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= Maharashtra State Board Of Technical Education, Mumbai cas Teaching and Examination Scheme for Post S..C. Diploma Courses Program Name : Computer Engineering Groups Program Code : CO/CMAFICW Duration of Program : 6 Semesters With Effect From Academie Year: 2017 - 18 Semester : Second Duration : 16 Weeks . | eee Examination Scheme s sun tile rte | Course Crete Theory Pract Grand S|] owe are | Gare | | |» [eosin ee | ta Duratoo] Max [Mi | Max | Min | Max | Min [Max [Min | Wax | Mn] Max | Min | nis Marks Marks/Marks|Marks| Marks |[Marks|_ Marks Marks|Marks_Marks | Marks) Marks 1 | Elements of Electrical eec 22215| 4.)-| 2) 6 | 3 | 7 | 28|30*| 00 | 100 | 40 | ase | 10 | 25 | 10 | 50 | 20 | 150 niineering | | | 2 [Applied Mathematies | AMI [2224/4 2/-| 6 | 3 | 712130] 00/10 || -1-|-=-)-)-=1)~= 110 3 [Basie Electronics BEC 22225) 3/-|2] 513 1 70 128 | 30"] 00 | 100] 40 | 25@ | 10] 25 | 10 | 50 | 20 | 150 + | Programming in'C Por_|32996, 3. [212] 7 | 3 | 0 | 28 | 30" | 00 | 100 | 40 | 25@ | 10 | 25 | 10 | 30 | 20 | 130 Business Communication j . |. > |.-{|-/-|-/f-|-/~- ‘ 7 | 5 | anes Com i 2] 2 35@° | 14 | ts | 06 | 50 | 20 | 30 6 {| Computer Peripheral and 2|-[2) 4 | -)-])-]-]- | = | = | soe | 20 | so | 20 | 100 | 40 | 100 Hardware Maintenance Web Page Designing with “Ta _~|.!/.-1-l- | a 7 | Web Pa 2|-|2] 4 ~ | = | so@ | 20 | so | 20 | 100 | 40 | 100 thas = 380 Tao = aoe a0 90 aoa Student Contact Hours Per Weel ‘Medium of Instruction: English Theory and practical periods of 60 minutes each. Total Marks : 800 Abbreviations: ESE- End Semester Exam, PA- Progressive Assessment, L - Lectures, T- Tutorial, P - Practical @ Internal Assessment, # External Assessment, *# On Line Examination, * Computer Based Assessment © Under the theory PA, Out of 30 marks, 10 marks are for micro-project assessment (5 marks each for Physies and Chemistry) to facilitate integration of COs and the remaining 20 marks is the average of 2 tests to be taken during the semester for the assessment of the cognitive domain LOs required for the attainment ofthe COs. ~ For the courses having ONLY Practical Examination, the PA marks Practical Part - with 60% weightage and Micro-Project Part with 40% weightage + If Candidate not securing minimum marks for passing in the “PA” part of practical of any course of any semester then the candidate shall be declared as “Detained” for that semester. CERNE / MSBTE - Final Copy Dt. 30.10.2017 Cornu Goo tgs, Fine Program Name: Computer Engineering Program Group Program Cade: COICMIIFICW/IFIDE/ENIEAS Semester second Course Tithe Elements of Electrical Engineering Course Code 22215 1 RATIONALE, 1X technologists expected 19 have some basic knowledge of electrical enginesring as they have 1 work in aiferent engineering elds un deal with various types of electncal machines and equipment, Hence, it is necessary to understand magnetic cieuits, AC fundamentals, polyphase circuits, diffrent types of elecrieal machines, theit principles and. working Sharaieristies. This course deals with the basic undamentals of electrical enginesring and working principles of commonly used AC and DC motors and their characteristics, The basic concepts of electrical engineering i this course wil be very useful for understanding of other higher level courses 2 COMPETENCY “The aim of this course is to help the student to stain the following industry identified ‘competency through various teaching leaming experenocs ‘+ Use electrical equipment in industval applications. 3. COURSE OUTCOMES (COs) “The theory, practical experiences and relevant sof skills associated wit this course are tobe Taughe and implemented. so that the student demonstrates the folowing industry oriented ‘COs associated with the above mentioned competency (Use prncipies of magnetic citeuis Use Single phase AC supply foreletrical and elesionies equipment Use three phase AC supply for industrial equipment and machines, Connect transformers and DC motors fr specie requirements Use FHP motors for aivrsitied applications Use relevant peovective devices/suithger for different requirestens 4. TEACHING AND EXAMINATION SCHEME, =] omic Stow i, The Paar fe Pe aT ns TRS Nie Nie Mie i Wow ie Rw TELE Spe fae Fae Too Tice Teo Tae Tie Tas (9 Under the theory PA, Out of 30 marks, 10 marks are for micro-project assessment to {fochitoe ntegration of COs and the remaining 20 mars i ke average of 2 tess to be taken chung the semester forthe exsessmtent ofthe UO required for the attainment ofthe COs. Legends: L-Locture! T~Tutoril Teacher Guided Theory Pract: P- Practical: C Cred ESE End Semester Examination: PA Progressive Asressment 5. COURSE MAP (with sample COs, Os, UOs, ADOs and opis) ‘WSBT Fl Copp De SOIDIOTT Pager a go This course map illustrates an overview ofthe flow and linkages ofthe topics at various levels of outcomes (details in subsequent sections) tbe ataned by the student by the end ofthe ours, in all domains of learning in terms of the indusryfemployer identified competency depicted atthe cence ofthis map. aS Figure 1= Course Map 6. _ SUGGESTED PRACTICALS/ EXERCISES “The practcals inthis section are PrOs (1. sub-conmponents of the COs) to be developed and assessed in the student forthe attsinment ofthe competency. aE = Pratl Outomes (10) tt | NO Required Se Py oma Fame Ta [ane 7] Dane Rey ea a a peal feorand mau of masa AC encom ma C23 aaa S Prat! Once PO) 4a eg ity 7 Camere epee ame Pe tcerund re of mold AC wnconnee C20 pat Fle lacditeoe eea wag mda CRO a fermsahe haute ndcopatie cats ant Sif ase ateme tehes vine deur CRO for resistive, inductive and capacitive ctcuts, Part Il | ‘Comes Baleed st and de foul connecons to gE | TOF ‘required voltage and currents. Part | 7} Conneet balanced star and delta load connections to get the ma ‘requied voltage and curents. Part IL Datei volags and cen i of single pre stoma WWF] Operate the DC shunt motor using 3-poin starter, I 2) [Operate the DC shunt motor using #-poin tar CW Reve ison ofan of snl tase aduston mate V 025 Revers the direction of rotation of Universl motor @ Tac She: ac Sh Tie and arse vl, MCB, VI _—_| Mccs and ELCA. . | TE” | Connect the switches, Tses, switch ise and fase switch unis, VIO MCB. MCCB and ELCB in acizcuit Part 15 _[Test eireuit using series lamp and multimeter vi) (ie Use the earth ester vi-[ a, [17 Use the insulation exer vio (TR seaitferent ypes of digital camp-on meters wi fo Total [36 ‘Nate TA suggestive list of PrOs is given inthe above table. More such PrOs com be ailded to ‘tain the COs and competeny. A judicial mi of minimum 12 or mre practical net tobe peformed. ou of which, he procticals marked ax "are compuary. so that the student reaohes the ‘Precision Level’ of Dave's ‘Psychomotor Daman Taxonomy” as generally ‘required by the try, 4 The ‘Process’ and ‘Product’ related sills asrocated with each PrO te to be ascessed according 1 a suggested sample given below: ‘The above P1Os also comprise of the following. social skillsfaitudes which are AMMective Domain Outcomes (ADOs) that are best developed through the laboritory/field. bored experiences 4. Follow satety practices. 1. Practice good housekeeping ‘© Demonstrate working as #leederia team member. 4 ‘Maintain tols and equipmeat. Fellow ethical practices “The ADOs are not specific to any one PrO, but are embedded in many PrOs, Hence. the acquisition of the ADOs takes place gradually inthe studen: when she undertakes a series of _prclcal experiences over a period of time, Moreover, the level of achievement ofthe ADOs “according to Krethwohl's Affective Domain Taxonomy” should gradually increase os planned eons ‘+ Valuing Level in * year. © ‘Organising Level in 2" year, ‘© ‘Characterising Level in 3" year, 7. MAJOR EQUIPMENT! INSTRUMENTS REQUIRED “The major equipment with broad specification mentioned here will usher in unifoemiy in ‘conduct of experiments, aswell a ald to procare equipment by authori es concern = Equipment ume with Broa Spestiaions Fes Tigh Pas Taare TWA taaiepas OTST arma || [ertcete ~ Eel we ono: (mm) Sage Pass A sole —TT255 2 exlsd nod input "51108 0 — 5GRO= 2h: Dua cane [Three phase Avto Transformer TIS RVA, Taput 41S V3 pase 0-413 V.30 Ape Line, Cooling inate! [5 Loading Rheostat - 7.5 kW, 230V, 3 phase, 4 wire, Bulanced load (Each 4 | anon having nial fod, Load: Wie Wound Fiked Resistor [6 [Lari aan =950'V 020 8 "TBC shun moter cuuped with OC shunt Genentor 17] [Single phase Indution motor ~ 21 250 V 50 Hz AC supply | 9 Unversal motor 14 Fp 9 (10 Digi utimeer 3 Lda Toa No, Performance Indicators Ni t 2 Preparation 3 Setting and operation 4 Sate measures 5 6 7 5 Observations and Recording Interpretation of result and Conclusion De and AC Ammets0 [2] DC and AC Vener 0-150:500 7 [13 Tchometer No ent spe, 00000 pm [HE Retr ernie 82 eG Oup BOVIS teal, 20 Amp UNDERPINNING THEORY COMPONENTS The following topicssubtopics is to be taught and assessed in order to develop UOs for ing the COs to aan the denied competency ‘WSBTE Fal Copy Be SOOT Paes (SISBTE Fial Copy D1 SOOT Passat 7m Beneath hasng 1 dune (in cognitive domain) Tar Deseribe the salient Features oF the given type of eiruits 4b, Apply Fleming's left hand ule land Lenz's law to determine ‘irection of induced EMP in the inven creut he. Explain the given types) oF induced emt, Ja. Interpret the B-H eure and hysteresis loop forthe given materi Tagiede fax, Tux density, magneto motive free, magnetic feld strength, permeabily, reluctance Eecric and magnetic circuits Series and parallel magnetic crits Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic Induction, Fleming's right hand re, Lenz's law Dynamically and statically induced ‘emf, self end mutual inductance BH carve and hysteresis, hysteresis Toop and hysteresis loss Cait AC “a, Devore he salient atures oF the aiven type of power supply. 2b. Represent the given AC quantities by phasors, ‘waveforms and mathematical equations 2c. Explain the response ofthe ive pure resistive, inductive | and capacitive AC cecuts wid | Sketches [24 Calculate the parameters ofthe Caleviate impedance, current, poster factor and power of the Bven AC euit | 2e Uniti Sa: Deseibe the salient ferres oF Polyphase | the gventype of AC power supply 5b, Explam te concept ot symmetrical system and phase sequence ofthe given AC supply Se, Distinguish the characteristics ofthe given type(s) of star (or Geta) connections with sketches, a. Calculate the curent and power ofthe given thee phase | eel | AC and DC quay, aavaRIaES Of AC. over DC. Single phase A.C sinusoidal A.C ‘wave: instantaneous value, cyte, amplitude, time period, fequeney, angular frequency, RMS. valve, “Average vale fr sinusoidal ‘waveform, Form factor, Penk factor Vector representation of sinusoidal A.C, quantty, Phase angle, phase ference, concep of lauing and leading by waveforms, ‘mathematical equations and phasors Pure resistance, ndvstance and capacitance in A.C. circuit ReL and R-C series cirouits Impedance and impedance wingle Power factor and is significance Power = active, reactive and spparent, power triangle "phase system over I phase system 5:phase emt generation and its wave Torm Phase sequence and balanced and unbalanced load Phase and line coren, phase and Tine vlige i star connected and Jeli connected balanced system (Curren, power, power factor in 23 phase balanced system) ‘Starand delta connections Nie To atta a Tait Tait Outcomes (UO) “Topics and Sub-topies (in cognitive domain) ‘alanced system UnitV a. Explain the working principle of 1 Transformer: Working principle. en? Transform | he given ype of wansfomer ‘equation, Voltage ratio, curent aio, rand DC |4b, Distinguish the construction of | and transformation rato. esses Motors the given type oftransformer. 42 Auto-ransfrmer comparison with Ide. Describe the construction and two winding transformer, ‘working of the given ype of spplications De motor. {43 DC motor consrction - pars its la, Selec selevan type of DC function and materil used rotor forthe given aplication 44 DC motor Principle of operation with justification 445 Types of DC. motors, schematic diagram, applications of de shu, series and compound motors Tai [58 Explain the working principle 5.1 FHDI Schematve representation, Fractional | ofthe given ype of FHP motor. principe of operation and Horse [Sb, Selectrclevant FHP motor for spplications oF split pase Induction Power the given application with ‘motor, capacitor start induction run, en) justiicarion apaciior stat eapacitorrun and | Motors |se. Describe the procedure 10 peemanent capacitor mots, shaded connect the given type of FHP pole motos ‘motor forthe given application $2 Universal motor: principle of svth kets operation, reversal of rotation and '5. Deserbe the procedure to applications connect stepper motor forthe $3 Stepper moto: types, principle of ven application with sketches. | working and applications Describe the eatres ofthe 61 Fuse: Operation, pe= en type of protective device. 