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THE BOOSEY WOODWIND METHOD series editor: ‘CHRIS MORGAN clarinet in Bb fietexeyraal INTRODUCTION ‘The Booey Woodwind end Bras Metied is designed to be used i lessons and when you pay your imstrument between lessons To get the most oUt of ‘the book work ehough t with your teacher, playing ‘the musi and doing che scutes. The CD weil ep you batieen lessons ~ ie contains performances and Backing wack of mos f the pices in the book, as well Ietening activites. ‘Ac the end ofthe book you wil ind checklists for teach sags, Thee help Ou £0 kop track of what you have lesred. When you reach the end ofa stage, fil in the checklist with your teacher here are ‘Bs try to fish the actives Belore you go onc fhe next stage The accldes are desghed to help you explore muse and improve as a muslcan, Remember, dferene people learn at diferent speeds. Tey nots rsh. Work ata pace that fol: comfortable. That way you wl lar faster. and ‘ny playing more “This book i ved into nine sections ~ "bases" ection and eight stages, The basis pages (47) are be and consi informacion abou how eo put your clarinet together how t hold vw to low eo i nd how to take spare Keep refering back to this Section t remind yourself how todo these correctly. eaten @ feetnom ® ’ © Feel the ryt this could mean clapping, movie, counting singng or evo ofthese things ac once. Cap or sing -there are some tunes and acti for appng oF singing, and others ‘ich you ep or ng first ben ply. ‘Answer a question -or solve 2 pul, or think about something ina diferene way. Stages | to 8 tach you how to ply the carnet and how to make music come alive In addon to pieces to ply there are many diferene type of sce for You 10 do. The leone Below have Been designed to hep you. Ech one has a diferent meaning Gd, Wesorrecond sommes 01 Wl tnd sex (Bp) stevie winging domi iahing vcd a aad ™ “sine >, Ensemble. this leon means youcanplay (AGB) bce we poe are rom oy ey so ro ook Sp vee cD-seeritemctnmterh —yuaips GaP) Seis amare rye” She imbued ing py sve ea stray see Using the CD Books in the Boosey Wbodind and as Method include wo CDs + performance CD - wse this CD to hear complete performances ofthe music + backing CD - are thi CD to pay long wieh Both CDs contain the sae muses the trace Ings are ena. Each recording bein with leks 0 show you a what sped tpl. ‘You wil ko find ning noces on the CD = Eon rack 96 and upper C on wad 97, Addon! web resource. ncladng backing track, ‘evra pieces and ache ar natbl for The Boosey ‘odin and Eres Method. Viet wor boy. for freer information, “pu ull fad cummnay obtia otenef snhipan naa eR The clarinets made up of five sections: Sige “7 sa ae L L a: Sites = You will ned afew other things too. Most of them will come wich your clarinet. They are: 1 reed: to make the instrument sound some cork grease 0 the rections can b joined together nocthy some spare reeds and 2 reed case 2 cleaning cloth anda pull-ehrough - to dean the mouthpiece cap -to protect the mouthpiece Clarinet wan you have ished playing wine you are nat playing Putting your > Hold he bellin one hand and the clarinet together lower jointin the other {Gonty push andes he bell ono . the end ofthe lowe joe which covered in cork ae Tike the upper joc and press down onthe ring ‘ey. The ink mechanism wl if Held the rng keys down while you atach i ‘he upper joint the lower jlne Line p the ring keys ad lnk mechanisms ‘on bth ins. Puc these three parts ofthe carne down omewhere se for now Take che moutplece adhe capison take of There ea metal band sound ‘the mouthpiece - tis sealed the lignare Loosen the screw or serews con chelate and she of. Hold the mouthpecein one hand * and the barrel i the other Gendy ‘5 pshand ewise the mouthpiece ‘onto the smaller end ofthe barrel Take a reed ou ofthe case. Aways hold icy the hick nd which ‘led the hee Done ouch ho ‘thin end (he cp ass rg tnd ean Break es, 7 Holding he reed by the heel, pice the ‘hiner halon your torgue. Close your lips butnot your eth, Gently pl the reeé out of your mouth between yourlips. Repeat tis un he reed is damp but not too We. Pace the fia surface of the reed aginst BASICS. sal i Chef pret de mute Th of the red shouldbe jm below te tp of the