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ALD- 3202 Ethics

in Business

TOPIC: ​Quiz 03

Submitted to:
Dr. Rafiuddin Ahmed
Associate Professor

Submitted by:

Nishat Siyara

ID - 18241029, Sec- A

Ethics is something which is easier to feel than define it. It is the morals whether
something is doable or not. It is asking ourselves how it will affect others when a
certain work is done. It is a group of morals or principles or set of values regarding
proper conduct in workplace. It is not taught , it is something that has to be felt. It is
easy to get an idea of ethics if we ask ourselves some questions before doing any
activities. Questions regarding the legality , harmful action , comfort level , respect ,
privacy can help us to know if any action is ethical.

There are some certain reasons when employees are fired such as ; disobeying laws ,
using offensive language , harassing employees, theft , incompetence, making
troubles . there are some common ethics applied in almost every organization are
being punctual , responsible , integrity loyalty , being good team worker , being
professional and lastly having a positive attitude , commitment to excellence , being

There are some etiquettes in office that have to be maintained such as keeping the
workplace clean and organized, not eating during work , not using phone during work
, using the appliances of the office sustainably . The law and order has to be
maintained so that a person can stay away from problems. Some organizations has
been awarded as best organizations such as facebook , google, zappos, adobe ,
southwest and warby parker.

Importance of Soft Skills: ​In most jobs, technical skills alone are not enough to be
truly effective. A salesperson with an unrivalled knowledge of their product and
market will have little success if they don’t have the interpersonal skills needed to
close deals and retain clients. A business manager needs to be able to listen to
employees, have good speaking skills, and be able to think creatively. All careers
require at least some soft skills to make the hard skills valuable.
Nowadays, the employees are looking for a diverse set of soft skills before
recruitment because it is something that cannot be trained. According to linked in
most of the recruiters favours people with most soft skills. The reason behind this is
people having diverse sets of soft skills can adapt and become better through training
and mentoring. They have the chance of becoming a better employee than a person
who lacks soft skills . It helps to increase the employability and makes a person
betterfit fot the job that he is applying . Communication,Self-Motivation.,Leadership.
Responsibility. Teamwork. Problem Solving.
Decisiveness. Ability to Work Under Pressure and Time Management are some of the
most important soft skills. If a person works on these skills , before getting recruited
he can attract the recruiters and easily get job. Soft skill helps to build relationships
with people , make network , adapt to changes , learn new things , On the other hand,
a lack of soft skills can limit potential, or even be the downfall of usiness. By
developing strong leadership, delegation, teamwork, and communication abilities,
projects can run more smoothly, deliver results that please everyone, and even
positively influence personal life by improving the interaction skills. .The problem is,
the importance of these soft skills is often undervalued, and there is far less training
provided for them than hard skills. For some reason, organizations seem to expect
people know how to behave on the job. They tend to assume that everyone knows and
understands the importance of being on time, taking initiative, being friendly, and
producing high-quality work.

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