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Theories of Personality Reviewer

Chapter 10
Abraham Maslow’s Holistic-Dynamic Theory Dissertation research on Monkey’s Dominance and Sexual
OVERVIEW E.L. Thorndike
Erich Fromm, Karen Horney, Max Wertheimer, Kurt Goldstein,
Also known as: Humanistic Theory, Transpersonal theory, Alfred Adler
Self-Actualization theory, Needs Theory, 3rd Force in Anthropological studies among the Northern Blackfoot Indians
Psychology, 4th Force in Personality of Alberta, Canada. (Ruth Benedict)
Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts
Motivation affects the whole person; it is complete, often Maslow Cooperage Corporation.
unconscious, continual, and applicable to all people. American Psychological Association
A whole person is motivated by a need or another which leads Saga Administrative Corporation in Menlo Park, California
towards Psychological health or Self-Actualization. Died: June 8, 1970
To attain Self-Actualization, people must satisfy lower level
Influence by some tenets of Psychoanalysis and behaviorism
(But criticized both for having limited views of humanity and Basic Assumptions:
inadequate knowledge of psychologically healthy individuals)  Holistic Approach to motivation
 Motivation is usually complex
BIOGRAPHY  People are continually motivated by one need or another
 All people everywhere are motivated by the same basic
April 1, 1908 Manhattan New York needs
Lonely and miserable childhood  Need can be arranged on a Hierarchy
Emotionally distant with both parents
Father is always absent. Working at barrels HIERARCHY OF NEEDS
Strong hatred with her mother
Already saw violence during his childhood by his mother The lower needs must be satisfied first before being motivated
Shy, lonely and isolated by a higher needs
Will Maslow Conative Needs – Also known as Basic Needs. It means
Did well in academics during highschool having a striving or motivational character (willful striving)
His father wants him to be a Lawyer, but he discontinue it due Lower needs have Prepotency over higher needs (must be
to lack of interest satisfied first before higher needs be activated)
City Colleges of New York, Cornell University, University of Physiological; Safety; Love and Belongingness; Esteem; Self-
Wisconsin Actualization
BA philosophy, PhD psychology, and discontinue medicine
Bertha Goodman
Edward B. Titchener
Theories of Personality Reviewer
Chapter 10
PHYSIOLOGICAL NEEDS  People who have received love and belongingness only in
Includes, food, water, oxygen, maintenance, body small doses, will be strongly motivated to seek it (stronger
temperature, etc. need for affection and acceptance)
The Most Prepotent of All Children need love in order to grow psychologically
Difference of Physiological Needs with the other needs: Children: Direct and straight forward
 It is the only needs that can Completely Satisfied or Adults: Sometimes cleverly disguised, Engage in self-
Overly Satisfied defeating behaviors, may give appearance of self-sufficiency
 Recurring Nature and independence, Adopt more obvious ways of trying to
adopt them.
People are motivated by this need after partially satisfied their ESTEEM NEEDS
physiological needs Self-respect, confidence, competence, and the knowledge that
Includes Physical Security, Stability, Dependency, Protection, others hold them in high esteem
Freedom from threatening forces; Needs for Law Order and 2 Levels of Esteem Needs:
Structure 1. Reputation
Cannot be over satiated - Perception of the prestige, recognition, or fame a person has
Relatively unimportant in healthy adults living in society with achieved in the eyes of others
no war 2. Self-esteem
Children are more often motivated by safety needs - Person’s own feelings of worth and confidence
Adults who are relatively feel unsafe and retain irrational fear - Desire for strength, for achievement, for adequacy, for
