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Applied Energy 88 (2011) 2863–2870

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Procedure to carry out quality checks in photovoltaic grid-connected systems: Six

cases of study
J.V. Muñoz ⇑, G. Nofuentes, J. Aguilera, M. Fuentes, P.G. Vidal
Grupo de Investigación IDEA, Escuela Politécnica Superior, Universidad de Jaén, Campus de Las Lagunillas, s/n, 23071 Jaén, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Assessing the correct operation of PV grid-connected systems (PVGCS) is paramount not only for mere
Received 27 August 2010 energy and profitability concerns but also for safety reasons. Intended to this purpose, the IEC 62446
Received in revised form 10 January 2011 standard is open to some tests to be required in some circumstances, in addition to those stated in this
Accepted 11 February 2011
document. Our work proposes a procedure to carry out quality checks in PVGCS complying with this stan-
dard and dealing with some tests not mentioned in it – namely, PV generator peak power measurement,
inverter response and earth electrode measurement – so that the verification of the system gets more
comprehensive. This procedure was carried out in six PV plants sited in different locations with a
Grid connected systems
Test & measurement
Mediterranean climate in Spain. The most remarkable results of this experimental campaign may be
Electricty yield summarized as follows: an excellent on-site behavior of the inverters, in general very good figures for
Safety the isolation and earth electrode resistance and a scarcely relevant existence of hot spots. On the down
side, some figures for the peak power of the tested PV generators well below their nominal value were
found. The procedure described in this paper has proved to be a useful tool to assist in the verification
of a PVGCS after installation and for subsequent re-inspection or maintenance.
Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction be paramount for obvious reasons. However, literature has been

often restricted to assess the performance and quality of a PV plant
A very favorable legal framework, a downward cost trend and a according to the final yield (Yf, in kWh  kWp1  year1) and the
generous feed-in-tariff (FIT) system has boosted the PV market in performance ratio (PR, dimensionless) over a year, at least [4–7],
Spain since its introduction (1997–2004) to an early growth but this simple approach has some drawbacks. First, relying on
(2004–2006) which paved the way for a takeoff (2006–2008) [1] only these two parameters leaves aside some other important as-
that eventually has led to a state of maturity (2008 onwards) in pects – e.g.: safety issues. Second, the calculation of parameter
which a slump of the annual installed PV power has taken place. PR is extremely sensitive to the accurate measurement of the irra-
This final situation owes a good deal to a much lower FIT together diation: unfortunately, sometimes is not uncommon to find that
with a cap system per year but quarterly sufficed. Some figures of this parameter is not suitably measured in some PVGCS monitoring
the annual growth rate of PV grid-connected power may help get systems – due to irradiance sensor misalignments with the PV gen-
an idea of the latter evolution: 202% in 2006, 376% in 2007, 391% erator, for example. Last, in most cases, obtaining the PR over a
in 2008 and only a negligible 1% in 2009, yielded 3488 MWp in- year entails an unaffordable extent of time for the owner of the
stalled in October 2009 [2]. PV plant and the independent body – a laboratory, a research
Many owners of these PV grid-connected systems (PVGCS), as it group, etc. – which might be hired to carry out this task.
has happened in many other countries, have had to take money on In 2009 the IEC 62446 standard [8] was released, aimed at stat-
loan given the large initial investment that such systems require. ing the minimum requirements for system documentation, com-
Thus, the solar electricity yield is not only essential for the profit- missioning tests and inspection of PVGCS. This document can be
ability of these systems but also a solid guarantee for the bank that used for periodic retesting and it also warns that some additional
provides the credit [3]. Consequently, a proper assessment of the tests could be required in some circumstances. This paper is in-
safe installation and correct operation of the PVGCS turns out to tended to make a contribution in this direction. Our work is mainly
aimed at proposing a procedure to assess the operation of a PV
plant that complies with the IEC 62446 standard, to be carried
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 953 212 924; fax: +34 953 211 967. out in a short period of time – ranging from 1 to 3 days – which
E-mail address: (J.V. Muñoz). also deals with issues not addressed by the latter standard, so that
URL: (J.V. Muñoz). the verification of the plant turns out to be more exhaustive and

