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Supplementary Handout on Blended Learning Delivery

Modalities (BLDMs)

Note: Since blended learning (BL) has a face-to-face (F2F) component, then BL is only
allowed if F2F is allowed. F2F will be allowed only when a vaccine is already available.


Read the blended learning (BL) scenarios below.

Learning Scenario 1
For a lesson on adjectives, learners read about adjectives and perform exercises
through the use of a printed self-learning module in their respective homes. The
following day, they attend a face-to-face class where the teacher checks on their
answers to the exercises and attends to the difficulties and misconceptions of the
learners related to the lesson.

Learning Scenario 2
The teacher discusses key concepts on forces and motion during the face-to-face
class. The learners are then given two activity sheets to take home. Activity Sheet
1 requires each learner to watch the TV episode on Forces and Motion that will be
broadcasted via KPP network at 8:00 p.m. and then answer the guide questions
provided. The next day, the learners remain in their respective homes and accomplish
Activity Sheet 2. Activity Sheet 2 instructs them to perform an experiment related to
forces and motion using the University of Colorado’s PhET Interactive Simulations
site. They then share and compare the results they gathered from the activity with
their group mates via Facebook Messenger and discuss answers to the activity
questions. The learners submit their accomplished activity sheets to the teacher at
the following face-to-face session, where all the home-based activities will also be

Learning Scenario 3
For a lesson on the Filipino-American war in Araling Panlipunan class, the learners
watch the movie Goyo: Ang Batang Heneral in their face-to-face session. For the next
two meetings, the learners do home-based activity, where they are asked to write a
3-paragraph review about the movie they watched in class and to post their movie
reviews on their Google Classroom’s discussion forum. They also comment on the
movie reviews posted by their classmates.
Learning Scenario 4
During the face-to-face class in grade 6 mathematics, the teacher discusses concepts
related to integers. The following day, the learners, in their respective homes, refer
to an activity sheet in the learning module provided which instructs them to watch
the accompanying Mathinik video lesson on the applications of integers. The activity
sheet also asks the learners to answer exercises where they apply what they have
learned from the video lesson. The activity sheet is submitted at the following face-
to-face meeting.

Use the following table to match each learning scenario with the type of BLDM. Write your
answers in your Study Notebook.

Learning Scenario # Type of BL

Blended F2F and MDL

Blended F2F and ODL

Blended F2F and TV/RBI

Blended F2F and TV/RBI

and ODL

Check your answers using the Answer Key provided in Appendix A of this document. Read
the explanation for each scenario to get a better understanding of each type of BLDM. To
guide you in implementing blended learning, read Important Considerations in Implementing
Blended Learning in Appendix B of this document. To learn more about blended learning,
read More About Blended Learning provided in Appendix C of this document.


Now, from what you have learned about the types of BLDM, describe the important features
of each component of BL. Replicate the box below in your Study Notebook.


Check your answers using Answer Key 2 in Appendix D of this document.


The general suggestions found in Designing Lessons for DL also apply when designing
lessons for BL.

For BL, it is important to focus on the learning objectives as you decide what activities to
offer in person, and what to offer using other modalities. Be mindful of the advantages of
face-to-face learning (e.g., immediate feedback, opportunities for collaborative learning,
availability of laboratory equipment, etc.), as well as the opportunities provided by the
distance learning modalities (e.g., student controls time and pace of learning, variety of
learning resources that can be presented, etc.) when you make your decisions.

In using portfolios, teachers should give enough time for learners to prepare, research, and
submit outputs within the schedules and time frames. Outputs included in portfolios should
be presented, discussed, and submitted during online or face-to-face classes.


• In creating the Weekly Home Learning Plan (WHLP) for BL, remember to indicate
when the students will have F2F sessions and when distance learning sessions will
take place. Check out the Sample Weekly Home Learning Plan for Blended Learning
in Appendix E of this document.

• In creating the Individual Learning Monitoring Plan (ILMP) for blended learning,
indicate if the intervention strategy will happen during the face-to-face sessions or in
the distance learning component.

• Remember that the conduct of F2F sessions has to observe physical distancing and
follow the guidelines set by the local COVID-19 Risk Severity Classification. It should
also comply with the minimum health standards declared by your local government
unit (LGUs). Remember that F2F may be allowed only if a vaccine is already available.
Appendix A. Activity 1 Answer Key

Let’s see how well you did.