mntpce. Tool en plc pes sheet wth your hab. Hold he moutece wi he red cing eaoipernaietipairely rene mous sore the reed There ‘hod so be sal gap beeen the rand andthe tp of he mouth Z Patter crty oer he mowhpece nd eed The ger timo res sot over the troupes eee ire ster) pacer te ea of fee Geers Choosing a reed gies wo screws mone eee comein iret rong ne owtmes then he ober tien | fomvery soko very tard A rot red cines Rees nthe reed toy to ob maybe ko sity bln pce onto hard reader t cota berate mre fot ow Dien rene a Seren pecs, ‘oeipermere none att yo. Pe Se ‘ikyour wachr to felp whe youssened earer Hole anne ana CURRIES, [rede ctor thee inthe shop No two \ eee are ‘weds wale exactly he some and you es Vion be abit ls rend reg nc you ve ed So bya feat ee IS nore ce ou ee ite he stony. Abe ae thang tered when ge ol ore ea Shacomes nd damaged sooty hunt eu sr |e | BASIC How to stand or sit when playing ‘When plying your drietyou should sand or sit upright bt keep your body banced an retaved Put both eet fat onthe oor sgt apa. you are siting, sieon the ron half fee cha. yu ae sng a mise sand make sure ie a he right hgh for you. Breathing ‘When you blow into your carne, you need to breathe in 2 diferent way from usual At first tia good idea to practise breathing without oldng your carne Breathing in (inhaling) ‘Open your thre aif you are yavming Take a deep ‘rent in through your mouth When you Breathein. your ‘shoulders shoul stay sl Your stomach and your whole beage Wil Spread cuewards. (Iu put your hands {gently on your stomach or rib a8 you breathe, yu wll feel thi) Holding your clarinet Before you sare to pay.spend a ele ime geting used to hog yur larnet. Follow the diagrams belowe Dont => ‘Breathing out (exhaling) ‘Breathe out slowly from your stomach, Keep the flow fair steady - imagine you ae blowing up abaloon. ‘When you breathe out your checks shold no poll ‘out. Your stomach and cage wil move mward gn 35 you breathe ou. hen preparing tay. bring the roe op eee aoe eee Pra) = a se ae ee ee pee ae me Seis aries ‘facing your body. at thew fe & St at fe between your eee re me a ee ee iss ae cate tate = oe fe ae pore wee ssn oe a ‘forearm. fingers and thumb. Forming an embouchure and making a sound ‘An embouchire (ay “om = boo - sre" isthe positon of your Ips, teth, tongue and cheeks hat you use when plying. Everybody’ embourhue is deren. Ie depends ‘nthe shape ad se of your mouth As your teacher {or lp with he, Heres a guid to forming an embouchure. Try ic with ust, ‘the mouthplece and barca sections as wellas withthe ‘complete crinet Place your lower ip aginst the reed, ‘between the reed and your teth, Let your upper teeth rest pnt en top of = "he mouthpiece. There should be about lem ofthe mouthpiece in your mouth. Close your lips around the movies. ‘Open your ps, breathe in then close your Ips aga Pros the tip ofthe reed with your fongue, pushing the reed against Le the tp ofthe mouthpiece. Hold your fonguein this position Sart to breathe ot gent. (You should Tuning You may find that your crinet sounds slihty Nghe or ower dan the same note fonthe CD or other inezruments. it does, you will peed to aust chs scaled tuning, ASK your teacher for help with thi Ac ist tne to the nots E (se ge 8), Pray track 96 of the CD to hear this note, then play Eon your clarinet Listen earetlly toboth. Is your note these, ors ie Sly higher oF lower ean se CDP he caries higher than ehe ening ‘ote pl the barrel very gently away frm the Upper ott by vty amount. W kis lower push the bare coward the upper Foie ie wil nego ary farther choc ll the ots are uly pushed in and warm up the clarinet by Bowing ehrough ‘You may need to repeat the tuning process {few umes unel your nore sounds exactly the same as the ane onthe CD. not ear a note ye) hy “ake your tongue off the reed When you change fom one folettheair through The reed note tothe next. dot stop . ‘wil ibrae and you wilear a breathing out alway are - note To stp the note,put your and stop the notes by ‘ongue bck against the read. moving your tongue Putting your clarinet away nc you have put the reed a¥ay, “o protect your carne, keep iin case when you are ‘ake your rine pare Prese ot singe Always clean ebofore puting Few. ‘orm ie Hg haps