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The Pathophysiology of pneumococcal pneumonia

Chapter  in  European Respiratory Monograph · March 2014

DOI: 10.1183/1025448x.100023313


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3 authors:

Dan Wootton Stephen Aston

University of Liverpool University of Liverpool


Stephen B Gordon
Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine


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Chapter 4
The pathophysiology of
Daniel G. Wootton*,#, Stephen J. Aston*,# and Stephen B. Gordon*

*Liverpool School of Tropical

SUMMARY: Pneumococcal pneumonia is the explosive pul- Medicine, Liverpool, UK.
Both authors contributed equally.
monary and systemic inflammatory consequence of a disrupted
host–pathogen relationship normally compartmentalised and Correspondence: S.B. Gordon, Dept
of Clinical Sciences, Liverpool School
optimally balanced as nasopharyngeal carriage. Pathogen, host of Tropical Medicine, Pembroke
and environmental factors combine to allow proliferation of Place, Liverpool, L3 5QA, UK.
pneumococci in the alveolar space. The local threat and the
related threat of bacterial invasion resulting in sepsis are met
with brisk responses from the epithelium and alveolar

macrophages resulting in massive neutrophil ingress and loss

of alveolar integrity. This immune response comes at the
temporary cost of severely impaired respiratory function but, in
most cases, is characterised by regulated resolution resulting in
restoration of normal pulmonary architecture and function, as
well as protection against future infection. The pathophysiology
of pneumococcal pneumonia is informative in both treatment
Eur Respir Monogr 2014; 63: 42–63.
strategy and vaccine design. This chapter summarises recent Copyright ERS 2014.
discoveries in both host defence and pathogen virulence relating DOI: 10.1183/1025448x.10003313
Print ISBN: 978-1-84984-048-4
these subjects to future vaccination and treatment. Online ISBN: 978-1-84984-049-1
Print ISSN: 1025-448x
Online ISSN: 2075-6674

P neumonia caused by infection with Streptococcus pneumoniae is the most common and most
studied bacterial cause of pneumonia [1], the pathogenesis of which has been recently
reviewed [2]. Classical studies of human pathological specimens described severe (fatal) disease but,
more recently, murine models have substantially advanced our understanding of the pathophysiol-
ogy of infection [3]. More recently, human experimental infection studies [4] have confirmed many
of the observations regarding colonisation and carriage first described in mice [5, 6]. The successful
global implementation of effective vaccines to prevent pneumonia in childhood is underway but
more work is needed in order to understand the means of improving survival in early, severe disease
and, most importantly, the means to protect elderly people from this severe mucosal infection.

The relationship between pneumococcal carriage and pneumonia

Pneumococcal carriage
Pneumococcal carriage is the stable persistence of S. pneumoniae in the posterior nasopharynx [7].
It can be determined by swab or wash of the nasopharynx or oropharynx [8] and is mildly
symptomatic in children [9] but usually asymptomatic in adults. Pneumococcal carriage is of
critical importance as the mode of community transmission of infection [10] and subsequent
disease. Infants are colonised by pneumococci early in life and experience multiple episodes of
carriage throughout their early years [11]. These episodes are immunising [12], resulting in both
immunoglobulin and antigen-specific T-cell responses [13] at the respiratory mucosa and larynx
[14, 15]. Host responses to both pneumococcal polysaccharide capsule and surface proteins are
protective against further colonisation [16] and disease [17]. As a result of this developing
immunity, the frequency and duration of pneumococcal carriage falls during early childhood [18]
and this is accompanied by a fall in the incidence of pneumonia [19]. Pneumococcal conjugate
vaccine in early life accelerates the development of this immunity and so reduces carriage, disease
and transmission resulting in herd protection [20].

Colonisation and clearance of the nasopharynx

Pneumococci are almost uniquely found in humans and therefore reach the nasopharynx of an
uncolonised host by inoculation of nasal secretions from a colonised person [7]. Pneumococci are
highly resistant and remain infective by fomite spread even after 14 days of desiccation in the
environment [21]. Transmission can be by aerosol but is more commonly by close contact
including shared drink bottles [22], caring for children [23] or touching common objects such as
door handles. The dose of inoculated pneumococci is not predictive of carriage in experimental
human models [24]. Colonisation depends on binding of the pneumococcus to the host
epithelium and evasion of host defence, particularly responses to pneumococcal polysaccharide
capsule [25]. Pneumococcal protein virulence factors associated with binding include surface
adhesins [26] (e.g. pneumococcal surface protein C (PspC) [27] and pneumococcal serine-rich
protetin (PsrP) [28]) and factors that cause host cellular and matrix damage (e.g. pneumolysin and


neuraminidase), but only the ability of the capsule to evade mucus layer defence correlates with
observations of post-carriage protection in homologous human re-challenge [16]. Clearance of
pneumococci from the nasopharynx is associated with antibody-dependent and antibody-
independent mechanisms [29]. Eventual clearance of infection is associated with the development
of an antigen-specific CD4 T-cell (T-helper cell (Th)17) response in mice [30, 31] and carriage is
known to induce Th17 responses in the human lung [13].

