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PHILIPPINE metaphorically and is usually in a

LITERATURE FROM THE form of question.

SALAWIKAIN- is a short saying
TO THE that is widely used to express an
CONTEMPORARY obvious truth.
-Literature is the total of preserved lyrics that are usually chanted.
writings belonging to a given language or
 Ex. Oyayi o Hele/Lullabies
 Rawitdawit/Drinking songs
PRE-COLONIAL  Kundiman/Love songs- awit ng
pag ibig
PERIOD  Song of death/Dung-aw
 Dalit o Himno/Religious songs
- it existed before the Spanish  Diona- awit sa kasal
occupation in the 1500’s
-it is oral in nature which contains KWENTONG BAYAN-Are part of
mostly about the life of the Filipino oral traditions which means they
people in the ancient times. originated in the era before literacy
-The sources of literature are usually the and are passed down verbally from
native town folk. generation to generation.

FORMS OF LIERATURE IN THE MYTH- a well- known story which

PRE-COLONIAL PERIOD was made up in the past explain
natural events or to justify religious
beliefs or customs.
RIDDLE- it is statements that
LEGEND- a traditional story that is
contains superficial words that
popularly regarded as historical but
function figuratively and
is not proven to be true.
Fable- Uses animals as characters Awit-These are tales of chivalry
conveying a moral. where a knight saves a princess.

Epic- is a long narrative poem Korido- is along metrical tale that

recounting the deeds of a legendary follows the structure of the poem.
hero. Prose narratives- are easy to
understand instructional materials
SPANISH that teach Filipinos on proper
PERIOD 3.Propaganda Literature-These
-The start of the Philippine’s more were writings in the form of satires,
colorful history took place on March 6, editorials and news articles that aim
1521 when Ferdinand Magellan docked to attack the Spanish government.
on the shores of Homonhon. FAMOUS WRITERS DURING THE
revolves around the life and death of  MARCELO H. DEL PILAR- Dalasan
Jesus Christ since Christianity was at Tocsohan.
introduced by the Spaniards to the  JOSE RIZAL-Noli Me Tangere, El
Filipinos. Filibusterismo.

PASYON- It is about the passion 4. revolutionary literature- it

(journey and suffering) and the death sparked the revolution and resistance
of Jesus Christ. in the hearts of the filipinos.


the Pasyon. THE revolutionary literature

Komedya- it is usually depicts the  ANDRES BONIFACO- Obligations of

battle between the Muslim and the our Countrymen
Christians.  EMILIO JACINTO- Light and Darkness.
2.Non-religious literature
fall of the Philippine Republic.


El Heraldo dela Revolucion
La Independencia JAPANESE

La Republica Filipina
La Libertad
The Philippine literature came to a
AMERICAN halt. The use of English language was
forbidden, and the use of Filipinos
PERIOD language was mandated under the
Japanese rule.
-The Philippine Public school system was
introduced free public education was Filipino literature was given a break
given to Filipinos. The literature during the during this period. Many wrote plays,
American period was considered as short stories etc. about life in the
imitative of American model. Instead of province.
asking the students to write originals,
students end up following the form
American poets.

Forms of literature in the Japanese


Poetry- The common theme of most

Forms of literature in the American
poems during the Japanese occupation
was nationalism, country, love and life in
Poetry- its contents ranged from freethe barrios, faith, religion, and the arts.
Fictions- The field of the short story
Drama- was usually used in the widened during the Japanese occupation.
American period to degrade the Many wrote short stories.
Spanish rule and to immortalize the
Drama- The drama experienced a lull
heroism of the men who fought under
during the Japanese period because movie
the Katipunan.
houses showing American films were
Remake novels- took up Dr. Jose closed.
Rizal’s portrayal of social conditions by
Newspaper- writings that came out
colonial repression.
during this period were journalistic in
nature. Writers felt suppressed but
eventually the spirit of nationalism started -from January 2001up to the present.
to seep into their consciousness.
-deals with current themes and reflects
Essays- were composed to glorify the technological culture.
Filipinos and at the same time to
-often breaks traditional writing.
figuratively attack the Japanese.
-refers to world literature in prose
THE REPUBLIC produced during the 21st century.

