My Opinion and Experience During The Covid-19 Pandemic

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My opinion and experience during the Covid-19 pandemic

My opinion and experience during the Covid-19 pandemic is i can spent

more time with my family. At the time of the pandemic i took a rapid test
conducted by my village and the results were negative, i was free from Covid-19
but my brother was reactive to Covid-19, he was isolated by being picked up
using an ambulance. Every day the victims of Covid-19 in my village have
increased a lot, such as social distancing, wearing masks when leaving the house,
washing hands and eating healthy food. My village held isolation together by not
leaving the house for a set time. During my isolation with me at home i took
activities, namely studying online, exercising from home, praying from home and
spraying disinfectant liquid in the area of my house.

After the isolation ended in my village, i re-opened activities in my village

such as religious ceremonies, shopping outside the house, I was only emphasized
to wear masks in my village area and diligently wash hands. After being isolated, i
returned to work at the airport again and studied online because in Indonesia it is
not allowed to go to school face to face for an undetermined time, government
plans estimate the start of the year for face to face learning. Some members of the
public who usually work in the public sector also feel bored because they have to
do activities and do work at home during the COVID-19 corona pandemic. On the
other hand, there are benefits too. For example, traffic was not as busy as during
the pre-pandemic period, settlements were not quiet during the day, or the
togetherness in the family became tighter because the residents of the house were
active in the house.

However, for the lower class people who have to struggle to make a living
daily, this pandemic condition is not too different from the pre-pandemic period.
They must continue their activities as usual in order to keep life going. From a
religious perspective, conditions have also changed. Routine worship that is
usually carried out together must 'succumb' to this pandemic. It could be said that
during this pandemic there was a revolution, changes were occurring rapidly, in
social activities. In terms of fashion, there have also been fundamental changes,
because most residents end up wearing masks, especially when the example of the
Bali government recommends wearing cloth masks. The garment industry will
certainly produce various types of masks.

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