Learning Scenario # Type of BL

1 Blended F2F and MDL

3 Blended F2F and ODL

4 Blended F2F and TV/RBI

2 Blended F2F and TV/RBI

and ODL

Read more about each type of BLDM below.

• The first learning scenario uses the blended F2F

and MDL modality (Figure 1). This type of blended
learning combines F2F learning with off-school
activities for the learners that are guided by a self-
learning module. The self-learning module has
learning exercises which the learner can do at home
guided by a learning facilitator. The self-learning
modules can come in printed or digital format.

The F2F/MDL blend is recommended for learners Figure 1: Blended F2F and MDL
who do not have digital devices at home such as a
desktop computer, laptop, or a smartphone. It is also recommended for those who
have digital devices at home but do not have access to the Internet. In the latter, the
learners may be given a self-learning module in digital format while in the former,
learners will be provided with printed self-learning modules.

• Learning scenario 3 is an example of a blended

F2F and ODL modality. The F2F session with the
learners is spent watching a movie which learners
will review, while the off-school activities through
ODL make use of a learning management system
(LMS) like Google Classroom. In this learning
scenario, learners’ interactions happen through
asynchronous discussions on the LMS as they post
their movie reviews and comment on the reviews of
their classmates. The teacher’s interaction with the Figure 2: Blended F2F and ODL
learners during off-school activities also takes place
through the LMS as he/she gives his/her comments
on the movie reviews of the learners.
The F2F and ODL blend is recommended for learners who have digital devices at
home such as a desktop computer, laptop, or a smartphone that have access to
the Internet. In this blended learning modality, a learning facilitator also guides the
learner in the off-school activities of the ODL component. Moreover, a blended F2F
and ODL, where direct instruction happens in the learner’s learning space while the
F2F sessions are repurposed for interactive and engaging activities and learners are
guided by the teacher as they make use of the concepts in the subject, is also called
flipped learning (Flipped Learning Network, 2014). A classroom which makes use of
this blended learning approach is called a flipped classroom. You can learn more
about various ways of flipping your classrooms by visiting the suggested resources in
Appendix C.

• The fourth learning scenario illustrates an example

of a blended F2F and TV/RBI (Figure 3). This
modality combines face-to-face sessions with the
use of educational TV/radio programs which may be
broadcasted live via television or radio networks, or
viewed offline using TV units, computers, tablets, or
smartphones that do not require signal or internet
connection. The TV/RBI component also has a
learning facilitator who guides and supports the
learner during the off-school activities.
Figure 3: Blended F2F and TV/RBI
In this modality, video lessons and radio lessons
broadcasted via TV/radio networks have accompanying lesson modules “where the
sequence of presentation is similar to what other learners use in online and modular
distance learning” (DepEd, 2020, p. 19). These accompanying lesson modules serve
as a guide for learners as they make use of the educational TV/radio programs as
a source of their off-school lessons. The lesson modules may also include activity
sheets which the learners can use to practice and apply concepts covered in TV/radio

• The second learning scenario is an example of a

blended F2F and TV/RBI and ODL (Figure 4) type
of blended learning, where the learners use several
platforms like the TV or radio and the Internet in their
off-school activities.

In some instances, face-to-face learning may be

combined with any two or all of the DL modalities.
This allows the learners to experience learning in
ways that they are most comfortable with, while
challenging them to adapt and learn a less familiar Figure 4: Blended F2F and TV/RBI
and ODL
learning system (Picciano, 2009)
Appendix B. Important Considerations in Implementing Blended Learning

Here are some important considerations that you need to remember when implementing
blended learning as a learning delivery modality during this pandemic. These are based
on the draft policy guidelines which are still being finalized and are subject to change. Any
official issuance will supersede the guidance contained in this document.

