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Note: The set of guidelines related to creating a Weekly Home Learning Plan and an Individual
Monitoring Plan discussed below are from the DepEd Memorandum DM-CI-2020-00162 issued on 21


1) DepEd Order 42, s. 2016 (Policy Guidelines on Daily Lesson Preparation for the K to 12 Basic
Education Program) provides the legal basis of lesson plan preparation for the basic education. It
indicates the necessity of lesson planning as a “critical part of the teaching and learning process”
(p.3) which serves as a guide for instruction and contains details of what a teacher and learners
will do in order to meet the required learning competencies. Further, the same Order explains
how the lesson plan should answer the following questions: (a) What should be taught?; (b) How
should it be taught?; and, (c) How should learning be assessed?

2) Given the new context for learning and the unique procedures in every modality, the Weekly
Home Learning Plan shall be developed following these procedures:
a) Refer to the Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs) in different subject areas.
b) Gather the self-learning modules and other learning materials needed for the self-paced
learning mode. i.e., Distance Learning and Blended Learning Modalities.
c) Using the SLMs as reference, accomplish the Weekly Learning Plan by taking into
consideration the learning competencies, key concepts/essential understandings, and the
learning tasks/formative assessments needed to track learner’s progress in relation to the
attainment of content standards.
d) Subject area teachers must collaborate to come up with a set of Weekly Home Learning Plans
for one entire quarter/grading period by integrating all subjects in one learning plan.
e) When preparing the Weekly Home Learning Plan, teachers should be guided with a long-term
vision of what they want their learners to master and achieve in terms of content and
competencies at the end of the school year. Hence, they may start with an end in mind using
a backward design.
f) Teachers are advised to adopt strategies that respect the unique contexts and diversity of
learners in terms of their readiness, learning interest, and learning profile. Differentiated
instruction may be manifested by giving respectful activities – interesting, engaging,
challenging, through on-level tasks, above-level tasks, and below-level tasks to various groups
of learners. This allows routes of access at varying levels so that every learner is appropriately
challenged and comes away with pivotal skills and understanding.
g) In plotting the learning tasks, teachers should strike a balance between academic rigor and
socio-emotional aspect of learning. Since the completion of learning tasks are done primarily
at home, learners should be given the opportunity and flexibility to manage their own learning
without sacrificing time-bound attainment of learning competencies.
3) The Weekly Home Learning Plan shall consist of the following parts:
a) Learning Area are the subjects prescribed to be taken by learners in a particular grade level
or key stage.
b) Learning Tasks are formative learning opportunities created for learners to enhance their
understanding of the content, which prompt them to engage intensively in the subject matter.
c) Learning Competencies refer to the knowledge, understanding, skills, and attitudes that
learners need to demonstrate in every lesson and/or learning activity (DO 8, s. 2015 Policy
Guidelines on Classroom Assessment for the K to 12 Basic Education Program)
d) Mode of Delivery refers to the method of submission of learning outputs to include written
work, products, and performances, preferred by the learner/parent based on their
context/situation, e.g., online submission through email or LMS posting, personal submission
by the parent to the teacher in school, etc.

4) The Weekly Home Learning Plan shall be communicated through the parents for their reference
and guidance. Copies of the plans for the entire first quarter may be distributed to parents during
the first Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) meeting before the start of the school year. They shall
be given comprehensive and clear orientation by the school about the contents, purpose, and use
of the learning plan by their children. Hence, it is highly encouraged that teachers shall have
prepared the Weekly Home Learning Plans for the first quarter prior to the opening of classes.
The Weekly Home Learning Plans for the succeeding quarters may be distributed in time for the
quarterly homeroom meeting. The same process shall be followed in terms of orientation about
its contents, purpose, and use.

5) The Weekly Home Learning Plan shall aid teachers and parents in keeping track of the day-to-day
in-school and off-school general learning processes as they implement the most suitable and
feasible alternative learning modality based on the context of their school. It creates awareness
among learners that they are responsible for what they learn.

6) The Weekly Home Learning Plan shall be prepared by teachers implementing Distance and
Blended Learning while the DLP or DLL which is prescribed in DepEd Order 42, s. 2016 otherwise
known as the Policy Guidelines on Daily Lesson Preparation for the K to 12 Basic Education
Program shall be prepared by teachers implementing F2F learning.

