectively. If the throug e
(08 Mark entry are

ounding (04 Marks)

air a
State of air at exit of compressor
az (i) Polytropic efficiency
are (iii) Efficiency of each stage
inlet a Power required to drive the compressor, assume overallefficiency of drive as 9Ke.
(04 Marks)at and
of stream (08 Marks)
g no axial -20
08 Marks) OR

Define slip and slip coefficient with respect

to centrifugal compressor. (02 Marks)
10 a.
velocity diagrams at exit of
a centrifugal pump for forward, radial and backward
Draw the (06 Marks) 17M
curved vanes.
inner radius of 8 cm to outer radius of
ks) C. A centrifugal pump impeller
has radial vañes from
and is 6 cm between the shrouds. If the speed of
the impeller is constant
24 cm. The width of
is 250 lit/s. Find:
the pump is rpm and discharge
Change in enthalpy kPa and water flow is
outward. (08 Marks)
Marks: 100
() if the inlet pressure is 0.8 dule.
(1i) The oútlet pressure
4 Marks)
*** **

e 0%

LOT-07-7 7

3 of 3
USN 17ME53

Fifth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Dec.2019/Jan.2020

Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100
Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, cho0sing ONEfull question from each module.

a. Define Turbomachine. With neat sketeh, explin the parts of Turbomachine (04 Marks)
b. Define specific speed of pump. Derive an expression for the , same in terms of discharge
speed and head. (06 Marks)
C. A Fransis turbine model is builtto scale 1:5 the data for the model is P = 4kW, N = 3500rpm
H = 2m and prototype H =6m. Assume that the overáll efficiency of the model as 70%.

Calculate: i) Speed ofthe prototype ii) Power ofthe prototype. Use Moody's equation.
(10 Marks)
2 a. Define Polytropic Efficiency of turbine"Show that the Polytropic Efficiency during

Expansion process is given by n, (10 Marks)

b. In a three stage turbine the pressure ratio of cach stagé is 2 and stage efficiency is 0.75.
Caleulate overall efficiency and reheat factor. (10 Marks)

3 a. Derive alternate form of Euler's turbine equation and explain the significance of each energ
component. (10 Marks)
b. At a 50% reaction stage axial flow turbine the mean blade diameter is 0.6mts. The maximum
utilization factor is 0.85 and steam flow rate is 12kg/sec: Calculate the inlet and outlet
absolute veloçities and power developed if the speed is 2500rpm. (10 Marks)

4 a. In a turbomachine prove that the maximum utilization factor is given by
49 Cos where = speed ration, R= degree ofreaction,a = nozzle angle.
max 1+26R Cosa
(10 Marks)
b. Draw the velocity triangles at inlet and outlet of an axial flow compressor from the
flow which is
following data. Degree of reaction 0.5 inlet blade angle 45°. Axial velocity of
constant throughout 120m/sec, speed of rotation 6500rpm, radius of rotation 20cm, blade
at inlet and outlet. Also
speed of inlet is equal to blade speed at outlet. Calculate angles
calculate power needed to handle 1.5kg/s ofair. (10 Marks)

of steam
5 a. Why compounding of steam turbine necessary? Describe the velocity compounding(08 Marks)
turbine with neat sketch.
of friction for axial
b. Show that for a two row Curtis steam turbine stage in the absence
discharge at exit under maximum utilization condition U/V, = where U =blade
inlet a nozzle angle at inlet. (12 Marks)
speed V = absolute velocity at =

l of 2

OR lor 50%
cxpression for the
derive an
for reaction turbine and (10 Marks)
6 a. Define degree of reaction
reaction turbine. blade specd
times the mean
axial velocity of flow of steam 8 0.5
b. In a Parson's turbine,
is I.3m and
rotational speed
blade is 20° diameter of the blade ring ad
The outlet angle of the for steam flow of 65kg/scc
Determine inlet blade angles, power
developed (10 Mark)
if the stage efficiency is 80%.
isentropic enthalpy drop,
wlhere n number
given by 206,63
Pelton whcel is n,
1 a.
Showthat the specific speed of Assume the jet velocity
to jet diameter ratio.
used for the flow, m wheel diameter
= (O8 Marks)
of jets of the turbine as 0.89.
and cfficiency
speed ratio as 0.45 under an
coefficient as 0.97 30000 kW of a generator
unit is to produce Mean diameter of
b. A double overhung Pelton wheel nozzle. Find the size of the jet.
base of the 93% Pelton
effective head 300m at the Assume generator n =
of each Pelton turbine.
r u n n e r speed and specific speed
co-coefficient 0.97 and jet ratio =

0.85 speed ratio 0.46 velocity jet (12 Marks)

wheel n =

OR draw the
draft tube. Also
turbine. the function of (08 Marks)
8 a. Draw a neat sketch of Francis
Fransis turbine The outer
typical velocity triangles of 11772kW of shaft power.
under head of20m develops of the
b. A Kaplan turbine working diameter is 1.75m.
The guide blade angle
diametér of the r u n n e r
is 3.5m and hub of the turbine a r e
and overall efficiencies
r u n n e r is 35,
The hydraulie determine: i) Runner
extreme edge of the
velocity of whirlis zero at outlet,
88% and 84% respectively.
If the i) Speed of

inlet and.outlet at the

extreme edgeofthe (12 Marks)
vane angle at the

Module-5S when the frictional

rise in the impeller of a centrifugal pump
Show that the pressure
9 a.
is given by Ap=vE +U

Vf; cosec P,
other losses in the impeller are neglected
the impeller U2
tangential speed of
at inlet and outlet of
Vf and Vf, are velocity of flow (10 Marks)
exit blade angle.
impelleratèxit, B2 the impeller is 45° ark

v a n e angle of
at 1000 rpm. The outlet
A centrifugal pump is running the pump is 0.2m'/sec.
is 2.5m/sec. The discharge through
the velocity of flow of the outlet If the monometric efficiency
is 80% draw
against a head of 20m.
When the pump is working diameter of the impcller at
the outlet
and calculatel: i) The
the outlet velocity diagram (10 Marks)
the outlet.
i) width of impeller ae
air compressor, explain the following:
10 a. With reference to centrifugal (10 Marks)
ii) Slip factor iv) Choking.
i) PreWhirl i) Surging of 15000rpm and delivers air at 30kg/sec,
A centrifugal compressor
runs at a speed
b. 100m/s and 75° respectively.
and vane angles at exit are
radius is 0.35m, relative yelocity and pressure as 300K and I bar
axial inlet and inlet stagnation temperature
respectively, calculate: i) Torque ii) The power required to drive compressor v) The exit total pressure
iv) The workdone
i) The ideal head developed (10 Marks)
(cp)air 1.005kJkgK.
* *

2 of 2
, RY SME53
Fifth Semester B.E.
Degree Examination, Dec.2018/Jan.2019
Time: 3 hrs.
Max. Marks: 80
Note: Answer any FIVE
full questions, choosing ONE full questlon from each module
Differentiate between turbo Module-1
macíînes and positive displacerment
b. Test on a turbomachine
runne machines (08 Marks)
Power developed 736 KW 125
m in diameter at
30 mhead gave the following results.
Specd is 180 rpm and discharge 2.7 m'/s. Find the diameter,
speed and discharge of a runier to
operate at 45 m head and give 1472 KW at the same
efficiency. What is specific speed of both the turbines?)
(08 Marks)