62 Switch Fuse Unit and Fuse Switch Devices 6b, Selectihe relevant protective | Unit Differences and Aevice for the given application 63 MCB, MCCB and ELC3: Operation ‘Switchgear | with justification and general specications 2, Select suitable switchgear for 6.4 Earthing: Importance of eahing. the given situation with factors affecting earthing sustifeation 5 Methods af reducing eth resistance, sd State the LE rule related tohe | TE rules relevant o eating applied forthe given type of athing wih justification ‘and competency, above lsied Us need to Be wdertalen fo Goh ‘the ‘Application Level’ and above of Bloom's ‘Cognitive Domain Taxanony”. TWSBTE Fina Copy Beso Pears 9. SUGGESTED sPECIFICATI IN TABLE FOR QUESTION PAPER DESIGN Tait] Toit Tite ‘Teaching | Distribution of Theory Mavis No. Hours R] UA | Total Level | Level | Level | Marks [77 Wannetie Creu A (TAC fundamen 1 [| odoa [TI TPohphase AC sires 8] oot] 0a 10 m7 | motors | Vi Protective Devices and Switchgear | 10) 0208 | 06| 1 To! 6 | 300 “Legeniss R-Remember, T=Understand. A~Apply and above (Blooms Revised taxonomy) ‘Note: Ths specification table provides general guidelines to asst student for ther leaning ‘and 10 teachers to teach and assess students with respect f0 attainment of UOs, The acta ‘distribution of marks a diferent taxononty levels (of RU and A) inthe question paper may vary from abose ble 10. SUGGESTED STUDENT ACTIVITIES Other than the classroom and laboratory learning, following are the ngocctetendent related co-curricular activities which can be undertaken to seelerate the atnment ofthe vious outcomes inthis course a Market survey regarding commonly used electrical equipment which are not covered in the curiclum, b. Prepare power point presentation or animation for showing working of DC or AC Undertake 4 market survey of different domestic electrical appliances based on the fallssing poinss 1 Manficturers i Spestfetonsracings fii Salient features iv. Applications 11. SUGGESTED SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES (if aay) “These are sample stetegies, which the teacher can ute to accelerate the attainment of the ‘aris outcomes in his couse: a Massive open online courses (MOOCS) may be used 10 teach various topic/sub ‘opies “Lin item No. 4 docs not meen only the tational leture method, nut diferent 'ypes ofeaching methods and media that are to be employed to develop the outcomes, © About 15-20% of the copiessub-ropies which is telatvely simpler ot desripive in nature is to be given io the studens for selfdirected learning ard. 133086 the evelopment of the COs through classroom presentations (see implementation guideline for detail) 4 With respect to item No.10, teachers need 10 ensure to create opportunities and provisions for co-curricular acts ‘© Guide students) in undertaking micro-projecs, 6 IN| Transformer and DC moiow [404 [0a 96 4) ‘VW Fractional Horse Power (FHPY a 12, SUGGESTED MICRO-PROJECTS Only one micro-project i planned to be undertaken by a student assigned to him/her in the beginning of te semester Sthe ought ro Submit it by the end of te sneser to develop che industry oriented COs. Eacr micro:projct should encompass two or nore COs which are in fact, an integration of PrOs UOs and ADOs, The ricr-project could be industry application based, internet-based, wortshop-bised, laboratory-based or ficlébased. Each student Il have to maintain dated wor diary consisting of individual consibution in the projet work and give a seminar presettion of it before submission, The tral duration of the mir ‘Project should not be less than 16 sixteen) student engagement hours during the course Inthe fist four semesters the micro-project could be group-based. However, in higher ‘semesters, it should be individually undertaken to build up the skill and confidence in every ‘Student to become problem solver so that s/he contributes tothe projects of the industry. sues ti en here Sir miro poet cold be ed by the concerned Hay ‘Magnetic eireits: Each batch will collect B:H1 curves and hysteresis loops for various types magretic and non magnetic materials from internet Based cn the permeability and shapes ofthe curves, each student will decide the suitability 0 each ‘material Sor differen applications, bb. Magnetic circuits: Sach batch will prepare «coil without core. Students will nete the Aetlecton of galvanometer connected across the coil for: movement ofthe North Pole fof permanent magnet towards and away from the coil (slow and fast movement, ‘movernent of the South Pole of permanent magnet towards and sway from the col (Glow and fast movement). Students will demonstrate and prepare a report based on their observations, © AC fundamentals: Each batch wil visit» nearby sub-station or industry and observe the arrangement for power factor corection/improvement. Ea atch will prepare & report besed on their observation, 4 Polyphase circuits: Each batch will observe the three phase power distribution panel in their ov Instiute/Commersialcomplex/mall et. and draw single line dagraz and prepare a report & Tramaformer: Esch batch will vist ncarby pole mounted substatin repo based on the following points: 7 Rating: kVA rat ng primary and secondary voltage, connections li, Diflerent pans ad their Functions iit, Eanthing amangement i, Protective deviss 1 Traetional horse power motor: Each batch wll selest 8 FP motor for @ pair pplication (assume suitable rating). They will isi local elecical market (it the ‘urket is not nearby you may use the Intemet) snd prepare a wport based on he tollowing points: Manufactures 1. Technical specifications 11, Features oftered by cifferent manufacturers . Price range ‘Then select the motor which you would ike to purchese. Give jstifcution for your selection in short Each batch will visit Insitute workshop and prepare a report which includes the flowing points 1. Different types of prime movers used, thei specifications and manufacturers i) Method of stating and speed contol ‘WSTE Fa Copy DITO Pape Toto a ‘Bonet Se ainsi 1 stone ii, Ditferent protective and safety devices used iy. Maintenance fh Each batch wil select any one electrical devicelequipment which snot included in the couriculum and prepare a shor power point presentation for the class based on the following points; construction, working, slient features, cost, merits, demerits, spplications, manufacturers etc ‘SUGGESTED LEARNING RESOURCES ‘Title of Book ‘Author Elecrical Technology Vol Thera, B.C. =I [ison Srasiorsias 5 Ghand and Co, New Dain, 2 _[Elestieal Technology Vol | Theraja, B.C. '. Chand and Co., New Dali, Ise org 121030575 [be Best | en a ea Ne a Engioctin | ISBN, 978-0.07-0088572-5 7 Hed sae Sean SB a [Cong vey ee NT [= leche Ban an sminetss ‘5 | Basic Electrical and | Jegathesan, V, ‘Wiley India, New Delhi, ] Elecionics Engineering ISBN: 97881236529513 IM, SOFTWARE/LEARNING WEBSITES Seiiab SIMULINK (MATLAB) Psim P-SPICE (student version) Electronics Workbench wor ntl itm acin ‘woe oinelbrary wiley com iendigngien msée-in-chin com! ‘eviews orgsocles! wor ‘wo howstufivarks, com, ‘USBTE Frat Copy Oe 5OTOIOT Pape 908 Program Name: Computer Engincering Program Group Program Code: COICMIIFICW Semester + Second Course Title + Applied Mathematies Course Code 322224 1. RATIONALE The core technological studies can be understood with the help of potential of mathematics, This couse i being introduced into diplona cours to provide mathematical background. The course will give them the insight t9 understand and analyze engineering. problens ‘scientifically using calculus, integration, differential equations and numerical methods, This Subject enhances the mult logical thinking and reasoning capabilites. It also improves the systemic approach in compuice programming language, 2 COMPETENCY The aim of this couse is to help the sudent 19 atain the following industry idemiied cenmpetency through various teaching learn expesienes: + Solve computer related broad-based engineering problems using principles of applied mathematics 3. COURSE OUTCOMES (COs) The theory, practical experiences and relevant so skis associated with this course are to be ‘aught and implemented, so thatthe stucent demonstrates the following industry oriented (COs associted with the above mentioned competency 1, Calculate the equation oftangea maxima, minima, radius curvature by siferenation bs, Solve the given problems oF ntegation using suitable methods. «Apply the concet of integration tc ind rea and volume. 4 ‘Solve the differential equation of fist order and fist degre using suitable methods, ‘Apply the concepts of numericl methods in computer programming languages 4. TEACHING AND EXAMINATION SCHEME, (9): Under the theory PA, Out of 30 marks, 10 marks are for micro-project assessment 10 feciltate integration of COs and the remaining 20 marks isthe average of 2 tests 10 be token ‘during the semester forthe assessment of he UOs required for the attainment ofthe COs Legends: L-Lecturé, T~ Tutorial Teaches Guided Theory Procice; P-Pracical: C~ Credi ESE -Fnd Semester Examination, PA Progressive Assessment 5S COURSE MAP (with sample COs, POs, UOs, ADOs and topics) SBBTE Fa Copy Dr SO TOOT oar Sole Nate emp 1 ‘This course map ilstats an overview ofthe lw and linkages ofthe topics at various levels of outcomes (details in subsequent sections) to be aisined By the student by the end of the cours, i all domains of leaming in terms ofthe industryfemployer identified competency | parametric function - (ite pete oar eae or Ta aag “MSBTE Final Copy Dt sola) Paget? spl WatsiGoenmsGne) s u “atovals Bre Xe "Required ponent incon se Salve proses bud ow ing oqaton of Gneea aed] —T 5 5 u 2 3 77 7 Solve problems baet on metho of integration, sbstiuion, IT partial cts 3 Sot problems bed on aration by pars 7 9 Sule pracice problems based on Op GP aefnke | IW) To Solve pracice problems Based on finding area under cue, aea| beiween two curves and volume of revolutions. Fr Solve the problens based on formation, order and degree of| ferential equaticas, {2 Develop a model using varoble separable method to related “engineering problem Develop a mode! using the concept of near” difeential (1 equation co related engineering problem, [ig Solve problems based on finding he 100i of algebraic a equations using RgulaFalsi Method 1s Solve problems based on finding the roots oF tanscendental | V A equations using Newton Raphsoa"s Meth. Te.) Sove problems based on solution of system oF equations using) V e Gauss elimination method and Gauss Seidel Method Total 2 “Notes Te above tutorial sessions are for guldeline ony. The remaining ftoral hows are for ‘vevison and practice 7. MAJOR EQUIPMENT/ INSTRUMENTS REQUIRED: = Not applicable 3. _ UNDERPINNING THEORY COMPONENTS ‘The following topes/subtopies isto be taught and assessed in order to develop UOs for ‘achieving the COS to stain te identified competene: ‘exponential functions, | 2). Rules of derivatives such a8 sum, 1 Apply the concept of product, quotient of functions. iferentation to find equation of |b) Detvatves of inverse. logarithm u Tait Outcomes (UO) ‘Topics and Sub-topies (neogniive domain) | U Ta Salve thegiven simple pobiens 1. Functions and Limi 1 Different based on unions 8) Concept of fnetion and simple | al 1b, Solve the given simple problems examples | Cateulus based onrules of ditfereaiation |b). Concept of limits without examples. lc. Obtain derivatives oF given 12 Derivatives Tale Tait Outcomes (WOH (in cognitive dorsin) TaagEn! and normal fr given problem te Apply the concept of Apply and abo (Bioon s Resised Novany) "Note: This specification table proves general guidelines to asist student for thei lear fond teachers to reach and assess with respect attainment of UOs. The actual dstribuion (of marks ot dierent iaxonom levels fof 8 U and A) i the question paper may’ vary from boxe 10, table SUGGESTED STUDENT ACTIVITIES (Other than the classtoom and laboratory leaming, following are the suggested student-telated co-curricular ytvites which can be undertaker to accelerate the attainment ofthe verious ‘tcomes in ths course: a a t 8 These Tdentity engineering problems based on real world problems and solve withthe use of fee tbls available on the internet Use griphical software: EXCEL, DPLOT, and GRAPH for related topics. Use Mathcad as Mathematical Tools and olve the problems of Calculus. entity problems based on applications of differential equations and solve these probiens! Prepare models to explain diferent conceps of applied mathematies, Prepare seminar on any relevant topic based on applications of integration Prepare seminar on any relevant topic based on some Numerical methods. SUGGESTEDSPECIAL INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES (i any) ate sarple sreegis, hich the teacher can use to accelerate the attainment of the Massive open online courses (MOOCS) may be used 10 teach various Copii opis “SISBTE Fl Copy Be SO ODOT Page $F 1. L" in item No. 4 does not mean only the traditional lecture method, but diferent types of teaching methods and modi that are to be emplayed to develop te outcomes. ©. About 15-209 af the topicsb-topies which is reluively simpler o° descriptive in ature is 10 be given to the students for seldirected learning and. assess the evelopment of the COs though classroom presentations (see implemestation suideline for deals) 44. With respect to item No.10, teachers need 1 ensure to create oppemunities and provisions for co-curricular ates, {Guide students) in undertaking micro-peojcs. ‘Apply the mathematical concepts learn inthis course to branch specific problems, Use different instructional strategies in classroom teaching, (Use video programs availabe a the interme o teach abstract topics. 