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Hum101-Midterms-Chapter 4 (Sculpture)

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1. 2 Major 1. Additive 15. Egyptian Sculptures are idealized sculpture of the

Sculpture 2. Subtractive Sculpture gods; Frontal in Pose; Inverted Triangle
Techniques 16. Gothic Remarkable sculptures were produced in
2. 2 Principal 1. Revival of the Classical Forms originally Sculpture France, Germany and Italy; Made in
Components developed by the Ancient Greeks and conjunction with Church architecture (e.g.
of Romans Sculptures from Chartres Cathedral)
Renaissance 2. Intensified concern with Secular Life 17. Mesopotanian Carved small marble deities with wide,
Sculpture (e.g. Gattemalata by Donatello)
staring eyes.
3. 3 Types of 1. Pictorial 18. Molding Process of building up of form where a soft
Sculpture 2. Sculpturesque
material could be easily shaped, bent, or
according to 3. Built-up
twisted o enable rapid execution of the
4. 5th and 6th Naturalism was attained and images were well 19. Negotiated It comes from the both the Maker and the
Century B.C proportioned; Faces were Immobile; Gods and
Meaning Viewer
Greek Athletes are favorite subjects
Sculpture 20. Neoclassical Inspired by the excavated figurines and
sculptures in Archaeological sites of Greek
5. 7th and 1st Almost perfected depiction of the Human
and Roman colony; Revived the Greek and
Century B.C Form; Monumental Scale
Roman sculptures in purest form. (e.g. The
Babes in the Wood by Thomas Crawford)
21. Oppositional Meaning derived from the viewer's
6. 20th Century Revolution in Sculptural Techniques and
Meaning perspective opposite the maker's meaning
Sculptures Methodologies; Parallel to the changes in
Painting (e.g. Cubism, Futurism, Dadaism, 22. Other 1.Stone
Surrealism, Constructionism,, etc.) (e.g.Siamese Materials Used 2.Wood
Metal by Richard Deacon) in Sculpture 3. Plastic
4. Clay
7. Additive The Hands of the artist would work on a soft
5. Terracotta
Process material which are shaped into the desired
image by simply adding or shaping the 23. Pictorial Emphasis of the sculptor is on the Details of
material the Design (e.g. The Barberini Suppliant)

8. Assemblage Originated from the collage of Piccaso and 24. Pieta Created by Michaelangelo; Famous example
Baroque artists where 3-D Paintings are made of a Built-up Sculpture
out of assembling pieces of Different Materials 25. Roman Realistic Portraiture; Avid Collectors of Greek
(e.g. Donald Limpski's) Sculptures
9. Baroque Sculptures roughly spanning the 17th 26. Romanticism Major movement in the 19th Century when
Century; Characterized by Dynamic Intensity sculptors freed themselves from past
and Emphasis n Movement and Emotion (e.g. models; Based on Imagination and Appealed
Ecstasy of St. Theresa by Gian Lorenzo to the Emotions of the Audience. (e.g.
Bernini) Departure of Volunteers by Francois Rude)
10. Buit-up Emphasis of the sculptor is both the Details of 27. Sculpere Means "to carve" (Latin)
the Design and the Material
28. Sculpture Art of carving or molding which also includes
11. Carving Dates backs from prehistoric times; Craftsman the process of cutting or hewing wood, stone,
cuts away undesired portion of the material metal to make a desired 3-D Representation
12. Casting Process that seeks to produce an exact replica of the Subject
of a sculpture 29. Sculpturesque Emphasis of the sculptor is on the Material
13. Dominant The meaning the maker wants to convey (strength, solidity, durability, etc,) (e.g. La
Hemogonic Grande Vitesse (1969))
Meaning 30. Subtractive Unwanted or Unnecessary portion of the
14. Early Sculptures dating back from 4th Century Process material are chipped off using a chisel and
Christian centers on the representation o the hammer for the desired image to come out.
Sculpture Characters of the Bible
31. Three Types of Meaning of Sculptures 1. Dominant Hemogonic Meaning
2. Oppositional Meaning
3. Negotiated Meaning
32. Two Preferred Materials in Sculpture 1.Marble
33. Two Stages of Casting 1. Forming a Negative Mold or Impression
2. A Positive Cast or a Reproduction is made out of the Mold

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