2 OR
a. Show that the
polytropic efficiency during the expansion process is given by

(08 Marks)

b. A stream of combustion gases, at the point of entry

1050 K, static pressure to a turbine has a static temperature of
of 600 kPa, and a velócity of 150 m/s. For the gases,
C= 1.004 kJ/kgK and 1.41. Find the total temperature and total
Also find the difference between their pressure of the gases.
static and total enthalpies. (08 Marks)

3 a. Derive alternate form of Euler

b. In an inward radial flow
equation and explain each component in that. (08 Marks)
hydraulic turbine water enters with an absolute velocity of 15 m/s
with a nozzle angle of 15°. The speed of the rotor
is 400 rpm. Diameter of the rotor at inlet
and outlet áre 75 cm and 50 cm respectively. The fluid leaves the rotor radially with an
absolute velocity of 5 m/s Determine: (i) The blade angles (ii) work done (ii) utilization
factor. (08 Marks)

4 a. Derive theoreticál head capacity relation in case of radial flow pump [centrifugal]
B discharge blade angle with respect to tangential direction. Explain the effect of
discharge angle on it. (08 Marks)
b. An axial flow compressor has the following data. Entry conditions: 1 bar and 20°C, degree
ofreaction= 50%, man blade ring dia = 60 cm, rotational speed = 18000 rpm, blade angle
at rotor and stator exit = 65°. Axial velocity = 180 m/s, mechanical efficiency = 96.7%.

i) Blade angle at rotor and stator inlet.
ii) Power required to derive the compressor 08 Marks)

I of 2

Module-3 (08 Marks)

5 a. What is compounding? Explain any two methods of compounding.
b. The following particulars refer to a single impulse turbine. Mean diameter of blade
ring 2.5 m, speed 3 0 0 0 rpm, nozzle angle = 20°, ratio o fblade velocity to steam = 0.4.

blade friction factor = 0.8, blade angle at exit is 3° less than that at inlet. Steam flow rate
36000 kg/hr. Draw the velocity diagram and cálculate (i) power developed (i) blade
efficiency. (08 Marks)

6 a. Derive the condition for maximum efficiency of reaction steam turbine and hence prove that

2cos'a (08 Marks)

bmax14+ cos* a
b. A Parson's turbine is running at 1200 rpm. The mean rotor diameter is Im. Blade outlet
angle is 23°, speed ratio is 0.75 Stage efficiency is 0.8. Find enthalpy drop in this stage.
(08 Marks)

7 a. Show that for maximumeficiency of pelton wheelthe bucket velocity is equal to half of the

jet velocity U= (08 Marks)

b. In a power státion a pelton wheel prodúcer 15000 KW under a head of 350 m, while
running at 5Q0 rpm. Assume a turbine eficiency of 0.84, coefficient of velocity for nozzle as
0.98.sped ratio 0.46 and bucket velocity coefficient 0.86. Calculate: () Number of jet
Diameter of each jet (ii) Tangentíal force on the buckets if the bucket deflect the jet
through165 (08 Marks)

8 a. With a mathematical expression, define the following
i) Hydraulic efficiency i) Mechapical efficiency
i) Overall efficiency iv) Volumetric efficiency (08 Marks)
b. A Kaplan turbine working under a head of 20 m develops 1172 KW shaft power. The outer
diameter of the rúnner is 3.5 m and hub dice is 1.75 m. The guide blade angle at the extreme
edge of the runner is 35°. The hydraulie and overall efficiency of the turbine are 88% and
84% respectively. If the velocity ofwhirl is zero at
outlet, determine:
1) Runner vane angles at inlet and outlet at the extreme edge
of the runner
i) Speed of the turbine.
(08 Marks

9 a. Define the following: Module-5

1) Suction head i) Delivery head
1m) Manometric head iv) Net positive suction head
b. A
centrifugal pump working in dock, pumps 1565 /s, against head (mean lift)(08ofMarks)
6.1 m
when the impeller rotates at 200
tpm. The impeller diameter is 122 cm and the area at outlet
peripheryis 6450 cm*.If the vanes are set back at an angle of 26° at the
) hydraulic efficiency (ji) pówer required to drive the outlet, find
internal diameter is 2, find pump. If the ratio of external to
the minimum speed to start pumping. (08 Marks)
10 a. For axial flow
compressor show that E =v,ul tan tan ß,
tanB, tan B,J (08 Marks)
b. What are the types of diffuses used in
centrifugal compressor? Explain any two. (08 Marks)
* *

2 of 2
USN pm 15MES3
Fifth Semester B.E.
Degree Examination, June/July 2019
Turbo Machines
Time: 3 hrs.
Note: Answer any LIBRAK80
Max. Marks: 80
FIVE full questions, choosing ONE full question from each module.
a. List the difference between Module-1
positive displacement machine and machine.
geometrically similar pumps are running at same speedofturbo
b Two (08 Marks)
1000 rpm. One pump has an
impeller diameter of 0.3 m and its water at the rate of litres/sec
Determine the head and 20 against a head of 15 m.
impeller diameter of the other pump to deliver half the discharge.
(08 Marks)
2 a. Derive the equation
ofeficiency np for compression process
(08 Marks)
b. A turbine has four stages and each stage pressure ratio is 2. The inlet static temperature is
630°C The mass flow rateis 30 kg/s. the overall efficiency is 0.8. Calculate:
(i) the polytropic efficiency (11) stage efficiency (11) the power developed
(iv) the reheat factor.
(08 Marks)

3 a.
Derive the alternate forms of Euler's turbine equation and explain the significance of each
energy component. (08 Marks)
b. In an axial flow turbine discharge blade àngles are 20° each for both stator and rotor. The
steam speed at the exit of fixed blade is 150,m/s. The ration =0.75 at exit of rotor. Find

the inlet blade rotor anglepower developed and degree of reaction for a flow rate of
3.5 kg/'s (08 Marks)

4 a. Detive an expression of theoretical head capacity relationship of radial outward flow devices
for different values ofdischarge angles
(centrifugal machines).
b. An inward flow reaction turbine has outer and inner diameter wheels as I m and 0.5 m
(08 Marks)

respectivelyThé vanes are radialatinlet and discharge is radial at outlet and fluid enters the
vanes at anangle of 10. Assuming the velocity of flow to be constant and equal to 3 m/s.
Find: (i) speed of wheel (i) vane angle at outlet (i) degree of reaction. (08 Marks)

5 a. What is the necessity for compounding steam turbines? Name the different compounding
methods and explain ány one. (08 Marks)
b. In a single stage impulse turbine the mean diameter of the blades is Im. It runs 3000 rpm.
The steam is supplied from a nozzle at a velocity of 350 m/s and nozzle anzle is 20°. The
rotor blades are equiangular. The blade friction factor is 0.86. Draw the velocity diagram
and calcúlate the power developed ifthe axial thrust is 117.72 Newton's. (08 Marks)
l of 2