Philippine literature in Tagalog was -Readers grew up with technology

revived during this period. Most themes in -readers are capable of navigating and
the writings dealt with Japanese interpreting digitals formats.
brutalities, of the poverty of life under the
Japanese government and the brave 21st century literacy genres
guerilla exploits.
1. Illustrated novel- Story
The rebirth of freedom through text and illustrated
The Americans returned in 1945. On 2. Digi-fiction- Triple media
July 4, 1946, the Philippines regained is literature. it combines three
freedom and the Filipino flag waved media: book, movie/video, and
joyously alone. The chains were internet website.
broken. 3. Graphic novels- Narratives
in comic book formats. It iks
Newspaper and magazine publications
more artistic and heavily
were re-opened like the Bulaklak,
Liwayway, Ilang Ilang and Sinag Tala.
Tagalog poetryacquired not only rhyme 4. Manga- A Japanese word for
but substance and meaning. Short comics. It is used in the
stories had better characters and English-Speaking world as a
events based on facts and realities and generic term for all comic
themes were more meaningful. books and graphics novels
originally published in japan.

21st CENTURY 5. Doodle fiction

6. Chick lit
-New literary works created within the 7. Flash fiction- it is a style of
last decade fictional literature of extreme
8. Science fiction- is a genre of
speculative fiction dealing with
imaginative concepts such as
futuristic science and
technology, space travel, time
travel, faster that light travel,
parallel universe, and
extraterrestrial life.
LESSON 3 What are the
21ST CENTURY Literary Genres in
LITERARY GENRES the Philippines?
ELEMENTS, The multiplicity of Philippine
STRUCTURES AND literature progressed alongside its
rich history. Its themes are rooted
TRADITIONS in the context of the Philippine’s
pre-colonial cultural traditions
and the socio-political histories
What is the definition of of its colonial and contemporary
literary genre? ways. However, some Filipinos
encounter unfamiliarity with the
Literary genre is a category of literary
literature of the past essentially
composition. Genres may be determined by
due to what has been taught upon
literary technique, tone, content, or even us, that our country was
(as in the case of fiction) length. The ‘discovered’ and, hence,
distinctions between genres and categories Philippine ‘history’ began in
are flexible and loosely defined, often with March 1521.
subgroups. Through the comprehensive works of
The most general genres in literature are archaeologists, anthropologists, and
epic, tragedy, comedy, and creative ethnologists, we have known more
nonfiction. They can all be in the form of information about our pre-colonial
prose or poetry. Additionally, a genre such times established against loads of
as satire, allegory or pastoral might appear material about early Filipinos as
in any of the above, not only as a subgenre, recorded by chroniclers of the past.
but as a mixture of genres.
Finally, they are defined by the general
cultural movement of the historical period
in which they were composed. Genre Let us now look into the different
should not be confused with age categories,Philippine literary genres that
by which literature may be classified as emerged through time:
either adult, young-adult, or children's.
They also must not be confused with a. Riddles – These are mystifying
format, such as graphic novel or picture statements or questions phrased and rhymed
book.-SHS Curriculum Guide, 21st Century to require ingenuity in determining its
Literature of the Philippines and the World.
answer. These are presented as a game and
considered as forms of entertainment during Ilocano lullaby with its English
the earlier times. translation:
Talinghaga or metaphor is dominant in any iii. Serenade (Harana) – These are
riddles as it discloses subtle comparisons courtship songs used by young men to
between unlike things, thus, wit and capture the heart of the girl they love.
observation are required in this mental
exercise. d. Chants (Bulong) – These are used
to give respect, excuse, or apology to
For the Visayans, these are called tigmo, for unseen or other elemental spirits our
the Tagalogs, bugtong. For the Ilongos, ancestors believed in to deliver them
paktakon and for the Bicolanos, atototdon. from danger or harm. Moreover, these
are utilized in enchantments and even
b. Proverbs - These are called sawikain or in withcfraft.
salawikain in Tagalog or sarsarita in
Ilocano. Philippine proverbs asayings that
prescribe codes of behavior, mirror societal
norms, traditions, and beliefs and imparte. Epics – These are long narrative accounts
lessons in brief, rhyming verse. Read theof heroic exploits. Examples of these are