Carriage as a risk for disease

Almost all episodes of carriage are benign and even beneficial as immunising events. Nevertheless, the
anatomical continuity of the posterior nasopharynx with the trachea and lower airways makes lung
contamination by the pneumococcus a near certainty and, therefore, pneumonia is an ever-present
risk. Pneumococcal serotypes differ in their virulence [32] but, in general, aerosolised doses of bacteria
can be cleared from the lung at much higher concentrations than those presented in droplets [33],
suggesting that pneumonia may result from large numbers of pneumococci overwhelming alveolar
defence. Clinical factors associated with increased aspiration, either by increased volume of nasal
secretions or decreased laryngeal defence [34], are also associated with increased incidence of
pneumonia. Pneumococcal pneumonia is common in young children [19] who have high rates of
carriage and immature humoral and cellular defence, particularly an immature (splenic) B-cell
response to capsular polysaccharide. Furthermore, pneumonia is particularly common in HIV-
infected patients [35] who also have increased rates of pneumococcal carriage with a depleted CD4
repertoire [36] forming part of a defective humoral and cellular defence of the mucosal surface.
The epidemiology of pneumonia in elderly people is harder to explain [37]. Several published studies
show that carriage rates in the elderly are very low [38]. Therefore, the very high incidence of
pneumonia in this population [39] presents an interesting paradox. It has long been known,
however, that recently acquired pneumococci pose a greater risk of disease than longer term
commensals [11]. Recent data have shown that T-cell responses, particularly regulatory T-cells
(Treg), are critical in maintaining the fine balance between pneumococcal carriage and disease [40];
this response is sub-optimal in HIV-infected adults [36] and may also be altered in the elderly [41]. It
is probable that the low prevalence of carriage in older people is due to immune senescence and
failure to contain pneumococci within the nasopharynx, which, in turn, is associated with rapid
progression from acquisition to pneumonia.

Defence of the healthy lower respiratory tract

The incidence of pneumonia is remarkably low given the number of host encounters with
potentially pathogenic bacteria. Most children tolerate multiple episodes of pneumococcal
acquisition and carriage without a single episode of pneumonia. Moreover, this cannot simply be
attributed to containment of bacteria within the nasopharynx as molecular techniques such as 16S
ribosomal RNA gene sequencing show that even healthy lungs are host to a broad range of
bacterial species [42]. Bacterial density is an important factor in the development of clinical
pneumonia and the virulence phenotype of colonising pneumococci is actively altered through
quorum sensing and the competence system to promote invasiveness when present in large
numbers (see Competence system and biofilm section) [43].
The factors that enable pneumococci to reach dangerous numbers in a specific individual are
rarely known but, given the significance of bacterial density, it is possible to understand why the
lung has evolved a range of housekeeping strategies to restrict bacterial growth (fig. 1). The
position of airway bifurcations and the mucociliary escalator reduce levels of particulate deposited
in the lung. Lactoferrin secreted by the airway epithelium has direct bactericidal effects on the
pneumococcus, and by sequestering iron, depletes the environment of this key bacterial nutrient;
a strategy referred to as ‘‘nutritional immunity’’ [44]. Lysozyme is a highly effective anti-
pneumococcal agent secreted from submucosal glands and present in high concentrations in the

lower airway [45]. The human anti-microbial peptides (hAMPs) called human b-defensins
(hBD1–hBD4) and the human cathelicidin-related antimicrobial peptide LL-37 [46] act
synergistically with lysozyme and secreted phospholipases A2 to lyse bacteria, as well as limiting
growth by restricting bacterial nutrient uptake [47–49]. Two collectins, surfactant proteins A and

Alveolar space Quiescent alveolar macrophages

Inhibitory CD200R/CD200
SIRPα/SP interaction
Pneumococci C interaction

Endothelium Epithelium

Circulating monocytes Neutrophils

Alveolar capilliary lumen

Figure 1. Key factors in the maintenance of lung immune homeostasis. A healthy alveolar epithelium is vital to
the maintenance of innate immune homeostasis in the lung. A: Alveolar lining fluid is nutritionally barren and
replete with antimicrobial compounds. B: Bacteria are lysed by secreted innate factors such as lysozyme,
phospholipase-A2 and surfactant proteins (SP) A and D. C: Induction of an anti-inflammatory phenotype in
alveolar macrophages. Phagocytic functions are maintained but the ability to present antigen and secrete pro-
inflammatory cytokines is suppressed by surfactant proteins, granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor,
interleukin-10 and transforming growth factor-b, and the CD200 and signal regulatory protein (SIRP)a
interactions. NF-kB: nuclear factor-kB.
D (SP-A and SP-D, respectively), as well as being important opsonins, exert direct antimicrobial
effects against pneumococci by altering cell permeability and by interfering with nutrient uptake
[50, 51]. In homeostasis, resident alveolar macrophages can ingest the limited numbers of
pneumococci that survive to reach the lung [52], but are actively suppressed to prevent
disproportionate responses to innocuous stimuli.

The evolution of an acute pulmonary inflammatory response

The circumstances surrounding the switch from a homeostatic tolerance of low numbers of
bacteria in the lower airway to an active immune response found in pneumonia and the signals,
receptors and transducers of this response are the subject of intense study and some controversy
[53, 54]. Classic macroscopic pathology describes the evolution of red hepatisation, grey
hepatisation and resolution in pneumococcal pneumonia. These phases describe the collapse of
endothelial integrity and ingress of large numbers of phagocytes with serum and some erythrocytes
to the alveolar space, the gradual control of the infection and apoptosis of the cellular debris
followed by resolution. These stages and their regulatory mechanisms have now been described in
detail using murine models [55]. The complexity and sophistication of an aggressive immune response
of the sort seen in pneumonia is impressive but it is important to remember that it frequently fails in
the absence of antibiotics. In large parts of the world, antibiotic therapy availability is poor and
mortality rates of 30–50% are similar to those recorded at the beginning of the 20th century [56].

The acute inflammatory stage

Bacteria can detect a favourable change in their environment and exploit this to multiply rapidly
with potentially deleterious effects for the host; to match this, the host must respond rapidly.


Most deaths from pneumococcal pneumonia occur soon after the onset of symptoms. This
timeframe is too short for a naı̈ve pneumococcal-specific adaptive immune response to contribute,



Figure 2. Escalation of the pneumonic immune response to pneumococcal threat. The clinical manifestation of
pneumonia is the result of overwhelming numbers of pneumococci provoking an inflammatory response
orchestrated by alveolar macrophages that have been unrestrained by a damaged, activated epithelium. A:
Pneumolysin breaches the integrity of the cell walls releasing intracellular components, some of which are
damage-associated molecular patterns. B: Macrophages recognise opsonised pneumococci and non-
opsonised pneumococci via Toll-like receptor-2 and platelet activating factor receptor interactions with the
pneumococcal cell wall constituents. C: Pneumolysin recognition leads to activation of the NLRP3
inflammasome. D: Activated neutrophils are recruited and translocate across the endothelium (integrin/
intracellular adhesion molecule interaction) and epithelium (triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells
interaction (TREM)-1) into the alveolar lumen. E: Macrophages present antigen to dendritic cells and migrate to
regional lymph nodes. The red arrows represent inflammatory cytokine and chemokine (e.g. CXCL8) release by
activated macrophages and epithelium.
and the host must therefore rely on a rapid amplification of innate responses (fig. 2). The early
response cells of the alveolus are the epithelium and the alveolar macrophage, which must sound
an alarm of sufficient clarity to overcome the Treg [57] and alveolar macrophage [58]
maintenance of normal quiescent lung homeostasis.