set sy link mechanism Gandy pulland When you hve fished pag losen the serew(s) ‘onthe lature and ake F,offthe mouthpiece-Then GS remove the reed, holding by the heel Next dry the eed. A, Weapa lth round the mi of he a {reed then gon so the cloth towards and > ‘beyond the ip. Do this 1 fw es When the reed is dry. put icin the reed ae, \Merine pare gent pling and isting each joie Last dey the inside of ech section witha pul-evough. [Drop the weigt inside one ted. then pl the doch ‘rough, Clean the corkand the outside of etch seccon wih lth Put the igre andthe cap back onthe ‘mouthpiece. Then pu your clarinet and reed n you ce. | Praying E sucmeamay The dpa hom you yr crt ae audios ete Cr fete ih ithe Benen ryote tty hae | usa re weaectectend Taney ‘emo sb ane) wernt no tach tne you ly E. cP mene sorte eg = your tongue of the reed. “This sealed tonguing, Starting Blocks Using the note E. play long notes aS a Ce Now py shorter nots. | 2 Ee Then hse ptr gad tr nts. | ae CS OS Co Se EO Echo Games ‘Clip sing or ply these Echo Games with your teacher: t Now join ia with Fofre Tine on track | of the CD. Heres your part written blocks. Ws forthe fanfare to fish. then py your art eighe times on ‘the noe E. Take a breath after each ong note. “This wat your part for Fare Tie looks ike wren out 36 mu t foe le hie eat red widens rato ee Creed ‘The sound on trac 2 i called ple. A pulse oop gong without changing. ike the Ueki of a ‘watch or lock, Each sound of the pulse is ald 9 beat. A pater of notes of dierent lengths Is ced arhyehe, Fst, play the rythm, writen a5 blocks. eS OR ER a 2 [Now play the shyt agi, using the written muse. Wisin aay v re ee Seatneit es aiet tenors ee aca 2) eee a le ee Sek the hy =n ia your hands, feel he rhythm in your fot omy eee eared ieee dei |J= clace aimee) atoll eRe a SE oa Cacti - occa rn @ Clap the rhythm ofthis une. Have you clapped Ic or payed it before? B) ‘endouand ouchen anf whee = fil ysis a Playing D “Ta pty, ever the tone holes with ehe thumb and rs oo agers of our lef hand “Ths Is wha D lok ee writen down. = ‘Starting Blocks Pra these blocks sw. then ae faster a There Is» plein most ofthe mule you have ever listened co, danced to, sung oF played. ey you fel Bt ty the ae ‘poe Tese up Ss Ei a, | Z ‘sig eel 2 in tr Te 4a ars ae seprated Lad pny mination mane se EPSR eRe : (Be orem emt mac ant te soncemstes erates, are vw vo x mn this page en leona Fan te Ryn your palms upwards fr each rere ote ee iid Jifil- | knee fe trea 5 Si ont! ait eter @ rb hyo cnr to ms “Then play On the Spot. During the rests, count che beat earafly and eke «breath They what ret Icha eter ype ZT Plc for you and your wacher. pec for + Pay your pare for th other payer then asthe {mo payers is afeds duct. Use de practice fins" to py thr par for you seer eta con the ight th ready 0 ply ence acy + Before you start to ply, coun che pulse together for ac ease two tare + While you are plying, ten to the ether person 1 well 25 yours eo @ OE mrorsmnerern Fie ‘and Out Yu can do this anywhere - going to school," coe In he bath, watching TV. (2 a4 1 za 4 » paresis eee a eee @ See ee | Sctsha Sante Learning a new piece CCLAP- Decide a speed forthe pulse. coune few THINK - "Think" the pice = that means tinge” the bars then ep the rhythm ofthe piece to the pulse. hays and "ink the tne In your head, but dont SING - Sng the tne to the note names bow your carne ye. PLAY ~ Count the pulse, tae breath, then ply. ‘Cap, sag. ink then py, ‘The lg rs hc alle pol you {eta he noe or a ng onal on aids pane "ssoumniun high on ow nies svanpane sje bens bathe ween. STAC Playing C “To play, cover the tone i hoes ith the thumb and firs three fingers of your lee hand. This what © looks lke wrizen down, = Starting Blocks Pray these blocs slowly then a ede faa = az = =e c es = Rea Now play the Blocks using E and C. Which s 2 Ingher plc, € or C2 — thterde soe ssoverne rotons ars = a is ; Zoom in onthe shaded ars. = Phy ther showy "Finger the notes and imagine how they wil sound + Phy em with your eyes cos “iy sly elackenelaniow rani beating Anew time signature “The 2 atthe top ofthis ime signature ells you hat there are Oo Beat in exch bar Feeling the Rhythm Sec up a rogur 21 pulse by counting "I 2 1,2" out