from childhood often spends more energy in satisfying this mastery and competence, for confidence in the face of the
needs than healthy people do. If unsuccessful – Basic world, and for independence and freedom”
Anxiety - Self-esteem is based on real competence and not merely on
others’ opinions
Desire for friendship; the wish for a mate and children; the SELF-ACTUALIZATION NEEDS
need to belong to a family, a club, a neighborhood, or a nation, “B-Values” (Truth, beauty, justice etc.)
sex and human contact. Self-fulfillment, realization of one’s potential, Desire to be
Need to both Give and Receive Love creative in the full sense of the world
 People who have had their love and belongingness needs Fully human (natural in the same sense that animals and
adequately satisfied from early years do not panic when infants are natural)
denied love Self-actualizers are not dependent on the satisfaction of either
 People consists of those who have never experienced love or esteem needs; they become independent from the
love and belongingness, and, therefore, they are incapable lower level needs that gave them birth
of giving love (devalue love and take its absence for
Theories of Personality Reviewer
Chapter 10
OTHER CATEGORIES OF NEEDS Serves no other purpose than to be. Frequently unconscious
and usually takes place naturally and with little effort.
AESTHETIC NEEDS No goals or aim but is merely the person’s mode of expression
Not universal Can continue even in the absence of reinforcement or reward.
Need for beauty and aesthetically pleasing experiences
Desire for beautiful and aesthetically surroundings Coping Behavior
Ordinarily conscious, effortful, learned, and determined by the
COGNITIVE NEEDS external environment.
Desire to know, to solve mysteries, to understand, and to be Individual’s attempts to cope with the environment
curious Serves some aim or goal (although not always conscious or
When cognitive needs are blocked, all needs on Maslow’s known to the person). Always motivated by deficit need.
hierarchy are threatened - Knowledge is necessary to satisfy
each of the five conative needs Deprivation of Needs
If not satisfied – Pathology: Skepticism Disillusionment, Physiological Needs
Cynicism Malnutrition, fatigue, loss of energy, obsession with sex etc.
Safety Needs
NEUROTIC NEEDS Fear, Insecurity, dread
Nonproductive; Lead only to stagnation and pathology Love and Belongingness
They perpetuate an unhealthy style of life and have no value in Defensive, overly aggressive, socially timid
the striving for self-actualization Esteem
Compensation for an unsatisfied basic needs Self-doubt, Self-depreciation, Lack of confidence
Reversed Order of Needs Pathology, Metapathology – (absence of values, the lack of
Even though needs are generally satisfied in the hierarchical fulfillment, and the loss of meaning in life.)
order, they are reversed occasionally
If we understood the unconscious motivation underlying the Instinctoid Nature of Needs
behavior, we would recognize that the needs are not reversed. Some human needs are innately determined even though they
can be modified by learning.
Unmotivated Behavior
Some behaviors are not motivated Criterion for separating Instinctoid Need from
Some behavior is not caused by needs, but by other factors Noninstinctoid Need:
such as conditioned reflexes, maturation and drugs
“Expressive behavior” is unmotivated 1. Levels of pathology upon frustration. The thwarting of
instinctoid needs produces pathology, whereas the frustration
Expressive and Coping Behavior of noninstinctoid needs does not
Expressive Behavior
Theories of Personality Reviewer
Chapter 10
2. Instinctoid needs are persistent and their satisfaction leads Eternal verities
to psychological health. Noninstinctoid needs, in contrast, are Indicators of psychological health and are opposed to
usually temporary and their satisfaction is not a prerequisite for deficiency needs, which motivate non-self-actualizers
health. “Metaneeds” –ultimate level of needs