Recognition and signalling pathways

It is beyond the scope of this chapter to cover this complex area comprehensively but briefly,
S. pneumoniae components can bind Toll-like receptors (TLRs) which span the cell wall of alveolar
macrophages and epithelial cells [59]. Lipoteichoic acid is a constituent of the outer face of the
cytoplasmic membrane of Gram-positive bacteria and is recognised by TLR2 but not TLR4 [60].
Certain DNA motifs from pneumococci can bind to TLR9 [61]. Several groups have demonstrated
that key immune responses are only triggered by the simultaneous binding of host-derived
products containing so-called damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPS) along with
pathogen-derived ligands called pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPS) [62]. DAMPs
include hyaluronic acid, host DNA and uric acid among others [63, 64]. This requirement for two
signals may go some way to explaining why, in some circumstances, pneumococci can be
recognised by TLRs without eliciting a pro-inflammatory response. TLRs expression on
macrophages and epithelial cells can be upregulated during acute infection to facilitate better
recognition of pathogen but, following influenza infection, TLR expression is significantly reduced
rendering the lung susceptible to bacterial super infection [65].

The lung epithelium orchestrates the innate response to local damage, sets the threshold for this
response, actively contributes to inhibiting excess bacterial growth, signals the escalation of an
innate response, and escalates its own contribution to killing before returning the system to its
homeostatic state [66]. The epithelium itself is highly plastic and many studies have shown that it

can rapidly scale up its production of the antimicrobial effector molecules discussed previously.
For example, changes in levels of SP-A and SP-D modulate the functions of antigen presenting
cells such that the dynamics of neutrophil and T-cell recruitment are altered [51, 67]. Indeed
several groups have shown that augmenting the innate immune response by stimulating the
epithelium with microbial products allows a potentially lethal inoculum of pneumococci to be
overcome [68]. When a more potent reaction is required, epithelial responses to intact
pneumococci include production of soluble innate factors including CXCL8 [69] and
upregulation of the platelet activating factor receptor (PAFr). The CXCL8 signal recruits
neutrophils to the lung from the blood to tackle pneumococci but epithelial binding of
pneumococcal cell wall phosphorylcholine by the PAFr [70] accelerates bacterial invasion. This
example is typical of each phase of the host response to pneumococcus where a well-adapted host
response has, in many cases, been abrogated by pathogen counter-evolution [71].

Alveolar macrophage
The alveolar macrophage has roles in pathogen detection, early alarm signalling and phagocytosis,
followed by antigen presentation, neutrophil and lymphocyte recruitment, and coordination of
the resolution of inflammation. Macrophage behaviour in the healthy alveolus is essentially anti-
inflammatory. This is, in a large part, due to the inhibitory consequences of close physical
interaction between alveolar macrophages and the airway epithelium. CD200 receptor (CD200R)
on the macrophage surface binds the CD200 ligand on the surface of the epithelium [72]. Alveolar
macrophages are induced to express very high levels of CD200R by high local levels of interleukin
(IL)-10 and transforming growth factor-b, which are expressed on and secreted by the epithelium
[73]. Another receptor expressed at high levels on alveolar macrophages is signal regulatory
protein-a, which, via its interaction with SP-A and SP-D renders the cell quiescent [74].
Moreover, the uniquely high levels of granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor and
SP-D to which alveolar macrophages are exposed lead to a dramatic reduction in their ability to
present antigen in comparison with peritoneal counterparts [75]. Despite these restraints,
macrophages can still recognise and phagocytose pneumococci but this does not result in an
escalation of inflammation whilst in their quiescent state. If bacterial density exceeds more than
single numbers per macrophage, active phagocytosis is reduced and cytokine production increases.
What is not clear is how macrophages become unbound by this suppression in the context of
pneumonia. One possibility is that physical damage to the epithelium, for example due to lytic
viruses such as influenza, leads macrophages to become detached from the CD200 interaction,
releasing them from suppression [76]. In this context, the combined TLR signalling of
pneumococcal PAMPs and DAMPs released from the lysed epithelium leads macrophages,
released from the restraints imposed by the epithelium, to become activated. In the activated state,
the phagocytosis of pneumococci leads to recognition by cytoplasmic nucleotide binding
oligomerisation domain (NOD)-like receptors [77] and nuclear factor-kB transduced upregula-
tion of multiple pro-inflammatory genes. The result of phagocytosis in this context is dramatic
increases in the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as tumour necrosis factor
(TNF)-a, IL-1b, IL-6 and the neutrophil recruiting chemokine CXCL8 along with increased
expression of a range of receptors for pathogen recognition [78]. Levels of pro-inflammatory
cytokines seem to be similar when patients with pneumococcal pneumonia are compared to
pneumonia caused by atypical pathogens, but the use of corticosteroids had little effect on
cytokine levels in the context of pneumococcal pneumonia [79].