examples below: Darangen in Maranaw, Aliguyon at Hudhud
in Ifugao, Ibalon in Bicol.
Below is a guman or epic of the Subanen
people of Zamboanga, which is chanted
during Buklog or festivals.
c. Songs – These are forms of folk
lyric speak volumes of the typical f. Myths – These are symbolic narratives,
rural lives and reflect people’s usually of unknown origin and at least partly
aspirations and lifestyles. Here aretraditional, that ostensibly relate actual
some song categories of our events and are especially associated with
ancestors: religious belief. Ancient Filipino myths
i. Folk Songs (Awit ng Bayan) – include The Story of Bathala, and Ang Pag-
These are songs with lines often aaway ng Dagat at Langit.
described as repetitive, didactic, and
sonorous. The following are examplesg. Legends – These are stories that explain
of famous Filipino folk songs: the origin of things and phenomena in the
Magtanim ay di Biro (Tagalog Folk surrounding world. Some of the most
Song) at Dandansoy (Visayan Folkfamous legends are: The Legend of Maria
Song) Makiling, The Legend of Mayon, and The
ii. Lullaby (Oyayi) – These are Legend of Sampaguita
soothing songs often sung to put
babies to sleep. The following is an
The Spanish Period
The Spanish colonizers ruled the country for
over 300 years. They used the cross to
influence and impose their religion upon the
natives. For more than three centuries of
colonization in the Philippines, not only was
our history as a nation altered but also our
traditions, lifestyles, and belief systems.
This has immensely influenced our
h. Fables – These are brief storiesliterature.
for A shift of interest from writing
the children of the native Filipinos. nature to writing about the Christian
These talk about supernatural or faith – of hymns, saints, miracles, and the
extraordinary people and usually teaching of the church, took place. Most of
follow in the form of narration thatthe writings were religious, secular, and at
demonstrates a useful truth. These the latter part, propaganda and
stories use animals as characters torevolutionary.
represent a particular attribute or
Religious matters were in the form of prose
characteristic. One of the most orally
narrated Filipino fables is Ang as prayer books, novenas, biographies of
Kuneho at ang Pagong saints, and the likes. Senakulo, a Filipino
dramatization of the life and times of Jesus
i. Folk tales (Kwentong Bayan) Christ presented during the Lent, was widely
– These are stories that deal withheld.
the Pasyon, Philippine epic narrative of
power of nature-personified, their life of Jesus Christ, was written in
stanzas with five lines of eight syllables
submission to a deity (Bathala), and
each and focused on his Passion, Death, and
how the deity is responsible for the
Resurrection. Dalit (psalm), a song praising
blessings and the curses in the form
God or the Virgin Mary and containing a
of calamities. These are often passed
on from generation to generationphilosophy
by of life, also became popular.
word of mouth.
After knowing the literary genres
of the Pre-colonial Philippines, can
you cite local/ regional examples of
riddles, proverbs, songs, epics, Secular or Non-religious literature
myths, and folktales? Share it in also flourished.
class. These are prominently tales of valiance and
They include the following:
a. Awit (Song)– These have measures of
twelve syllables (dodecasyllabic) and are
slowly sung to the accompaniment Theofexposure
a of the evils of the Spanish
guitar or banduria. Francisco Baltazar’s
rule in the Philippines was because of
Florante at Laura is the best example
Rizal’sfornovels: Noli Me Tangere and El
this. Filibusterismo and has paved the way to a
b. Kurido (Corrido) - These are metrical
revolution against Spain. Del Pilar’s essays
romances and tales that follow a structure
and editorials
of a in Diariong Tagalog which
poem. These have measures of eight he syllables
founded with Lopez-Jaena’s articles in
(octosyllabic) and recited to a martial
La Solidaridad
beat. (where he was an editor)
More often, these are tales of chivalry
where nationalism
a that was dominant at
knight saves a princess. Ibong Adarna
this time.
is an Lopez Jaena’s Fray Botod (1876)
example of this. exposed how some friars were greedy,
c. Karagatan - This is a poetic vehicle
immoral,of a and ambitious. Del Pilar’s
socio-religious nature celebrated during
Dasalan theat Tocsohan (Prayers and Jokes)
death of a person. was similar to that of a catechism but
d. Duplo – This is a poetic joust insarcastically
speaking done against the Spanish
and reasoning. priests.
e. Prose Narratives – These are instructionalRevolutionary literature
materials that teach Filipinos proper decorum.
also loomed with exposes that sparked