12, SUGGESTED MICRO-PROJECTS Only one micro-project is planned to be uncertaken by a student assigned to hinvher in the beginning ofthe semester. She ought to submit it by the end ofthe semester to develop the industry oriented COs. Each microsprcject should encompass two or more COS which ae in fact, an integration of PrOs, UOs tnd ADOs, The micro-project could be industry application bnsed,intemetbased, worishop-based, Isborstory-based of Fld-based. Each student will have to maincain dated work diary consisting of individual contribution inthe project work and give a seminar presentation of it before submission, The total duration of the micro: project should not be less than 16 (sixten) student engagement hours during the course In the first four semesters the mies-project could be group-based. However. in higher Semesters, it should be individually urceraken to build up te skill and confidence in every Student 10 ecome problem solver so that she comtbutes fo the proests ofthe industry A Suggestive Fis is given here, Similar m cro-projects could be added by the concerned Fee: ‘Prepare modes using the concep of tangent and normal to bending of rods in case of sliding of vehicle Prepare modes using the concept of radius of curvature to bending of rallway neck Prepare chars displaying the sea of iregulr shapes using the concep of integration Prepare charts cispaying volume of irregular shapes using concep of integration, Prepare models using the concept of differential equations for mixing problem Prepare models using the cones of differential equations Tor radio earbon decey. Prepere models using the concept of diferetial equations for population growth Prepare models using the concept of difereatial equations for thermal cooling ‘Write algorithm to find the approximate rons of algebraic equations ‘Write algorithm to find the approximate roots of transcendental equations. ‘Write algorithm to solve system of linear equations 13, SUGGESTED LEARNING RESOURCES Title of Book ‘Author Publication ‘Higher Engineering Grewal, BS. Khanna publicalions, New Dein 2015 Mathematics ISBN'8174091955 “Advanced Engineering | Krzig, Ervin | Wiley Publications, New Delhi, 2016 Mathematics ISBN978-81-265-5403-2 ‘Advanced Engineering Das, HK 'S Chand Publications, New Delhi Mathematics 2008, ISBN-9758121903455 Apes one CC Sane Tide of Book ‘Author Publication 7 € Engineering Maem, Sang, SS Volum | ( edion) - 75 Gating Started with Pratap, Radia | © Martane ‘Oxford University Press, New Delhi.2009 ISBN. 0199731241 © Engineering Mathematics | CroR, Anthony hid edition, | 14. SOFTWARE/LEARNING WEBSITES swowvescilab ore) =SCI Lab swauemathworks com/praduetsimatah’ - MATLAB Spreadsheet applications swuivedplot. com! ~ DPlot swwallmathead com! - MathCAD ww u.wolfiam com/mathematicay ~ Mathematica Ingpsfosee in7 lnnpsworthanacademy.orgfmath?geid“CNgHuabCys4CF4OlaAodsHoPig ‘wrweasyealulation com ‘war, ‘SBTE Fal Copy Br 30103077 or Program Name : Computer Engineering Program Group Progeam Code: COICMIIFICW Semester + Second Course Title : Basie Electrons CourseCode 22228 1. RATIONALE, 1m oday"s world most ofthe consumer appliances are based on electronic circuits and devices. ‘The foundation for working of computer or any ofits peripherals are based on electronics This course has been designed to develop skills t urdestand and test simple electronic ponents and circuits After studying this course svdenis will develop an insight 10 Ident. build and troubleshoot simple electronic eieuits 2. COMPETENCY ‘The aim of this course is to help the student to atin the following industry identified ‘competency through various teaching leaning experiences: + Use simple electronic circuits of computer syste, 3. COURSE OUTCOMES (Co), The theory. practical experiences and relevant sft skills associated with this course ae to be taught and implemented, so that the student demonstrates the following industry oriented COs associated with the above mentioned competency: entity electronic companents i electron cre ts Use diodes indifferent applications, Interpret the working of junction transistor in the electronic circuits Iecerpret the working of unipolar devices in the eleetronieeiruis (Use Sensors and wansducers 4. TEACHING AND EXAMINATION SCHEME r| ex tae [rar in| Noe [Nin] Bim_| Win [Nas | Win [Min | Ne 7 E510 [as [sor [eo | roo [20 ase [wo | | 9 | 9 | (7): Under the theory PA. Out of 30 marks, 10 marks are for micro-project assessment 10 Jociliate onegration af COs ond the remaining 20 marks iste average of 2 test 10 be taken during the semester forthe essesinent of the UOs required for the atiannment ofthe COs, ESE - End Somesior Examination: PA » Progresive Assessment TUSBTE Fa Copy Br 30 10007 Pastore 5. COURSE MAP (with sample COs, P20, UOs, ADOs and topics) “This course map Mlustrates an overview ofthe flow and linkages ofthe 1opies a varius levels ‘of outcomes (details in subsequent sections) 1 be attained by the student by the end ofthe ‘course in all domtins of leaming in terms of the industry/employer identified competency epicied atthe centre ofthis map, Flawe 1 ~Course Map 6. _ SUGGESTED PRACTICALS/ EXERCISES The practcals inthis section are PrOs (je, sub-components of the COs) to be developed and assessed in the student forthe attainment oF the competency Tee & Pract Ostomes (P03) una | ite" | : ieqid a a toons vausag CRO Th athe oo pase ara oma Beem TT Tae Tao a opine £ Practica Outcomes (20%) uot Ae Ne No petted Tes ne perma of gin Pini diag | [EHS a Stimaneoteanen era | |Site permet fie es fee eet te] [Came AC gna ms De soa wing ifuve air 7_| Convert AC signal into DC signal using full wave rectifier Li 02 3° Canat AC aguas BC a Woah Beene I To ee omar ven Big eer ng fer — [0b TL | Test input/output characteristics of NPN Transistor in CE Mode. | 02, [Fi Pratap craic of PN Taner nS ose [Mar “3 Teen iaasarstc of PN PamiaprmCe Mee — [IIOP 1 Dem god bani of Sige sage ed IOP Sooner 15cm ain and nil of ge RC opal — 02 ig tet tepetomamea en FEY & Decne he HO Soret preter en ET € Demonstrate working as leader/a team member. 1d. Maintain tools and equipment ‘© Follow ethical practices, “The ADOs are not specific to aay one PrO, but are embeded in many PrOs. Hence, the acquisition of the ADOs takes place gradually inthe staden: when she undertakes w series of ‘practical experiences ovet a petod of time. Moreover, the level af achievement ofthe ADOs according to Krathwohl’s Affective Domain Taxonomy” should gradually increase ss planned below ‘+ ‘Valuing Level in 1 year 4 “Organising Level ie 2 year ‘+ 'Characterising Level” in 3" year, 7. MAJOR EQUIPMENT! INSTRUMENTS REQUIRED ‘The major equipment with broad specification mentioned here will usher ia unifomity in ‘conduct of experiments as well as ad 10 procure equipment by authorities concerned [s. 7 7 Ee Ne Eauioment Name with Broad Speciications ae “1 SingleDial regulated Power supph (Oto 15Valish_—————— 18 Sand Vo digit epeat ange for esianes and 3-20 capeciance.compouent teste AC al DC meenurement Dil race CROVDSO, SOME, with function genestor and Somponent tse | TTS (77 Messi tempers ofthe given mel pate using emmosoople TV) 02 — | |] atts een oF per Sea oneioioseare | VO t _ Toul 36 ‘Nowe [Function generator 20MH = 3 Trainer kts breadboard for Recers, regulator. Transistors IFET and RC 4-18, coupled single / vo stage ampliiers suggestive list of PrOs ic ven inthe above table More such PrOs can be ede 10 ‘ain the COs and competency, A judicial mix of minimum 12 more practical need 0 be berformed. out of which the practicols marked as "*”are compulsory, o tha the student reaches the ‘Precision Level’ of Dave's ‘Paychomotor Domain Taxonomy” as general reputed bythe indus 4a The “Process” ond ‘Product’ related shill asrociated with each PrO is to be assessed Heater. Thermocouple and photosletie sensor — war] 8. _ UNDERPINNING THEORY COMPONENTS The following topiessubtopies is to be taught and assessed in order to develap UOs for achieving the COS to attain the idetitid competency. according to a suggesied sample given below: C i 0 a ne “Topics and Sub-topi SNe Performance Indicators ‘Weightage in Tar=t Ta. Differentiate between the) I Active and passive components Preparation of experimental set up ND Electronic fives active and passive 12 Resisor,capocitor.inductor Saat dope = 2 Cinpontts | Eccrniscampoens’ |" Siete pi — 2 se Sgte' 1 Caine vateal Ss gen | plains cle ees oormleqecortme | lpeventes 5 tvpuamoesl and ncn » Siocon 13 Voge tn Caren Suc a 2 te Compute chess | 14 Sip wef Tin and a w stat ghenvolagesad | ing dame epenson spine ie cern frre Rey Pe 1a Kate wihsttes oe Wee ‘The above PrOs also comprise of the following social skills/attitudes which are Affective ‘Biven signal, 1.5 Types aoe sinusoidal. Besar Oacones (ABOS hae Ba eloped mh ene ha ‘noid sour brah 16 Ines Cho alg nd ol sy practice feu b pauls tnd cng - be | Tale Tait Outcomes (vOH) {Gn cognitive domain) “Topics and Sub-topics Toit de Diodes and Th Applications. 