OR where ai and Bi are

B2 and a
reaction steam turbine,
show that a

blade angles
of and

6 a. For a 50%
blades, az and B2are the butlet (08 M a r k s )

fixed and moving

inlet angles of
respectively. Steam
moving blade angles. 50° and 20°
the inlet and
outletblade angles are is 260 m/s.
The rotor speed (08 Marks)
D. In a reaction turbine, léaves at 40°.
rotor wheel and
enters at18° to the plane of the rcaction.
Calculatc the specd ratio, specific
work and degréc of
Module-4 Pelton wheel
turbine is given
maximum hydraulio efficiency of a

7 a. Show that the is bucket

and exit velocitý trjangles, ch
= 2 , Also draw theinlet (08 Marks)
coefficient and B2 is exit blae angle. with a gross
head or
from a reservoir tothe Pelton wheel rate of flow of
b. The penstock supplies water in frietion)in the penstock. The of
head is lost of deflection
S00 m. One third of thegross is 2 m3/s. The angle
fitted at the end of peDstock and also hydrauli
water through the no|zle
water to the r u n n e r
the power given by,the (08 Marks)
the jet is 165°. Detemine 0.45 and c,= 1.0.
wheel. Take speed râtio

efficiency of the Peltón

OR 600 rpm, power
turbine net head 70 m, speed

The following data are given for a Francis 95%, flow =

8 a.
efficiency 85%,
hydraulic efficiency
at the shaft 367.5 KW, overall the vanes
2. The thickness of

inner dia Tatio


0.1outer dia to
ratio 0.25, width ratio inlet

area of the runnerVelocity

of flow is constant at
occupy 10% of the circumferential (i) Runner
outlet. Determine. (i) Guide blade angle
and outlet and discharge is radial at at inlet.
at inlet andoutlet (iv) Widthofwheel
vane angles (ii) Diamter ofrunner (08 Marks)

Mention the functions of draft

b. With a neat sketch, explain the working of Kaplan turbine (08 Marks)

9 a. Explain the föllowing with reference to centrifugal pümp:
i) Manometric efficiency withexpression
ii) Cavitation in pump
ii) Need of priming
iv) Pumps in series (08 Marks)

b.A centrifugal pump is designed torun at 1450 rpm with maximum discharge of
800 litres/min against a total read of 20 m. The suction and delivery pipes are designed
such that they are equal in size of 100 mm. If the inner and outer diameter of the impeller are
12 cm and 24cm respectively, determine the blade angles Bi and B, for radial entry. Neglect
friction and other losses (08 Marke)
10 a. Explain the phenomena of slip factor, surging, stalling and chocking in centr ifugal
compressor. (08 Marks)
b. Air enters a threçe stáge axial flow compressor at I bar and 300 K. the energy input is
25 kJ/kg per stage.The stage efficiency is 0.86. Calculate: (i) the exit static
(i) the compressor efficiency (i) the static pressure ratio.
(08 Marks)

2 of 2
- 5 0 3

Fifth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June/July 20016
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100

Note: 1. Answer any FIVE full questions, selecting 49

atleast TWO questions from each part.
2. Use of Steam table and thermodynamic data handbook is permitted.

a. Explain any six major differences between turbomachines and positive displacement
machines. (06 Marks)
b. What are unit quantities? Derive the expressions to each of
the (06 Marks)
The following data were obtained from the main charaçteri_tícs of a Kaplan turbine of
runner diameter I m. Pu= 30.695, Q.= 108.6, N, = 63.6/ Estimate (i) The runner diameter
(i) The discharge (ii) The speed of a similar runner working under a head of 30m and
developing 2000 kW. Also (iv) determine the specifiespeed of the runner. (08 Marks)

2 a. Defin the polytropic efficiency of a turbine. Draw the T-S diagram and show that the
polytrppic efficiency is given by

where n = Index of polytropic prócess, y Ratio of specific heats. (10 Marks)

b. Air flows through an air turbinewhere its stagnation pressure is reduced in the ratio 5:1. The
total-to-total efficiency is 80%. The air flow is 5 kg/s. If the total power output is 500 kW,
find (i) inlet total température (ii) actual exit total temperature (ii) actual exit static
temperature if the flow yelocity is 100 m/s (iv) total-to-static efficiency. (10 Marks)

3 a. Obtain an expressión as shown below for energy transfer and degree of reaction as a
function of di_oharge blade angle B» for a turbomachine. Make the following assumptions:
(i) u #2ux(i) Constant radial velocity, (i) No whirl velocity at inlet and inlet blade
angle 45
R 2+cot, (10 Marks)

b-O axial flow turbine, the dischárge blade angles 20

an are each, for both the stator and the
ighly rotor. The steam speed at the exit of the fixed blade is 140 m/s. The ration of =0.7 at
the entry and 0.76 at the exit of the rotor blade. Find () the inlet rotor blade angle, (ii)

power developed by the blade ring for a mass flow rate of 2.6 kg/s, (ii) Degree of reaction.
(10 Marks)

With the help of inlet and outlet velocity diagrams, show that the degree of reaction for an
4 a.
axial flow compressor is given by

R-cotp +cotß,]
where Va = axial flow velocity, u= blade velocity, Bi and B2 are the vanes angles of inlet
(10 Marks)
and outlet.
1of 2
t Ar
head of 25 m The radialvekt
b. A centrifugal pump delivers water against a rmdial at t AIN
is 0.05 ms The blades are
3.5 m/s and is constant, the flow rate of water
Determine (i) Diameter at tin (n) Width of dlak
t (m)
pump runs at 1500 rpm.
diffuser angle at impeller exit.

sketch, explain the pressure-velocity compounding of steanm
Rarthine, v Mart
5 a. With a neat Tie tRt AM*
b. In a Curtis stage with two nows ofmoving blades
the rotor are oquiangila
of 32* cach. The velawbf sreah at t
has angle of 29° each while second rotor has angle statr *IN
09 in the fist OS m t
exit of nozzle is 530 nm/s and the blade coefticients are Mean
exit shoukaal tinf (n)
in the second rotor. If the absol1te velocity at the stage
rate of 32
blade speed (ii) The rotor efticieney (ii) The power output for {Nd

6 a. Show that for a Pelton trurbine the maximum hydraulic eRicehey is gnen by

where Cis blade velocity co-efficient and B2ibade dischange ang
b. Explain the function of a draft tube and mencin its types Mard
at imet is 2 ms At t mkY
C. In a Francis turbine, the discharge is radil. the blade speed
tangential component of velocity is 18ms. The radial vekocity of tkow is dustant ani qudl

to 2.5 m/s. Water flows at the rate ofaI n s. The utilization tactors dS2
Hnd (d ukrs
blade of reation (R) DaN
angle (iv) Degrae
head (i) Power devel (inAdtét
velocity triangles.
7aWhat are the applicatiog uéy
multi-stage centrifugal pumps? W*h a rikat sketh eylan
centrifugal pumps in seres and parallel. (Mards

b. Explain the phenomenon of cavitation in centrifugal pump.

