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adversarial systems inquisitorial systems

Binding force Previous decisions by higher Traditionally, there is little

of case law courts are binding on lower use of judicial precedent
courts.  (case law). This means
Judges are free to decide
each case independently of
previous decisions, by
applying the relevant
statutes.  There is therefore
heavier reliance on
statutes/codes of law. 

Investigation The responsibility for gathering The typical criminal

evidence rests with the parties proceeding is divided into 3
(the Police and the defence).  phases: the investigate
phase, the examining phase,
and the trial.

In the investigative phase, a

government official
(generally the public
prosecutor) collects
evidence and decides
whether to press charges. 
Prosecutors carry out
investigations themselves or
request Police to do so. The
prosecution can give general
instructions to the Police
regarding how particular
cases are to be handled and
can set areas of priority for

In some inquisitorial
systems, a Judge may carry
adversarial systems inquisitorial systems

out or oversee the

investigative phase.
Examining There is no examination phase, The examining phase is
phase so an independent evaluation of usually conducted in
the evidence collected during writing.  An examining
investigation is left to the trial. Judge completes and
reviews the written record
and decides whether the
case should proceed to trial.

The examining Judge plays

an active role in the
collection of evidence and
interrogation of witnesses.
In some inquisitorial
systems, the “legality
principle” dictates that
prosecution must take place
in all cases in which
sufficient evidence exists
(ie, the prosecutor or Judge
has limited discretion as to
whether or not charges will
be brought).
The trial An adversarial system requires As a result of the
the prosecutor, acting on behalf thoroughness of the
of the State, and the defence examining phase, a record of
lawyer, acting on behalf of the evidence has already been
accused, to offer their version of made and is equally
events and argue their case available to the prosecution
before an impartial adjudicator and defence well in advance
(a Judge and/or jury). of the trial.

Each witness gives their The main function of a trial

adversarial systems inquisitorial systems

evidence-in-chief (orally) and is to present the case to the

may be cross-examined by trial Judge and, in some
opposing counsel and re- cases, the jury, and to allow
examined. [74] the lawyers to present oral
argument in public.

While there is no cross- and

re-examination of witnesses,
witnesses are still
questioned and challenged.

In Germany there is a
preference for narrative
testimony, in which the
witness gives their version
of events without shaping by
questions from the
prosecution or defence. [75]

Traditionally there is no
ability for the defendant to
plead guilty.
Role of the The Judge is a referee at the Judges are required to direct
trial Judge hearing. It is the Judge’s the courtroom debate and to
and counsel function to ensure that the court come to a final decision.
case is conducted in a manner
that observes due process.  The The Judge assumes the role
Judge decides whether the of principal interrogator of
defendant is guilty beyond witnesses and the defendant,
reasonable doubt (except in jury and is under an obligation to
trials where the jury performs take evidence until he or she
that role), and determines the ascertains the truth.
It is the Judge that carries
Lawyers are primarily out most of the examination
adversarial systems inquisitorial systems

responsible for introducing of witnesses, arising from

evidence and questioning their obligation to inquire
witnesses. into the charges and to
evaluate all relevant
evidence in reaching their
decision. [76]

However, it is now accepted

that the defence should have
the right to confront each
witness during at least one
stage in the proceedings.
Use of juries  Juries are used in many cases. Juries are generally only
In New Zealand, if the used for the most serious
maximum sentence of the charge cases.
is more than three months, the
defendant has the right to elect
trial by jury. [78]
Rules of Evidence which is prejudicial or The rules around
evidence of little probative value, is more admissibility of evidence are
likely to be withheld from juries significantly more lenient. 
(who don’t have training on the The absence of juries in
weight that should be given to many cases alleviates the
certain evidence).  However, need for many formal rules
hearsay evidence is more readily of evidence.  More evidence
allowable if it is reliable. is likely to be admitted,
regardless of its reliability or
A significant category of prejudicial effect.  Evidence
inadmissible evidence is is admitted if the Judge
‘hearsay’ evidence (with decides it is relevant.
numerous exceptions).  In New
Zealand, a ‘hearsay statement’ is In many inquisitorial
defined in the Evidence Act systems, there is no hearsay
adversarial systems inquisitorial systems

2006 as “a statement that was rule (eg, France, Belgium

made by a person other than a and Germany).  It is up to
witness and is offered in the Judge to decide the value
evidence at the proceedings to of such testimony.
prove the truth of its contents”.

At the heart of the hearsay rule is

the idea that, if the court is to
discover the truth, it is essential
that parties have the opportunity
to verify the information
provided by the witnesses,
which is difficult to do if the
court receives evidence in
writing or via a third party (and
are therefore unable to cross-
examine the person).
Rights of the In both systems the accused is In both systems the accused
defendant protected from self- is protected from self-
incrimination and guaranteed the incrimination and
right to a fair trial. guaranteed the right to a fair
However, some commentators
view adversarial systems as
offering stronger protections for
defendants due to their
interpretation of the right to
Role of the Victims are not a party to The victim generally has a
victim proceedings.  Prosecutors act on more recognised role in
behalf of the State and do not inquisitorial systems – they
represent the victim. usually have the status of a
party to proceedings.
In New Zealand, victims can
adversarial systems inquisitorial systems

provide a victim impact In some jurisdictions,

statement to the court at victims have a formal role in
sentencing, which the Judge the pre-trial investigative
must take into account when stage, including a
determining the offender’s recognised right to request
sentence. particular lines of inquiry or
to participate in interviews
by the investigating

At the trial, they generally

have independent standing
and some jurisdictions allow
victims to be represented by
their own lawyer.
Organisation Adversarial systems have courts Civil law systems tend to
of the courts of general jurisdiction available have specialist courts (and
to adjudicate a wide range of specialist appeal courts) to
cases. deal with constitutional law,
criminal law, administrative
law, commercial law, and
civil or private law

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