2 Explain with skeiches working ofthe given diode using Vol character ‘Measure zener voltage on ‘he given Vil characteristics ofthe zener diode TI Syme, constrain and working principle of P-N junction diode 22 Rectifiers Half wave, Full wave and Bridge Rectifier working principe, circut diagram, perfarmance parameters PIV, ripple Sunetion Transistor 3b the given type of device Explain with sketches the working principle ofthe 2c. Describe with sketches the factorefficieney, Need for filters ‘working principle of given circuit diagram and working af! type oF iter (Cand iter 24. Compare the salient features | 2.3 Zener diode working principle, ofthe given type of ‘symbole, a8 voltage regulator rectifiers 24 Symbol, construction and working principle of igh emiting iode(LED) 2.5 Working principle an block iagram of repulsed power supply Tait TH Sa Describe with sketches the 3.1” Unipolar and Bipolar devices Bipolar constriction and working of 32. Symbol, construction ané working principle oF NPN teansisoe. ‘Transistor a8 switch and ample. CE, CB and CC configurations NSBTE Fil Cop Ds SOTO GGIT Paes ora given varsistor configu Regions — Cut-off, saturation and 3e, Determine the curent gain of Active region the given transistor | 36 “Transistor parameters: apa, bets, configuration input and output resistance and 34. Explain with sketches the relation between apa and beta specie wansisior 3.7 Transistor biasing- DC Toad line, Q- parameter, poinc and Fix bias and vole Se, Explain with sketches the divider biasing conceptoFthespecified | 3.8 RC enupled amplifier. transistor biasing, Unit-V 4a, Explain with seiches the | 41 FET-Types FET and MOSFET Field Effect construction and working _| 42 Clasiieaion of FET. ‘Transistors principle ofthe given type of | 43 Symbol, consniction and working FET principle of N-channel and. 4, Determine the FET channel JFET, Drain and transfer parameters from the given charactersis of IFET | -FeTeharsteristic curve. | 44 JPET parameters DC and AC drain 4c. Deserbe the specified JFET | "resistance, Transconductance, peramenter amplification factor | 44d. Desenie the specified 45 Symbol, consiucton and working MOSFET paramenter panciple of MOSFET. Unit-V | Sa. Differentiate between the | 5.1 Working of sensors and wansducer® Sensorsand | giventype of sensor and | 5.2 Selection eriteria for wansducers Transducers | _tamsducer ‘Active and passive transducers Tait Tait Outcomes (U0) (in cognitive domain) “Topics and Sub-topice “b_Explain selection criteria of ‘transducer forthe given ‘pplication Se. Describe with sketches the ‘working of photodiode and | photo transistor as control Sevige forthe given application 58, Describe the steps 10 measure the temperature ofa given metal using the given transducer SA Inductive, capacitive, ressive pressure and Piezoelectric transducer 5.5 Photodiode and phototansistor transducers 56 Thermocouple and Proxiity ‘Nove To asta te COs and conypctenay, ave Tatad UOs reed tbe weaken to wchiere ‘he “Application Level’ of Bloom's ‘Cognive Domain Taxonany 9. SUGGESTED SPECIFICATION TABLE FOR QUESTION PAPER DESIGN Tait Tait Tie Teaching [Distribution of Theory Marks No. Hours | R C) A Tol Level_| Level | Level_| Marks T [ElesronieComponentsand | OF] 2 OF | 06 Signals TT Diodes and Tieir Applications | 10 | oa |_| 08 11a TI Bipolar Junction Transistor_—| 14 04 | 06 | 08 | 18 TV [Field Effet Transistor [0s] 0 [0306 'V_[ Sensors and Transducers | 08 | 03 | 04 | 06 [13] Total | 1s Tegendss R=Remember, U Trderstand. A~Appi and above (Bloons Revived axonomy) ‘Note: This speciation table provides general guidelines to exsist stent forthe leaning ad to teachers to teach and asesssudents with respect fo oteinment of UOs. The actual Aistritution of marks at diferent taxonomy level: (ef R. U and A) Yn the question paper me very from above table 10. _ SUGGESTED STUDENT ACTIVITIES (ther than the classroom and laboratory learing, following are the suggested student-elated co-curricular stiviies which can be undertakes to accelerate the attainment of the various futcomes inthis course: Prepare journals based on practical pecforted in laboratory Study of datasheet of electonic companerts, » & Prepare chans of symbols of Electronic components 4 Search information about Ratings end sfcificaions of Regulator, diode transistors, RO, function generator. NSBTE Fel Copy Br 30102007 Collect information of analog and digit! ICs and prepare chars ofthe sme, Collect information of passive tnsducersand prepa chats ofthe same «Prepare posters o illustrat the use af photoelectric sensors in remote controls ‘SUGGESTED SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES (ifany) As Bsn 1 same “These are sample strategies, which the teacher can use to accelerate the altinment of the ‘stows outcomes in his eourse 4 Massive open online courses (MOOCs) may be used to teach various topics/sub topics b, ‘L" in item No. 4 does not mean only the traditional lecture method, but different types of teaching methods an media that are to be employed to develop the outcomes, © About 15-20% of the toptes/sub-toples which is relatively simpler or descriptive in haure is 10 5e piven to the students for slfsireted learning and essess the evelopment of the COs through classroom presentations (see implementstion guideline for details) 4 Wink respect to item No.10, teachers need to ensure to reste opportunities and provisions for co-curricular acter Guide studenys) ia undertaking micro-projects, Guide students in preparing charts and display boards Guide studens in searching information regarding datasheets and electronic components ‘Show VideoiAnimation clippings for functioning of instruments Observe continuously and monitor the performance of students in lab 12, SUGGESTED MICRO-PROJECTS Only one microcproject is planned to be undertaken by 2 student assigned to hinvhe inthe beginning ofthe semester. She ought to submit it by the end of he semester ro develop the industry oriented COs. Each micro-roject should encompass two oF more COs which are in Fue. sn integration of PrOs, UOs and ADOs, The miero-poject could be industry application based, invemetbased, workshop-besed, laboratory-based or fck-based. Each student il have to maintain dated work dary consisting of ingviguel contsoution in the project work and give a seminar presentation of it bofore sutmistion, The tote) duration of the misro- project should not be les than 16 (sisten) sent engagement hours durina the course In the fist four semesters, me microsproject could be group-based. However. im higher Semesters. it should be individually undertaken to buildup the skill and confidence in every studeat to become problem solver 30 that s/he contbutes to the project ofthe industry A suggestive ist is given here. Similar micco-peojets could be added by the concerned faulty ‘Diode: Bud «circuit on general purpose PCB to clip posiive hal eycle at 15 v of ‘waveform wih input signal SVpp. and prepare the report >. Diode: Build ereuit on general purpose PCB to clamp a waveform at 3.0V using diode and passive components, © RET. Prepare cher on comparison of specifications of FETs using data sheets of at least thee FET. FET; Prepares char on FETs contains its symbol, advantages and applications © Rectifier: Build a half wave rectifier for 6V, SOOmA output cbrrent on general purpose PCB. (Rectifier: Build a fll wave bridge rectifier with capacitor fier output euent on general purpose PCB 8 BUT: Build a cicut 10 seh on and off me LED by using BIT as switching component 1, Photodiode: Build «circuit on breadboard ro tur the relay on snd off by using photo siode and prepare a report 4 Voltage Regulator: Build circuit of DC regulated power supply on general PCB for 9V and S00mA output, 5. S00, i Transistor as a switeh: Build / test transistor switek circuit on breadboardl Gener purpose PCB for various inpu: signal k. Use of sensors for driving relays output devices: Students will buildtest circuit on breadboordGeneral purfose PCB. Verify output of designed circuit by appling diferent inputs | Prepare display bourds consisting of electronic components: prenre clsplay boards! models’ chars! Posters to visualize the aypearance of electronic active and passive components 13, SUGGESTED LEARNING RESOURCES SNe] Title of Fook ation ~~ Pabiieat 1 Eleetronie Lora Wetinw HiT Eduestion, New Insrumentaion Delti.2010, ISBN: 978-0070702066 2 /Electronies Prneples | Malvino, Alber McGraw Hill Eduction, New Debi, Paul, David ISBN: 978.0070634248 3 /Riext book afAppiad | Sedka, &S ‘SCaand and Co. New Dell Electonics 2008,1SBN 978-8121927833 ‘A course in eevical | Sawhney, AK. Dhanpat ai & Company, New Dali and electronic 2014 edition, ISBN~ 978-8177001006 ‘measurements and ‘Mehia,V ‘Chand and Co. Ram Negar Nex] Elestranics Metta, Rohit | Delhi-110055, 11" Euiion 20d ISBN 9788121924504 SOPTWAREALEARNING WensrTES ips: lear sparktun comtuterilstransistors tps it edu/~cis/A cademic/ME2082/Treasistor¥20B ses pat tp facut cord ed/lotheriphysie225/Hlandoutsteansistors_handt pe bp “ssw etnologystudent comielee transis tm funy leaninguboutelecwonics comy/Arieles/N-chunnel-IPET Inu: eticalda com fet-orjoncion-fild-effect-ransistor syst mpl ea piaeune estranisstorile WESTER Cop SOOT Tan Tate ‘WSBTE Fal Capp TOOT Rprare brgemningin Comp Ca 1 Seine Pesan Ca Gu) Program Name ‘omputer Engineering Program Group 5 COURSE MAP (with sample COs, PrOs, UOs, ADOs and piss) Program Code: COCMARCWAP ‘This course map illustrates an overview ofthe low and linkages ofthe topics a various levels of outcomes (details in subsequent sections wo be attained by the student by the end of the Semester + Second Course, in all domaine of leaming in terms of the indusiry/employer identified competency epicted athe centre ofthis map. Course Course Code + Programming in °C 2226 1. RATIONALE, Diplom engineers (also called technologists) have to write programs to cater sith various IT soluions. In ade to develop a program to solve a given problem, they have to build logic ‘elon algritims and flow chars. This course s designed Keeping in view developing these sls, Besides ts use to write codes for lowe level programming such a developing operating ‘ystems, drivers, and compiles. °C’ has been widely used 8 & general-purpose language 0 fevelop basic applieations This course deals with fondamental syntactic information about ‘C that will help the students o apply the Basi conceps, program structure ané principles of ‘© programming paradigm to build given application, The course is basically designed to creates base to develop foundation skills of programming language cae, c= 2. COMPETENCY ‘The aim of this couse i$ to help the student to stan the following industry’ identified competency through various teaching learning expeiences: + Develop *C” programs to solve broad-based computer related problems 3. COURSE OLTCOMES (COs) “The theory, practical experiences and relevant sot skills associated with this course are to be ‘aught and implemented. so that the student demonstrates the following industry oriented (COs associated wit the above mentioned competency: Develop fouichan and algorithm to solve problems logically. Write simple °C programs using aitimeci expressions Develop C” programs using east seueture Develop ‘C’ programs using arrays and structures, Develops functions in C programs for modular programming approach Develop *C programs using pointers 4. TEACHING AND EXAMINATION SCHEME 2 rene nace —— Sens Figure 1 Course Map, a ra 6. _ SUGGESTED PRACTICALS/ EXERCISES [LS Was | [Wan | “The practcals inthis section are PrOs (ie. sub-components of the COs) 10 be developed snd oo 0 [sa] pas pw | | assessed in the student forthe attainment of the competency. (9): Under the theory PA, Out of 30 marks, 10 marks ore for micro-projectassessinent 9 Appr facilitate imegration of COs and the remeoining 20 marks 1s the average of 2 tests to he talen ‘during the semester forthe assessment ofthe UOs required for the attainment ofthe COS. Legends: L-Lecture: T~ Tutorial Teocher Guided Theory Proeice: P- Pracical C~ Cred ESE - End Semester Examination: BA - Progressive Assessment T Unit &. Practical Outcomes (PrOs) No. | pA | 8° Required | 1 Writecompileexecute simple © program: Davelopminmum |W 02 2 programs using Constants, Variables, artieticespresion. 