C. A centrifugal puntp'impeller has radial vanes from inner radius of em N r rdNIN
24 cm. The widtH of the impeller is constant and is 6 em between the shrvuds N t s i
is 1500 rpmand the discharge is 250 lit s. Find (i) change n enthalp () T nkte
pressurefinlet pressure is 0.8 kPa and water flow is outward

8 a. Defoe the following terms of centrifugal compressor

Slip factor (i) Power factor (ii) Pressurce coefficient. Mars

Explain the phenomenon of surging in centrifugal compressor. Mards
The speed ofan axial flow compressor is 15,000 rpm The mean diameter s do m the a s
velocity is constant and is 225 m/s. The velocity of whirl at inlet is SS ms Te unrd d * n
45 kJ/kg of air. The inlet conditions are 1 bar and 300 K. Assume a stage etticnr otddN
Calculate (i) Fluid deflection angle, (i1) Pressure ratio. (m) Degro ot matim (n) \tas
flow rate of air. Power developed is 425 k
te Mard

2 of2

G3S3 Sshene
USN 15ME53

Fifth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June/July 2018

Turbo Machines
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 80

Note: Answer any FIVE full qustions, choosing one fullquestion from each module.

1 a. Define with appropriatey expressions: i) flow coefficient i) head coefficient
ii) power coefficient specific speed. (08 Marks)
b. A model of a centrifugal pump absorbs 5 KW at a speed of 1500 rpm, pumping water
against a head.offm. The large prototype pump is required to pump water to a head of 30 m.
The scale rati of diameter is 4. Assume same efficiency and similarities. Find: (i) Speed
i) Powetof prototype (ii) The ratio of discharge of prototype and model. (08 Marks)

2 a.Show that polytropic efficiency for compressor is given by , = (08(08 Marks

Air enters a compressor at a static pressure of 1.5 bar, a static temperature of 15°Cand a
flow velocity of 15 m/s. At the exit the static pressure is 3 bar the static temperatureis
00°C and the flow velocity is 100 m/s. The outlet is 1 m above the inlet. Evaluate
i) The isentropic change in enthalpy
i) The actual change in enthalpy and efficiency of the compressor. (08 Marks)

3 a. Define ut lization factor and write the expression. Derive relation between degree of reaction
anc utilization factor. (08 Marks)
b. The following data refers to a turbomachine. Inlet velocítyòf whirl = i6 m/s, velocity of

flow 10 n/s, blade speed 33 m/s, outlet blade speed 8 m's. Discharge is radial withan

i) Power in KW JULY-
absolute velocity of 16 m/s. If water is the working fluid flowing at he rate of 1 m'/s.
Calculate the following:

ii) Change in total pressure in kN/ms

ii) Degree of reaction
iv) Utilization factor (08 Marks)

a. Derive theoretica: head capacityrelation in case of centrifugal pumps.
8 A8
where B2 discharge bláde angle with respect to tangential direction. (08 Marks)
b. A hydraulic reaction turbine of the radial inward flow type works under a head of 160 m of
water. At the point of fluid enty, the rotor blade angle is 119° and diameter of the runner is
3.65 m. Atthe exit, the runner diameter is 2.45 m. 'f the absolute velccity of the wheel outlet
is radially directed with a magiitude of 15.5 m/s and the radial component of velocity at the
inlef is 10.3 m/s. Find the power develc ped by the machine, assuming that the 88% of the
availabe head ofthe machire is convettod into work and the flow rate is 110 m/s. Find also
the degree of reaction and the ttilizatior factor. (08 Ma ks)
I of 2

Module-3 Explain any

of compounding.
List different types and velocity of steam.
Detine compounding.
neat sketch showing variations of pressure (08 Marks)

compounding with diameter of blade

steam turbine. Mean or
to a stage of a parsons outlet biade angles
T h e folowing
particulars refer blades =160 m/s,
steam velocity at
inlet of moving and speed
1500 rpm,
ring 70 em, the blades 7 kg/s =
ii) Power
20°. Steam flow through inlet angle
blade Blade
find the folowing: i)
diagram aFd
(08 Marks)
n-0.8. Draw the velocity
in the stage ii) Availalhla inerntropic enthalpy drop.
steam turbine
and snow that
of an impulse
Derive the condition for maxaum efficiency (08 Marks)
maximum efticiency is .cos u,. of t
row wheel,
the mean diameter
turbine provided with single from the nozzles
b. In a stage of an impulsa rotation is 3000 rpm.
The steam issues
blade ring is 80 qnand speed of blades are equiangular and
angle is 20°. The rotor
m/s and the nozzle when the axial
with a vekocity of 300 developed in the blades
is 0.85. What is the power (08 Marks)
blade velocity coc fficient
140 N.
thrust onthedlade is
Module-4 is equal to half of
wheel, the bucket velocity
maximum efficiency of peltan (08 Marks)
Show that for a
thejet velocity. 30000 KW at the generator under
wheel unit is to produce
b double over hung peltan size of the jet, mean diameterofthe
effective head of 300 m at base
of the nozzle. Find the
turbine. Assumé generator
speed of the each peltan
speed and specif+c 0.46 Jet velocity
0.85, speed ratio
runner, =

peltan wheel efficiency (0 Marks)
coeficient 0.97 and jet ratio 12.

Show that pressure at the exit of
the reaction turbine with draft tube is less than atmospheric
8 a. (08 Marks)
pressure. at 65.2 rpm.
30000 KW under a head of 9.6 mWhile running
b. A Kaplan turbine produces the runner is 7.4 m. The
is 350 m°/s. The tip diameter of
The discharge through the turbine ii) Specific
diameter. Calculate; i) Turbine efficiency
hub diameter is 0.432 times the tip Flow ratio. (08 Marks)
of the turbine ii) Speed ratio (based
on tip diameter) iv)
frictional and other
Show that pressure rise in impeller of a centrifügal pump when the
9 a
losses in impeller are neglected is given by +u -ví, cosec P,] where v, and vi,

are flow velocities at inlet and outlet of the impeller. u2

tangential speed of impeller at

exit, B: = exit blade angle. (08 Marks)

and flow 210 cm.
a constant area
b. A centrifugal pump has its impeller diameter 30 cm
The pump runs at 1440 rpm and delivers 90 LPS against a head of 25 m. If there is no whirl
velocity at entry, compute the rise in pressure head across the impeller and hydraulic
efticiency of pu:mp. (08 Marks)
10 a. Explain the working principle of the axial flow compressor along with a neat sketch of
compressor with inlet guide vane. (08 Marks)
b. A 4 stage eentrifugal pump *as 4 identical impellers keyed to the same shaft. Speed of the
shaft is 500 rpm. Total manometric head developed from 4 impellers is 50 m. The width at
exitis cm and diameter at exit is 60 cm. Whirl velocity at exit is 10 m/s, radial flow
eocity at exit is 2 m/s. Calculate: i) Discharge ii) Exit vane angle iii) Manometric
cfticiency. (08 Marks)
**2 of 2**
Fifth Semester B.E.
Degree Examination, Dec.2017/Jan.2018
Turbo Machiness
Time: 3 hrs.
Max. Marks: 80
Note: Answer
any FIVE full questions, choosing one full question
from each module.
1 a. Define and give the Module-1
with respect to significance of specific speed, head coefficient and power coefticient
b. Explain the effect of Reynold number on the (06 Marks)
performanée analysis of turbomachines.
c. It is desired to deliver 5 (04 Marks)
m'/secat a head of 640 m
i) If the specific speed is hot to exceed 40, what inasingle stage pump.
ii) If the speed is reduced to shoukd be the speed of the impellers?
1450rpm, how many stages required?
(06 Marks)

2 a.
Explain static and OR.
stagnation staté for a(fuid: Obtain an expression relating static and
stagnation temperature for a perfect gás.
b. An axial flow (06 Marks)
compressor has eight stages of equal pressure ratio of 1.35 and the flow rate
through compressor and the overalt efficieney are 50 kg/sec and 0.82
conditions of air at the entry are respectively. If the
1.0bar and 300 K, Determine:
i) The state of air at the compressorexit
ii) Polytropic efficiency
ii) Efficiency of each stage
iv) Power required to drive thegompressor assuming mechanical efficiency of 90%.

