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FUNDAMENTALS OF COMPUTER HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE CONCEPT Give the unit of current Ampere "Name the two types of current Alternate current and direct current voltage. Voltameter and Multimeter 1 Ans. 2 Ans 3. List the diferent instrument used to measure ‘Ans 4 is an instrument, that can be used to ‘measure voltage, current and resistance. ‘Ans : Multimeter 5. The ground (earth) point in an electrical socket provides the easiest path for the Leakage current Name calculating device ABACUS, the earliest and the simplest calculating machine. Leibnitz calculator What is the expansion of ENIAC ? Electronics Caleulator Ans 6 Ans 7. Name the modified form of Pascal's Ans 8 Ans ‘Numeric Integrator and 8. How many bits are there in a byte ? a 10. consists of a ruler and a sliding piece. ‘Ans : Side rule 1" were the key electronic components ‘Usedin the frst generation of computer. ‘Ans : Vacuum tube 12. The binary code is called the ‘Ans : Machine language / Low language 13. Whatis expansion of ALU? ‘Ans : Arithmeticogic unit 14. What is the expansion of ISA 7 ‘Ans : Industry standard architecture 15. Whatis the expansion of MAR ? ‘Ans : Memory address register 16. is the primary component of the entire system. ‘Ans : Motherboard 17. Ans 18, Ans 19. Ans. 20. ‘Ans 21 Ans __is the nervous system of the computer. Control unit ____ is one port which is always on the motherboard, Keyboard How many columns are there in a punch card? £80 columns What is a deck ? A deck isa collection of punch card What is the expansion of ASCII? ‘American standard code for information interchange In Babbages analytical engine there is a arithmetic-logic unit which called the Mil ‘Three types of programming languages. Machine languagevlow level language, assembly language/symbolic language, high level language/procedure oriented language. language is machine dependent language. Low level /machinefbinary language. ‘The hardware of a modern digital computer is largely a collection of Electronic Switches The first electronic ‘as switches. Vacuum Tube ‘computers used PDAs also sometimes called Palmtop A scanner enables you to convert paper documents to Electronic document Computers have System software includes Operating Systems. and which Control the computer physically Device drivers ‘wnat type of computer toot allows you to ‘save dala, information, and programs into a computer? Storage device What type of software is antivirus software? Utility software Page Loft Ans Ans Ans Ans Ane 37. Ans Ans 39. Ans Ans a Ans 42, Ans Ans Ans Ans ‘What type of computer supports hundreds of people at any given time? Mainframe computer ‘When you are working with a variety of computer tools at the same time, what are ‘you doing? Multitasking Which type of software provides the public with its source code free of charge? Open-source software What is the smallest unit of computer information? Bit ‘What part of the computer interprets and ‘executes instructions that are posed to it? cpu Saving a file from the Internet onto your computer is called Downloading The expression DSL stands for, Digital Subscriber Line 's detined as the logical layout ot the cables and devices that connect the nodes of the network Topology Ina network, the ends of the network wires are attached to terminators. Bus ‘The Internet is an example of a network Mesh The fastest cable type discussed in the text is Fiber optic you magnify you can see its individual pixels, Bitmap A redesigned document that already has coordinating fonts, a layout, and ‘a background, Template Removing a program properly requires it Uninstaling 46. Ans 47. Ans 48, Ans Ans Ans 51. Ans Ans Ans Ans Ans Ans 87. Ans Ans Ans Ans is the process of removing a file rom a compressed archive, Extracting The lists the location of files on the disk. Boot sector A tape drive offers data, ‘Sequential access to Newer CD-ROM store about minutes of audio data, 80 Most likely the color of the port your monitor is attached to is Blue ‘There are. 8 bits in one byte, ‘The text code originally used in personal ‘computers. ASCIL Ine pertorms simple math tor the GPU. ALU) The is the electronic pathway between components in the computer. Bus Dot matrix and Band/Daisy wheel printers are printers. Impact Which of the following measures the speed of dot-matrix printers? ps In a laser printer, the the image to the paper Drum transfers The printer sprays ink onto the page. Ink jet This type of monitor is common on desktop ‘computers. It looks much like a standard television Cathode-ray tube can make it easier to play ‘games. Joysticks 61 62. PPP aE Ane 38 67. 