loud. Than clap eh Fyn anise Sears oa a meee [A pce for throeplyers is called a tro, Py this wo ‘th another eianetist and your tescher “The 4 underoath tls you thatthe beats . are crotchets oF quarter nots. jd J |d STAGE 2 i | leo jad Ga Gus pase roneae pew || STAGE 2, cab Con Boog sa jazz dance syle which soften payed on Pay this? tines the piano. Py Weope Boogie with the drum pattern igh dm co the igh oc win drum puta onan eecrone fg 2) gn 4 eyhoard. Experiment withthe dflerent shes to tow rm 6 which works ber cay heroes SS ean ee Band lowA. B tow ‘You have o se both j hands ply Band low sur ano d 5) srr Keep your cighcand nate Gol —_ fingers dose to thelr one re ste holes wen you ae not wey ti sing them pt vad Starting Blocks Pay these blocks slowhy chen ae ase. [= ae fs] et tow A ae saeue a ‘Rese Now play them using C and B. Echo Games Clap. sing py This isan American fll song Listen carefully to both pts ce 2 pare versions on the CD, What are the dlerenes? = Which do you prefect joo CCoune we bars of 24 before you start to pay. ‘Watch out forthe repeats, to, oe ] oe nar ¥ catenins iecat-eariiemmenenn |» | STAGE 3 Fast and slow “The speed ofa piece i called ies tempo. Many pieces have Words at dhe begining to cell you how ‘tick to ply them. These are called tempo ‘marldngs ‘Sometimes the words can describe the ane oF ‘mood of pice Pray Dona, dene a we Aferent speeds Does i sound bate ster oF slower? "Zoom in on the st tr Use the practice hins on ae 18. v ob Do it Yourself! Fd the eunes you wrote in the Doi yours acteyon page 1, and pay them afew times, ‘Write them down agi, but using D.C Band low A Instn. Pay and sng the new versions of your eunes “Thay wil sound que aferent Choose apiece you have already learned and pay i ‘le, a eo diferent speeds Each ume, Coun the pute before you stare s0 chat yu feo the now fempo before you py. ‘Which tempo do you prafr? Feeling the Rhythm + Count a pute of it and say the words below + Say the words wile doing the actions. + Do the actions wile “thinking” the words + Do the action fase then slower: Hew fis or slow can you get and stil keep the ehh? eh) i eee ean chp ap ros, lJ hips, ‘knees, Up. | J a dae: = ails Gane: “Tiraphomer ljhmenpeck »faleciphe erditheungunde STAGE 3 Ei @ “Thi 3 Ruin fll song. When you know ths piece, pa ie without the CD abi faster How fst fa you pay and stl keep the eg steady? Experiment with pauses of dflerenc length Which length works best? a7 v “Zoom in on the shaded bar. The 2" at the beginning ob tels you tha there ae two bars rst Contidentyt | agpantin | oot att 2 x ‘on this page: 2 fie proce emg * oy ony . : Soe A and F sharp (F#) Laney To ply Av use the side of Sept dhe np fon of the first (2610 8 ger of your lf hand mem) Rol te acrons onto the ky, 11807 4g shown i he diagram. More about sharps Jory Py oF sng GF and F2 2 fw times in any order Ses Which is che Highest nose and wich i the lowest? Freeh Can you hear how F2 comes in botween" F and Gt Starting Blocks Pray these blocs slowly then a ee aster. — = = reat reste s ad nee "SE = Now play them ung and Fé Echo Games Clap. sing or ly: v DG ol Fine y ‘ter repeating his section, go ba to (he sort nt Boyan yo th Bn ‘on this page ‘Pedal meee een nated gitnt nti STAGE 3 | 2: | eo “This pece basins with four bars rest. Count ‘relly when you ply withthe CD. i v v ei tan Joining notes together ‘A carve line jinng diferent nots i alle a tur. / Ie cels you to tongue the frst note adjoint co the ‘ther note (or note), without tongung them. ‘Gap, sing think then ply v, x v << S pote) ib Hum eis round, Then sing“ta” forthe notes that. Around i plece that an be played by several should be tongued and “ah for the notes that players, staring at different times. This round is im should be slurred, four parts. The numbers show you whan to begin. Swe rata v@, v@ ‘ode sarin it ge a and | 2 | STAGE 3 ab Eine eee ed ‘Watch out for the sharp ses otis pice Wherever you se F any fllowing Fs inthe same bar are ako Fis Cheerfally 2 Benya ee OSS... moreumeemeamnrer iets eam ie are i eee + "Pinger" the notes, —— @ Piyfuaneey eepprennie: Low G and low B flat (low Bb) low repo a, ae aoe sae Xone holes, oe beth he = cae = mater ao a =a i<\ ioe a a Hore abou tats neces cimvcer