(10 Marks)

3 a.
Draw the velocity triangles at inlet and outlet of
turbine equation with usuál notations.
turbo machine and derive the Euler
b. In an inward floy
(08 Marks)
of 30 and at
water turbine, the water enters the runner througha guide vane at an angle
velocity of 30 m/sec. The inner diameter is 1.8 m
half the in let diameter. The water leaves the runner at an absoluteand the
outlet diameter is
velocity of 3 m/sec at an
angle of 130to the wheel tangent with a slight positive whirl. Find the power developed by
the turbiné if the discharge is 0.4 m/sec and also the blade
angles at iniet and outlet, if the
speed ofthe turbine is 300 rpm.
(08 Marks)

5 4 a. A radial outward flow turbo machine has no inlet whirl. The blade
speed at the exit is twice
that at inlet. Radial velocity is constant throughout. Taking the inlet blade angle as 45, show

that the degree of reaction is given by R = 2+cotß, where B is the blade angle at exit with
respect to tangential direction.
(10 Marks)
b. The impeller of a centrifugal pump has an outer diameter of 1.5 m. It lifts water at a rate of
2000 kg/sec. The blade is making an angle is 145 with the direction of motion at outlet and
the speed being 3000 rpm. Radial velocity of flow is 3m/sec. Find the power required to
drive the impeller. (06 Marks)
l of 3

Module-3 (04 Marks)

efficiency and stage efficiency. mean

blades yith a
5 a. Define and explain diagram has two rows of moving
impulse wheel
and the nozzle angle
is 16 and
b. Avelocity compounded of rotation is 3000 rpm steam passin8
diameter of 70 cm. The speed The m a s s df
outlet is 610 m/sec. blades
at the nozzle in cach row of
estimated s t e a m velocity that the energy loss
second is 5.5 kg. Assuming blades. The outlet
through the blades per of the steam entering ihe
is 24% of the kinetic energy
(moving and fixed)
blades are:
angles of the blades =
1. First rów ofmoving
Intermediáte guide blades = 22

blades =
3. Second rowofmoving derive the following
velocities and
Draw the diagram of relative
i) Blade inlet anglas cachrow of moving blades (12 Marks)

Power developed in
iii) Efficiency of the wheel
as a whole.
OR where Bi and B2 are

3how that as and az =Bi Marks)
turbine, fixed blades. (08
50% reaction
steam with respect to of
For a
a the anglesare blades and
onc row

angles, a and
6 a.
blade of fixed
inlet and outlet Parsons turbiné çonsists
of o n e r o w
of a follows:
b. A certain stage
details of the turbine are as
blades. The
moving =
107 m/sec
Mean blade speed second
passing per
13.5 kg
Mass of steam bl¡des143.7 m/sec
at exit
from fixed over
Steam velocity assuming carry
efficiency, the
20 gross in
Nozzle inlet angle inthë stagè ánd

into kinetic energy

developed energy
(08 Marks)
C a l c u l a t e the power
0.74 and the effricieney
coefficient as
channels as
interms of jet
Module-4 turbine
a Pelton wheel (08 Marks)
efficiency of
the hydraulic
expression fór
above the
Derive a n and blade angles. 10 m
blade velocity, U
7 friction
from a reservoir

velocity, Vi, wheel is long. Take

pelton diameter, (5.6 km 0.47 and
to a single jet 67.5 c m ratio =
b. The supply through a pipe The blade speed 15% in
nozzle =(0:97) 9 cm. reduced by

of water is
(Cv of 0.008. Jet
velocity to
for the pipe power given

coefficient 170. The D e t e r m i n e the
water through 85%. (08 Marks)
buckets deflect the mechanical

buckets. If the
passing over the efficiency and overall
r u n n e r , hydraulic at
OR turbine. Draw
the velocity triangles
0 8 Marks)
of a Kaplan
the working of draft tube. shaft
sketch, explain the function 600 rpin,

With á neat t u r b i n e . Also

explain head 70 m, speed

8 a.
outlet of the Francis
turbine. Net
efficiency, nh
95%, flow
inlet and data is given for a
85% and=
hydraulic d i a m e t e r of

b. The following overall efficiency,

no 2 x inner
10% of
d i a m e t e r of
KW, the v a n e s occupy
power 368 breadth ratio 0.1, o u t e r

and the
t h i c k n e s s of

and outlet

ratio 0.25,flow is c o n s t a n t at inlet

= outlet.
is radial at
and discharge
velocity of a r e a of
the runner


Guide blade
angle outlet
i) inlet and (08 Marks)
Runner vane angles at and out let
r u n n e r at
ii) Diameter of the
iii) at inlet. 2 of3
Width of wheel
9 a. Shów that the pressure rise in the impeller of a centrifugal pump when frictiónal and other
lossés in the impeller are reflected is given by

where V/and V are the velocity of flow at inlet and outlet, U2 /tangential velocity of
impeller at outlet, B2 = vane angle at outlet. (06 Marks)
b. A three stage centrifugal pump has impeller 40 cm in decimeter and 2.5 cm wide at outlet.
The vanes are cúrved back at an angle of 30° and reduces the circumferential area by 15%.
The manometric efi iency = 85% and overall efficiencyJ5%. Determine the head
0.06 m/sec. Find the shat
generated by the pump when running at 1200 rpm and discharges
(10 Marks)
power also.

10 a. Explain the phenomenon of) surging (i) chockingie the centrifugal compressor.
(06 Marks)
(02 Marks)
b. Define work done factor for anaxjal flow compréssop.
blades with inlet and outlet angles
C. An axial flow compressor of 50%Teaction design'has
The is to produce a
with respect to axial direction as 4And 10espectively.
pressure ratio of 6:l with an overlliséntropic
efficiency of 0.85 when the inlet
temperature is 37'C. The blade speed
ard axial velocity are constant throughout
number of stages
compressor. Assuming a value of msec for blade speed find the
200 (08 Marks)
required if the work done factor is 087 for ad stages.