0306-2619/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2864 J.V. Muñoz et al. / Applied Energy 88 (2011) 2863–2870

complete. In this sense, the measurement of the PV generator peak iii. PV strings tests must be carried out as recommended by the
power, the inverter response and the measurement of the resis- IEC 62446 standard. These tests includes two parts: first, the
tance of the earth electrode are issues addressed by this procedure open voltage has to be measured for each string using a
that the above IEC document does not deal with. voltmeter with an accuracy of ±0.5% as recommended by
The above procedure was put into practice by the IDEA Research IEC 60904-1 standard [9]. Second, for each string, the short
Group from the University of Jaén (Spain) in six PV plants sited in circuit has to be measured using a clamp on ammeter. As
different locations with a Mediterranean climate in Spain, in order IEC 60904-1 standard [9] establishes, the clamp on ammeter
to carry out a quality check of these plants. Five out of these PVGCS used must provide an accuracy of ±0.5%. Accomplishing the
were systems with 100 kW-rated inverters given the fact that until short circuit for each string requires a DC switch rated over
2008 the Spanish FIT favored installations below this power the nominal short circuit current and open circuit voltage of
threshold. The characteristics of these six PVGCS are described the string under test. With regards to how to execute the
hereafter, together with the results of the experimental campaign open circuit and short circuit measures, some suitable pro-
and the subsequent assessment of the performance of each tested cedures are provided in Sections 5.4.4 and 5.4.5 of the IEC
system. Some conclusions regarding the proposed procedure and 62446 standard.
the gathered empirical results put an end to this work. The IEC 62446 standard establishes that it is not necessary to
extrapolate at standard test conditions (STC) the values of
2. Proposed procedure short circuit current and open voltage circuit that are taken.
More specifically it states the current and voltage values
As commented in the previous section, this paper proposes a should be the same (typically within 5% for stable irradiance
procedure where the measures which are going to be taken are di- conditions). In case of non-stable irradiance conditions, this
vided into two groups: electricity yield related measures and safety standard recommends to use irradiance meter reading to
measures. adjust the current readings, but it does not state anything
about temperature corrections. However, when the genera-
 Electricity yield related measures. All the tests addressed to know tor is large the irradiance and temperature conditions could
if the photovoltaic plant is working properly with regards to change since the first string is measured till the last one is
electricity production are gathered in this group of measures. measured, specially if the accessibility of junction boxes is
For this purpose it is paramount to know if the outputs from not adequate. In this way, irradiance and temperature differ-
the generator and the inverter are correct. To do so, several elec- ences between the first measure and the last one may lead
tronic devices will be required, namely an electronic load to us to deviations over 5% despite the measured string may
trace I–V curves and a power quality analyzer to measure the not be affected by any failure. We propose to extrapolate
grade of the output from the inverter. Besides, a DC switch will the open circuit and short circuit measures to STC, turning
be used to carry out a short circuit in each string in order to these figures independent of the weather conditions at the
measure by means of a voltmeter and a clamp ammmeter the moment the short circuit current and open voltage were reg-
open voltage circuit and the short circuit current, as it will be istered. As IEC 1829 standard states, extrapolating the
shown hereafter. results at STC, requires measuring the irradiance incident
 Safety measurements. This group of measures includes the tests on the PV generator together with the temperature of the
addressed to know if the installation has any safety fault. In module cells, at the same time that the open circuit voltage
Spain, almost every PV installation is ungrounded (in Germany and short circuit current values are collected. A suitable pro-
this is enforced by law). This fact makes compulsory the use of a cedure to measure the irradiance and temperature is shown
HIPOT1 to measure the leakage current and isolation resistance of below.
the generator. The measurement of the ground electrode resis- Measuring the PV generator on-plane incident irradiance
tance is considered here too. To do this, it is necessary use a earth requires, an irradiance (G) sensor of the same technology
ground tester. Likewise, a thermal imaging camera is used to look of the used modules. The sensor must be at the same tem-
for any abnormal overheating in solar modules, DC junction perature and tilted at the same angle of the PV generator
boxes or inverters. at the moment in which data start to be gathered. A Pt100
or a J–K thermocouple pasted on the module backskin can
In the following lines we break down the steps proposed to con- be used to measure the temperature in the modules cells
duct a quality check in PVGCS. It has to be highlighted once again (Tc). An alternative way to gather these temperature mea-
that some points presented below are not included in standard IEC surements first requires the use of a calibrated module of
62446. In this sense, our on-site experience suggests adding these the same technology of the modules of the generator and
tests to the above standard so that a more exhaustive test & mea- second, to deduce the temperature from the open circuit
surement campaign is achieved. voltage (Voc) by using Eq. (1). Whatever method is followed,
the instruments available to measure the cell temperature
i. It is essential that the PV plant’s owner or the installer com- directly or by means of the open circuit voltage of a
pany provides all the necessary technical documentation as calibrated module and the irradiance, should provide an
detailed in Section 4 of the IEC 62446 standard [8]. accuracy such that the final accuracy of the temperature lies
ii. A visual inspection of the installation must be carried out. In within ±1°C, as IEC 60904-1 standard [9] states. It is
this initial tour, several elements of the installation should advisable to set the irradiance sensor some time prior to
be paid attention to. Regarding this aspect, once again the the test. This ensures that the sensor temperature equals
IEC 62446 standard – Section 5.3 – provides a suitable that of the PV generator.
guideline in order to carry out such an inspection.
T c ðKÞ ¼   ð1Þ
Ncs ½bV OC þ mK
ln GG 