3. Instinctoid needs are species-specific. Animal instincts Metamotivation

cannot be used as a model for studying human motivation Motives of self-actualizing people
Expressive rather than coping behavior and is associated with
4. Though difficult to change, instinctoid needs can be molded, the B-values.
inhibited, or altered by environmental influence Differentiates self-actualizing people from those who are not.

Comparison of Higher and Lower Needs Only people who live among the B-values are self-actualizing,
and they alone are capable of metamotivation
Similarities Absence of the B-values leads to pathology just as surely as
 Both are Instinctoid lack of food results in malnutrition.
 “Biological” Deprivation of any of the B-values results in metapathology, or
Differences the lack of a meaningful philosophy of life.
 Higher level needs are later on the phylogenetic or
evolutionary scale. B-VALUES
 Higher level needs produce more happiness and more  Truth
peak experiences, although satisfaction of lower level  Goodness
needs may produce a degree of pleasure (temporary).  Beauty
 Wholeness (Transcendence of dichotomies)
SELF-ACTUALIZATION  Aliveness (Spontaneity)
 Uniqueness
 They were free from psychopathology  Completion
 Had progressed through the hierarchy of needs  Justice (and order)
 Embracing of the “B values”  Simplicity
 Full use and exploitation of talents, capacities,
 Totality (or richness)
potentialities, etc.
 Effortlessness
(Individuals fulfilled their needs to grow, to develop, and to
increasingly become what they were capable of becoming)  Humor
 Autonomy
B-values (Being values)
Theories of Personality Reviewer
Chapter 10
CHARACTERISTICS OF SELF-ACTUALIZING PEOPLE Psychological science should place more emphasis on the
 More Efficient Perception of Reality study of the individual and less on the study of large groups.
 Acceptance of Self, Others and Nature Subjective reports should be favored over rigidly objective
 Spontaneity, Simplicity, Naturalness ones.
 Problem-Centering People should be allowed to tell about themselves in a holistic
 The Need for Privacy fashion instead of the more orthodox approach that studies
 Autonomy people in bits and pieces.
 Continued Freshness of Gratification
 The Peak Experience Desacralization: that is, the type of science that lacks
 Gemeinschaftsgefühl emotion, joy, wonder, awe, and rapture
 Profound Interpersonal Relations Resacralize science or to instill it with human values, emotion,
 The Democratic Character Structure and ritual.
 Discrimination b/w Means and Ends Taoistic attitude for psychology, one that would be
 Philosophical Sense of Humor noninterfering, passive, and receptive.
 Creativeness This new psychology would abolish prediction and control as
 Resistance to Enculturation the major goals of science and replace them with sheer
fascination and the desire to release people from controls so
Love, Sex and Self-Actualization that they can grow and become less predictable.
“B-love” and “D-love” The proper response to mystery, Maslow said, is not analysis
Capable of giving and receiving love but awe.
B-love is mutually felt and shared and not motivated by a
deficiency or incompleteness within the lover Psychologists must themselves be healthy people, able to
Unmotivated, expressive behavior. tolerate ambiguity and uncertainty.
Sexual Activity: taken quite lightly in the spirit of playfulness There is no need to do well that which is not worth doing.
and humor Rather, it is better to do poorly that which is important.


Believed that value-free science does not lead to the proper  Personal Orientation Inventory (POI) - standardized test
study of human personality. designed to measure self-actualizing values and behavior
 Short Index of Self-Actualization
Maslow argued for a different philosophy of science, a  Brief Index of Self-Actualization
humanistic, holistic approach that is not value free and that
has scientists who care about the people and topics they
Theories of Personality Reviewer
Chapter 10
A healthy interpersonal relationship between client and
Fear of success, a fear of being one’s best, and a feeling of therapist is therefore the best psychological medicine.
awesomeness in the presence of beauty and perfection
Positive psychology - new field of psychology that combines
Rationale of Why People Run Away from Greatness and an emphasis on hope, optimism, and well-being with scientific
Fulfillment: research and assessment (Maslow and Rogers)
 Human body is simply not strong enough to endure the
ecstasy of fulfillment for any length of time, just as peak
experiences and sexual orgasms would be overly taxing if
they lasted too long. (“This is too much” “I can’t stand it
 Most people have private ambition to be great, but when
they compare themselves with those who have
accomplished greatness, they are appalled by their own
arrogance (“Who am I to think I could do as well as this
great person?”)


Aim: Allow clients to embrace the B-values

To accomplish this aim, clients must be free from their
dependency on others so that their natural impulse toward
growth and self-actualization could become active.

Everyone has an inherent tendency toward self-actualization

The goals of psychology follow from the client’s position on the
hierarchy of needs.

Psychotherapy should be directed at the need level currently

being thwarted, in most cases love and belongingness needs.

Most people who seek therapy have these two lower level
needs relatively well satisfied but have some difficulty
achieving love and belongingness needs. Therefore,
psychotherapy is largely an interpersonal process.

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