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NAME: Franchie M. Hsu

1. What is Tracheostomy?
- A tracheostomy is a medical procedure either temporary or permanent that
involves creating an opening in the neck in order to place a tube into a
person’s windpipe. The tube is inserted through a cut in the neck below the
vocal cords. This allows air to enter the lungs. Breathing is then done through
the tube, bypassing the mouth, nose, and throat.

2. What are the indication of Tracheostomy?

- Acute respiratory failure with the expected need for prolonged mechanical
ventilation, failure to wean from mechanical ventilation, upper airway
obstruction, difficult airway, and copious secretions.

3. Which problem does a tracheostomy address?

- It is most often performed in patients who have had difficulty weaning off a
ventilator, followed by those who have suffered trauma or a catastrophic
neurologic insult.

4. Draw the anatomy of trachea.

5. What are the contraindications of tracheostomy?
- No absolute contraindications exist for tracheostomy. A strong relative
contraindication to discrete surgical access to the airway is the anticipation
that the blockage is a laryngeal carcinoma. It may also lead to increased
incidence of stomal recurrence.

6. What are the steps in providing tracheostomy care?

 Gather the supplies
 Wash your hands
 Put on clean pair of gloves
 Make cleaning solution
 Change inner cannula
 Insert clean inner cannula
 Clean trach area
 Change drain sponge
 Change trach ties
 Clean dirty inner cannula
 Store clean inner cannula
 Throw out used supplies
 Clean containers
 Remove gloves and wash hands


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