estar ae a Sainaes pee taea a cers ra Bie Tayenartoror om canine Starting Blocks tow B EE a az sa od ae Sm eren te on this p: fab Calt-udeand t-enpenbyer | 2 | STAGE ob (ee Watch out for fat sigs inthis pace. Whenever Rage is mtr cg. you se B ny following Bin the same bar witout Hea yu to play he Signs are also Bis tel eran he ae With precision sete oh ere “Zoom in on the shaded br Cheeky oes eco wet v v ‘on this pa ‘Dinndelngiaphe erGnD HEM STAGE 4 Anew time signature “The 3 at he top of this time sigature means that i ther are three beats in each bar fein the i ence ETS - (CD. Then do therm while Istaring oI St my Love to Mase on wack 71 af the CD. ee ee ockiaed LUsten eo ec 40 onthe CD and join non the nate Liston to the version of Fane Time on erack AO and & [Ester the fanfare. This te the pce has three then tothe version you played in stage | (aac I). beat ina bar. (Can you feel the dference in the rythm? Py ts ee c wot sets Gently Ss ee 4 <3 3 @® , 3 “ E ——s —__# — as a _? ‘on fila page (eye rnd ed ne EE STAGE 4 2 This san old French wane, The tle means Ie can be played as around. Tey ein two parts, widh armed man” the second parson jlning In after two tas, then afer fur bars and #0 on. Ty le wth tree part or Stars a ata he bexing of four Which version works Best? ovr, Ths om tle ou ay ey neyo se the nate 8 Dl Fine Q = iis shore fr tardande, an Kalin word which ells you t slow down. Beore you sare to ply Dreamtine, practise couning in 314, sarng ite fast and gradually slowing down. calmly g to i as on this pe ‘endstand ey ites“ xpernent with nd Half-beat notes Fltbeat notes are called quavers or eighth notes, ‘Feo on more qumvers together are inked together Sew" ME bys In cal 2 bear, . Feeling the Rhythm Count a pls or ute track 2on the CD Step the thyme Blow During the rests count alensy ma) (On| - dd Wand an! and edt and 2d) Vand 2a pelle ote sna jnAnnl - |ani | and and) and and. and Zand 3 and ad Vand Zand and 4nd and Dan 3nd 4 and es Sb coer eens caret —— zis + STAGE ‘To ply Bh press de lays ortho nate A, erro, then rol your thumb £0 a that ts edge proses the cee speaker key (cee page 5). me = Starting Blocks Pray these blocks slow hana tl faster, = ae eK SEeeaT G I al TRS ee @ == High Jumps Ply tate te sow + Tongue sch ota, + Surf he ower notes co the ihe notes. * Sare atthe end and py the notes n reverse order Tae penoedog > Lear to py thi piece from memory using the pracace hints on page 26. Remember che key | Signature, ———— ‘on this page ‘mor (vith cota een and fom BS pay ora pane STAGE 4 In and Out ‘This time, count toe beats for each Breath. Cr a crscrd Oe AB os ) Pay che muse on the right four times without sopping, Then ply Ie wth wack 49 of the CO. Tall Tale, Big Hat ot Clap, ingen den pay. Remember the key sigracure, i he ree ‘Questions and Answers @ Fake up your own “answers to these “question”. You could include a patern of notes ora rythm ‘that you hearin the question + Chap an answer or play an answer on ove note qe ga ap Lg + Pay an answer using any notes you know. You ‘could use the starting and fishing notes shown, ‘on this page el ED aaa Sm no * ‘A. curve line joining notes ofthe same pitch is called te, Jse ke as tls you to join the second ote tothe ist without tonguing Clap, sing thnk, then ply v thn Hrs @ Lsten carly co both versions of Fertne Cookie fon the CD. Wht are the differences! Which do you prefer? Watch out forthe Ge nthe let ba Moderately 2 v Performance Zone + Choose some peces of actnts tha you could Wat wert wall in your performance? Wil you do perform for your fay oF your cs. Choose things diferent the next ime you perform? ‘some solos and some pieces to py with others. + Organize 2 une and pace 1+ Whae wil you need? A keybourd, percussion instruments, CD plyer,a music sand? + Can you tll your aucience about the pees you sre gong to pliy! You may need to prone th + Could someone record the periormance! ‘apie arenas as mas papers ot epee SLA Low F “There are swo ways to When you ean reach the 1] py low F Fete the righ han ele finger lingering shown in the kayure ee frst frse diagram M your ogering to pay low F Tele igor cannox reach this ky use he Fingering shown Inthe second agra, Starting Blocks Pray these blocks slowly then