The essential output of the epithelial and macrophage signalling pathways described earlier is the
rapid recruitment of large numbers of these professional phagocytes. Neutrophils respond to
CXCL8 by upregulating integrins [80] in order to bind endothelium and migrate into the alveolar
space [81]. Neutrophils circulate in the pulmonary microvasculature at three times the
concentration in peripheral venous blood owing to the stoichiometry of the phagocytes (stiff
and large) compared with the microvasculature (narrow and compressed) [82]. This allows very


rapid adhesion, migration and activation of neutrophils in response to local pulmonary epithelial
signals [81].
The primary immune effector function in pneumococcal pneumonia is neutrophil-mediated
phagocytosis. Phagocytosis of un-opsonised pneumococci occurs via a range of molecules
including PAFr [83], SP-A, scavenger receptor-A [84] and MARCO (macrophage receptor with
collagenous structure) [85]. However, these mechanisms of phagocytosis are inefficient compared
to that of opsonised bacteria via Fc receptors, particularly FccR (IgG receptor) and complement
receptor binding. The complement system is vital to pneumococcal defence and, accordingly,
many pneumococcal virulence factors, including PspC binding of factor H, have evolved
specifically to subvert it. In addition to complement, other key opsonins include C-reactive
protein, which binds teichoic acid and lipoteichoic acid of all S. pneumoniae serotypes and is
secreted by epithelial cells in the lower airway [86]. SP-A and SP-D also bind opsonically to
pneumococci and enhance neutrophil and macrophage uptake and killing [87, 88].

Adaptive immune response

In the heat of the inflammatory response, alveolar macrophages may transfer antigen to dendritic
cells or migrate directly to the regional lymph node where cognate responses are developed with
naı̈ve T-cells to allow proliferation and production of appropriate IgG. This acquired response
develops over weeks in naı̈ve individuals but, owing to the immunological priming achieved by
carriage exposures, boosted immune responses can normally occur within days of infection,
resulting in high IgG levels in serum and exudative lung fluid. Dendritic cells play a key role at the
interface between the innate and adaptive immune responses. Their phagocytosis of pneumococci
leads to interactions with natural killer cells [89], pro-inflammatory cytokine release [62] and
presentation of antigen to T-cells. Pneumococci subvert these functions by the potent inhibition of
dendritic cell phagocytosis by pneumococcal adherence and virulence factor A (PavA) [90].
Moreover, the migration of dendritic cells from sites of infection to lymph nodes has recently been
associated with deleterious effects and seems to facilitate pneumococcal dissemination [91].
Alveolar immunoglobulins (both IgG and IgA) to both pneumococcal capsule and pneumococcal
proteins can be measured in most adults [92, 93]. Alveolar macrophages only exhibit full
opsonophagocytic killing potential against pneumococcus in the presence of both cognate
immunoglobulin and complement [94]. Antigen-specific T-cells responsive to pneumococcal
antigens have been found in bronchoalveolar lavage from all healthy adults examined but their
exact function is not known [24]. The Th17 subset has been shown to be increased by
pneumococcal colonisation and is assumed to mediate pneumococcal killing by recruitment of
neutrophils [13]. In the context of pneumococcal bacteraemia, marginal zone macrophages in the
spleen that express SIGNR1 (specific intercellular adhesion molecule-grabbing non-integrin
receptor 1) are vital for the initiation of IgM responses in early infection [95].

The control of infection and inflammation and resolution

Despite the innate and adaptive responses described above, if patients are untreated, the bacteria
are not contained and at least 50% of patients die. The key to the de-escalation of the
inflammatory response to the pneumococcus is the cessation of bacterial metabolism and
replication, which is most successfully achieved using antibiotics. In the pre-antibiotic era,
attempts were made to support patients by boosting their adaptive responses with serum therapy.
Some patients responded but this approach was appropriately superseded by the widespread use of
antibiotics [96].
Recent studies have described the importance of macrophage apoptosis in the evolution of an
acute inflammatory response [52, 97]. Altered alveolar macrophage apoptosis results in impaired
alveolar defence [97]. Pneumococci induce macrophage apoptosis by pneumolysin-dependent
mechanisms (caspase dependent and caspase independent), but delayed apoptosis is required for
evolution of the effective inflammatory response. As control is achieved over the invading bacterial

population, macrophage phenotype changes again to support repair and macrophage apoptotic
mechanisms allow the non-inflammatory resolution of some of the inflammatory exudates.
Furthermore, effective neutrophil apoptosis pathways allow alveolar damage to be minimised even
in the context of severe bacterial infection. At the height of the pneumonic illness, the alveolar
space is clogged with serum, organised inflammatory debris, bacterial DNA and cellular debris.
The process of macrophage efferocytosis (literally ‘‘burying the dead’’) allows restoration of
normal pulmonary architecture and respiratory function [98]. To facilitate the return to
homeostatic numbers, expanded populations of activated macrophages and dendritic cells in the
pneumonic lung are depleted by the direct cytotoxic activity of cdT-cells [99].

Human susceptibility factors and association with disease and

In humans, the striking epidemiological associations with disease are season, age, immunocom-
promise such as HIV, cigarette and biomass smoke exposure, and a range of comorbidities.
Carriage frequency is closely related to age and HIV infection as discussed previously, but these
factors, along with smoke exposure and immunocompromise, result in specific impairments of
respiratory tract defence, particularly alveolar defence, resulting in susceptibility to pneumonia
(table 1). CD4 depletion observed in HIV disease is associated with increases in IgG and IgA levels
at the mucosal surface [125] but a loss of opsonophagocytic function [126] and antigen-specific
CD4 cell loss [114].
Pneumonia is an illness-associated phenomenon and is one of the commonest causes of death in
terminally ill patients [127]. It is closely associated with viral respiratory tract infection, in
particular influenza and respiratory syncytial virus, and with chronic illnesses such as chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), cardiac failure, and renal or liver disease. The complex
interaction of viral infection and pneumococcal pneumonia is covered in the chapter by RHODE
[128] and will not be discussed here beyond the comment that influenza infection alters the
Table 1. Key associations of susceptibility to pneumococcal pneumonia
Risk factors Mechanism [Ref.]