2 | Write/compileexecute simple *C* program: Develop minimum | ‘WISBTE Final Copy Di 30,102017 Page orm w oe ‘MSBTE Final Copy De 30102017 Paset ots Ey cE : | ae Tae pra S Practical Oneomes (P05) wait Te = Pract Outcomes (POs) vat | ioe Reged 3 " [Se | egies 7 rors nS IS en pea, Nga (Find Fara re nag — omveen Pine wy a ‘re imple gran oan amps Faeabet 7) _ degrees to Centigrade degrees. | Vi oO ‘We simp post cate he wenand power Tae] TF yah oe resugl and tees & caeumisene of de ee, t 3 3 Deesion Making nd branching wag ieee sraetae a Soe Write program t i) Determine whether a piven year i ea Ui) Deseraine whether string ts palindrome Write program w: (1 Find the greatest of the thee aumbers ising cantons! operators _(i) Find if given character is vowel A suggestive list of PrCs is given in the above table, Mare such PrOs can be cued to ‘tian the COs and competency. All the above listed practical need to be perfuried ‘compulsory, so that te student reaches the “Applying Level” of Blaoms + “Cognitive Domain Taxonomy’ as generally required by the eesti 41 The ‘Process’ ond “Product” related sills associated wth each PrO are to be aacessed according 10 a suggestea sample given below Tsing site statement Wate propa io we Pac Performance Tadletors Weishtagein% {i Prt day of werk by taking number fom 1107 a Conecness of agortm Gi) Print student’ are by accepig percent mark. [oT Bebuaing ably 20 Using swith statement: Write programs io check weber the TO € Gulity of input and output opened messaging soa 0 teal isosceles, ultra, calene or ight angled tangle rain Looping: Wate program 0 We Taser to sample questions (Find sum of gis of given number. | = Submit report in tine |____Gi)_Generate mutipiction table up to 10 for aumbers 1105 Total 10 | Write a program to WT [ Oe (i) Find Fibonacei series forgiven number (iv). Write program to produce the following ouput ‘evap Develop a Progam (i Sor stot 10 numbers. Perfo sidon of 33 mati 12 Structure: Develop Popa i (i) Create race eld rary fold det of book vie seccsion mbt ofthe Bos ator an, pie of the ook ane a indctng wheter book i sd or not Fetch some sample ta and diply te same i) Develop andexeot Progra o Add Two Distances renin lonterncie Using tacts bs ‘Library Functions: Develop Program to demonstrate: (i) seo al Seng hanlngfncions {id Use ote Matematica fenton: Ci) Uae of few othr miscellaneous fnetions 18) Urer Defined Functions: Develops Progam ts {Crete fanetion ond GED of even number Cal his funtion ina program, ‘NSUTE Tan Cops De 30 10077 Tansee “The above PIOs also comprise of the following social skill'ntudes which are Affective Domain Outcomes (ADOs) that are best developed through the ‘aboratory(Tild based ‘experiences Fallow satety practices, Practice good housekeeping. Demonstrate working a 2 leader/a team membe: Maintain tools and equipment Follow ethical practices. ‘The ADOs are not specifi to any one P10, but are embedded in many Pr0s. Hence. the acquisition of the ADOs takes place gradually in te stdent when sihe undertakes a sercs of practical experiences over a period of time, Moccover, the level af achievement ofthe ADOs secording (0 Keathwohl's “Atfective Domain Tasonoms” should gradu below Valuing Level in 1 year + “Organising Lev!” in 2" year ‘Characterising Level in 3° year iy increase as panned 7. MAJOR EQUIPMENT/ INSTRUMENTS REQUIRED ‘The major equipment with broad specification mentioned here will usher ia uniforms in conduct of experiments a well salto procute equipment by authorities concerned. ‘NSOTE Fa Copy Dr TORT Tata omic Cong ow) 1 Stone = | Be. na Equipment Name with Broad Specifications a T | Computersnem ‘All (Ghny computer system with basic configuration) 2 C*Compi 8. _ UNDERPINNING THEORY COMPONENTS “hve following topis/subtopice is to be taught and assessed in order to develop UOs for achieving the COS to attain the identified competency: Tait ‘nit Outcomes (U5) Topies and Sub-topies (in cognitive domain) Tit=1 Ta, Write Pseudo program logis for | 1 Fundamentals oF algoribmse Program "tie given problem Notion ofan algorithm, Pseudo-code Logie 1b. [demifythe given symbols of | conventions like assignment Developm flow char. Satemenis and basie control ont te. Explain guidelines for prem stevctres Alowshart sith example 12 Algorithmic problems: Develop 1d, Create Nowschart to logically solve the given problem fundamental lgoriths to save simple problems sucha: ( solve Simple ameucexpesion i) find the retest of thee numbers i) | determine whether given numbers even ora (3) determine Whether a sven namber it prime 1.3 Flowehart: Flvichan, Symbols of flowchart, Guidlines fr preparing Flowesan bo 2a deny he given building 2 | Basies of |” lock of aC program General Stucture oF ¢"C" program c 2b, Wote simple "C" program using __ Header files, ‘main” function Program the given arimeticexpressions | 22 Data Concepts: Character st, fming 2c. Wrtea simple “C’ Program | tokens, Keywords, Identifiers, demonstrating the given data ‘Veriabies.Constat. datatypes. C type conversion operators, Arithmetic operates, 24, Wrte 10 Statements for the ‘Atthmetic expression, declaring sven dat ‘variables, and data type conversion, 23 Basie Input output: Input and ‘Ourput statements, using print) and scanf), character inpat output Statements, Inpuvoutput formating, Use of comments 3a, While aC" program using [51 Decision making and branching decision making stuctre for Relational and logical operators. Structure cwo-way branching osolve the | statement ifelse statement nested if s sven problem. tls, felse ladder’ The switch 3b, Write aC” program using statement TUSBTE Fea Copy DSO TOTF Pansat Igemig Cs is) 1 Sm Tit Thit Outcomes (UO) “Topics and Sub-topice ‘in cognitive domain) eaison mang structure Tor Coop Wile ‘ult-way branching to solve loon’ the given prcbiem For loop, Goto statement, Use of 3 Write aC" program wsing loop | break end continue statements statements s0ive the given iterative peoblem 434, Use related statements to alter ‘the program flow inthe given Toop. “a, Whe statements fo vead, wite JET Characenstcs ofan ray, One the given ary, Amerson and two dimension aeays 46, Manipulate he given aray of 42. Array deteaton an Initilication Structure | characters ard numbers 3. Array of characters, Operation on 4o, Use the structure for solving the [array | given protien 4 Character and String inpuvourput 44, Write asample program to 45 Introduction and Features of demonstrateuse of the given Structures, Declaration and ‘enumerated Jta type Initialization of Structures 6. Type def, Enumerated Data Type, using strictures in C Program Vai -v Function ‘Use the gives Library Tuneion, 5.1. Concept and need oF functions 5b, Develop relevant user defined 52 Liray functions: Math Fanetions, functions fr the given problem 1g handing functions, cher Se, Write Cea o pas he ‘miscellaneous fonctions, siven function parameters using 53. Writing User defined functions, scope call by vale” and “cll by of variables reference” approach [5.4 Parameter passing: call by value, call Sd, Write recursive function forthe | by reference. ven problan 55 Recursive functions Unite VI 6a: Use pointrstoaceass memory 61 Concepts of ponies declaring, Pointers locations wing pointer to solve italting. accessing, ‘he given problem, 162 Pointer arta, 6b, Use pointers for performing 3. Handling arrays using pointers the given arithmetic operation, 4 Handling fictions using pointers 6, Develop a program toccess | 65 Hanalingsructires using pointers clemen’s ofthe given aay sing points. {6 Develop a rogram to access clement of the given structure L____|_wingpoimers,_____..c_{| | _ _____ | ‘Note: To atin the COs and competency. above lated Us need 10 be wnderiaken fo achieve the “Application Lavel'of Bloom's Cogntive Doman Taxonomy =) [serra tm RT aa Hi ova WC temps oun 9. SUGGESTED SPECIFICATION TABLE FOR QUESTION PAPER DESIGN Tait Tait Tite "Teaching |_Distibutlon of Theory Marke No. Hours RT UY] A | Total | Level__Levet | Level | Marks 1 Program Logie Development eo | oe | oe T_|Besies oF C programming. (0612 [08 | of | 10 Control Sructures, [00s IV Arrays and Strvctures eS 'V| Functions a VI Poiners 06] mos | 12 Total as [6 |_| 0 Legends T=Remvniber. U=Undorstanal A= Apply and above (Bloons Revised taxonomy) ‘Note: Ths specticaion table provides general guidelines to astst student for ther learning ‘and 0 teachers t0 teach and assess students with respect fo attainment of UOs The actual dstrbution of marks at diferent taxonomy levels (of RU and A) inthe guestion paper maw ‘ary fram above rable 10. SUGGESTED STUDENT ACTIVITIES (Other dan the classroom and laboratory learning. following a the suggested stuenrelated co-curricular astivtes whieh can be undertaken (0 accelerate the atsinment of the various ‘Prepare journal of practcals 1 Undertake misto-projects 11, _ SUGGESTED SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES (if any) These are sampissrateaies, which the teacher esn use to accelerate the attainment of the ‘aious learning outcomes in this course: a Massive open online courses (MOOCS) may be used to teach various tpiesisub- topics 1h 'L"in item No. 4 does not meen only the waditional lecture method, but ciffeent |ypes of teachirg methods and media that ar 1o be employed to develop the outcomes © About 15-2086 of de ropleteub-opics which is relatively simpler Or deserptive in ruture is €© be ziven to the studens for selfllrected learning and assess the development of the COs through classroom presentations (See implementation _uideline fordetals) 4 With respect item No.10, teachers need to ensure to create opportunites and provisions for co-curricular activities. © Guide student) in undertaking mito-project F Demonstrate students thoroughly before they stat doing the pratce 42 Encourage stcests to refer different websies to have deeper understanding ofthe subject, 1h. Observe continously and monitor the performance of students in Lab, 12, SUGGESTED MICRO-PROJECTS Only one microcprojects planned to be undenaken by a student assigned to him/her in the beginning ofthe semester. She ought to submit it by the end ofthe semester to develop Indusiry oriented COs. Each micro-project should encompass two or more COs which ae i fat, an integration of PcOs. UOs and ADOs, The mieco-proect could be industry epplicaton based, inteme-based, workshop-based, laboratory-based or field-based. Each sent, have to maintain ded work diary consisting of individual contribution inthe project work and give a seminar presentation of x before submission. The total duration of the rit project should ot be less than 16 (sixteen) student engagement hours daring course in the first four semesters, the micro-projest could be group-based. However, in Higher semesters, it should be individually undertaken to buildup the skill end confidence in every student ro become problem solver so that she contributes 10 the projects ofthe indusiy A suggestive lst is given here. Similar micro-projeats could be added bythe concerned fact 2 Prepare sample mark sheet for 10 sudents. 1. Generate salary slips of employees in an organization Develop book isue system of bray Any other miero-prjecs suggested by sublect faculty on sma line (Use structure and other Features of °C to develop above listed applications) 13, SUGGESTED LEARNING RESOURCES =n T FS. Tite oF Book Author ion Programming Balgursany.E ‘MGeaw Ail Edueation. New Daly ipANS C ©2012 BN. 9781259004612 The C Programming Bria, W PHI Learning Private Lied, New Language Delhi 1990, ISBN’ 978-8120305950 Leute 'BPS Publications, New Dalhi 2016. - ISBNSTE-81S3351650 14. SOFTWARE/LEARNING WEBSITES. | hitpinpel 2c infcourses/106 16508514 bw w3schools com © wrwv.programia com/e-programming 4. Iip:/awwny codecademy. com/courss/gstting-sterted-2/01 © lnip./oon su edueouseselecerca-englneering-and-computr-steree!6-U87= rstical-programming-i-e-january-iap-2010! f.npupoken-tuorial or OTE Foal Coy Br 30 TOOT Fag T ars RSBTE Fl Copp De SOTO Tere FT Program Name: All Branches of Diploma in Engincering and Technology Program Code: CEICRICS/CH/PSICM/COMIFICWDE/ESENIEQUET/EN/IE/MUIEE/ EPIEUMISIICIAE JFGIMEIPGIPTIDCITNITC Semester: Second Course Title + Business Communication Using Computers Course Code : E300 1. RATIONALE Communication isthe key actor for smooth and efficient fonctioning of any industry oF business activity. Effective business communication is the lifeblood of any organization and is required (0 maintain quality and progress. The efficacy of business ‘communication skill ae essential for engineering professionals for instructing, guiding and motivating subordinates to achieve desired goals at work place. [tig very crucial for fan entrepreneur to Tun organization successfully by communicating effectively and silflly with employees, customers and investors. Thus this course has been designed. twenhance the skills t0‘Communicae effectively and skill) of workplace” 2, COMPETENCY ‘The aim of this course is to help the students t atain the following industy identified competency through various tezching learning experiences + Communicate effectively and skillfully at workplace. 