ILU 23/12122/01
3 of3

Fifth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Dec.2015/Jan.2016

Turbo Machines

Time: 3 hrs Max. Marks: 100

Note: 1. 4nswer any FIV'Efull questions, selecting

atleast TWO questions from each part.
2. Missing data may be suitably assumed.

a. Eumerate the differences between Positive Displacement Machthes and Turbomachines
with reference to its action, energy conversion process and volumetric efficiency. (06 Marks)
b. With usual notations, derive expressions for Unit Dischargé coeficient. Head coetticient
and Power coetticient using Dimensional Analysis. (08 Marks)
c. The quantity of water available for a hydroelectrie power station is 260m/sec. The head
developed is l1.73m. Ifthe speed ofthe turbines is 50 pm and the cfficiency 82.5%. find the
number of turbines. Assume specitic speed to be 760 (06 Marks)

2 a. With usual notations. derive an expressian tor infinitesimal stage etficiency during
compression process with the aid of TS plot (10 Marks)
b. A 9 stage centritugal compressor has overall stage pressure ratio 2.82. Air enters the
is 88°%. Determine the
compressor at 1 bar and 15°C. The etticiency of the compressor
following : i) Pressure ratio of each stage ii) Polytropic etticieney ii) Preheat
factor. (10 Marks)

3 a. The velocity of the steam in a De Laval Turbine at the inlet is1 200m/sec. The nozzle angle
at the inlet is 22 and blades are equiangular. Assuming relative velocities of the tluid at
inlet and exit to be equal and tangential speed of the rotor is 400m/sec. Determine the
ii) Power developed in kW, if nmass tlow
following : i) Blade angles at inlet and exit iv) Utilization
rate is lkg/sec ) Tangential force exerted on the rotor blade ring
(10 Marks)
b. Show that for an axial flow turbine subjected under maximum utilization factor condition,
of the rotor and
the speed ratio o is given by 2/3 cos a, where °U' is the tangential speed
to remain constant and
V is the tangential jet velocity of the tluid. Assume tlow velocity (10 Marks)
a is the nozzle angle. Take Degree of Reaction R 4.

inlet and
4 a. The total power input at a stage in an axial - tlow compressor with symmetrie
is 180m/sec
outlet velocity triangles (R 0.5) is 27.85 kJ/kg of air tlow. If the blade speed

inlet and outlet rotor blade

throughout the rotor, draw the velocity triangles and compute the
Comment on the results you have
angles. Do you recommend the use of such compressors? (10 Marks)
obtained. Assume axial velocity component to be 120m/sec.
outer blade angle is
b. An inward flow radial reaction turbine has axial discharge at outlet. The
of the
45. The radial velocity of the flow remain constant. Assuming the tangential speed
rotor at inlet to be twice the tangential speed of the rotor at exit, deternmine the energy
of reaction. Assume Vm= 2g. If the
transter per unit flowdepending on mass and degree
*T', what the corresponding values
values of degree of reaction respectively are 0' and are
(10 Marks)
of the tluid?
ofenergy transfer per unit mass

I of2

a. Detine a steam turbine. List out the differences between Impulse
turbines. and Recaction stC
b. Briefly explain Velocity (08 Marks)
C. ln a
turbine, the inlet and outlet (04 Marks)
blade angles are 50 and 20"
enters at18° to the plane of the
rotor wheel and leaves at 40. respectively. Steam
Calculate the speed ratio, The rotor speed is 260m/
specific work and degree of reaction. sec.
(08 Marks)

6 a. Prove that the hydraulic efficiency of Pelton wheel is given

by cosB where C is
Bucket 2
velocity coefficient and ß2 is the runner tip
b. Explain the function of a draft tube. angle. 2 (08 Marks)
C. An inward flow reaction (04 Marks)
turbine with radial discharge having overall efficiency 80%
power developed is 147 kW. The head is
8m. The when,
0.962gH and flow velocity of the fluid is 0.36 /2gH. Theperipheral velocity of the fluid is
and hydraulic
energy losses is 22% of
speed of the rotor is 1500 rpm
i) Inlet guide vane and blade
available energy. Determine the following
angles ii) Diameter of the rotor iii) Width of the rotor.
(08 Marks)
7 a. Define a
Centrifugal pump. With usual notations, derive theoretical head
relationship for a centrifugal pump. capacity
b. What is Cavitation? What are (08 Marks)
its effects?
Show that the pressure rise in the (04 Marks)
impeller of a centrifugal pump is given by
- v +u2 - v cosec B.]. where V, & V, are the flow velocities and
outlet Blade angle.
B is the
(08 Marks
8 a.
Explain Surging, Stalling and Slip factor with reference to a
b. The impeller tip speed compressor. (08 Marks)
of a centrifugal compressor is 370m/sec, slip factor is 0.9, and the
radial component at the exit is 35m/sec. If
the flow area at the is 0.18m' and
compressor efficiency is 88%. Determine the mass flow rate of air andexit the absolute Mach
number at impeller tip. Assume air
290K. Neglect the work input factor. Also find1.57kg/m'
and inlet stagnation

temperature is
the overall pressure ratio of the
(12 Marks)


2 of 2
GBCS Sehem9
USN 15ME53

Fifth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Dec.2017/Jan.2018

Turbo Machines
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 80

Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing one full question from each module.

a. Define and give the ificance of specific speed, head coefficient and power coefficient
with respect to turboamachines. (06 Marks)
b. Explain the effect of Reynotd number on the performanée analysis ofturbomachines.
(04 Marks)
c. It is desired to deliver 5 /secat a head of 640 m inasingle stage pump.
i) If the specific speed is hot to exceed 40, what hould be the speed of the impellers?
ii) Ifthe speed is reduced to 1450rpm, how many stages are required? (06 Marks)

2 a. Explain static and stagnation stat o

aluid? Obtain an expression relating static and
stagnation temperature for a perfect gás (06 Marks)
b. An axial flow compressor has eight stagesof equal pressure ratio of 1.35 and the flow rate
through the compressor and the overaltetficieney are 50 kg/sec and 0.82 respectively. If the
conditions of air at the entry are 1.0bararid 300B, Determine:
i) The state of air at the compressor exit
ii) Polytropic efficiency
ii) Efficiency of each stage
iv) Power required to drive the compressor assuming mechanical efficiency of 90%.
(10 Marks)

a. Draw the velocity triangles at inlet and outlet of a turbo machine and derive the Euler
turbine equation with usuál notations. (08 Marks)
b. In an inward floyWater turbine, the water enters the runner throughaguide vane at an angle
of 30 and at velocity of 30 m/sec. The inner diameter is 1.8 mand the outlet diameter is
half the inlet diameter. The water aves the runner at an absolute velocity of 3 m/sec at an
angle of l130to the wheel tangent with a slight positive whirl. Find the power developed by
the turbiné if the discharge is 0.4 m/sec and also the blade angles at inlet and outlet, if the
speed ofthe turbine is 300 rpm. (08 Marks)

4 a
A radiaj outward flow turbo machine has no inlet whirl. The blade speed at the exit is twice
that at inlet. Radial velocity is constant throughout. Taking the inlet blade angle as 45, show

that the degree of reaction is given by R =

where B2 is the blade angle at exit with
respect to tangential direction. (10 Marks)
b. The impeller ofa centrifugal pump has an outer diameter of 1.5 m. It lifts water at a rate of
2000 kg/sec. The blade is making an angle is 145" with the direction of motion at outlet and
the speed being 3000 rpm. Radial velocity of flow is 3m/sec. Find the power required to
drive the impeller. (06 Marks)
l of 3