Congenital factors [100]

Complement deficiencies, Impaired phagocytosis [101, 102]
i.e. components of the
classical pathway
IRAK-4 Lack of response to TLR (not TLR3) or IL-1R agonists leads to [103]
impairment of IL-6 production and susceptibility to bacterial
infection, in particular primary pneumococcal disease
NF-kB/IL-2 Mechanism is unclear but may involve variations in CCL5 [104]
polymorphisms expression
MBL polymorphisms The role of MBL deficiencies in pneumococcal pneumonia is [105, 106]
controversial and recent studies suggest there may be no link
FccRIIA polymorphisms These receptors are involved in neutrophil and macrophage [100, 107]
phagocytosis but the direction of association
between polymorphisms, susceptibility and
outcome in pneumococcal disease is
PAD-PID Leads to agammaglobulinaemia or, more commonly, [108]
hypogammaglobulinaemia and problems with class switching,
resulting in frequent bacterial infections
Acquired factors
Splenectomy and Impaired early production of natural antibodies by CD27 IgM [109, 110]
functional hyposplenism# memory B-cells and loss of splenic phagocytic capacity
Cigarette smoke and Oxidative stress, impaired macrophage phagocytic function, [111–113]
biomass impaired ciliary function and epithelial damage
HIV Increased risk from early HIV infection due to multiple defects in [114–116]


innate and acquired immunity; risk increases substantially when
CD4 count falls to ,100
COPD Pneumococci are associated with a substantial proportion of [117]
pneumonic and non-pneumonia exacerbations
The epithelium is damaged and innate mechanisms are impaired
Mucocilliary clearance, secretion of innate factors and
macrophage TLR2 expression are reduced, and macrophage
phagocytosis is impaired
Use of inhaled steroids probably has a role
Asthma Risk of pneumonia is increased [118]
Mechanisms are unclear but probably related to impairment of
innate factors
ILD In some series there is up to a 7-fold increase in rates of [119]
pneumococcal disease
Mechanisms are unclear but probably related to impairment of
epithelial function and innate factors
Cancer chemotherapy Primary effect is neutropenia [120]
Corticosteroids May be related to impaired recruitment of neutrophils and [121]
pulmonary macrophages into the airway by inhibition of cytokine
release, e.g. IL-6 and IL-8
Biological therapy for Anti TNF therapy increased the risk of pneumococcal pneumonia [122, 123]
autoimmune disease but specific mechanisms are unclear
May be related to neutrophil recruitment
Neurological disease Mechanical factors lead to an increase in oropharyngeal contents [124]
and acute events (e.g. stroke) may have a direct
immunosuppressive effect, including a reduction in CD4 T-cells
and impaired T-cell function

IRAK-4: interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase-4; NF-kB: nuclear factor-kB; IL: interleukin; MBL: mannose
binding lectin; PAD: predominantly antibody defect; PID: primary immunodeficiencies; COPD: chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease; ILD: interstitial lung disease; TLR: Toll-like receptor; IL-1R: interleukin-1
receptor; TNF: tumour necrosis factor. #: e.g. trauma, sickle cell disease, systemic lupus erythematosus, coeliac
disease, alcoholism, etc.
epithelial surface to enhance bacterial binding [129] and lymphocyte cytokine production [130],
and to decrease opsonophagocytic function for prolonged periods following severe infection [131].
The pathogenesis of COPD, asthma and interstitial lung diseases and their effects on airway
defence have also been discussed elsewhere [119, 132]. However, emerging evidence suggests that
diseases associated with increased rates of cell apoptosis, and consequently high rates of TAM-
receptor mediated efferocytosis, may lead to exaggerated levels of macrophage suppression and
susceptibility to bacterial infection [133]. Nutritional deficiency and liver disease also result in
functional hypogammaglobulinaemia. Alcoholism is associated with increased susceptibility to
pneumonia and this is, in part, related to immune dysfunction caused by alcohol [134];
specifically, patients with alcohol problems have impaired macrophage function and this in turn
seems to be related to macrophage uptake of zinc [135].

Pneumococcal virulence factors

S. pneumoniae possesses a considerable armamentarium of virulence factors that it deploys in a co-
ordinated fashion to enable its survival and propagation within multiple niches in its human host
(table 2). The most important attributes of a successful virulence phenotype are: 1) adherence
to and translocation through epithelial surfaces; 2) direct toxin-mediated tissue damage;
3) subversion of host immune responses, particularly complement-mediated opsonophagocytosis;
4) resistance to conditions of oxidative stress and nutrient deficiency; and 5) quorum sensing and
bacterial competence [3]. Whilst many virulence factors have been recognised for several decades,
the ability to precisely manipulate pneumococcal genotype using signature-tagged mutagenesis
(STM) has greatly expanded the repertoire of recognised virulence factors. Comparative genomic
analysis (CGA) and the use of capsule-switched mutants have revealed the importance of
interactions between virulence factors in determining the overall pathogen phenotype. It is,

however, important to appreciate that the clinical significance of many putative virulence factors
identified in murine models of infection has not been categorically demonstrated. It is notable that
the relevance of some putative virulence factors identified using STM in murine models has not
been corroborated in CGA of clinical isolates [166]. This distinction may prove prescient as the
therapeutic applications of protein virulence factors (e.g. vaccine candidates and targets for
immunomodulatory therapy) are explored.

Genetics of pneumococcal virulence

Individual isolates of S. pneumoniae vary markedly in their propensity to cause invasive disease.
Although the characteristics of the polysaccharide capsule go some way to explaining this
variation, clear differences in invasiveness amongst isolates of the same serotype are well described
[167]. Even amongst isolates of the same clonal lineage, defined by multi-locus sequencing type
(MLST), there are important differences in virulence phenotype [168]. Recent evidence suggests
that subtle but important genetic differences between pneumococcal isolates reflect stable
adaptations to specific selective pressures present within particular environmental niches in the
human host. When used in a murine nasal challenge model, clinical pneumococcal isolates of the
same serotype and similar MLST display marked variation in virulence phenotype depending on
the in vivo site of isolation [169]. Clinical blood isolates caused bacteraemia without first
establishing colonisation, whilst isolates from ear infections colonised the nasopharynx and spread
to the ear, but did not cause invasive disease.
CGA of clinical pneumococci has demonstrated that individual isolates possess a core genome
that is common to all strains and a variable set of additional genes that correlate closely with
virulence phenotype [166, 170]. The core genome, as well as encoding housekeeping functions,
includes many major virulence factors (e.g. hyaluronate lyase (HylA) and pyruvate oxidase
(SpxB)), which may indicate that, whilst necessary, these genes alone are not sufficient to
determine the propensity of an isolate to cause invasive disease [170]. Many of the variable
genes cluster in accessory regions, in keeping with the known propensity of pneumococci to
acquire genetic material by horizontal passage from co-colonising bacteria. The pattern of
accessory regions present in invasive isolates varies with serotype [166, 170]. It is plausible
that, given the dominant effect of the polysaccharide capsule on pneumococcal biology,
the complement of additional virulence factors required to produce an effective virulence
phenotype varies [171].