Pagsusulatan ng Dalawang Binibini na sirevolution and resistance among the
Urbana at Feliza (1864) is an example. Filipinos. Andres Bonifacio’s
f. Sarswela – This is a type of drama thatKatungkulang Gagawin ng mga Anak ng
originated in Spain. It includes singing and Bayan (Obligations of our Countrymen)
dancing on stage with lyrics alternativelyoutlined the obligations of Filipinos toward
spoken and sung in operatic and popular nationalism. Apolinario Mabini’s essay
styles. titled El Desarollo y Caida de la Republica
Filipina (The Rise and Fall of Philippine
The exposure of the Filipinos to Europe’s Republic) highlighted the establishment of
liberal idealism, the martyrdom of Philippine Republic and its subsequent
GomBurZa, the Cavite Mutiny in 1872 and downfall due to disunity among the
the Spanish Revolution in 1868 led to Filipinos. Emilio Jacinto’s collection of
Filipino consciousness (Martin, Guevarra, essays called Liwanag at Dilim (Light and
del Campo, 2016). This gave birth to two Darkness) was on work, faith, freedom,
crucial and historic movements during this government, and patriotism.
time – the Propaganda movement and the
Revolutionary movement which awakened The American Period
nationalism. The Propaganda movement The Philippines had a great leap in
was reformatory in objective and its education and culture during the
members were Jose Rizal, Marcelo H. del American colonization. During their
Pilar, and Graciano Lopez-Jaena. They time in the country, public school
have published news, editorial, and satires system was introduced and the usage
that attacked Spanish rule.
of both English and Filipino was
The literature during the American Filipino literature was given a break
period was imitative of the form of in this period as many wrote plays,
American writing. Forms of poetry novels, poems, short stories with
still followed the old structure but had themes circling on life in the
contents that ranged from free writing province, the arts, nationalism, and
and societal concerns under the the likes.
American regime. Many plays were reproduced from
Some poems focused on non-traditional English to Tagalog.
themes such that of Jose Corazon de Jesus’ Writing during the Japanese reign
Mga Gintong Dahon (1920). This is a were journalistic in nature. People felt
collection poem that tackled themes on suppressed but the spirit of
passion-slaying, griefinduced, insanity and nationalism slowly seeped into their
lover’s suicide. consciousness. Thus, essays were
Drama also became popular as it was used to composed to glorify Filipinos and to
degrade the Spanish rule and immortalized figuratively attack the Japanese.
the heroism of Filipinos who fought under
the Katipunan. Remake novels also took up
Dr. Jose Rizal’s portrayal of social 21st Century Literature
conditions under colonial repression.
Severino Reyes led the movement to of the Philippines
supplant the komedya with a new type of All literary works written and
drama, the sarswela (adaptation of the published at the later part of the 21st
Spanish zarzuela). Sarswelas such as Juan century (from 2001 onwards) are
Abad’s Tanikalang Guinto (1902), Juan often characterized as gender
Matapang Cruz’s Hindi Ako Patay (1903), sensitive, technologically alluding,
and Aurelio Tolentino’s Kahapon, Ngayon, culturally pluralistic, operates on the
at Bukas (1903) allegorically presented the extreme reality or extreme fiction, and
history of nationalist struggle. questions conventions and supposedly
absolute norms.
The Japanese Period and the
With the coming of the Japanese invaders, Just as technology advanced in the 21st
Philippine literature came to a halt. The century, Filipinos have also adapted,
English language was banned and the invented, and written some literary
Filipino language was mandated under innovations far different from before.
Japanese rule. For some, this seemed to bePhilippine
a literature, nowadays, deals with
problem but for others it was a blessing in
current themes on technological culture and
disguise. traces artistic representation of shared
experiences. These works are characterized language. Poetry works via
as gender sensitive, technologically suggestion, implication, and
alluding, culturally pluralistic, operates on ambiguity rather than straightforward
the extreme reality or extreme fiction, and communication. The art of poetry is
questions conventions and supposedly rhythmical in composition, written or
absolute norms. There are a lot of new forms spoken.
from the basic genres of literature; thus, Poetry is for entertaining and exciting
proving how far the literature in the pleasure by beautiful, imaginative, or
Philippines has gone and how far it will go elevated thoughts.
on from here.