• BL may be done in low-risk areas. However, face-to-face sessions in this setup are
limited. Be sure to follow the guidelines set by the local COVID-19 Risk Severity
Classification and make sure to comply with the minimum health standards declared
by your respective LGUs.
• The roles of the adviser and the learning area teacher are the same as their roles in
the school-based F2F modality. In this setup, learners who are enrolled in the school
are organized into sections by grade with the adviser. Just like in other learning
delivery modalities, lessons delivered using blended learning should be based on the
• In BL, a learning facilitator is also referred to as the household partner (HHP) who
can be a parent, guardian, sibling, or other community members considered a
responsible adult capable of guiding and supporting the learner’s learning process at
• Schools shall determine the number of days that the learners must be on F2F
learning. They shall be guided by the number of sub-classes organized. For example,
if there are two sub-classes, the first sub-class may be in school on Mondays and
Tuesdays while the second sub-class are off-school using MDL. The sub-classes may
shift modes on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Fridays and Saturdays shall be devoted
to the accomplishment of assigned tasks.
• Remember that the frequency of F2F and online interactions with the teacher vary
depending on the profile of the student, such as age and literacy level, learning area,
home environment, and profile of the learning facilitator.
• Off-school activities in the SLMs may be about the same topics as those covered in
the F2F or different like in the Modified In School Off School Approach (MISOSA).
In MISOSA, the class is divided into two groups. From Monday to Thursday one
group starts with in-school activities, making use of a textbook and handled by the
learning area teacher while the other group starts with the off-school activities in the
self-instructional materials (SIMs) and guided by the teacher-facilitator. Both groups
then meet on Friday with the learning area teacher. In the F2F/MDL blend, however,
and due to the restrictions brought about by the pandemic, the groups will not have
a common meeting time since the number of learners per subclass has to be limited
and should follow the LGU-recommended number of learners in F2F classes.
• Remember that the delivery of content, as well as learners’ engagement in the
distance learning component of blended learning, may be done through the use of
print media, digital media, TV/radio, and the internet. Pedagogically valuable blends
entail spending face-to-face sessions and off-school activities with students on active
learning instead of the usual lecture or direct instruction (Balotsky & Christensen,
Appendix C. More About Blended Learning

Blended learning (Figure 1) is a LDM that combines F2F with distance learning. It gives
the learners the benefits of F2F learning while providing them with the DL feature of an
individually-tailored learning experience through the provision of some control over time,
place, pace, and/or learning path (Staker & Horn, 2012). The DL component of BL may be
done in the respective homes of the learners or in a community learning space. A community
learning space may be in small clusters or whole sub-class, depending on the availability
of learning facilitators who are tasked to guide and support the learners in their off-school
activities in the DL component (DepEd, 2020).

Figure 1: Blended Learning

It has been proven that blending F2F sessions with technology-based resources improve
student achievement and satisfaction (Williams, Bland, & Christie, 2008). In recent years,
the use of Internet technology in the DL component of blended learning has shown great
potential in enhancing the educational experience of learners. Recent advancements in
Internet technology offer more innovative ways of enriching the BL experience of the learners
(Pappas, 2015). Learning management systems and video conferencing systems for instance
help improve and effectively deliver the DL component of BL. Studies have also shown that
when properly done, BL further enhances learner engagement (University of Central Florida,
2010) and helps learners perform better (Means, Toyama, Murphy, Bakia, & Jones, 2009).

You may also find the following supplementary resources useful to learn more about blended
• Dziuban, C., Graham, C.R., Moskal, P.D. et al. Blended learning: the new normal
and emerging technologies. Int J Educ Technol High Educ 15, 3 (2018). https://doi.
• Education Elements. (2011 September 24) Fundamentals of Blended Learning.
• The Teach Thought Staff. (2020 May 18). The Definition of Blended Learning. Teach
Visit the following online resources to learn more about flipped classrooms and various ways
of flipping your blended F2F and ODL classrooms:
• Panopto. (2020). 7 unique flipped classroom models: which is right for you? https://
• Talbert, R. (March 2018). What research says about flipped learning. http://rtalbert.

Learn more about the MISOSA program of DepEd from following resources:
• Yumpu. (n.d.) ADM (MISOSA)
• UNICEF. (2012). UNICEF evaluation on alternatives delivery modes: MISOSA and
Appendix D. Activity 2 Answer Key


• In-school activities • Off-school activities

• Staggered schedule • Uses either one of the DL modalities,
• Limited F2F classes are conducted with a combination of two, or all three DL
the appropriate physical distancing modalities
• Recommended maximum number of • Guided and supported by a learning
students in a typical classroom is 18 facilitator
• Learners who are enrolled in the school • Done in the respective homes of the
are organized into sections by grade with learners, in learning spaces in the
the adviser and with subclasses community in small clusters, or whole
• Schools shall determine the number of sub-class depending on the availability of
days that the learners must be on F2F learning facilitators
learning. They shall be guided by the • Makes use of activity sheets or self-
number of sub-classes organized learning modules that may be in printed
• Lessons may be the same as those or digital format
covered in the DL component or totally • Lessons may be the same as those
different just like in the MISOSA program covered in the F2F or totally different just
like in the MISOSA program
Appendix E. Sample Weekly Home Learning Plan for Blended Learning