Pneumococcal transcriptomics and tissue specificity of virulence factors

The dynamic nature of virulence factor expression during the progression of pneumococcal
infection has been demonstrated with increasing levels of sophistication in recent years. In an
elegant series of experiments, ORIHUELA et al. [172] demonstrated that not only were particular
virulence factors involved in tissue-specific replication, but distinct factors were required to allow
transition between body sites. For example, pneumolysin was required for replication in the lungs
and both translocation to and survival in the bloodstream. PspC (also referred to as CbpA or
choline binding protein A) contributed to both transition from upper to lower respiratory tracts
and from blood to cerebrospinal fluid, but was redundant for tissue replication. Similarly, the
novel bacterial adhesion PsrP is required for bacterial invasion from the lungs, but not for
nasopharyngeal colonisation or survival in the bloodstream [28, 170].
Emerging transcriptomic data give a more complete and nuanced picture of the coordinated
expression of virulence determinants. Two main patterns of in vivo gene expression by
S. pneumoniae have been described: the first relating to bacteria in the bloodstream
characterised by increased expression of pneumolysin and PspA; and the second of bacteria
isolated from tissues (i.e. lungs and brain) showing increased expression of neuraminidases,
metalloproteinases, and oxidative stress and competence genes [43]. More recently, OGUNNIYI


et al. [173] described differences in the transcriptomic profile between pneumococci obtained
from nasopharynx, lung and blood following intranasal infection. The relevance of selected
differentially expressed genes was confirmed by targeted mutagenesis, which rendered
organisms completely avirulent or significantly attenuated for virulence in a specific host
niche. For example, the ATP binding cassette-iron transporter component, pneumococcal
iron uptake A (PiuA), was among the genes upregulated in the blood and DpiuA mutants
were avirulent. Furthermore, immunisation with recombinant PiuA was protective against
sepsis [173].

Polysaccharide capsule
The extracellular polysaccharide capsule of S. pneumoniae potently inhibits phagocytosis and is
essential for the organism’s virulence [174]. The 93 antigenically distinct capsular serotypes differ
markedly in their potential to cause invasive disease in proportion with their relative resistance to
phagocytosis [136]. Furthermore, capsular serotype is an independent determinant of outcome of
invasive pneumococcal disease [175].
In the absence of capsule-specific antibodies, opsonophagocytosis of S. pneumoniae is
predominantly complement mediated. The polysaccharide capsule inhibits both the classical
and alternative pathways through distinct mechanisms, limiting the deposition of the C3b/iC3b on
the bacterial surface [136, 137]. The highly negatively charged capsule also sterically inhibits the
interaction between deposited C3b and complement receptors [176].
Whilst the importance of the capsule for systemic virulence is clear, its role in early infection is
more complicated. The capsule promotes transit of pneumococci to the nasopharyngeal epithelial
surface by inhibiting mucous binding [25]. However, once at the epithelial surface, organisms
expressing thin capsules (transparent phase) preferentially establish stable colonisation [177].
Following invasion, survival is favoured by increased capsular expression (opaque phase),
conferring resistance to opsonophagocytosis. The mechanisms whereby pneumococci alter the
Table 2. Pneumococcal virulence factors grouped according to main function in pneumonia
Virulence factor Main function in pneumococcal disease [Ref.]
Resistance to
Polysaccharide capsule Resistance to opsonophagocytosis by inhibition of classical [3, 136–138]
and alternative complement pathways; reduces trapping by
NETs; inhibits mucus binding promoting transit to epithelial
PspA Limits C3b deposition by blocking formation of alternative [139–141]
pathway C3 convertase; inhibits bactericidal actions of
PspC# Limits C3b formation by binding factor H; initiates invasion [27, 142]
through binding human polymeric immunoglobulin receptor
IgA protease Cleaves IgA-surface bound Fab fragments limiting [3]
opsonophagocytosis and exposing phosphorylcholine that
promotes adherence by binding PAFr
PhtA, B, D and E Reduction of complement deposition via factor H recruitment [143]
EndA Degradation of DNA in NETs favouring subsequent invasion [144]
Degradation of ECM
NanA Removes terminal sialic acid residues from cell surface [145, 146]
glycopeptides promoting adherence; confers resistance to
complement deposition
BgaA and StrH Expose glycopeptides for pneumococcal epithelial binding; [147]
reduce C3b deposition
Hyl Degrades hyaluronan in the ECM facilitating bacterial spread [148]
and tissue invasion
Enolase Binds plasminogen promoting transmigration through ECM; [149, 150]
contributes to complement evasion by binding complement
inhibitor C4b-binding protein