The following are the most notable

literary genres in the 21st century:
a. Drama- It is the genre of literature with
stories composed of verse or prose which is
meant to be dramatically or theatrically i. Mobile phone Text tula - A particular
performed. Its emotions and conflicts areexample of this poem is a tanaga, a type of
expressed through dialogue and movements Filipino poem, consisting of four lines with
or actions. seven syllables each with the same rhyme at
the end of each line - that is to say a 7-7-7-7
b. Creative nonfiction – It is also knownsyllabic
as verse, with an AABB rhyme
literary nonfiction or narrative nonfiction,scheme.
a genre of writing that uses literary stylesii. Hyperpoetry – It is a form of digital
and techniques to create factually accurate poetry that uses links using hypertext mark-
narratives. up. It is a very visual form, and is related to
c. Blog – It is a web log containinghypertext fiction and visual arts. The links
short articles called posts that can mean
be that a hypertext poem has no set order,
changed regularly. the poem moving or being generated in
Some blogs are written by one person response to the links that the reader/user
(called blogger) containing his/herchooses.
hobbies or interests, opinions, andIt can either involve set words, phrases, lines,
experiences, while others are written
etc. that are presented in variable order but sit
by many different people. on the page much as traditional poetry does,
or it can contain parts of the poem that move
d. Poetry – It is a verse and rhythmic
and / or mutate. It is usually found online. The
writing with imagery that evokesearliest
an examples date to no later than the
emotional response from the reader.mid-1980s.
Mina Roy defines poetry as “prose iii. Spoken word poetry – It is a poem that
bewitched”. If fiction is concernedhas made its way into the hearts and souls of
with plot action, poetry is “life thousands of Filipinos especially the
distilled” through words and millennials. It is a type of poem performed or
read in artistic and emotive manner which can There is no widely accepted definition of
be accompanied by music or presented in the the length of the category. Some self-
streets or bars, even café shops. It is an oral described markets for flash fiction impose
art that focuses on the aesthetics of word play caps as low as three hundred words, while
such as intonation and voice inflection. others consider stories as long as a
thousand words to be flash fiction.
It is a "catchall" term that includes any
kind Fiction – It is a story that can
of poetry recited aloud, including poetry
actually happen and is true to real life.
readings, poetry slams, jazz poetry, Historical
and hip Fiction- It is a story with
hop, and can include comedy routines fictional
and characters and events in a
prose monologues. The most viewedhistorical setting.
YouTube Filipino spoken word artist Horror
is Juan– These are frightfully shocking,
Miguel Severo whose original poems terrifying,
have or revolting stories.
been performed in TV dramas like On Mystery
The – It deals with unraveling of
Wings of Love. secrets and solution of a crime.
Illustrated Novels – These are stories
e. Fiction - Fiction has genres that canthrough
be text and illustrated images.
defined as narrative literary works whose
Graphic Novels – These are narratives in
content is produced by the imagination comicandbook formats.
is not necessarily based on fact. In fiction
Speculative Fiction – It is a term
something is feigned, invented, or imagined;
encompassing the more fantastical fiction
a made-up story. genres, specifically science fiction,
Examples are the following: fantasy, horror, weird fiction, supernatural
Short Story – This is brief fiction thatfiction,
can be
superhero fiction, utopian and
read in one seating and is not able todystopian
support fiction, apocalyptic and post-
any subplots. apocalyptic fiction, and alternate history in
Chick-Lit – This is a genre which addresses
literature as well as related static, motion,
issues of modern womanhood, oftenand virtual arts.
humorously and light-heartedly. The genre
became popular in the late 1990s, with chick-
lit titles topping best seller lists and the
creation of imprints devoted entirely to chick- a. Science Fiction – It is a story based
lit. Although it sometimes includes romanticon impact of potential science, either
elements, chick-lit is generally not considered actual or imagined and is set in the
a direct subcategory of the romance novel future or on other planets.
genre, because the heroine's relationship withb. Fantasy – It is the forming of mental
her family or friends is often just as important images with strange or other worldly
as her romantic relationships. settings or characters and invites
suspension of reality.
Flash fiction – This is a style of fictional c. Humor – It is the faculty of
literature or fiction of extreme brevity. perceiving what is amusing or comical.
It is fiction full of fun, fancy, and
excitement which meant to entertain.
This genre of literature can actually be
seen and contained within all genres.

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