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10 (?) Some people think that parents should be allowed to educate their children at home.

is your opinion?
intro: children’s education -> one of parents’ main concerns
-> idea

 send to academic institutions: better chance of interaction

- peers:
 develop relationships (through study, chat, games, simlarities) -> understand,
 friends whether good or bad -> valuable lessons -> benefit in future
- educators:
 specialists in specific fields -> indepth knowledge among students
 homeschooling: certain benefits
- better understanding of individual
 schools: large no of students -> teachers :hard to focus on single student ->
at home: given private attention -> better study outcome
 Ex: mother: knows child favorite subj: Maths -> curriculum that suits her
young best (more work on maths)
- flexible timing
 schools: fixed schedules -> in cases of unfortunate events (sickness, absence)
-> unflexible
 home: sts choose own hours of studying (high spirit -> better outcome),
avoid more important events.
19 (?) Many people think public speaking is one of the most importantly valued skills that an
individual can process. Others think that it is not necessary in our life at all. Discuss both views
and give your opinion.

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