where V MOD;OC is the calibrated module open circuit voltage at

High potential tester. STC (V), VMOD,OC is the calibrated module open circuit voltage
J.V. Muñoz et al. / Applied Energy 88 (2011) 2863–2870 2865

(V) at the moment of the measurement, bV OC is the cell open vi. The isolation resistance and the leakage current in every
circuit voltage temperature coefficient (°C1), Ncs is the num- generator must be measured. According to Section 5.4.7 of
ber of series connected cells, T⁄ is the temperature at STC, m is IEC 62446 standard and under a 1000 V isolation test, the
the diode ideality factor (typically m = 1, 3), K is the Boltz- minimum isolation resistance is set equal to 1 MX. In addi-
mann’s constant = 1,38  1023 JK1, is the electron’s charge tion, we recommend to consider these following pieces of
e = 1,602  1019C, G is the incident irradiance (Wm2) and advise:
G is the irradiance at STC. – Switch off all varistors. The need to remove all varistors
iv. Two parameters are to be verified when evaluating the before the measurement is related to the varistor’s ability
response of the inverter: the inverter efficiency and the har- to close a path for electricity in the case that the voltage
monic level injected to the grid. Consequently electrical between its poles is higher than their threshold voltage.
measurements must be collected from the inverter output During the process of measurement the HIPOT tester sets
through a power quality analyzer. A digital wattmeter a high voltage (500 V or 1000 V) between short circuited
instead of a power quality analyzer may be used too. Five poles and ground capable of triggering the varistors. For
parameters must be measured simultaneously: this reason it is necessary to remove such elements to
– Voltage at the maximum power point (VMPP) and current obtain measurements of leakage current and isolation
at the maximum power point (IMPP) at the inverter input. resistance properly.
– Power at the inverter output PAC, by means of a power – If possible, get several measurements close to sunrise and
quality analyzer or a digital wattmeter. solar noon. These measurements fix a maximum and
– G by means of a sensor of irradiance as described earlier. minimum respectively due to the fact that the isolation
The values of VMPP and IMPP can be calculated by using a volt- resistance and the leakage current are strongly depen-
meter and a clamp on ammeter at the DC input terminals of dent on relative humidity.
the inverter. With such data, the inverter efficiency is vii. The junction of the earth electrode has to be disconnected
obtained at that very moment. It is interesting to obtain from the rest of the PV plant ground system in order to mea-
the inverter efficiency at sunrise or sunset because it is usu- sure the resistance of the earth electrode. To do it, an earth
ally in these hours that the irradiance is low and so is the ground tester is needed. The ground electrode is intended
efficiency. Afterwards, it is advisable to repeat the same to drain the current in the hypothetical case that an isolation
measurements where maximum irradiance values are failure occurs. In this way, the ground electrode prevents the
achieved within two hours around noon. non-active electrical parts of the installation from reaching
Besides, it is necessary to measure the harmonic level from dangerous voltages. Besides, this element is crucial to drain
the inverter using the power quality analyzer. Usually the the current if the varistors are turned on, protecting the
measures related to the efficiency of the inverter and the devices and people against high voltages. Every PV plant
harmonic level injected to the grid can be registered at the contains first, a DC part which includes all the elements from
