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Report writing

A Reunion from Your Nightmares

By Anika Dhanikachalam

Earlier today, two men had to be airlifted to safety after an ill-fated trip to Cap
river. The two men, who were buddies in the past and had not seen each other
since university, planned the trip in attempts to relive their youth and perhaps
catch up with each other’s lives. The pair had chosen to go to Cap river as it was
the setting of one of the men’s(Royer) favorite adventure story.
On the morning of the trip, Royer pulled up at the other’s house in a
substandard sports car, with a meagre amount of supplies. The other, expecting
that Royer would bring an excess of supplies, brought only a rod and reel.
Needless to say, the pair were insufficiently equipped. Despite this, the duo
commenced their expedition. According to the pair, the sky “was unseasonably
cloudless and omen-less”, indicating that the skies were clear when they left.
As they were driving on a series of hairpin bends, Royer started to get anxious,
that he had acrophobia. After eating lunch, they stopped by at a local fish-
baiting store to ask for directions. The salesman supposedly told them that the
journey would take about an hour. This seemed suspicious to the pair as the
map indicated that there was only 8km left. As they got back on the road, Royer
reportedly started to get more nervous, so much so that they had to switch
places. The roads were narrow and were scarcely enough for one car. The little
things started to add up and they started considering turning around. Despite all
the odds, they started to drive along an unmarked angled roadway that seemed
safer. As the sun was starting to set, they finally found the river but the car ran
out of fuel, so they settled to a miserable night in their car without adequate
supplies. The next morning, they were determined to sail, although the weather
and conditions were far from favourable.

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