3. COURSE OUTCOMES (COs) The theory, practical experiences and relevant soft skills associated with this course ae o be taught and implemented. so tht the student demonsrates the following industry avinted COs associated with the above-mentioned competency 2. Communicate effectively by avoiding barriers in various formal and informal Communica skilfully using non-verbal methods of communication Give presentations by using audio-viscal aids Write reports sing corect guidelines Compose e-mail and formal business eters 4. TEACHING AND EXAMINATION SCHEME L. rato all = a a a UC VER Nein Nis [Nn Mw Te spate te tet tel bebe 30 (=; For only practieal courses, the PA (1S marks) bas two components under practical marks ie, the assessment of practical has @ weightage of 60% (i..09 marks) and microprojet assessment has a weightage of 40% (2.06 marks), This i designed o facilitate attainment oF ‘COs holistically, as there sno theory ESE. Legends: L-Lecture: T= Tutorial Teacher Guided Theory Praetice: P= Practical: C— Cred ESE - End Semester Examination; PA» Progressive Assessment 5. COURSE MAP (with sample COs, POs, UOs, ADOS and topics) ‘This course map ilstates an overview ofthe Now and linkages ofthe topics a various levels ‘of outcomes (details in subsequent sections) to be attained by the student by the end of The course in all domains of learaing in terms of the industryfemployer identified competency epicted athe centre ofthis map. Figure 1 Course Map, SUGGESTED PRACTICALS ACTIVITIES / EXERCISES (Integrate the theory in the laboratory when conducting practical) The practical in this section ae PrOs (ie, sub-components of the COs) to be developed and assessed inthe student forthe attainment ofthe competency S Pret Onan 0 ‘an : ase an i ap oe mT rr ae ea mayan aE PTOI — nara : : Tape i Practical Outcomes (Px05) vate Nir UNDERPINNING THEORY COMPONENTS 1% required ‘The following topics/subtopics should be taught und assessed in order to develop UOs in ae oer Pov tur achat Cnn ee open 5) Mean the eras of bd langage oes wage ib —| 36 | sist pur nd na | | ta Tair Ourames (UO) Topi and Sabie Prep ion we ma Hoge ema aE [VE | (inconnive dema) Wiehe ingore nd idling of presen lls | Wag Skt Speaking [sft dested Progen Repo, Wo Tair=T fi Dae Te Ue diteren [1 Tavodaioa 7 | Organize a dehate an types af communication, 1e 2 Introduct importance of the | types of verbal | Cammunication- i Sao | es Soleo | ements imporance, B_| Summarize an industry report using techniques of summarizing. T Business communication ia the verbal Funetions. 5 {pniscinpha ite onaen ene fy Communi | geen stusion Sommuniao 12 Type ening and ‘T0_| Design PowerPoint presentation on any technical topic. i 2 ation [Ib. Identify the missing ‘a for the given importance) —Verbal [IT spa i ea pies Tec communes —————1 > —] Stone inte geo | SRR | (Ores) femal 12 Explain various non-verbal codes wih examples [7 —] — 2 ‘communication Infor, Vericl | Expl impo of persona peste aT Hp . rocos zl and Digan * [ecingtocogeteceg einer Ty? be ete peo cmt, sa Bagmen acest vias commen ate 2 Pamper ofsttve [15 [ rset ay tebe Sonminion ag a mney —[-1——2—| fer saton somomton i Pres al paper using IEEE am 4 oa z fia. eee 4 Barriers to ee in the given situation Physical, mechanical, woe Indcremy poy nd ase Toss {TA suggestive litt of practical LOs is given inthe above table, more such practical LOs fa be added 1 attain the COs ond competency. A judicial mix of minimum 12 oF more practical LOstutorals need 10 be performed, out of which, the pracicals marked as °*" fare conpulsor; so that the student reaches the ‘Precision Level” of Dave's "Psychomotor Domavs Taxonomy’ as generally requred by the industry. The size of batch for the practical should nor exceed more than 21 stedens strictly for the smazimam etainment of COs and PrOs. 1, Hence. the ‘Process’ and “Product” related sills associated with each LO of the laboratory workshopifield work are 10 be assessed according 10 0 suggested somple _ginen below 7. MAJOR EQUIPMENTS / INSTRUMENTS REQUIRED ‘The majoe equipment with broad specification mentioned here will usher in uniformity in conduct of experiments, 38 well 35 uid 0 procre equipment by authorities concemed, 5. Business communication Meaning, characterises and imgerancs Unit Describe the non- 2 Use elevant 2.7 Intodution to Nem Non- verbal communication facial Verbal communication reouired in the given expressions in| (Qteaning and situation. the given imporanee) 2b, Deserbe personal situation | 22. Body Language: appearance required in. 2e, Answer Aspects of body the given questions afer language: gestures, eye ‘communication listening to contac, posture fica situation. presentations. expressions, personal 2c, Deserbe the given appearance (dressing Facil expressions fan grooming) vowlics 23 Body language positive and negative : Eavipmen Naw ith rnd Speciation Be Body ante ‘ se Taipan —— Naser 3 Prt sr 2 (Smart Bourd with networking All skills given situation, ‘Se, Pasticipaze in ‘presentation, + ist At po.Frepwcssa pons doe" 32 Gouin i Wa "ean ge de | Spiga power it Assy poe alka he | _ pou ae Fue pons ir pete 3 Prsonng Tesh D Saipaetptoenatin [at Ricefisie "pee Tait Outcomes (05) “Topies and Sub-topies {in cognitive domain) | Writing Shils ‘Speaking St Te the given topic ‘computer | Voi da Drafithe given noise AF Readthe 41, Office dating Formats Office sing the relevant agenda ofthe |” and Guidelines. | Drafting format [sven meeting. 42, Formolating novices and “a, Draft the given lag Read he smemorands, ‘memorandum using the | repor ofthe 43, Preparation of agenda relevant format. ppven event and writing minctes of | de. Prepare agenda forthe |4h. Initiate ‘meetings, | aiven ype of mostings. | telephone calls | 44, Preparation of epons- | 444, Prepare minutes ofthe | forgiven progress repos, | grventype ofmectings. | situation ‘Resident rp, case 4 Propare reports of the 41, Answer study. aiven ype of official phone 45. Summarizing eventsepisodes! | callsforgiven | techniques, accidents ssuation Uni-V Sa Respond to given job) 37 Busines Business | advertisements by correspondence Correspon | swnting your CV 52 Enquity, order end dence | Resume complaint eters Sb, Draft busines eters in the given situations Se, Draft complaint leters 5.3 Enmails- ntiquetes. 54 Difference —Corrieulum ‘Vitus, Bio-daa nd forthe given situations Resume, 54. Compose E-mails with | 55. Job application and relevant fr the given fesume writing ‘Note: To ata the COs ond competency, obove lated Learving Ouicames (Us) need to Be tindertoken o achieve the ‘Application Level’ of Blooms’s ‘Cognitive Domain Taxonomy Theory related tapi should be covered during practical howrs using multimedia 9. SUGGESTED SPECIFICATION TABLE FOR INTERNAL END SEMISTER, EXAMINATION, Unie Unit Tie Distribution of practical Marks No R U) A | Tot Level Level_|_Level | Marks TT inwodtion vo Busnes 02 ‘2 | 1 | os Communication | Non-verbal Communication | oe TH Presentation Skills [ or] IV office Drang [a ‘oe [04 | ‘V_— [Business Correspondence [oe 0 _[ 04 t Total 10 Bs SWRTE-Fiai Copy Oona Tage se Commerc ng Cape conacate 200 Legends: R=Remember, U=Understand, AApply and above (Bloom's Revised taxonomy) Note: Ths speciation table provides general guidelines to asst student for ther learning ‘and fo teachers fo tench and assess students with respect to atlomment of POs and UOs. The ‘actual diseibution of marks a diferent taxonomy levels (of R, U and 4) inthe question paper ‘may vory from above table. 10. SUGGESTED GUIDELINES FOR ASSESSMENT TOOL TO CONDUCT INTERNAL END SEMETER EXAM (ESE). Weightage Weishtage (20 Maris) (15 Marks) Total a 8 “Axcexement hase on POs Oat practicals conducted during examination Semester, based on UOs ‘Based on computer and written | Topics (G5 Marks) sta. mentioned in ae (Minimum four questions each five | sllabus. marks) (Minimum five Duration: hours Sample questions: | Eg 1 Draft an email to The ‘questions each {0 marks tobe manager regarding the shortage of asked ) Faw material at produetion Eg. | Explain the Apartment. Importance of | Note-submit the printout of mail communication in professional lie (Computer based) Bg. IL Write job appli resume. (written ) ton with SUGGESTED STUDENT ACTIVITIES Diner than the classroom and laboratory learning, flowing are the suggested student-relaed co-curriilar etiviies which ean be undertaken to aecelerate the attainment of the varios bteomes inthis course 2. Collet good articles from newspapers and magazines and read them with corect ». Listen to Business news on TV and rao, «©, Watch videos of effective presentations on television and open leaming sources for presentation skills and body Tanguage 4. Undertake micro-projecs 11, SUGGESTED SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES (ifany) ‘These are sample stracepes, which the teacher can use to accelerate the atainment ofthe various outcomes inthis course: ‘2 Massive open online courses (MOOCS) may be used 10 teach various topesiub topics 2 b, Lin item No. 4 does not mean only the traditional ecure method, but dierent ‘ypes ofeaching methods and media that are to be employed to develop the outcomes, 1 About 15-20% of the topisibutopice which is tlatively simpler or derive in ature is to be given to the students for selfdirected learning and. assess the development oF the COs through classroom presentations (see implementation uldeline for detail) 4, With respect to item No 10, teachers need to ensure to create opportunities and provisions for co-curricular acts, Arrange various communication activities using functional grammer. ‘Show videotaniation films to develop listening skills and enhance vocsbulary ‘Use real lif situations lar explanation Prepare and give orl presentations. Guide micro-projects in groups us wel s individually SUGGESTED TITLES OF MICRO-PROJECTS Only one micro-project is planced to be undertaken by @ student that needs tobe assigned to himher inthe bepinning ofthe semester. She ought to submit by the end ofthe semesterto develop the industry oriented COX Fach miern-projectchenld enrompacs tuo or mace COs ‘which are it fact, an integration of CrAs, UOs and ADOs, ‘The mio-project could be Industry appiaton bused, interae-based, workshop-based, laboratory-based or feld-base, Each student will have to maintain dated work diary consisting of individual contribution in the project work and give a seminar presentation oft before submission. The total duration of the microproject shold not be less than 16 (sixteen) student engagement hours during la the fir four semesters, the micro-project could be group-based. However, in higher ‘semesters, it shouldbe individually undertaken to build up the skill and eoefidence in every student to become problem solver so that she contributes to the projects of the industry ‘suggestive list is given here. Similar mieto-pojects could be added by the concerned faculty: 1 Stuly the personal appearance and grooming of employees visling sales store, hopping mal i the vicinity Comparative study of Bio-data, Resume ané Curriculum vitae A tailed study of guidelines require for presentation skills, 4 Summarize technical content using English aewspaper, magazines or alin resources, «: Prepare a booklet on aspects of body language in pictorial form 1 A detailed study ofthe importance, of echnical paper of technica paper presentation Case study on the importance of Business communication in an organization Fh Repor on vatious formal7business activities. 1 Stugy’of oral presentation of famous business leader. 4} Detited study of business eiguetes observed in organization Summarize the business article with the help of English newspaperdnagazines end ‘other sourses 13, SUGGESTED LEARNING RESOURCES. = _ (S| Titte of Book ‘Author Publication 1 Eieaive Wishat Ria Tata McGraw Communication kills Si) Tier took Author Patan | Communication Sls Sanjay Kumar and] Cntord Vahey Pes L Paskp Lata 3) Feral Baws K Mii Development and Soft {_[suits ™ MM. SOFIWARE/LEARNING WERSITES 2. ps: brishcounel,ienglise online bhp /teamenalss eitishenunelorlenontnt hp takes com! 4 languageabeystem com rw nordsvothelt som srw ntesdes cot {ip tatorialspoint com 1 studyicctuences com 1 totaloramunicsor om 5 soe pening com ‘ISBTE Foal Copy Be SOOT PRT ae Pipers Program Name Program Code Semester Second Course Title ‘Computer Peripheral and Hardware Maintenance Course Code 2G 1. RATIONALE, Maintenance and troubleshooting of compute system and its peripherals is an important skill to upkeep the computer systems and peripherals. Diploma pass out must be able to use and risntan these system peripherals authentically, They must also possess basic skills of ‘assembling desktop computers, interfacing with percheral devices, installing new devices nd ‘amy out preventive and breakdown maintenance and troubleshooting, This course is ‘designed to develop these vital skills in them through Inb based activities to solve problems assozated with compater hardware 2. COMPETENCY “The aim of this course is to help the stdent to stain the following industry identified compsteney through various teaching leaning experinces ‘© Maintain computer hardware and peripherals. 