same time, so that the time for the on-site experimental the generator to the inverter input and second, an AC part
campaign is decreased. which includes the devices from the inverter input to the
v. The maximum power at STC of the PV generator has to be grid connection point. According to the IEC 60364-4-41 stan-
measured through its I–V curve under natural sunlight using dard for electrical installations in buildings [12], all accessi-
a electronic or capacitive load. If the nominal power of the ble electrical metalworks have to be at the same voltage. It
generator is over the limit admitted by the electronic load, means that the DC and AC metalworks must have the same
then the I–V curve must be traced for each subgenerator. If ground electrodes since both have the inverter in common.
an electronic load able to handle the power of the PV gener- Additionally, the AC values will be more restrictive than
ator and/or subgenerators is not available, a novel proposed those of the DC part when establishing the limits for resis-
procedure [10] could be used aimed to measure the power of tance value of the ground electrode of the PV plant [13,14].
the generator at STC. However, using a digital wattmeter is The justification of the last assertion falls out of the scope
indispensable to develop this new procedure. Anyway, trac- of analysis of this paper. Yet it is important to bear in mind
ing the I–V curve using a electronic load, requires to follow that, on the one hand the active elements of the DC part are
these steps: ungrounded having a high isolation resistance between
– Turn off the inverter(s). positive and negative pole and, on the other, as IEC 60479-
– The positive pole must be connected through a DC 1 [15] standard establishes, it is necessary to multiply by 3
switch2 as commented at point (iii), whereas the negative the AC current levels to cause the same damages when han-
pole must be directly connected to the device. dling DC currents.
– Turn on the DC switch and trace the curve I–V. At the So, since the AC part imposes a more restricted conditions to
same time, G and Tc must be measured. the value of the resistance of the earth electrode than those
From the graph obtained and after extrapolating the of the DC part, a hypothetical electrical failure in the AC part
recorded I–V pairs to STC as literature proposes [11], the will be considered in order to state a suitable value for the
main electrical parameters of the PV generator (Voc, Isc, Vmpp, resistance of earth electrode. In this way, the DC part will
Impp, etc) and the peak power of the generator can be calcu- be considered protected ensuring an adequate value for
lated. If the involved parameters – V–I pairs and Tc – have the AC part. Thus, using the standards applied to the AC cur-
been taken according with the accuracy detailed earlier rent and forecasting the worst scenario – wet places – the
regarding Tc and the irradiance sensor is coplanar to the PV IEC 60460-4-41 standard establishes that the electrical met-
generator being the irradiance stable during the test, the alworks of the installation cannot reach a voltage higher
accuracy of the maximum power at STC calculated using this than 24 V(AC) or a leakage current over 30 mA(AC). Consid-
procedure lies within ±5% [11]. ering those limits, the resistance of the ground electrode
diminishes to 800 X and makes it necessary the use a
residual current device with a trigger threshold of 30 mA.
Use this as a safety element to electrically isolate the PV generator from the Nonetheless, in Spain it is very frequent to find installations
electronic load. with residual current devices of 300 mA trigger threshold
2866 J.V. Muñoz et al. / Applied Energy 88 (2011) 2863–2870