alle faster. GT aS EES = tow F a = coed Echo Games ‘lap, sing or ply. = SS SS = Way Pay pce neo re we Tiape ie «Sore b= z 1 UE itn nh i ne 77 Tne tom menor ep ore SS oa At walking pace cn Feeling the Rhythm ‘A onebeat note witha de afer i (a dotted erotechet) lant one ad afl Beas. Cp is rhythm, using ack 2 ofthe CD as ple MI wm Al MIA | SE (ow Fy eves ee was sw eed maces ST lap sig think, then pay this round. Yeu could also adda drome (ong, held nots) on Invent a repented rhythm pater by chpping or anther cine. using low G. sing percussion instrument Brightly ia Prat a v@ ¥@ <= tae Q === Calmand wang v you ae paying low Fé immediately afer low Fur 1H ue tis ngering intends — yas ae “= = aes eS = can Ee ' Starting Blocks Py these locks slowly shen ae faster. ~~ ee a low Fa a a Echo Games EEE erect v Sor Pat Scales ‘A group of nots that moves by step i alld 3 scale, Seles can srt and end on any note, ‘Sing or play the pieces in stage S.How many of them How many groups of notes dat move by stp can contain pater of notes tat move by steph you din Upstars,Dowasais! Pley and sing some of these patterns ‘Ski Slopes "Play a bumpy rie, ongung each nce + Then play 2 smooth run by luring all he way down 2 8 uo of ee ta Gh pane eeeameema =r TAGE 5 Questions and Answers ‘Cap an answer or py an answer on one note. a Gos ae Lid Lg op LLL ge Play an answer using any notes you know. “This pee is aol (apace for toe per ‘wou accomparime). Cp, sing tk the py be ‘ia ean word eh 1 Anauia 7 ome speny iy sy et ee “#3 a ; ee rar F 2 s7 ‘on this page ‘peuuneniaginenpacaibpion Inthe Streisand Rustin fll ane. Igoe Snel used 3 version oft in he muse tothe ballot Perouch, oh Repeating Patterns The recording of In the Street on wack 67 contains cortintor (repeating pattrns of notes and yen). How many can you hear? ‘Invent your nme pater ogo wh ne Inthe Suet Try ls of erent des. When rsgnal Yn one yOu ie, wre down, +R __—__— Note Ladders Side down the ldders fom the top note to the bottom nous yeu ean use your lee had le finger for FE and yur righthand tie finger fr F. (Cam you elim up the laders again? + Phy this pac sow, oeping to a pu {Than adn the paves, Wise length of pause works best forthe mood of the piece! + Thon ery changes of speed. Decide how much eo 9004 up and how much to sow down. cl shart he ita nor sete ‘ie mean ped 2. Use your gator as an estinar, 3, Use your oxtiato a8 an introduction and an fending, "When you are happy wih your arrangerene, make a recording fe fy ms iy owt I sec, Pay this piece to someone els and see I they fs! ‘hat your playing helps ter to imagine the dancer 7A ds eae SS eas STAGE 5 Loud and quiet Mow mide oid ame prsand qlee, Mme th’s hp a In wrizan muse, ther ae spec sis called sheen wor for aan dares the wl you ow oud oF que shouldbe, “ST ea Play these Sock using low then using B. Tepe ow sly, Tp ny on ‘tourer ‘rn your tae a hf iF ve 2 Pray some pieces from eae inthe book loud, ¢ ‘an quiet. Which dynamic suits which place In and Out @ sonia ono ‘Wareh out for the changing time sigatures inthis pecs. Couneeareluly! ‘When you know thi piece, ply i loudly then «qed. Which do you prefer! Sma Geareneneee ee oe Upper D, upper E and upper F ‘These new noes ae in ‘upper D upper E pper F | the upper register. Py hem by using rgerngs erro you have akeady amed, we ioe ey a8 well Use theless not) edge of your thumb to “hows! press the speaker key ‘cise down, High Jumps Pay these tongud, then sured ESS SSS St Echo Games Cla, sing or ply Gp Cres ‘When you know this pce arn to py trom memory using the practice its on page 26 Dramatically oul tree 2 Tuaplooninaatuiaieelieradtinr seaweed ling in Bt he eto Th ed Moderato Saaeonion oD SS ee Did he pce dhe ay ou nage ‘what were the diference Sede vetinne weer : ® upwards fr the rests, eA Pian #0) SANG Pond ad Sn th @ i ‘Clap. sing thnk, ten py. “o remind yoursalf ofthe sme sigracre cap the akg the Rhy paterson page 38. 