3. COURSE OUTCOMES (COs) ‘The theory, practical experiences and relevant sot sills associated with this course ae to be taught and implemented, so thatthe student demonstests the following industry oriented (COs associated with he above mentioned competency Tdentity diferent types of computer systems “Troubleshoot common motherboard problems. Select processors required for relevant systems, Partion/Tormat hard disk dives, “Troubleshoot peripherals and networks, “est power supplies 4. TEACHING AND EXAMINATION SCHEME. tl» MS aera Ta | THM Msn Man | ln Wx | Mi | We | | Me | Mi eRe tee Te = = se ban Ta Pan Po a (6): For the practical only courses, the PA hos two components wnder practical marks Le. the fassesanen of practical (een in section 6) has a weightage of 60% (ie 30 marks) and micro- ‘projec! assessment (Geen in section 2) has a weightage of 4096 (Le.20-marks). Ths is tesigned ta failiate aioinment of COs holistealy, 35 there sno theory ESE Legend L-Lecture; T~ Tutorial Teacher Guided Theory Practice: P- Practical: C~-Credit ESE - End Semester Examination: PA - Progressive Assessment TISBTE Fil Copy Dr 3010077 Pa 5. COURSE MAP (with sample COs, PrOs, UOs, ADOs and topics) “This course map illustrates an overview of the flow and linkages of the topics at various levels oF outcomes (details in subsequent sections) o be attained by the stodent by the end of the ‘ours in all domains of leaning in terms of the indusiemployer identified competenes ‘epicted a the centre ofthis map, Figure 1 - Course Map 6. SUGGESTED PRACTICALS/ EXERCISES “The practcals inthis section are PeOs (je. sub-components ofthe COs) toe developed snd sssered in the student forthe attainment ofthe competency. Practical Outcomes (PrOs) Te an | SBP The ubove PxOs also comprise ofthe Flowing toil sillvattudes which ae AYTestive & Practical Outcomes (P03) tot | Es Domain Outcomes (ADOs) that are best developed tough the labortoryied based _ _ Required experience speaiations Follow safety pracies Be ype of lapiop an vei i Speiation | Practice good housekeeping 7 [alent iyharvarecompencns on motherboard F 3 _| Configure BIOS seins a “¥Paritionand manage hard dik Tormat hard drives with diferent IV] 2") fle systems. Pace) 'b_ Troubleshoot common problems of motherboard 5 | Partition and manage hard disk, format hard drives with diferent | IV] 2 fe systems. (Parl) ‘© Tnstull Operating System ~ Windows family uch as Windows 7 | IV] 2 indows 10,Windows serve 12) install Operating System Unix family uch as ino Ubuntu Cen) | “Troubleshoot Harddisk probes. Dw ‘9 a Install local printer ‘Software conTiguraion seting® on printer V | 2° and rubeshnoting | EShae Pamerin NeworkSofwarecooFiguation ewiagson—) | » & Demonsirate working a @ leader team member 4, Follow ethical practices ‘+ The ADOs are not specific to any one PrO, bu are embedded in many PrOs, Here, the ‘quisition of the ADOs takes place gradually in the student when sihe underiakes 2 Series of practical experiences over a period of time. Moreover, the level of achievement ofthe ADOs. according o Keathivhl's “Affective Domiin Taxenomy’ Should gradually increase as planned below Valuing Level in I" year + “Organising Level in 2" year + ‘Characterising Level’ in 3 year. 7. MAJOR EQUIPMENT) INSTRUMENTS REQUIRED ‘The major equipment with broad specification mentioned here will usher in uniformity in ‘conduct of experiments, aswell as aid to procure equipment by authorities concemed itr and ousleshooig) 1 Seikeyboard, mouse, monior, Speke, Mierophane wad UCD V2 . Tauipmost Name with Reon Specinenoas Exp So Projector | No. Tesal SMS, mere volage Teves in main eonnscios FSMPS |W) 2 TT Comput pin wil al necessary Conponenis We; moeeEOaT, a | various subsystems. | fandom access memory (RAM), read-only memory (ROM), Graphics assemble Ceskip Spe (Parc) z ards sound ears, internal had disk doves, DVD drive, network stem (Par) 3 Snvrice card | THE | Troubleshoot computer system By dignosing the prob 3 7 /LCOIDLP Prjemar Stade 15” Une diagnostic sofvare for fut finding and vines 2 Activ 16 | Undertake Preventive Mainteance of PC using vacuum cleaner 2 3 Mouse Mechanical, Optical. Opo-Mechanical 8 andsimple woos Tapio at t on = (3 let asad wires rouas wr Boar or anyother deviow z a (© [Dot Maris Pre, Laser Pinter Inkjet Panter 7 TTA sugges lit of PrOs & ghen in the above table, More such PrOs can be adied to 7 | Compues Ma nenanee kit all ‘iain the COs end competency All the above listed practice! need 10 be perfor [3 [Loni poe, lose pulse, cent tser i compulsorily. so that the student reaches the ‘Applying Level” of Blooms's Cognitive 9 | Digital_ voltmeter 9 Domain Taronony as generally required bythe nds “10” | Operating systems 507%, 4 The ‘Process” and ‘Product’ reluted skills associated with each PrO are to be assessed | Power Supoly_ — Al according 0 «sugested omple gen bela 12” Diagnostics SoBe 2 13 Vacuum Cleaeriiowse is SNe Performance Tndicators Weightage in % ‘Rowe There are no specications Jaed Jor the above Ted equipments devices Gad Uae oF propia tol osole the problem 10 instrament, Depending on te evenly onthe insite they can be ale forthe purpose Operate equisment tilly 30 Follow Safety measures 10 UNDERPINNING THEORY COMPONENTS Competed the cxerse Spalted ne 3 folowing tpiesisubtopcs ace to be taught and aesesed in oxder to develop UC for e anber oraes ee ioe Nesing te COs w tna the ened competeney: T_ Submitepor intime 1] eee ir TNISSTE Fal Copy De TORT Fags u Tapa or Tait Tait Outcomes UO) “Topies and Sub-topies Tair Tairourons TOT] “Topics and Subtopics |__ tin cognitive main) (incognitive oman) T— Ia Explain characterise ofthe] 17 Computers Desktop Computers, Tabec "Sa Deseribe fears ofthe) 51 Trovblevhoat VO devices” Reybowrd Features of | elven ype of eomputer LLapop, Mainfame, Supercomputer given 10 device 1° swwtehes, Mouse, Scaners, Webcam. ‘Computer| systems 1.2 Features description: Hedware 3b. Writ steps to roublshoot ‘Monitors, Pines, Speaker and Miks, Hardware 1b, Desoribe features ofthe components of Desktop Systems, the given peripheral device LCD Projector aiven desktop systems. Laptops, and Tables. Se. Explain se ofthe given | $2. 10 Cables: Specification of YO te, Describe features ofthe |13 Types of Servers, Server Festure cable CCabes, Types of HO cables, Types oF sven Tablet systems, descriptions and is applications. 4. Explain features of given {VO Pons, ntl and External ti, Describe features ofthe type of Inerice ‘modem, Block digram and sive server systems Se. Describe the procedure to specications, troubleshoot the given 53 Network Interface: Definition of Tait 11S Wen the given component [21 Motherboard: Commponenis, Layout, ‘nenwor problem network merce, Types of network Motherboa | of motherboard Comectons interface, roubleshooting of network od 4h. Describe features ofthe [2.2 Motherboards: Types and Features connectivity, Antivirus | given motherboard 23 Enhancing features of motherboard 4p Differentiate hardware based | Adding and or replacing components Ge Describe atures and ‘CT Porpose and Features oF SMPS, and software based problems. |2.4 Troubleshooting problems of @ working ofthe given MPS. | Working of SMPS ‘of mothetbosrs motherboard 6, Dascrbe features and 62 Fault finding in power supply 24. Desorbe the procedure ‘working ofthe given UPS. 63 Unineruped Power Surly ‘dent the given typeof 6, Differentiate the salient ‘Characteristics of UPS, Types of UPS motherboard problems. | features ofthe spesifed ype | online and offline ar UPS, | 64 Preventive Maintenance of Power Ta, Describe architecture of | Processor Common Features, Types oF 64, Describe the steps 0 Supply aiven ype of Multicore Processors, Base Structure of CPU, troubleshoot the ven pe of processors, | itteren evel or cae, system bus, SMPS sb. Explainthe purpose ofthe |__ lock speed, packaging Tate To ata the COs and competency, above Tated UO need to be underiolen to achieve given type of cosrocessors, 3.2 Multiple Core Processors: Description, se. Explain the level and porpose | Two core processor architecture and of cache memary multicore processor architecture 3d, Write the procedure to 133 Cospracessors: Graphics, Math, configure the given BIOS 3.4 BIOS: Base Inpat Output System | setung Services, Bios Interaction, éate nd time, Boot deviee prio, boot setting configuration, password security Unit IV $a Desenibe features ofthe Hard Disk | given type of harddisk ET Hard Disk Drive 42 Hard Disk Inerfices: EIDE, Serial interface ATA, SCSI, USB and IEEE 1394 4h Describe features ofthe GFrewire), RAID, Solid. State Drive given typeof disk structure. aptep) se Explain characteristics ofthe | 43 Disk structure : Heads, Tracks, Secor, aiven disk performance Cinders, Cluster, ‘Landing zone, parameter, | MBR, Zone bit recording 44. Write the procedure to 44 Disk performance paremeers arition the given HDD. ‘Characteristics Seeks and Latency, se Describe the given type of Data Transfer Rate filesystem, | 4. File system: FATI6, FAT32, NTFS, nix fle system, EXT2EXTS, RAID Se the “Application Level’ of Bloom's Cognitive Domain Taxonomy. 9. SUGGESTED SPECIFICATION TABLE FOR QUESTION PAPER DESIGN project should noc be less than 16 (sixteen) stadone engagement hours during the course. ln the fist four semesters, the micre-project could be group-based, However, in higher semesters, it shouldbe individually undertaken to buildup the skill and confidence in every student to become problem solver so tat she contributes to the projects ofthe industy. A suggestive ls is given hee, Similar misro-projects could be added bythe concerned faulty: 1 SMPS; List down the compovents avalable in SMPS, Measure eiflerent output voltages from SMPS, b. Computer motherboard: Prepare brief report by identifying different clectonics ‘components ina given motherdcard. Classify them in passive and active components © Microprocessor: Prepare ¢ small report of different microprocessors being used in industry (Any Four) by doing market survey. 4. Computer Specifications: Preare a small port on major specification of diterent ‘yes of computer systems availble in your lab, Peripheral Specifications: Prepare a smal: report based on technological diferences nd instalation procedure of printers and scanners, Network Layout: Prepare a suall repo by doing survey of computer labs. List various networking devies!components with ts application 13. SUGGESTED LEARNING RESOURCES iy le of Boole Author Publication [1 The computer hardware Tames: KL” PHT Learning, New Delhi, 201 | estliton teri ISBN 978-81-203-4798.4 twoubleshooting and msintenance [2 Comdex: Hardware and Capia, Vas Dreamiech Pres, New Dalby [Networking Course Kit | ISBN: 978.95-5119-265-7 "3 The Complete PC Upgrade And Minas, Wark [PB Publication, New Delhi [maintenance Guide |ISBN:978-81-265.0627-9 17 Computer Architecture and Kadam, Ssahin | Shroff Publication, Mumbai Mainteranee Volt ISBN: 9789350230244 14. SOFTWARE/LEARNING WEBSITES hupiwwv-howstutFworks com! bupww getlearntieeorg/eomputerbasies/kceping-your-computerslean/t/ hepsi youtube com/atehy=diaxOU YallU hcp/ww instrctables comid!Computer-Assemly/ TISSTE Fil Copp Di SOOT age Ta WSBTE Fl Copy B30 TOOT Tapas w Program Name : Computer Engineering Program Group Program Code: COICMIIFICW ‘Semester 2 Second ‘Course Title Web Page Designing With HTML ‘Course Code 1. RATIONALE Wiebste design is a broad term that encompasses a wide variety of tasks, al involved in the formation of web pages. There are essentially two types of web design approaches, which are ‘dynamic and stale design. Stuic web design is typically based on basic HTML code. I is ‘essential for diploma student to leam HTML since the task of static website design is Performed by using HTML coding. Even in dynamic websites, the task of presentation of ‘Content is handled through) HML coding, This course introduce web page design using HTMLS and also give emphasis on learning Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) which i style sheet language used for deserbing the presestation of a document written in a markup language for formatting and sting of content. This leaming enables students to design static wwe ies ant host om Internet Inrent. 