given that many cases of disconnections in 30 mA residual ation (Hda(0)) and temperature of the site3 have been included too
current devices are reported. When the trigger threshold of in Table 1. All the PV subgenerators (PVSG) were nearly equator-fac-
the residual current devices increases its value, the require- ing and tilted an angle slightly lower than the latitude.
ments for the ground electrode change to more exigent fig-
ures. So, with a maximum leakage current of 300 mA(AC) 4. Instruments used
and a maximum voltage in electrical metalworks of
24 V(AC), the resistance of the ground electrode must be Carrying out the proposed procedure requires having the suit-
lower than 80 X. Jointly, 800 X and 80 X are high resistance able instruments. Most of them are instruments meant for only
values for the ground electrode and, in broad terms, easy to one purpose since some tests involve very specific measures. The
design and to get. Nevertheless, although those values are instruments used during our experimental campaign are intro-
adequate to prevent electrical hazards against human duced by means of Table 2, which gathers their main characteristics.
beings, are not low enough to make the varistors work prop- So, in order to conduct the tests aimed to know the state of the
erly so causing residual dangerous overvoltages when these inverters a power quality analyzer manufactured by FlukeTM
devices are triggered. (Fig. 1-2) able to measure inverters with or without neutral conduc-
Thus, the guideline chosen to establish the correct value for tor and with star or triangle configurations was used. On the other
the resistance of the earth electrode has been the Spanish hand, an earth ground tester manufactured by KainosTM (Fig. 1-4)
Building Technological Standard (NTE-IEP/1973). In Spain, and a HIPOT manufactured by HipotronicTM (Fig. 1-3) were the
this document is not compulsory but it is advisable. The instruments addressed to carry out the safety-related measures.
standard shows a detailed study about how to design the Regarding the I–V curve tracer used (Fig. 1-1), no commercial
ground electrode and which the proper values for it are. Fol- device able to trace I–V curves of a PV generator rated over
lowing the mentioned standard, we conclude that the value 100 kWP has been marketed up to now, as far as we know. This fact
of the ground electrode cannot be higher than 37 X in instal- has led some research groups which carry out quality checks in PV
lations without lightning conductor or higher than 15 X in plants to develop capacitive loads by themselves intended to trace
installations with lightning conductor. I–V curves of large PV generators [16,17].
viii. Finally, several thermal images must be taken with the ther- During the campaign of measurements carried out in the PV
mal imaging camera. The thermal images of modules, junc- installations visited by the IDEA research group, a capacitive load
tion boxes, inverters and possible shadowed modules must manufactured by Stella™ was used to measure generators rated
be collected at G over 400 Wm2, the way that IEC 62446 below 100 kWP. When the checked generator power was over
standard recommends. 100 kWP the measures were taken subgenerator by subgenerator
in order not to exceed the capacitive load input range. This device
In a typical photovoltaic plant of 100 kW (nominal inverter AC provides the possibility to measure at the same time the I–V pairs
power) with five or four subgenerators and only one inverter, (with an accuracy of ±1%) and the irradiance from a calibrated sen-
one or three sunny days are necessary to conduct the above quality sor (of the same technology of the generator). On the other hand
check. It might take longer if the layout of the installation is not and simultaneously with I–V curve tracer, the module temperature
convenient (subgenerators located in different roofs, junction was measured using a Pt100 pasted on the module backskin. A
boxes not easily accessible, several ground electrodes, etc). voltmeter and clamp on ammeter manufactured by Fluke™ were
It has to be stressed once again that points iv, v and vii are not used in order to accomplish the open voltage and short circuit
included in the IEC 62446 standard so that some new aspects that strings measures. Finally, a thermal image camera manufactured
the standard does not deal with, have been added, completing the by Fluke™ was used to identify abnormal overheatings. With re-
IEC document. gards to the accuracy of the instruments used, it must be noted
that all of them provide an accuracy according to the procedure
previously described in Section 2.
3. Cases of study