4 v nti tere ‘Changing dynamics | Pay ech Coarse sl. The ply bah ecvmend oe) together as a duet, starting and fishing each note at — aaece esa tne ony — means “get quieter” Go-karts, lop one F — TE DD — eh cies, apis Bb TE (6 —F = ee ae @ ne SS TY ehimand eae ow tiony UME mune ob - Lively 4 v Gareane Olivier — - =a = "caneldhnge of duet ‘There ae two versons of Ble 4 U on the CD. You could also ply this with a drum patter on an ‘What ate the diflerences? Which do you prefer? electronic keyboard, Which sje setng works est? A v Andante econ Has ee 3? P ef oe x a2? —S ® wp DOD yt i wg ILL. 4 Gop Pay an rower eng ay notes srimere SSS SS SS = fee =j ———se eo Anew time signature “The 7 atthe top ofthis ime signature tals you hat there ae 7 beats in each ba. >) Feeling the Rhythm (FFE The foliowing rhythms are in 74. The beats are ¥ =~ ‘dvided inc a group of 4fllowed by a group of 3. Make up your own arnvhand gesture co use ‘whenever you see the symbol on the right ee aware ame at For the rt below, bend your knees and seetch Al eed csleet [Jed ‘tea ata nan on this page ‘RANGER T° fyb pean tangata a Ts pce tse per Pay sg tment ag tee SS 1Mb (merzo fort) tls you to play quite loudly, Energetially v mf v v P ¥ ov re ‘You can arrange Gal Te for 35 mary players and singers a8 you ke, Al the pars fe ager fou frig en your oe by ig am oh your ‘arnt free Se» pulse withthe drum pater. wee ZOO I ay oy ‘Then add the other parts ene by one in any order. Right ride rahe ight CCool time cool ime cool time coo! ne oer) “The keyboard part son wack 76 ofthe CD. How long wil yur piece bet Will the payers and Write some instructions so that everyone knows singers fieh togsther oF in tort en to sare and stop. Make a recording 100. ds Tauern, SPR rR ANSR og Upper B and upper © 2 pe oh - {oa spe fee verre d ‘anor hy ih te ——4e ea you “aemm me a Check your upper € by Itaing to tack 97. Tae your upper © every se yu et Ou your caine. High Jumps Ply these tongued then ured apis ayo sab wae Cf ae Starting Blocks ay these locks ty the 2 le eer. vcr C TL =... aa am | upper B mea ewer Sed [Now pay them using upper © and a higher note (RB) Echo Games @ lap, ing oF ply. @ “The diference in pitch between any note andthe Thi version of Olt Je Clarks an ecave higher than next note above or below it wih the same name fe the verion on page 2. Pay dis version with tacks tiled an octave Py rome pis of notes which are 25 and 26. an ocae apart 2 Lively “ etn rn of P ann Teel daw @mndaniddenigionaaeeale Zoom in on the shaded bars ‘You could payer wih 4 drum pattern on an tectonic keyboard. Which style sting works best? Sweety and smoothly v aa of — —— @ | ‘This tne is 2 spiral Spriils are Chitin songs wich were orginal sun by ses Calmy P SS nf Sere ey eras ee ee Soe y | ‘Anew time signature In 618, the quavers are in ewo groups of three, so you ‘coune oo main bens of ac we Feeling the Rhythm ‘Clap sy and step the folowing rhyehms: ~ &T1 Ti ay me yad pat pas bas ow Bl ode dle ds df =e) | = ee Perel a @ With ate Aan ae = —=—=— (pcs @ Questions and Answers Ce eee! om wget Ng sg LL NT} gp setae Make up an answer sing ny notes. SSS S25 4S ——5 i on this page Jat teden 60 -chearn guanine) adahaie ‘What are he dferences between tis version of “Tne and Again and the version you plied In stage 22 f nf — 7A as ba | | STAGE 7 Pees “The words fortis rong, Si wots tu Woon, mean “We are the clan of Kenya ao ae ae fp = ‘Thinking about practising + Could you pe thi ploe dered - abi fascer OF slower for example! Which speed works bes? + Are you making clear difersnce between the loud sections of ee pace and te ques sections? + Are you making a clear diference between the tongued notes andthe slurred noes? * Record your piace ad listn to it. Dos it sound as you expected? Wil yu make ay changes next time you pay ‘on es eel Hon dijascmalalen “There are ewo versions of Hilos madame on the CD. Opn drm “What are the diferences? Which do you prefer! te ‘This pece isa duet I you are paying on your ‘on, play te op pare st tm Bouney eb This tune is rom a pace called Lewteront Kjé by che Russian composer Prokatel The music was frst vt fr 2 fm above an aghary hero. A toa is 4 Russian cariage or sleigh, drawn by three horses. ‘With energy tf ile your own arrangement of Toa etter fora funeral or fora horse race. You may the eo change 4 ) the sped, he yt pater or the year, ‘ad a percussion oxtnater +p Ivan 2 et pare tof wh Ta any wa . Pa ee a ery Ee STAGE 7 QQ Seamer he ed wy VS? at eee heertally rt Stik ue x of ‘on this page: es EES reeenmen: -comllin Upper Fé