SpuA Glycogen degradation enzyme required for full virulence; [151]

mechanism of action uncertain
Epithelial adhesion
Pili Promotes epithelial adherence and tissue invasion; associated [152, 153]
with resistance to intracellular killing within macrophages
PsrP Adhesin required for bacterial persistence in lungs [28]
SrtA Anchors cell surface proteins, promoting bacterial epithelial [154]
PavA Binds fibronectin facilitating stable colonisation [155, 156]
PavB Binds fibronectin and plasminogen; promotes colonisation and [157]
lung transmigration
PcpA Surface protein induced by low-manganese concentrations [158]
that contributes to epithelial adherence
Tissue damage and pro-
inflammatory response
Pneumolysin Cytolysis; complement activation; induction of host [55, 62, 159]
inflammatory response via multiple pathways; inhibition of
phagocyte respiratory burst and ciliary beating on epithelium
LytA Induces autolysis by peptidoglycan cleavage, and release of [148]
pneumolysin and inflammatory cell wall components (e.g.
teichoic acids)
Phosphorlycholine Binds PAFr on nasopharyngeal epithelial cells and activates host [3]
cell signalling pathways
Lipoteichoic acid Induces proinflammatory response, platelet and coagulation [160]
pathway activation via TLR2 and probably TLR4 and PAFr binding
Resistance to nutrient
deficiency and oxidative
PsaA Mediates divalent metal-ion uptake, required for resistance to [3]
oxidative stress, and regulates expression of bacterial adhesins
PiaA and PiuA Lipoprotein components of ABC transporters that acquire iron for [161]
bacterial growth
SodA Confers protection against extracellular oxidative stress [162]
Table 2. Continued
Virulence factor Main function in pneumococcal disease [Ref.]
ClpP Confers resistance to oxidative stress following macrophage [163]
Bacterial competition
and co-operation
Biofilm and competence Differential regulation of virulence factors by CSP in bacteraemia [2, 43]
and pneumonia; production correlates with expression of biofilm
Bacteriocin Mediates intraspecies competition between co-colonising [164]
pneumococcal strains in the nasopharynx
SpxB Inhibits co-colonising bacteria via hydrogen peroxide production [165]

PspA: pneumococcal surface protein A; PspC: pneumococcal surface protein C; Pht: polyhistidine triad; EndA:
endonuclease A; ECM: extracellular matrix; NanA: neuraminidase; BgaA: b-galactosidase; StrH: b-N-
acetylglucosaminidase; Hyl: hyaluronate lyase; SpuA: pullulanase; PsrP: pneumococcal serine-rich protein;
SrtA: sortase A; PavA: pneumococcal adhesion and virulence A; PavB: pneumococcal adhesion and virulence
B; PcpA: pneumococcal choline binding protein A; LytA: autolysin; PsaA: pneumococcal surface antigen A;
PiaA: pneumococcal iron acquisition A; PiuA: pneumococcal iron uptake A; SodA: manganese superoxide
dismutase; ClpP: ATP-dependent caseinolytic protease; SpxB: pyruvate oxidase; NET: neutrophil extracellular
trap; PAFr: platelet activating factor receptor; TLR: Toll-like receptor; ABC: ATP-binding cassette; CSP:
competence stimulating peptide. #: also known as choline binding protein A.

degree of expression of the capsule to adapt to particular host niches are yet to be fully elucidated,
but may relate to changes in oxygen tension [178].

Pneumolysin is a highly conserved toxin that is central to both pneumococcal virulence and the


induction of the host inflammatory response. Upon release from the bacterial cytoplasm, which is
predominantly mediated by LytA-induced autolysis, pneumolysin monomers combine to form
transmembrane pores that induce direct host tissue damage and facilitate bacterial invasion [176].
The pulmonary inflammatory response to pneumolysin is characterised by the release of
proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines and the sequential recruitment of neutrophils and
activated T- and B-lymphocytes [55]. The signalling pathways mediating the response to
pneumolysin are complex. Previous studies have suggested a role for TLR4 [179] and TLR2 [180],
but recent data show that pneumolysin can induce the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines
independently of TLR4, via NOD-like receptor family pyrin domain containing 3 (NLRP3)
inflammasome [62]. In vitro, pneumolysin acts synergistically to enhance the secretion of pro-
inflammatory cytokines in response to TLR agonists. It is plausible that pneumolysin could
potentiate TLR-mediated inflammatory responses to other pneumococcal components and
endogenous products released during pneumococcal infection [62].
The interaction of the cytolytic and immune-activating features of pneumolysin has an important
bearing on the outcome of pneumococcal infection. Only pneumococci expressing pneumolysin
with haemolytic activity induce a protective host response via the NLRP3 inflammasome pathway
[62, 181]. Pneumococci expressing pneumolysin with markedly reduced cytolytic activity appear
to have an early growth advantage in blood [182] and, moreover, have been identified in disease
outbreaks in humans, including invasive pneumococcal disease [183]. It is plausible that the robust
innate response induced by cytolytic toxins more effectively holds in check early bacterial replication.
Pneumolysin represents both a candidate protein for a serotype-independent vaccine and a target
for adjunctive therapy. Immunisation with the pneumolysin variant PdB showed protective
efficacy in pneumonia [184] and sepsis [185], but residual cytolytic activity may hamper clinical
development [186]. The PlyD1 variant holds considerable promise. In murine models,
immunisation was protective against pneumococcal infection and recently reported phase I
studies indicate that it is both immunogenic and well-tolerated [187]. Curtailing the inflammatory
effects of pneumolysin is a potential strategy to improve pneumonia outcomes. Some of the
apparent additive benefit of combination treatment with macrolides in pneumococcal pneumonia
may be attributable to reduction in pneumolysin production [188].

Pneumococcal surface protein A

PspA is an important virulence determinant in murine models of pneumococcal infection and
probably also in humans since it is universally expressed in clinical pneumococcal isolates [139]. It
inhibits the bactericidal activity of the secreted innate immune protein apolactoferrin [139] and
reduces complement-dependent phagocytosis by inhibiting the formation and/or function of the
alternative pathway C3 convertase [140].
PspA holds considerable promise as a protein vaccine candidate. Immunisation using recombinant
protein elicits protection against pneumonia, sepsis and nasopharyngeal colonisation in mice
[139]. Moreover, passive transfer of human antibodies raised against recombinant PspA is also
protective [189]. A wide range of PspA-based immunisation strategies are currently in various
stages of clinical development.

