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In order to hunt it within easy reach.

A bushman disguises himself as an ostrich by

wearing its skin, proceeds towards the heard of ostrich by wearing and kill any of
them with bow or arrow. Similarly the Red Indians of California wear the skin of
deer and then pretend to graze. Then the games were killed with bow and arrow
or spear.

The Hagharis of West Bengal imitating their cry attract the jackals towards
them and killed them at sight with bow and arrow.

4) The spear falling method: This method is found to be to a wooden log is

suspended from a branch of a tree by means of a rope over the elephant track.
The rope is placed over the ground in such a manner that as soon as the animal
displaces it the spear head falls on the shoulder of it and gets killed. The Longos of
East Africa practice this method.

5) By floating harpoon method: The Shilluks of upper Nile kill the hippopotamus
by this method. The harpoon is a spear with a barbed and detachable iron head.
The harpoon is fastened with a rope to which a float is attached. As soon as
hippopotamus is found in sea water, a man plying on boat hurls his harpoon on it.
The float indicates the movement of the hippopotamus. Another man standing at
the bank with another rope fastened to the float drags the animal towards the
bank and kills it with a spear.

6) The animal such as the elephant and dogs are employed. The elephants are
engaged to ride on in hunting expedition and the dogs are engaged to spot out
the game and drive out towards the hunter.

7) By setting fire to the jungles: The games are sometimes brought out of the
jungles for hunt by setting fire to it. The Red Indians of California sometimes take
the aid of fire for deer hunting.

8) By traps: Traps of various kinds are used to kill animals and birds. They are
made of bamboo, wood and net. Traps may be either baited or unbaited. The
Khasis use bamboo spear traps for catching birds. The Garos, the Rabhas, the
Karbi, the Kachari kill deer and wild pigs by means of traps. For this sort of hunting
spear is essential and a group of persons is necessary to make a successful hunt.
9) By poison: Sometimes poison is also used to kill animals. The point of arrow or
spear is poisoned or the bait is poisoned.

b) Fishing

Although to some it is a hobby or sport, fishing is one of the means of procuring

food adopted both in the prehistoric and in the modern period. Hunting and
fishing are almost similar activities. Many people hunt as well as fish. In most arts
of the modern world fishing and hunting are carried on in conjunction with
agriculture. Now much stress has been given on pisciculture by the Governments.

Although many people live near the sea shore, lakes and rivers and employ
themselves in fishing, they do not depend on fish for their livelihood. They sell or
exchange fish with other commodities from other communities required for their
living. For some fish is only item of food during a specific period of the year.foe
remaining period they use other items of food. Some Red Indians live near the sea
shore foe a period during the year and use fish as their staple food. For the
remaining period they shift to a place off the shore and live by hunting. In India
also fish is used by many people as a main item of food. In some places of Gilbert,
Micronesia and Marshal Island fish is used as their main item of food to maintain
themselves as agriculture is not possible there. In the West Coast of Canada the
Haida use fish as their staple food. The Polynesians are very much fond of crabs
and salty shell fish and consume regularly.

Since the upper Paleolithic period various devices seem to have invented to
catch fish. The bone harpoon and fish hooks are remnants of the fishing devices
of the Medaliene people of upper Paleolithic who were probably fishermen out
and out.

Boats or canoes that are necessary for fishing are not known to have
existed before the post glacial period around the Baltic Sea in Europe. The Eskimo,
the Haida and the Chumash use complicated boats. The Eskimo use the boat

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