7) The Individual Learning Monitoring Plan, on the other hand, is a more specific tool which shall
be used by teachers and learning facilitators for learners who lag behind as shown by the results
of their formative and summative assessments. By providing intervention strategies for a certain
period, the Individual Learning Monitoring Plan serves as the document that will show if the
learner has shown either mastery of the learning competencies, significant progress, or
insignificant progress.

8) For learners who are given intervention activities, their Weekly Home Learning Plan shall be
adjusted to suit their comprehension level, i.e. they should be provided with tasks that are
respectful of their cognitive ability but with the right amount of challenge, until such time that
they are prepared to handle the norm learning tasks.

9) The Individual Learning Monitoring Plan shall be utilized to monitor learner progress based on
the given intervention strategies. Specifically, it shall be used to:
a) Serve as feedback data for learners who are provided with intervention activities;
b) Provide a mechanism of support to learners who are lagging behind as manifested by the
results of formative and summative assessments which may be gathered through their
portfolio or collected samples of learning outputs.
c) Make the parents/guardians aware of the academic progress of their children and
encourage them to strengthen their involvement in guiding and supervising the learning of
their children at home.
d) Help decide on the effectiveness of the learning modality adopted for the learner and the
possible modifications/adjustments that should be provided to improve learner’s
e) Guide teachers in adjusting learning content and tasks based on the characteristics,
cognitive ability, readiness, interest, and profile of the learner.

10) The Individual Learning Monitoring Plan shall consist of the following parts:
a) Learner’s Needs refer to the gaps between the required knowledge, skills, and attitudes
described in the learning standard and the current status of the learner as evidenced by
assessment results. These are the areas where the learners need help in a form of
interventions to help them meet the required learning competencies.
b) Intervention Strategies are programs or sets of steps to help learners improve at areas they
struggle with. Intervention strategies may be any of the following form, but not limited to,
(1) extending time of completion of tasks; (2) adjusting the level of difficulty of the learning
contents/tasks; (3) providing more guided activities before proceeding to independent
activities; (4) seeking for more supervised time with learning facilitator; (5) giving sample
prototype learning outputs or models to serve as reference for his or her own work.
c) Monitoring Date refers to the date when the teacher has evaluated the results of learner’s
assessments after a sufficient time of implementing certain intervention strategies.
Learner’s assessments may be through portfolios to include learning outputs such as written
work, products, and performances evaluated using rubrics. Testimonies of
parents/guardians and learning facilitators regarding the learner’s progress may also be
considered as a matter of holistic assessment.
d) Learner’s Status refers to how well the student learns as a result of the teaching-learning
process in the learning delivery modality that he has chosen. It is determined after
assessment of learning and completion of sufficient and appropriate intervention strategies.
■ Insignificant Progress refers to a status where a learner “did not meet expectations” of
the learning standards and received a grade of 75 and below for the first quarter and did
not improve performance in the succeeding quarters.
■ Significant Progress refers to a status where a learner has significantly improved
performance after provision of intervention strategies by meeting learning standards as
manifested by an increase in his assessment results, e.g., from “did not make
expectations” in the previous quarter to “fairly satisfactory” with a grade scale of 75- 79
in the succeeding quarter.
■ Mastery refers to a status where a learner has reached a level of mastery after provision
of intervention strategies by meeting learning standards as manifested by an increase in
the assessment results, e.g., from “did not meet expectations” or “fairly satisfactory” in
the previous quarter to “satisfactory” with a grade scale of 80-84 or “very satisfactory”
with a grade scale of 85-89 in the succeeding quarter, respectively.

11) It should be noted that the Individual Learning Monitoring Plan is used only for learners who are
not showing progress in meeting the required learning competencies. Teachers with these kinds
of learners are advised to prepare the Individual Monitoring Plan and communicate with their
parents regularly through home visitation. Teachers may also call the parents for a meeting to
discuss the intervention strategies and what they can do to strengthen their involvement in
their child’s learning. In case a face-to-face meeting is not possible, teachers may communicate
with parents through emails, phone call, social media private messages, SMS, or any other
modes of communication available.

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