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Basas, Karlygie

Cagoco, Johnelle

Hsu, Franchie

University of San Carlos


Ms. Joy Barby Alota

September 10, 2020

Nursing is a noble profession wherein the nurses are trained to become experts

in taking care of the sick patients. With the introduction of modern technology, quality of

medical care has improved for the general population. Nurses are now using various

tools at their disposal to provide enhanced services to the patients. Technology

supports nurses to offer better care since they can utilize a wide variety of things such

as electronic health records, medication prescribing tools, online appointment

scheduling, and mobile laboratories. New technologies also decrease the chance of

human error and have a positive impact on nursing shortage. Moreover, it cannot be

denied that hospitals are understaffed when it comes to nurses and first world countries

such as the United States of America, Canada or even Japan are testing out different

things in order to combat this. With an ongoing nurse shortage in many countries

around the world, the need to implement technology to support nursing activities is

becoming extremely necessary in order to keep pace with the demands on health

services. One of the responses to this crisis would have to be robots. Robots will be the

ones who will do the nurse’s tasks. However, the question will have to be: is this

ethical? Will this help or hinder doctors and nurses? Will this have a similar emotional

touch as nurses who are real people? Although this might be the initial thought of an

individual when it comes to nursing and technology, this is not necessarily the case

when it comes to nursing and technology. With its advantages also comes

disadvantages, technology can be a threat to the human element, it threatens to replace

person-to-person interaction between the nurse and patient. Nurses have the role of

establishing a relationship with their patients and their families. They are responsible for

explaining medications, taking vitals, and helping patients with daily needs. But because
of technology, it inevitably creates less face-to-face interaction. There are also some

privacy risks that come with these advancements. Since most information are now

computerized, EHRs that are kept in a cloud or in the form of big data are more

susceptible to being hacked. If an inexperienced employee accidentally clicks on

malware, there can be a breach in patient confidentiality. Nevertheless, technology has

transformed the way nurses work and continues to evolve, along with the roles that

nurses play in today’s healthcare setting. Internet is also useful when it comes to

research as it is not just only used in nursing research frequently, it is also used

effectively. It is a better medium in a way that within a millisecond articles, research

papers and even news about different kinds of diseases appear. According to various

studies and surveys, technology in the nursing world has increased patient satisfaction

and overall outcomes. It reduced clinical errors and decreased the amount of paperwork

that nurses were once required to perform. With each advancement of technology,

brings a safer and healthier future for both nurses and the patients in their care.


● Im, E. (2009). Computer Technologies in Nursing Research : Nursing Research.

Retrieved September 10, 2020, from


● Huston, C. (2013). The Impact of Emerging Technology on Nursing Care: Warp

Speed Ahead. Retrieved September 10, 2020, from



● Sharman, Z. (2006, August 01). Remembering the basics: Administrative

technology and nursing care in a hospital emergency department. Retrieved

September 10, 2020, from

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