68. 69, 70. nm 7. Ans. 73. Ans 7, Ans 75. Ans The pattern of printed lines on most products are called, Barcodes To convert paper into an editable document, a scanner would employ technology. ocr To place your image into a live video conference, a is usually used Webcam. ‘Second generation computers started with the advent of Transistors Information stored in the power is cut. RAM is lost as soon as What isthe full form of ASCII ‘American Standard Code for Information Interchange What isthe full form of LAN? Local Area Network What do you need to have for browsing internet? Internet Account with an ISP, Telephone Line, Computer with modem, All of the above CPU's processing power is measured in Million instructions per second What are the units used to count the speed of a printer? PPM What is the other name for a LAN Card? NIC card What is the name of the software that allows Us to browse through web pages called? Browser What is the address given to a computer connected to a network called? IP Address. Programs stored in ROM are called _ Firmware ‘ACompiler Transiates “a _high ‘machine language level language into 76. Ans: 7 Ans 78, Ans. 79. Ans. a1 Ans Ans. BFE FS Ans Ans. ze Which storage device is mounted on ‘reels"? Magnetic Tapes. What isthe full form of CRT? Cathode ray tube Modulator-demodulator is a device that converts: Digital signal into analog signal, & Analog signal into digital signal cable carries signals in the form of fluctuating light in a glass. Coaxial ‘Animator, 3D Studio, Corel Draw and Flash are. Multimedia SW What ic the capacity of a 9.5" Floppy Dick? 1.44MB What type of printers are Dot Matrix Printers? Impact The BIOS is the abbreviation of Basic Input Output System Cursorisa__ Thin blinking tine Operating system, editors, and debuggers ‘comes under? System Software Which device is used as the standard pointing device in a Graphical User Environment? Mouse How many software's categories there ? Two, system software and application software How many kinds of system software's are there 7 Three, operating system, device driver, system utilities, language translators Name the device used for recognizing the human speech ? Voice recognition device What is the expansion of MICR 2 Magnetic ink character recognition / reader Ans Ans, Ans Ans Ans 10. Ans 11 Ans 2 Ans 13, Ans 14, Ans 15. Ans 16 Ans 17. Ans Ans 19 Ans Ans 21 ‘Ans ‘Through the terminals, the user interacts with the system by touching the screen / monitor Touch tone Letters, numbers and special characters are known as. ‘Alphanumeric Keys forms the visual interface between the brain of the computer and the user. Monitor LCD stands for Liquid crystal display ‘To add more computer to the network what can be done ? Cascading of hubs ‘What is the expansion of UPS 2 Uninterrupted power supply. ‘What is the expansion of SMPS ? ‘Switch mode power supply is a device used for modulating and ‘emodulating digital’analog signals. MODEM What are the types of memory ? Primary memory and secondary memory ‘What is the expansion of EEPROM ? Electrically erasable programmable read ‘only memory ‘What is the seek time ? ‘A.time taken to position the read/write head at the certain track, ‘What is the expansion of VOU ? Video display unit Data is stored in a concentric set of rings, called Tracks Name the computer that fits conveniently on the surface of a business desk Desktop computer ‘What acts as a platform for users to interact with the hardware of a computer ? Operating system ‘What is the expansion of BIOS ? Basic input output system ‘What is the name of the printout taken on a Paper using a printer ? Hardcopy 22. Ans 23. Ans 24. Ans 25. Ans 26. ‘Ans 28, Ans 2 Ans ‘What is a floppy disk ? ‘A small removable disk that can be moved from one computer to another computer easily