(04 Marks)

efficiency. with a mea
and stage moving blades
diagram efficiency two r o w s of
and the
Delioe and explain wheel has nozzle angle
is 16
compounded impulse and the passing
3000 rpm steam
.Aveocity of rotation is The mass of
70 cm. The speed is 610
m/sec. row of blades
danieter of
velocity at the
nozzle outlet
that the energy
loss in each
blades. The

estimated steam second is 5.5 kg.

entering the
the blades per kinetic energy
of the steam
through is 24% of the
(moving and tixed) are:
angles of Whnblades blades= 18
. First row of'movingblades 22
Intermediate guide blades=38°

3. Second rowof
moving derive the following
velocities and
Draw the diagramof
(12 Marks)
) Bladeinlet angles of moving

ii) Power developed n cach rowwhole.

wheelaa a
ii) Efficiency ofthe
OR where Bi and p2 are

that asBand
Bi Marks)
turbîne show fixed blades. (08
reaction steam with respect to of
For a S0% are the angle[ and one o w
blade angles, a anda row of
fixed blades
inlet and outlet consistsof one

of a Parsons turbiné
b. A certain stage
details of the tuYbine are as
moving blades.
blade speed 107 m/sec =

per second 13.5 kg

Mass ofsteam passingfrom fixed blades.,143.7 m/sec

Steam at exit
velocity over
Nozzle inlet angle = 20 assuming carry
developed thé stagè
ánd gross efficiency,
into kinetic energy in
the power heat energy
and the efficiengy of
conversíon óf (08 Marks)
coefticient as 0.74
blade channels as

Module-4 turbine interms of jet

efficiency of a Peltón wheel (08 Marks)
Derive an expression for the
and blade angles. centre
velocity, Vi, blade velocity,U
above the nozzle
wheel is from a reservoir 310m Take friction
The supply to a single jet
pelton long.
b. cm diameter, (5.6/km
through a pipe 67.5 ratio 0.47 and =

(Cy of nozzle =(0.97) diameter 9 cm. The blade speed


0.008. Jet 15% in

coefficient for the pipe of water is reduced by

through 170". The relative velocity given to

buckets deflect the water 85%. Determine the power

If the mechanical efficiency

(08 Marks)
passing over the buckets.
runner, efficiency and overall efficiency.
OR at
turbine. Draw the velocity triangles
the working of a Kaplan
8 a. With a neat sketch, explain function of draft tube. 08 Marks)
turbine. Also explain the
inletand outlet of theis for a Francis turbine.
Net head 70 m, speed =
600 rpm, shaft =

The following data given

b overall efficiency, no 85% and hydraulic efficiency, nh 95%, flow =

368 KW,
2 x inner diameter of ruinèr,

0.1, outer diameter of runner

0.25, breadth ratio =

ratio =

vanes occupy 10% of

inlet and outlet and the thickness of the
velocity of flow is constant at runner and outlet. Determine:
the circumferential area of
the discharge is radial at
i) Guide blade angle
Runner vane angles at inlet and outlet
Diameter of the runner at inlet and outlet
ii) (08 Marks)
iv) Width of wheel at
2 of 3

Module-5 and other

of a centrifugal pump
when frictional
9 a. Shów that the pressure rise in the impeller
lossés in the impeller are reflected is given by
coseeP, of
at inlet and outlet, U2 'tangential velocity
and V, the velocity of flow
V are
(06 Marks)
angle at outlet. outlet.
impeller at outlet, B, vane cm wide at

40 in decimeter and 2.5

centrifugal pump has impeller
A three stagé area by 15%.
b. and reduces the circumferential
The vanes are curved back
at an angle of 30 Determine the
85% and overall efficiency75%. m/sec. Find the shaft

The manometric eficiency 0.06

at 1200 rpm and diseharges
generated by the pumpwhen running (10 Marks)
power also.

the centrifugal compressor.
10 a. Explain the phenomenon ofi) surging (i) chocking in (06 Marks)
(02 Marks)

Define work done factor for anáxjal flow

compréssop. outlet angles
b. blades with inlet and
axial flow compressor of 50% Teaction design has is to produce a
C. An The compressor
direction as 45and 10tespectively. inlet static
with respect to axial efficiency of 0.85 when the
of 6:l with an overalliséntropic throughout the
pressure ratio are constant
37'C. The blade speed and axial velocity number of stages
temperature is blade speed find the
Assuming a value of 200 m/sec for (08 Marks)
if the work done factor is 0.87 for aBlstages.

23/121/2/2001137 12

3 of 3
US Y.5R310410ME56
Semester B.E. Degree Examination. JuneJuly 2019

Time: 3 hrs
Max. Marks: 100
Note: 4mswer any
FINEall questions, selecting
at least THWO
quesfions each
from part
a Write a descriptive note on PART-A
each case
the classification of turbo machines. Give specific examples for
A Francis turbine (10 Marks)
of diametèr Bm develops 6750 KW at 300 rpm under a net head of 45m. A
geometrically similar møtdel of scale ratio 1:8 is to be tested at a head of 9m. Estimate the
SuZe, speod,
discharge and power developed by the model. What is the
made Assume overalN etticiency of 0.82 for both the prototype and model. specific speed of the
(10 Marks)
With the help ofT-S dagram, define and very briefly explain
an expansOn ppocesS
the following cficiencies for
) Total ta total etticiency
i) Statio to static efficiency
) Polytropic efticieney
iv) Finite stage efficiency
b. Gases trom a combustion chamber inter a (10 Marks)
gas turbine at total pressure of 7 bar and a total
temperature of 1100 K. The total pressure and total temperature at the turbine exit are 1.5
bar and 830 K. Assume
=1.3 and molecular,weight of gases 28:7. Evaluate total to total

efficieney and total to static etficiency if

exit velocity is 250 m/s. Assume adiabatic steady
flow conditions.
(10 Marks)
With the usual notations and
velocity triangles, derive an alternative form of Euler's Turbine
equation and discuss about the components of energy.transter. (10 Marks)
b. At a stage in 50% reaction axial flow turbine running at 3000 rpm, the mean diameter is
685 mm f the maximum atilization for the stage is 0.915, calculate the inlet and outlet
absolute velocities for the rotor. Draw the velocity triangles and tind power output for a flow
rate of 15 kg/s (10 Marks)

4 a Derive the degree of reaction equation for a centrifugal compressors and pumps. What
conclusions can be drawn from that equation? (10 Marks)
b. Air flows into a'stage of an axial tlow compressor at 33°C andl bar pressure. The axial
speed of air flow throughout the stage is 110 m/s. The compressor is one of 50% reaction
with symmetric inlet and outlet velocity triangles, the inlet blade angle being 30° and the
outlet angle of 50°. Compute the abso lute velocity at the rotor inlet, the mean blade tip speed
and the temperature rise of the air in passing through the stage. (10 Marks)

5 a For a Parson's turbne, show that the condition for maximum blade efficiency iS
optumumCos a and determine the equation for maximum blade eficiency. (10 Marks)