5. Experimental results
The presented procedure was carried in six PV grid-connected
systems located in Spain by the IDEA research group. All of these
The outputs obtained during the verifications carried out in six
systems were affected by the Mediterranean climate. In order to
PV installations, will be shown according to the same order used to
explain with more details all features of the installations Table 1
introduce the proposed procedure. This order will be used to ex-
will be used. So, most of the PV plants inspected were on-roof
plain the experimental results and the consequent analysis. Since
and had a nominal inverter power of 100 kW since this upper
the amount of data obtained are really huge, only the most rele-
threshold size benefitted from a higher feed-in-tariff until 2008
vant results are going to be commented and analysed.
in Spain. Consequently, 100 kW installations turned into very
popular ones in this country. Another remarkable feature is that
i. & ii. The different installer companies provided us with all the
all installations followed the central inverter scheme. Further,
technical information demanded in every visited PV plant.
every PV plant had an ungrounded electrical layout where the
On the other hand, the visual inspections were really useful
electrical layout of the PV installation and the electrical layout
to appreciate the state of the PV installations. So, regarding
of the building were isolated (for those PV plants installed on-
the materials used, modules, wires, connection boxes,
roof). In this sense, the PV plant and the building did not share
inverters and DC switches, the conclusion is that the qual-
metalworks so, there were two earth electrodes, one for the PV
ity of these elements met the requirements of the IEC
installation and another for the building. In this way, although
62446 standard. It is worth mentioning that for those
not every visited installation had a lightning conductor, in those
installations which had a monitoring system, their ele-
installations that had one, it was connected to the earth electrode
ments were checked too, paying special attention to the
of the building and not to the earth electrode of the PV
In order to complete the information related to the checked
installations, figures for the daily annual average horizontal irradi- 3
Data collected from PVGIS.
J.V. Muñoz et al. / Applied Energy 88 (2011) 2863–2870 2867

Table 1
Main characteristics of the installations inspected, where Nmp is the number of parallel strings in each subgenerator, Nms is the number of serial modules in each string, Tda is the
daily annual average temperature and Hda(0) is the daily annual average horizontal irradiation.

Installation Province Latitude/ Modules Module Nominal power Inverter power Nmp/ Number of Hda(0) (W/m2)/
number longitude disposition technology (kWp) (kW) Nms PVSG Tda (°C)
1 Almeria 36.76°/2.74° On-roof Monocrystalline 100.08 90 8/15 4 4.59/18.9
2 Tarragona 41.15°/1.22° On-roof Monocrystalline 116.55 100 8/18 4 4.11/16.5
3 Barcelona 41.53°/1.67° On-roof Monocrystalline 119.34 100 8/18 5 4.05/16.0
4 Barcelona 41.73°/1.52° On-roof Monocrystalline 115.5 100 6/15 6 4.08/16.0
5 Malaga 37.02°/4.56° On-roof Monocrystalline 117.6 100 8/16 5 4.69/15.7
6 Malaga 37.27°/4.41° On-ground Monocrystalline 27.2 25 8/15 4 4.68/15.9

Table 2
Main characteristics of the instruments used.

Name Brand Model Measured parameters

Power quality analyzer Fluke™ 434 Inverter efficiency & output harmonic level
Ground resister meter Kainos™ GEOHM40D Resistance of ground electrode
HIPOT Hipotronics™ HV5D Isolation resistance & leakage current
Capacitive load Stella™ PV field tester 100 kW I–V curve
Multimeter Fluke™ 199C String voltage and cell temperature
Clamp on ammeter Fluke™ i400S String Current
Thermal image camera Fluke™ Ti30 Abnormal overheatings

Fig. 1. Some electronic devices used during the proposed quality check. 1. Electronic load. 2. Power quality analyzer. 3. HIPOT tester. 4. Ground resistance meter.

irradiance calibrated reference. In this sense and as com- So, taking into account that every PV installation has its
mented in Section 1, some misalignments were identified, peculiarities and after our experience, if possible, we rec-
which inevitably lead to errors in irradiance measurements ommend to carry out the visual inspection some days
(Fig. 2). Consequently, the PR calculated by the PV plant before starting to gather the measurements, in order to pre-
monitoring system was affected by this error, since this pare all instruments and tools that will be needed. Further,
parameter is specially sensitive to irradiation measure- and leaving aside these technical aspects, a co-operative
ments. attitude of the installer is the key to speed up the proposed
On the other hand, it must be be emphasized that the PV quality check procedure and make it easier.
plants visited had accessible junction boxes. This ease has iii. For every installation inspected and each string, the open
been paramount in the study since the time necessary to voltage and the short circuit current were collected. Right
carry out the presented protocol is closely related to this after it, the values taken were extrapolated to STC in order
accessibility. to contrast results between strings. The tests were really
2868 J.V. Muñoz et al. / Applied Energy 88 (2011) 2863–2870

Fig. 2. Two calibrated references misaligned with the PV generator in two different PV installations.