Pilus proteins
The presence of a pilus in some pneumococcal strains has only been recognised recently [190].
This long structural organelle projects from the cell wall, protrudes through the capsule and
promotes adherence to the respiratory epithelium. Isolates with pili out-compete non-piliated
rivals to establish nasopharyngeal colonisation and have enhanced virulence in models of
pneumonia and bacteraemia [190]. The pilus is encoded by the rlrA pathogenicity islet (accessory
region), which comprises of genes for three structural proteins RrgA, RrgB and RrgC, and three
associated sortases [191]. The RrgA component is the main determinant of adhesion [152] and

also invokes a host inflammatory response via TLR2 [192]. RrgA is also implicated in the systemic
invasion of pneumococci; pneumococci expressing RrgA are preferentially phagocytosed by
macrophages and show prolonged intracellular survival and higher rates of early bacteraemia
[153]. Immunisation with recombinant pilus subunits confers protection against lethal
pneumococcal challenge in mice [193]. However, the relevance of pilus in human pneumococcal
disease and its potential use as a vaccine candidate is unclear since it is expressed by as few as 21%
of invasive clinical isolates [194].

Competence system and biofilm

A particular trait of streptococci is their inclination to undergo natural genetic transformation
facilitating the efficient selection of alleles most suited to the local environment [195]. In the
pneumococcus, the ability or ‘‘competence’’ for genetic transformation is a dynamic phenotype
that is closely controlled by a quorum sensing system known as COM [195]. The switch from non-
competence to competence is regulated by quorum sensing the levels of a substance called
competence stimulating peptide (CSP) in the surrounding milieu [196]. Levels of CSP are directly
related to the density of pneumococci in an area; once a threshold level of CSP is reached, the
pneumococci can switch to the competent state if the environmental conditions are suitable.
Manipulation of the COM system modulates pneumococcal virulence in a tissue-specific manner;
CSP increases virulence in pneumonia and meningitis, but reduces it in bacteraemic sepsis [43]. In
vitro culture, CSP induces bacterial growth in biofilm. It is plausible that biofilm formation confers
a survival advantage during tissue infections such as pneumonia, but is irrelevant or even
deleterious in bacteraemia when planktonic growth is favoured. In addition to transcriptional
regulation of growth pattern during the course of infection, recent evidence indicates stable
genotypic adaptation of pneumococci to particular host niches. The growth pattern in vitro of
clinical pneumococcal isolates differs markedly according to the site of isolation. Blood and ear
infection isolates required media composition that resembled their respective site of isolation for
optimal in vitro growth [169].
Therapeutic possibilities for vaccination and treatment
Potential vaccination strategies
Adults rarely suffer pneumonia from recurrent episodes of the same infecting pneumococcal
serotype and yet the pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine does not offer protective immunity
against pneumonia in elderly people or prevent carriage in adults. The reasons for this paradox are
not fully understood but are related to compartmental differences in systemic and mucosal
immunity [197]. The polysaccharide vaccine does give effective protection against invasive
pneumococcal disease and this is associated with increased serum anti-capsular IgG. However,
despite increasing serotype-specific IgA levels in the lungs of vaccinated patients [198],
polysaccharide vaccination leads to a persistent depletion of capsule specific B-cells that may
explain an increase in mucosal disease [199]. It is reasonable to assume that the inflammatory
response to pneumonia elicits both systemic and mucosal cellular immune responses to capsule,
protein and conjugated capsular antigens. An effective vaccine against pneumonia will have to
elicit these responses and current research is focused on the antigens (see previous section), route
of administration and adjuvant that will be needed to make this a reality.

Potential novel treatments

Strategies to improve outcomes of severe pneumococcal pneumonia are urgently needed. Despite
the use of effective antimicrobial agents that rapidly clear pneumococci from both the lungs and
bloodstream, early mortality remains high. The deleterious effects of a dysregulated and over-
exuberant systemic inflammatory response may contribute to early mortality [200]; adjunctive
treatments that limit or modulate the host response remain the focus of considerable interest


but their effectiveness in improving outcome is as yet unproven. For example, the use of
corticosteroids in pneumonia has been repeatedly examined over the last 50 years with varying
results, but no consistent evidence of benefit has been demonstrated [201]. Both macrolides and
statins exert pleiotropic immunomodulatory effects that may be useful in the treatment of
pneumococcal pneumonia and some observational data support their use, but evidence from
prospective randomised trials is currently lacking [202, 203].
Other therapeutic approaches in development aim to target key components of the host response
more precisely. TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) induces apoptosis in both
alveolar macrophages and neutrophils, a process which is central to the resolution of pulmonary
inflammatory responses to pneumococcal infection [52, 100]. TRAIL-deficient mice show
impaired bacterial clearance, excessive lung inflammatory responses, and reduced survival during
pneumococcal pneumonia. Administration of TRAIL, however, dramatically improved survival [204].
Another promising novel therapeutic approach for pneumococcal pneumonia focuses on
augmenting pulmonary pathogen clearance. The immune activating peptide P4, which
incidentally is a surface expressed moiety of the pneumococcal surface antigen A (PsaA),
augments the response to passive immunotherapy by enhancing the ability of neutrophils and
macrophages to phagocytose opsonised pneumococci [205]. Intranasal P4 in combination with
intravenous immunoglobulin rescued mice from fatal pulmonary pneunomococal challenge and
prevented the onset of bacteraemia and sepsis even without antibiotic treatment [205]. A similar
biological action of P4 using ex vivo human alveolar macrophages has been demonstrated and
clinical studies are now planned [206].

Pneumococcal pneumonia is an infrequent but severe consequence of frequent bacterial exposure.
Immune defence is usually effective at containing carriage but struggles in the face of full blown
infection. Modern scientific methods have generated information likely to lead to new vaccines
and treatments.

We would like to acknowledge A. Kadioglu (Institute of Infection and Global Health, University of
Liverpool, Liverpool, UK) for taking the time to critically appraise this manuscript.

Support Statement
D.G. Wootton is a fellow of the UK National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) supported by a
Doctoral Research Fellowship. S.J. Aston has received a report grant from the Wellcome Trust
(grant 099962).

Statement of Interest
None declared.

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