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Project PALM

Subject: General Physics 1

Competency: resolving vectors

MELC Code:

Script Writer/ Podcaster: MARK JOHN G. VEGA


A flamboyant day to everyone! May your attention be focused as you listen to an interesting
podcast learning from your teacher Mr. MARK JOHN G. VEGA of WESTERN CAGAYAN

Get ready as you go on with another challenging world of Physics! Be an Einstein of this


Just as white light consists of colored rays, so reverence for life, contains all the components
of ethics: love, kindliness, sympathy, emphathy, peacefulness and power to forgive.”- Albert

In this moment, we learn how to determine the magnitude of the components of a vector
directed in two dimensions which is known as a vector resolution. We will also learn how to find
the resultant vector using component method.


Here is another example, as the 60-Newton tension force acts upward and rightward on the
dog at an angle of 40 degrees, the components of this force can be determined using
trigonometric functions.
On the other hand, if x and y components are given, we can find the magnitude and direction
of a vector using Pythagorean Theorem and trigonometric functions, as we discussed in the
previous module. Here is an example.

Rx= 3N and Ry= 5N. Using the Pythagorean theorem

R2= Rx2 + Ry2

The magnitude of R will be 5.83N, its direction is tan ∅=opp /adj = Ry/Rx

∅=¿Arctan theta 5/3

∅=59 ° N of E

THEREFORE, R= 5N, 59 ° N of E



Congratulations kids! You all did a great job. And what is anti derivatives again?
Antiderivatives is the reverse of Chain rule.


Wow! It seems everyone is enjoying. Good job intelligent learners. You can now share your
learnings about antiderivatives to your fellow learners. Don’t forget to like and share this podcast
episode and feel free to message me in my messenger account Ra Dian. It is my pleasure to be
with you again for my upcoming episodes. Thank you and good day to everyone.

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