Mangano 2.7.2011 Statement

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For Immediate Release

Contact: Katie Grilli-Robles, Press Secretary (516) 571-4225

February 7, 2011

Statement from Nassau County Executive Ed Mangano:

The Nassau County Interim Finance Authority or “NIFA” recently issued a control period over County
finances. NIFA is comprised of nonelected and unaccountable individuals appointed by State

Many supporters have asked me if NIFA’s action is politically motivated since its board is comprised of
the former Vice-Chairman of the Democrat Party and the political campaign treasurer for the former
Democrat Presiding Officer of Nassau County. The Boards statement that the board is bipartisan is
hollow as the Republican member is former County Executive Tom Suozzi’s budget director.

My supporters and the media should know that I am not concerned whether NIFA is politically
motivated or bipartisan. What concerns me is that the architects of Nassau's budget mess are now acting
as its watchdog.

After all, NIFA sat idle for many years as the former County Executive increased property taxes, spent
lavishly and negotiated unaffordable labor contracts that have driven Nassau into a fiscal abyss. NIFA
suddenly awoke in January 2010 when I took office. Rather than work with me to close the $133
million budget deficit I inherited from by predecessor, NIFA provided critiques but no suggestions.
Without their assistance, I turned Nassau’s budget deficit into a surplus.

Now, with just 24 days into my first budget, NIFA issued a control period over County finances. This
unfounded and unfair act has many residents questioning their motives and inability to partner with the
County to fix Nassau’s problems over the past decade. In fact, Newsday reported a NIFA board
member stating “There is no way we could partner with him or anybody else because we don't have the
authority to do that.”

So, what authority does NIFA have to protect taxpayers? NIFA can freeze wages for County workers.

On day one of the control period, NIFA unfortunately announced it would not freeze wages for County
workers. This inaction leads many to believe that NIFA has an agenda that isn’t in the best interest of
Nassau County residents. This agenda is easy to understand when NIFA has stated time and time again
that they are interested in higher revenue. Where I come from, higher revenue is a code name for higher
property taxes!

Let me be clear: I will not allow tax hikes to be the solution to Nassau’s financial problems. From
repealing the home energy tax to stopping a 16.5% property tax hike, we have come too far and I will
not allow NIFA to take us backward.

Last month, I filed a lawsuit on behalf of taxpayers in Nassau County Supreme Court. This lawsuit is
aimed at preventing NIFA’s unfounded and unfair takeover of our County’s finances. This action is
essential to protect homeowners and employers from higher property taxes.
Nassau County residents cannot be victim to an unaccountable and nonelected board that seeks higher
taxes. The stakes are too high. After all, we already pay the second highest in the nation.

NIFA’s actions simply created a distraction from the real work that needs to get done. Through these
trying times, I vow to forge ahead because the residents of Nassau County put their trust in me to lead
this government and they deserve nothing less. The Legislature and I will continue to make the tough
decisions needed to return this county to greatness. We will not back down or give up, we will continue
to fight for the taxpayers of this County.

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