1 of 2

It then cnters roD the

the rate of 0.2 kg/s and speed 900 m/s. nozzle at a n

nozzle at
flow leaves the
.Steam flows from a
blades. The
of Single stage impulse turbine with symmetric is 18000 speed Tpi.
diameter of the blades is 240 mm and
the rotor
exXIL 13
angle of 20°, the mean
kinetic of relative flow
in the rotor blades, energy
Due to the fYictional loss
rotor. Determine
85% of kinetic energy of relative flow entering the
i)The inlet blade angle
the rotor
ii) The abso lute velocity of steam leaving
(10 Marks)

i) Power delivered by the turbine.

interms or
Pelton wheel
efficiency of a
6 a. Derive an expression for maximum hydraulic (10 Marks)

discharge blade angle.

b. The following data is given for a Francis 80%, hydraulic
370 kW, overall efficiency


Net head 70=

m, speed rpm,=
power is twice of nner
flow ratio= 0.25, breadth ratio 0,1, outer diameter

efficiency 95%, =
velocity of flow
diameter of runner, the yaues occupy
10% circumferential area of runner,
is constant and discharge is radial at outlet. Determine:
i) Guide bladeangle
i) Runner vane angle of inlet and outlet
ii) The diameter of runner at inlet and outlet (10 Marks)
iv) The width of wheel at inlet.

in the impeller of a centrifugal pump.

7 a. Derive an expression for the static pressure rise (10 Marks)
a speed of
to handle 60 ltr/s of water at
b. A 3 stage centrifugal pump is to be designed and are to
The vanes are to be radial at inlet
900 rpm and under a manometric head of 70 m. 84% and
Assume hydraulic efficiency as
be curved backward at exit at angle of 45°
thickness accounts for 8% of
mechanical efficiency as 75%.Consider, that

assumed constant at 3 m/s. Determine:

circumferential area. The velocity of flow may be
i) External diameter of each impeller
ii) External width of each impeller
(10 Marks)
ii) Total power input.
8 a. Derive an expression for workdone and static pressure rise in the centrifugal compressor.
(10 Marks
b. Air enters a 3 stage axial flow compressor at 1 bar and 300 K. The energy input is 25 kJ/kg
per each stage. The stage efficiency is 0.86.
The exit static temperature
ii) The compressor efficiency
i) The static pressure ratio (10 Marks)


2 of2

Fifth Semester B.E.

Degree Examination, Dec.2018/Jan.2019
Time: 3 hrs.
Max. Marks: 100
Note: Answer any
at least TWO
FIVE Jull questions, selecting
questions from each part.
1a Define turbomachines. Briefly PART-A
bDefine specific speed of
classify Turbo-machines. (06 Marks)
pumps. Show that specific speed of pump is given by,
(06 Marks)
C. Tests turbine
on a
1.25 m in diameter at 30m head gave the results, power
developed = 736kW, speed is 180 rpm and discharge 2.70 m'/sec. Find the diameter speed

and discharge ofa runner to operate at 45n head and give 1472 kW at the sameefficiency
What is the specific speed of both the
turbines? (08 Marks)

2 a.

Show that fof a finite number of stages for expansion the overall isentropic efficieney is

given By

Me :58:1
where m = number o f stages, P P r e s s ratio per stage, n , = stage eficiency, r = ratio of

specific heats. (10 Marks)

b. The output of a three stage gas turbine is 30 MW at the shaft coupling at an entry
temperature of 1500 K. The overall pressureratio across the turbine is 11.0 and efficiency
88%, If the pressure ratio of each stage is the 'same, determine () Pressure ratio of each
stage (i) Polytropic efficiency (11) The mass flow rate, (iv) The efficiency and power

ofeach stage. Assume Y=1.4, C, =1.005 KJ/kgK, nmeh =91%. (10 Marks)

3 a. Why the discharge blade angles has considerable effect in the analysis of a turbomachine?
(04 Marks)
Give reasons.
b. Draw the velocity triangles at inlet and outlet of an axial flow turbine when (i) R is -ve.
(ii) R = 0 (ii) R =0,5 (iv) R = 01
(v) R>1. Discuss the energy transfer in each
(10 Marks)
c. Liquid flows at a rate of 31.5 kg/sec through a rotor of an axial flow turbine, where
The other datas are:
inlet and outlet mean diameters are 18.5 em and 20 cm respectively.
directed axially, V: 160 m/sec such that

speed 6000 rpm, V, 35 m/sec and is


mean inlet and outlet diameter find : () Torque exerted (ii) V, and V, .

a, 30. Using
(06 Marks)

1 of2

ene degree ot reaction fr an axial low achine. Prove that degree ol reacto1 0
axial thow device (assuming constant velocity of tlow)is given by,
(10 Marks)
2Utan xtan, 3000 rpn. in
Ata stage ofan inmpulse turbine, the mean rotor
diameter is 80 cm, its rpm is of
inclined at 20' to plane whec is
ahsote vvbeity of tdluid discharge fhom a norzle that at inicl,
at rotor exit cquals
S0 m s v If utilization factor is 0 85 and Telative velocity
(10 Marks)

tind the inlet and exit rotor angles. Als tind power for m ofl kg/sec,

a Show that the maximum etlicieney ofa Parson's reaction turbine is,
(10 Marks)
of 1200 m/sec.
De-laval turbine with a velocity
Steam issues thom anoz~lé of a Mass
blade angles are cqual.
is 400 m/sec. The inlet and outlet
angle is 20". Blade speed velocities, ifblade velocity
tow rate is 900 kg ar. Calkulate: (i)
Blade angles (i) Relative Blade
force ón the blades (iv) Power developed (v)
tticient is 08 i) Tangential (10 Marks)

eticieney sketch the

its working. Also
Draw thecnoss sectional view of a Kaplan turbine and explains (10 Marks)
velocity trianglesat inlet and m at 500 rpm. Ifoverall cfficiency
head of350
A Pelton wheel produces 15,500'KW under a
ofthe wheel is 84%. Find: diameter ofeach jet.
() Required number ofjets and
(0) Number ofbuekets.
() Tangential foree exerted (10 Marks)
Assume: Jet ratio= 9.5, Q= 160', o =0.46
taken to avoid
the causes for cavitation? Explain the steps to be
What is cavitation? What are (06 Marks)
cavitation (06 Marks)
and label the parts
b. Draw the ditferent types of casing 40 cm and a width of the
of a centrifugal pump is
The outer diameter of the mpeller and working against a total
5 The pump is running at 800 rpm
impeller at outlet is cm manometric efficiency is 75%.
at outlet is 40 and
of 1:5 m. The Vane angle leaving the vane (iii) Angle
made by
of flow at outlet. (i) Velocity ofwater (08 Marks)
)Velocity outlet.
outlet with the direction of motion at
he absolute veloeity at

Also sketch, the general

an axial flow compressor.
a. With a neat schenatie diagram, explain (10 Marks)
for an axial flow compressor.
velocity triangles of 75 mm WG. It has an impeller
Backward swept centritugal
fan develops a pressure width of the
b. at the tip is 39 and the
and 720 rpm. The blade angle
diameter of 89 cm runs at
constant velocity of
flow of 9.1S m/s and density of
10 em. Assuming a and
impeller is discharge, power required, stage
determine the fan etticiency,
1.2 kg/m, (10 Marks)
pressure coetticient.

* *

2 of2

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