useful as just a few faulty strings were identified that did at STC of the generator by means of tracing its I–V curve
not inject any current to the inverter. Most of these few (Fig. 3), may be considered as the most important ones
cases were due to blown string fuses or bad connections within the protocol. In this sense, Table 4 gathers the STC
between modules. nominal power of the visited plants versus the experimen-
iv. Point iv boils down all the tests aimed at detecting any tal measured power extrapolated at STC conditions. Thus,
electrical failure linked to the inverter. Table 3 shows some the fourth column shows the percentage deviation of mea-
of the data obtained in one of the photovoltaic plants stud- sured peak power vs. nominal peak power. The negative
ied. Although the inverter was working in the vicinity of sign means that the experimental figures were lower than
half its nominal power when taking the data, the results the nominal ones.
are consistent. Note that the voltage total harmonic distor- After analyzing the results, the conclusion was that four of
tion THDV – Eq. 2 – was not over 1.35%. the installations visited were working properly [18]. Except
Pn 2 for the case of installations 4 and 6, which are commented
i¼2 V i below, most of the PV plants showed a measured power
THDV ð%Þ ¼ ð2Þ quite similar to nominal power, in which deviation does
V 21
not exceed 9%. It must be remembered that several losses
where V1(V) is the amplitude of the fundamental harmonic are included in this percentage namely: dust, wire losses,
and Vi(V) stands for the value of the amplitude Vi of the wire voltage drops, etc.
ith harmonic. Installation number 6 showed a measured peak power well
On the other hand, values for the current total harmonic dis- below the nominal value due to shadowing problems
tortion THDC – Eq. 3 – were adequate too, since these values between generators. The shading was persistent even at
did not exceed 7%. solar noon on January – when the quality procedure took
Pn 2ffi place – and this is the reason why this installation yielded
i¼2 Ii a reduced electricity production. On the other hand, instal-
THDC ð%Þ ¼ ð3Þ
I21 lation number 4 used a type of module which, despite its

where I1(A) is the amplitude of the fundamental harmonic

and Ii(A) stands for the value of the amplitude Ii of the ith
As an example, the limits of THD allowed by one Spanish
power company are to be commented. So, the Endesa SA
power company sets upper boundaries of 8% and 16% for
the THDV and THDC, respectively. Thus, the results shown
above were better by far than the established limits by the
grid company. So, the good state of the art of the inverters
nowadays must be highlighted since, the values found for
THDV and THDC for the rest of verificated inverters were
below 1.96% and 9.2% respectively. Besides, the efficiency
of the measured inverters, (ratio PAC/PDC), was higher than
95% for inverter loads above 10%.
v. According to our experience, most of the malfunctions
identified in PV plants are derived from photovoltaic gener- Fig. 3. I–V curve in STC according to [11] of a PV generator. The experimental I–V
ators (shadows, bad connections, faulty modules, etc). So, curve was traced at 952 W/m2 of incident irradiance and 42.7 °C of module
the tests addressed to know the main electrical parameters temperature.

Table 3
RMS voltage and RMS current together with their total harmonic distorsion for one inverter of 100kW nominal power. At the moment of taking the data, the inverter was
operating at 59% of its nominal power.

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Neutral conductor

Voltage Current Voltage Current Voltage Current Current
(V) (A) (V) (A) (V) (A) (A)
RMS data 234 84 234.9 83 234.8 83 1.07
THD (%) 1.24 5.9 1.31 7.0 1.35 5.6 –
J.V. Muñoz et al. / Applied Energy 88 (2011) 2863–2870 2869

Table 4 Table 6
Comparison between the nominal power and experimental power of the installations Resistance of earth electrode of the PV plants checked.
checked. PN is the nominal power of the installation in STC; Pexp is the experimental
maximum power of the installation extrapolated at STC. Installation verified Electrode earth resistance (X)