Developed by Wanny Milaine Santos of DepEd-BLD

Weekly Home Learning Plan for Grade 7

Week 1, Quarter 1, September 7 - 11, 2020

Learning Area: Personal Development

Day & Time Learning Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery


Monday Explain that knowing Learning Delivery Modality: TV/ Submit your answers
and oneself can make RBI to the self-concept
Tuesday a person accept inventory guide
7:30-8:30 his/her strengths Watch the educational program questions during your
and limitations and on self-identify that is in the face-to-face session.
dealing with others accompanying CD of the
better self-learning module. Answer
the self-concept inventory
provided in the SLM. Follow the
instructions in the self-learning
module and score yourself.
Answer the following guide

1. Which areas do you

consider yourself strong?
(areas with 14-16 subtotal)
2. Which areas do you
consider yourself weak?
(areas with a subtotal of less
than 10)
3. Do you think other people
perceive you just as you
perceive yourself?
Wednesday Share his/her unique Learning Delivery Modality: Submit your answers
and characteristics, F2F to the self-concept
Thursday habits, and inventory guide
7:30-8:30 experiences Form groups of five and for 15 questions in the
minutes, share your answers to designated drop box
the guide questions. Remember after the F2F session.
to observe physical distancing.
Each group will present the
conclusions that they have
drawn from the sharing.
The session will wrap up with
a synthesis of the conclusions
shared by each group.

Learning Area: Pagbasa at Pagsusuri ng Iba’t Ibang Teksto Tungo sa Pananaliksik

Day & Time Learning Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery


Monday Natutukoy ang Learning Delivery Modality: TV/ Ipasa ang mga sagot
and paksang tinalakay sa RBI sa mga tanong sa
Tuesday iba’t ibang tekstong panahon na magkikita
8:30-9:30 binasa 1. Makinig sa Raqi’s Secret kayo ng inyong guro.
Files na ini-ere tuwing ika-3
ng hapon sa DZMB 90.7
Love Radio. Sagutin ang
mga tanong na nasa SLM.
2. Panoorin ang
dokumentaryong itatampok
sa Reporter’s Notebook na
mapapanood tuwing ika-4
ng hapon kada Huwebes sa
GMA 7 News TV. Sagutin
ang mga tanong na nasa
inyong modyul.

Wednesday Natutukoy ang Learning Delivery Modality: Bago magsimula ang

and kahulugan at F2F klase, ihulog sa drop
Thursday katangian ng box ang inyong mga
8:30-9:30 mahahalagang Ibahagi sa klase ang mga sagot sa mga tanong
salitang ginamit ng kahulugan ng mga salitang nasa na nasa modyul
iba’t ibang uri ng talasalitaan na ipamamahagi ng noong matapos
tekstong binasa guro. ninyong pinakinggan
ang radio episode at
Talakayin ang katangian ng matapos panoorin
mga salitang nasa talasalitaan ang nasabing
at kung paano ito ginamit sa programa sa TV.
naturang teksto.
Learning Area: Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction

Day & Time Learning Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery


Monday Explain the meaning Learning Delivery Modality: TV/ Submit your
and of disaster RBI economic recovery
Tuesday plan during your F2F
9:30-10:30 Watch the documentary on session.
the current recovery status
of Typhoon Yolanda victims.
Then draft a 6-month economic
recovery plan should a natural
disaster as hazardous as
Typhoon Yolanda hits NCR.

Wednesday Differentiate the risk Learning Delivery Modality: After class, submit
and factors underlying F2F your economic
Thursday disasters recovery plan and
9:30-10:30 Using a Venn diagram, compare your Venn diagram in
Describe the effects and contrast the risk factors the designated drop
of disasters in one’s of various disasters and box.
life discuss how these risk factors
can affect human lives and
Learning Area: Physical Education and Health 3

Day & Time Learning Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery


Monday Discuss the nature of Learning Delivery Modality: TV/ Submit your answers
10:30-11:30 different dances RBI to the questions in the
module during your
Read Module 1 Lesson 1 to F2F session.
learn about the nature of
different dances. Watch the
recorded program of the
UAAP cheer dance numbers of
various universities. Score each
cheer dance using the rubric
provided in the module. Answer
the questions in the module.