2. COMPETENCY ‘The aim of this course isto help the student to atain the following industry identified “competency though various teaching learning experiences: ‘+ Develop static interactive web-s 3. COURSE OUTCOMES (COs) “The theory, practical experiences and relevant soft skills sociated with his course are tobe taught snd snplemenied. so thatthe stadent demonsrates the following industry oriented (COs associated with the above mentioned competency: ‘Use look love formating ags fo present content on web page Use rex level formating tags to present content on eb page. spply hyperlinking on wc page (Organize the content using table end ames, Apply presentation schemes on content using CSS. Publish websites on Invamet o Intranet 4. TEACHING AND EXAMINATION SCHEME (eer ] ‘Examination Scheme i Creat The Pawar bepress eT Ta | Wr sip ox Min MaMa Mn Wn [Ms | in Me | Tee ell lel = [= [oe] ol | [io] designed to facilitate attainment of COs holistically, as there is no theory ESE. “ TNIBTE Fra Coy Be SOTO Paseo Legends: L-Lecture; T ~ Tuorial/Teocher Guided Theory Practice: P + Practical: C ~ (Credit ESE - End Semester Examination, PA - Progressive Assessment S__ COURSE MAP (with sample COs, P:Os, UOs, ADOs and opis) “This course mapilustates an overview ofthe low and linkages ofthe topics 2 various levels ‘of outcomes (details in subsequent sections to be atigned by the student by the end ofthe ‘ours, in all domains of learning in terms of the indstylemplayer identified competsncy epicted athe cenre ofthis map. Cees 7SaEy ee) Figure 1= Course Map 6. _ SUGGESTED PRACTICALS! EXERCISES “The practcals inthis section are PrOs (ie, sub-components of the COs) ta be developed and assessed in the stent forthe aainment of the competency al Outcomes (PrOs) Unit | Approw Pr No. | Hes. wa Ss RATE Fas gy TO Reta Requind Greate web page sing Sucre age to diplay imple message, I 02 2 | Greate a web paye for displaying a paragraph asin Block level |, | pe tags, HR tags (Pare), 3 Greta webpage fo dling spurapaph wing Woke || gy HR tags (Patt, : Ty Cees Web Page ving Tew tea ga and Spcal Caen —| | 02 5 Create a web pag for implementing diferent types of Lists. TO (© Create a web pag to ink- fs) A dierent web page of sane site b) A diferent ioeation on the same web page my} @ .©)_A specific location on different web paze of same site 7 [iy Create a web page to link 4a) An external page of diferen web sc . ) Ton email ID cn iy Write aps to change coors of Finks (3 Insert images os web pase using various awibures_ pare ‘9 "Implement image asa button and set image as backaround M_| 02 (CID Create a webpage to implement Frame tes iv | 0 TT Greate a web page to implement Table tags wo [12 Create a web page for demonstration of CSS By applying Iniemal | VJ 02] sie TE” Create a web page for demonsvation of CSS by applying Exemal | V2 styl. (Createa web page Tor demonstaton OF CSS by applying ating —V) 02 syle (C15 lnstal'a web gener and publish «website on Intranet. v9 TS Puslish a website on Internet by acquiring space on fee hosting VI 02 site L | tat Te} Nate A suggestive list of PrOs is given inthe above rable. More such PrOs can be add 10 ltuan the COs and competeney, A judicial mix of pracical need tobe performed. out of ‘which, the practcals marked as '*’ are compulsory, s0 that the student reaches the “Applying Level’ of Blooms's Cognitive Domain Taxonomy’ as generally required by the nds i The ‘Process’ ana Product’ relted skills associoted with each PrO are to be assessed cording 0 a suggested sample gwen below. SNe Performance Indicators Weightage in. 3 Dabunging abil 20. 1b Quality oF ostpat achieved (Produ —— — co Complete te practicl in stipulated time 1 (Answer to sample questions 20 ‘= Submitrepor in time | Tota “The above P1Os also comprise of the following socal skillslattiudes which are AMfestive Donisin Outcomes (ADOS) that are best developed chvough the laborstery/field bused experiences ‘4 Follow safety practices > Practice good housckeeping © Demonstrate working us aleaderfs team merber Follow ethical practices. ‘The ADOs are not specific to any one PrO, but are embedded in many PrOs, Hence. che acquisition of the ADOs takes place gradually inthe student when she undertakes a sercs of pratial experiences over a period of time. Moreover, the level of achievement of the ADOs sccording to Krathwohl's"Affective Domain Taxonomy” should gradually increase as planned bev ‘Valuing Level ia year + Organising Level in 2" year + -Charactensing Leven 3° year, 7. MAJOR EQUIPMENT INSTRUMENTS REQUIRED ‘The major equipment with broad specification mentioned here will usher in unify in ‘conduct of experiments, a well a id fo procure equipment by authorities eoncemed. fa ‘Equipment Name vith Broad Specifications Bes | [OT paar Wa text et and bowser | [2 Sannee Ad size, soponing sage 7 “Computer system with intemet connection 2 = Web server. i 8. _ UNDERPINNING THEORY COMPONENTS The following topiessubtopis are 10 be taught ard assessed in order to develop UOS for achieving the COS to aan the idented competency Unit Unit Outcomes (UO) “Topics wad Subtopics {in cogritive domain) | Unit—1 Ta Differentiate characteristics oF | 11 Fundamentals af World Wale Basis of | the given typeof web sits, Webs): Informition about Web [HTML 1b, Describe structure ofthe piven | Browsers, Web Servers and types of HTML page sites. Static vs, dynamic web sts le Explain use oF head tag and body tag in the given web ove 1d, Describe the procedure of using the given bloc level tag fon web page Web page structure: DOCTYPS, head, body, vile and other mete tags | vith stribites 1.2 Block Level Tags And Horizontal Rules: Headings. Paragrophs, Bros, Divisiors, Centered Text. Block ‘Quotes, Prermated eX pes oF Adress, HR tag Describe wse oF the given special characters in creat BA Text Level Fag And Special Characters: Bold, Hale. Teletype ‘WSBTE Fat Copy B30 TOOT Pada e NSBTE Foal Com OY TORT Panett Hr Ti Tair Outcomes (U0) | ___Foples and Sub-opes | incngntve domi Tea Web Page, Tri Ja: Devorbe fesure ofthe given 3.7 URL And Anchor Tag:URL - Types | URL And typeof URL. of URLS, Absolute URLs, Relate Images 3b, Describe the given image URLs, pros and cons of relative and szumbute on avveb page. absolute URLS, Anchor Tag: Linking 3e. Explain process of using the various. documents for internal and given colorsienages as page __ externa ink, background cia Web Page, 3.2 Images, Colors And Backgrounds: 534, Desenbe the procedure for Inserting, Images, formatting image creating the given type of for sizing, alignment. Border and hyperlinking using other aceibutes with TMG tag Cait] web page Frames | 4b, Use the given table tribute to change defaut ble serting 4c, Deserbe the ven ype of ‘ame’ with examples 44, Describe the rocedure to organize display as per given | sree layout using frames, Sole ‘web page ae page, “NSGTE Foal Copy TODO Page? ‘SGTE Fon Copp Br 0103017 ‘Fags and_| 25. Use relevant agto display the | Subscript» DIV tas. dpiaying, ust" given spec character | 2. Explanuectthe given ype | 222 Tiss: Ordered List, Unotdere of list in Web Pages. | 24. Describe the procedure of sing the give ext level ngs increatinga Web Pate Explain the given able atibutes to ergaize data on a Deserbe CSS code forthe 8 Cascading | giventype offormating ona | types of Syle Shens, Benefits of sheets | Sb, Describe ce given style sheer | document Linking 10 ste sheets, properties. Embedding stylesheets, Using inline Se, Explain the given propery of | style Selectors: CLASS rules, 1D css. ‘ules 56, Describe the srocedure to 82 Style sheet properties: Font. text cereale CSS ferapplying he | Box, color and background properties; 4iven presentation scheme on | Creating and Using a simple external Underline, Siaeinrough, Sapeon special characters. Lists, Definition Liss, Nested Lists Inserting image as page background. Creating solid" color page background “Z1 Table: Table ap with atribates, ‘TABLE, TR, TH, TD tags. Border, cal spacing, cell padding. width, align, bgcolor attributes. 42 Frames Types of Frames wih their suibtes, Creating trames! FRAMESET tag—rows els ssenbutes, Case og Sige Sheets Diflerent using CSS. Adging sie tothe CSS file; Using the interal and inline sheet using table yout. Unit Unit Outcomes (UO) Topies and Sub-topies in cognitive domain) | T TaievT | 6a Describe the procedure to | sl Website Hosting? Website | configure a webserver. Concept of Intemet and Intranet, Hosting | 6b. Differentiate hosting Publishing website on lnranet requirement on Internet and Tsing and configoring web sewer, inaanet ‘uploading files on intranet sit, access | 6. Describe the procedure for intranet based websites Publishing hosting the ven website ‘website ste on Itemet,hiting Web 64, Explain process ofuploading | Space uploading ies using FTF the gives files on 2 website ‘Viral Hosting, access internet Based website ‘Note To atiain The COs and competency, above listed UOs need to be wideraln To acTieve the “Application Level of Bloons Cognitive Domain Texonomy 8. 10. SUGGESTED SPECIFICATION TABLE FOR QUESTION PAPER DESIGN = Not Applicable- SUGGESTED STUDENT ACTIVITIES (Other an the classroom and laboratory learning, following are the suggested studentelated co-curricular et 8 which ean be undertaken to accelerate the attainment of the various bvtcomes in this sours: 5 Prepare journals based on practical performed in laboratory. Browse and Observe features of different types of website Identity diferent host servers for hosting static website SUGGESTED SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES (if any) ‘These are sample strategies, which the teacher can use o accelerate he ataiment oF the ‘various learn outcomes inthis course b. ‘Massive open online courses (MOOCs) may be used 10 teach various topicsisud topics “L" in item No. 4 does not mean orly the traditional lecture method, but different types of teaching methods and media that are to be employed to develop the outcomes About 15-20% of the toplessubopics which s relatively simpler ot desriptive in nature is to be given to the students for selfatirected learning and assess the evelopment of the COs through classroom presentations (see implementation {uldeline for deals ‘With respect to item No.0, teachers need w ensure (9 create opportunities and provisions for co-curricular activites ‘Guide students) in undertaking micro-projects, DDemonsrate students thoroughly before they stare doing the practice. Encourage students to refer diferent websites to have deeper understanding of the subject. ‘Observe continuously and monitor the performance of students in Lab “The practical exercises as listed in point no, 6 above may be undertaken keeping in mind to develop a sample web site as final output Some sermple topis/domains are suggested belo 2 SUGGESTED MICRO-PROJECTS ‘Only one micro-project is planned to be undertaken by @stdent assigned to hime inthe beginning ofthe semester. S/he ought fo submit it by the end of the semester to develop the industry oriented COs. Each micro-project shoulé encompass two oF mare COs which sein fact an integration of 10s, UOs and ADOs, The misro-project could be industry application based, intemetbased, workshop-based, Inboraory-based oF fel-based. Each student will iain dated work diary consisting of individual contribution in the projet werk ion of it before submission. The total duration of the micro have to ms and give a seminar presents project should not be less than 16 (sixteen) suet engagement hours during the couse. Inthe {ist four semesters, the micro-project could be group-based. However, in higher Senvesters, it should be intvidually undertaken fo ullé up the skill and confidence in every student io become problem solver so that s/he contributes to the projects ofthe industry. Suggestive ist is given here. Sila micro-projects could be added bythe concerned faculty Create sample website wih minimum ten web pages Containing ext, mages, coors & background, frames, bls, an CSS ith suitabe ype inking Website or Unversites or Colleges Web ste oc book stops, rocery soe others, Web sit for any Vehele Showroom, ‘Website For Hospital faites ‘Web site for Travel and Tourism Ager Web ste related to any Sports (EX Cricket, Tet ‘Any other sugested tpi by subject eacher, nis.) 1 SUGGESTED LEARNING RESOURCES 3 Tikoroa | _ nator rate _*| Tad STRIC=— Fonel aS Fae 2 Metimeerstee Thon | Batya san roo 2 Tesh We begs Wasbas O'R. tae DOO [Sas Bars Teg aga RTH —SAnS —— oS an EGieinseiau Deis ome r = Hint eT ad — Baha sae Mass hen New or &s SOU UN Ise TNL SEE ——" prea — ret te, ow Soacandeatin) |wnigs™_|N shoatoas 14, SOFTWARE/LEARNING WEBSITES hp/ww. 9 3schools com btm nape: tml net inp. 2ereateawebsite com hnpwebdesign about com ‘WSTE Fin Copy Be 30 10007 Paseo

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