Pexp Pteo
1 6.5
PV plant PN (kWp) Pexp (kWp)  100 ð%Þ
Pteo 2 28
1 100.8 98.9 2 3 1.1
2 116.55 106.2 9 4 –
3 119.34 108.3 9 5 –
4 115.5 82.65 28 6 46
5 117.6 108.2 8
6 29.2 22.85 16

high efficiency, presents severe drawbacks regarding static

electricity accumulation. A drainer is required then to dis-
charge the static energy through the earth electrode. The
drainer works during the night and makes it possible to
restore a peak power close to the nominal one. We were
told that this device was to be mounted inside the inverter
and this problem would be solved.
vi. The results of the isolation measurements for different sub-
generators of one of the installations inspected are gath-
ered in Table 5. Unfortunately, there is not any Spanish
directive which determines the allowed values for leakage
current and isolation resistance in PV plants, although the
Government is preparing a Royal Decree in which those
limits will be included.
Before the IEC 62446 standard was released, only one rec-
ommendation by ASIF (Spanish PV Industry Association) Fig. 4. Thermal image of a photovoltaic generator. One of the modules has a hot
spot. The colour code on the left is given in degrees centigrade.
could be followed, considering that the limits for leakage
current and isolation resistance were 20 kX and 10 mA
original slope of the ground on which the PV generator
respectively [19]. Nowadays, with the IEC 62446 standard
was installed had to be levelled with sand; the IDEA
released, the limit proposed is more restrictive than the
research group conjectures that the filling land caused an
previous one. The standard does not state anything about
increase in the resistance of earth under the installation
leakage current, but if a test voltage of 1000V is used
and, for this reason, the ground electrode resistance was
according to the system voltage – stated by Section
abnormally high. of IEC 62446 standard – consequently 100 lA is
viii. The thermal imaging camera has proved to be a useful tool
the allowed leakage current upper boundary since a mini-
during the campaign of measurements. In Fig. 4 an example
mum isolation resistance of 1 MX is imposed by this stan-
is shown. We show a generator with a faulty module. The
dard. Thus, following the values established by IEC 62446
module has a hot spot, caused by a cracked cell. Besides,
standard, levels of isolation resistance lower than 1 MX
the thermal imaging camera has been a suitable instrument
and leakage currents higher than 100 lA must be identified
in order to find abnormal overheatings in DC junctions
as isolation failures that may result in danger. As it can be
boxes and inverters. No abnormal overheatings were iden-
drawn from Table 5, the installation selected provided an
tified in DC junctions boxes and inverters. Only very few
excellent isolation despite the data were collected after a
hotspots in modules due to cracked cells were found.
rainy day and the measurement process was carried out
under high humidity conditions. For the rest of installations
verified the values of isolation resistance ranged between 6. Conclusions
20 MX and 90 MX, better than the results shown in Table
5, due to the dry weather conditions at the moment that In this paper a procedure to carry out quality checks in photo-
the measures were taken. voltaic grid-connected systems has been proposed. This procedure
vii. Table 6 shows the resistance measurements of the ground has been described step by step showing the instruments needed
electrode in four out of the six visited installations. The to develop each test. Although the IEC 62446 standard establishes
resistance could not be measured in two of them because how to carry out some tests addressed to verify the quality of a PV
the ground was asphaltic and the test could not be carried plant and what instruments are necessary, the presented docu-
out. The results showed are suitable and lower than 37 X ment expands and completes the standard in some aspects. In this
except for installation number six. In this installation, the way, tests in order to verify the maximum power of the generator
at STC, the response of the inverter and the resistance of the
Table 5 ground electrode have been included. These are improvements
Values of isolation resistance and leakage current for four subgenerators of 25 kWp since they address aspects that the standard does not deal with.
each (termed PVSGA, PVSGB, PVSGC y PVSGD, respectively) included in the same
Besides, the results and conclusions obtained during a experimen-
generator of 100kWp. The measurements were collected after a rainy day.
tal campaign carried out in six Spanish PV grid installations sys-
Subgenerator Isolation resistance (MX) Leak current (lA) tems have been shown too.
PVSGA 6.35 80 Six PV Spanish grid-connected installations have been verified
PVSGB 6.20 82 following the above protocol. According to the obtained results, it
PVSGC 5.10 100
must be concluded that four checks addressed to verify the power
PVSGD 6.30 81
of the PV generator at STC have yielded relatively good figures. Only
2870 J.V. Muñoz et al. / Applied Energy 88 (2011) 2863–2870

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