Which drive is used to read and write floppy diskette 7 Floppy disk drive ‘What is the expansion of UVEPROM ? Uttra-violet erasable programmable read ‘only memory. ‘What is the expansion of EPROM ? Erasable programmable read only memory ‘A group of programs that are put into a ‘computer to operate and control its activities is called Software! ‘What are the three language translators, Assembler, interpreter, compile. translator transiates the program line by tine. Interpreter. translator transiate the whole program ‘atatime. Compiler. INTRODUCTION OF PERSONAL COMPUTER AND OPERATING SYSTEM 1. Whats the expansion of DOS? ‘Ans : Disk operating system 2. Whatis the expansion of GUI? ‘Ans : Graphical user interface a is a menu saves the currently viewing fle under different name. ‘Ans : Save AS 4. Match the following Command shortcut keys 4.Cut — [D] A Chk 2.Paste [C] B.F3 3.Copy [A] C.Cirlev. 4.Clear [E]D.Ctrlex S.Repeat [B] E. Del 5. What are the basic components available on desktop ? ‘Ans : Taskbar, system tray, system time, icon, ete. 6 Whatis the icon ? ‘Ans: Graphical representation of file, folder, application etc. / A picture with label 7. What are the buttons present in control box 2 ‘Ans : Minimize, maximize/restore, close 8 What are the two types of scroll bars ? ‘Ans : Horizontal and vertical a is graphical object that can represent a folder, a running program or a dialog box ina program. ‘Ans: Window 10, The start button / window button is located at in windows ? ‘Ans : Th let edge of the task bar 1 A 1. Shortcut key for closing the window ns: Alt+F 4, 12, Match the following 4. Taskbar [D] A. Horizontal and vertical bar 2.Menubar [C] _B. Control box 3. Scroll bar [A] _C. Menu items 4.Title bar 1B] _D. Start button 13. List the different ways of arranging icon on A the desktop ? ins : Byname, Bytype, Bysize, Bydate 14, Ans. 16. 16. Ans. 17. 18. 19. Ano. ‘Ans: 21 Ans. ZR ans 24, Ans. 25, Ans. B Ans 28, How to move the window using mouse ? Dragging and dropping by its title bar How file management and browsing is performed ? By using my computer What isa fle ? Collection ofa information or database What is a folder ? Acontainer of files What is the keyboard shortcut for changing current folder to parent / previous folder ? Backspace Which button changes the current folder to its previous folder? Up one level button How scrolling of the window is done ? By using the scroll bar What are the different ways used for viewing aflle/ folder icons ? ‘Small, medium, large, thumbnail, details, list, flmstrip What is stored in a recycle bin ? Deleting files What are the two ways for moving files / folders ? Drag-drop and cut-paste What command is used for undoing an operation ? Undo command What command is used for redoing an operation ? Redo command allows to view all the disk drives, Control panel, and printer folder. My computer By licking on ___icon we can see the ‘computers in that workgroup or any network servers that the computer is connected to. My network piace, network neighbourhood, network ___ command is used to restoring the Teleted files from the recycle bin. Restore Ans 31 Ans 32 Ane Ans Ans Ans 37. Ans Ans 39. Ans ‘Ans Match the following 4, Window based [C] 2.Containers of [0] A File B. Drag and drop file method 3. cnc (E) ©. Windows explorer 4. Collec of | [A]. D. Folder information 5.Moving fle {D]_E. Copying 6. Copy command [E] in edit menu ‘What is screensaver ? It is @ program that gets evoke when the system is idle ‘What is the expansion of GMT ? Greenwich meridian time What does server display ? User and ehared information HTML stands for__ Hypertext markup language ‘The extension of bitmap fle is. bmp properties dialog box is used to ‘hange the system date and ume Dateftime Match the following 1. Datertime [D]_A Screen saver properties settings 2, Display property [A] B. Installed Keyboard languages 3, Mouse property [C] ©. Quick setup 4, Keyboard [8]. Time zone property 5. The Greenwich [D] Meridian time ‘What is paintbrush 2 ‘An accessory of MS-Window for editing and Creating a bitmap image. ‘Which menu bar option is used to change the size of the drawing area ? Image option What are the tools used for selecting irregular / rectangular shaped area of the