and upper G sper Ft Fras the systray wth f the edge of your dumb, and srr d eup your ngers tothe a tone holes when theyre not an bring use. | pee erie tien upper G neers i — ae or aaa Raa ad pre emrrreren Echo Games ,K aptier ££ Pee sf | so | AGE 8 ? ‘Can you ako play Spooky Rave in the low reper, starthg on tow G2 a trae Eerily Feeling the Rhythm Some notes bey and end "in between” dhe bens Rhychms containing notes Uke ths are elled smncopations. Cp the rhythms below 0 oeranae ta pac ea a n eet enc 2 8 vt o CODA “ous nnn 7 t | Playing, Practising, Performing Py Dad neon aye Choose pees rom ear inthe book any then Pty i slower then te in fren ways. When you mate new versions of + Play with fret amis. pleas, ich do you pee? + Expermane with te lng ofthe pause an with owing down a the end + Use dierent lengths of srs, ‘on this page ‘Sulgunbendshpharompem paliamoe STAGE 8 = a Can you invent some dance sep 0 g0 wha performance of Cb Soda a STA‘ as “This pleco uses wo diferent ky spatues - one for ‘carne | and one for cnet 2 8 With vitality 2 a t > Relaxed set ae ‘= aha Testalet ivoonie STAGE 8 = Do it Yourself! Image was written to sound tke a elvan theme tune. What sort of programme could Ineroduce? ‘Whac would fe work bes for and why? If you made Ie faster or slower louder queer, weuld isi works wall Invent your ovm shor ge or theme for a TV or rao show + What kindof programme is fr? st serious? Funny? Dramatic! Frightening? + How wil you eapeure te mood? + Iter darine ole or for more than one You could use the notes and rhythm i the boxes, lor any thers the you know ef —— - er ra ert) 24m 4 dTt cae! SS opurat stor rm ‘ar ja | STAGE 8 In and Out Take a deep breath in then breathe out slow oi . am owen Ten chedansieniadon *o Performance Zone Futon a show! Hee are sme dps: + Decide where you woud Ike to perform and + Choose what fo py Use amin from this Contes th person harge, Arranges time eck or way her pws you bem nde () for he performance, ar om trang or compotion 200 = Ir you want to perform duets and tron, hve you got enough masa fr the concert? + Design some postrs to advertise your concert. Where wil you put them? Wil you reed o make some thee? Arrange for + Decide wha yu are going tll the audience someone to record the performanes £00, about the musi. And practise ang bow! oD Fall hor isthe tune from che rst pce in ths book 8 cuunptenetiedenharmuaie’ CHECKLISTS Below are checks for each tage ofthe book, AE you work dough each stage, may help you to put 2 ck by each ait a you do It Mae sure you Stage | = whan you have (Opheim ads wing Oped eet ener sae ase peeves paces aa) Se Stage 3-7 when you tave pny same Edo Games ply Bae ea seg camped eo ves FF ince prt nnd Ot phy pce a9 serene © plone srg rc Opti ete Yn eye Ran De tn Ope ate dee se Omens pnt Stage 5 = whon you have: phpesne eGanet 0 ple Spex © pad Woe Machines desame Qetn an ea © dean wrargenecat Seer © lye paces om eter pene eg iin singe hy arn yas a eon haa pce © pls aie Tne Stage 7 = when you have Opps misono trier wa of Ophyetzanedch canes cing Han Med pret nese tes 0 eanpared he wo vaio tay eran io mee Sarita ert onan ana OpiyeFafetane Olen apes ave completed most of the active in one stage before you move onto the ext. When you have completed all the stages, you are rend for Book 2! Stage 2-7 when you have: Cnet fo © pct 8 Speier Dearne won 2c sien NM mca Qurmierenens lta a eee oie Stage 4 when you have Olen te Gone O righ gin Decree eee Ree gear peated ete iron appara he wo Yess Ont ttine Oso Pome Sete RS ee Stage 6 = whan you have perenne O madesene Gear an prt ea cance“ el © prensa em Opmyetupceung Sates oe Stir ten ples Gots asset Beal emia eo im or pcnion neranent os Sage 8 whan you hare: Oye Camas pled bthpar ie un mets trie (2 pated nega pats oceans ame ras (2 prac nd Ot (practi De hin deren oe ef Zone vor © pe eine played hb Sf 0 eed pes learn to play your instrument... ee ner ea a ola ole) NON TSM oD Rec e ‘A wide variety of solo and Cire ed oe eee Cae Cree COR ae ety Ree uence tiie @ re Rca eC oO Raa e Cece Ree Ce Carus ae acca na ts ed Che ema etcie Re Roc) cee Pitter ater emer Cee ieee es ae) Renn QU Cree ce ee ett Seemed! Ty awimaoom 1as008

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