Wednesday Explain how to Learning Delivery Modality: Submit your answers

10:30-11:30 optimize the energy F2F to the questions in
systems for safe the module in the
and improved Share in class your answers to designated drop box.
performance the questions in the module that
you answered at home.
Listen as your teacher
discusses the parameters
of a safe environment for
dance performances. Suggest
and share in class ways of
optimizing energy systems to
improve dance performances.
Learning Area: Filipino sa Piling Larang (Akademik)

Day & Time Learning Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery


Monday Nakikilala ang iba’t Learning Delivery Modality: Bago magsimula ang
and ibang akademikong F2F klase, ihulog sa drop
Tuesday sulatin ayon sa: box kung anuman ang
1:00-2:00 (a) Layunin Makinig sa guro habang kailangan ipasa sa
(b) Gamit tinatalakay ang iba’t ibang uri araw na ito.
(c) Katangian ng akademikong sulatin.
(d) Anyo Base sa tatlong halimbawa ng
akademikong sulatin, ibahagi
sa klase kung anong klaseng
teksto ito batay sa layunin,
gamit, katangian, at anyo.

Wednesday Nabibigyang- Learning Delivery Modality: TV/ Ipasa ang mga sagot
and kahulugan ang RBI sa mga tanong sa
Thursday akademikong susunod na magkikita
1:00-2:00 pagsulat Pakinggan ang programang kayo ng inyong guro.
pang-radyo na pinamagatang
Handog ng Agham para sa
Bayan. Sagutan ang mga tanong
na nasa modyul. Isulat ang mga
sagot sa isang papel.

Learning Area: English for Academic and Professional Purposes

Day & Time Learning Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery


Monday Use knowledge of Learning Delivery Modality: Before the class

and text structures to F2F starts, submit any
Tuesday glean the information needed output in the
2:00-3:00 he/she needs Listen to the discussion in class designated drop box.
on examples of academic texts.
Summarize the distinguishing
characteristics of each type of
academic text.

Wednesday Differentiate Learning Delivery Modality: TV/ Submit your answers

and language used in RBI during your next F2F
Thursday academic texts from session.
2:00-3:00 various disciplines Listen to the radio podcast in
the program, Ologies with Alie
Ward. Afterwards, answer the
questions in the SLM.
Learning Area: General Physics 1

Day & Time Learning Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery


Monday Perform addition of Learning Delivery Modality: Before the class

and vectors F2F starts, submit any
Tuesday needed output in the
3:00-4:00 Rewrite a vector in Listen to the discussion on the designated drop box.
component form difference between scalar and
Wednesday vector quantities.
11:30-12:30 Convert a verbal
description of a Do the activity on proper
physical situation representation of magnitude
involving uniform and direction of vector
acceleration in quantities in the x-y coordinate
one dimension into system.
a mathematical
description Do the activity on determining
the magnitude and direction
of the resultant vector using a
graphical method.

Solve vector representations

of real life situations and
determine which of the methods
is the most promising in the

Construct free body diagrams

for the respective scenarios
provided by your teacher.

Thursday Interpret Learning Delivery Modality: TV/ Submit your answers

3:00-4:00 displacement and RBI during the next F2F
velocity, respectively, session.
as areas under Watch the news about the on-
velocity vs. time and going construction of additional
acceleration vs. time mass train lines. Describe how
curves these additional lines affect
the travel time of commuters.
Describe also your experience
in riding these mass train lines,
and what can be said about the
motion of the trains. Write your
answers on a paper.
Learning Area: General Chemistry 2

Day & Time Learning Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery


Monday Use the kinetic Learning Delivery Modality: Before the class
and molecular model to F2F starts, submit any
Tuesday explain properties of needed output in the
4:00-5:00 liquids and solids Listen to your teacher’s designated drop box.
discussion on how the
Wednesday arrangement of molecules in
1:00-2:00 solids and liquids affect their

Thursday Describe and Learning Delivery Modality: TV/

3:00-4:00 differentiate the types RBI
of intermolecular
forces Watch the video program
on the molecular properties
of liquids and solids and
the intermolecular forces
of attraction from the CD
accompanying your self-
learning module.

Prepare for a graded recitation

on the types of intermolecular
forces during the next F2F

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